"That's only part of the reason." Hassad smiled.

Hearing what the old man said, everyone here couldn't help but show curious expressions. Even Chen Bofu couldn't help but put down his chopsticks and cursed and urged him to tell him quickly. If he dared to betray anyone again, he would be skinned!

"Actually, the main reason lies with King Huang. He was not a benevolent and philanthropic king of the past. Especially after the war to end the past began, he brought everyone down. Got the water..."

"In that era, there were many people who wanted to avoid war, and many who chose to betray, but almost all of them were killed by King Huang. He would kill anyone he found, and he would show no mercy to anyone."

"So after the fall of the Yellow King, many old creatures breathed a sigh of relief, because they were all extremely afraid of the Yellow King, and even more afraid of the incomprehensible deep space behind the Yellow King..."

At this point, Hassad paused for a moment, as if sorting out the remaining information in his memory.

"It is said that the death of the Yellow King is inextricably linked to those betrayers, so those betrayers also firmly believe that Deep Space will one day avenge its master and kill those betrayers in the battle of genocide... …”

"Does Deep Sky have this consciousness?" Chen Jing was startled.

"Because no one knows, everyone is afraid."

Hassad smiled, his tone full of emotion.

"Most of those betrayers have died in history, but some are still alive today, such as the 'gods' believed in by those sects."

"But even after so many years, I think they are still afraid of deep space, because the idea of ​​revenge is like a curse passed down from generation to generation, and it has long been rooted in their minds..."

"They are all afraid that Deep Space will use you to seek revenge on them, so everyone wants to take advantage of you before you take action, so do you understand?"

"I understand." Chen Jing nodded without hesitation, with a look of realization on his face, "From a certain perspective, am I taking the blame for King Huang?"

"Rough words are not rough, that's the truth." Hassad nodded.

Chapter 334: Reasons for the Encirclement and Suppression of Deep Space (Part 2)

Someone who wants to kill the Deep Space Reanimator.

It’s not necessarily all fear of retaliation from deep space.

On this point, Hassad also had an in-depth chat with Chen Jing.

Most of the creatures that have survived since the ancient times consider themselves "gods".

Because of this, faith is a very important and indispensable thing for them.

Especially for the "gods" of the three major sects.

Chen Jing's appearance was really inappropriate.

"In their eyes, three cake-eaters are enough in this world, and there are even a few too many. It would be best to reduce one or two people, but after you appeared...you still want one more? Who? Would you like to take one less bite for you to eat?”

"never mind."

Chen Jing slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand. Not even a grain of rice could be seen in the white bowl. The smile on his face was still frighteningly calm when he spoke.

"Since everyone wants to kill me, why don't I find an opportunity to kill them all?"


Hassad pondered for a moment and suddenly slapped his thigh.

"That makes sense!"

While Hassad was chatting with Chen Jing, Chen Boxu, who was sitting aside, never spoke. He seemed to be fascinated by what he was listening to and stared at Chen Jing in a daze without saying a word.

As Chen Jing’s only relative.

He is also the only person who has watched Chen Jing grow up.

Chen Boxu knew very well how much changes had occurred in his grandson.

Especially character.

After the Deep Space Awakening sequence.

His personality will change somewhat with each promotion.

Think about the old Chen Jing who was unwilling to curse even in a quarrel, and then look at the current Chen Jing who can kill people just because he says it...

"Actually, they are a bit stupid." Hassad sighed, "Is it the icing on the cake or the timely help? I can't tell the difference in such a simple multiple-choice question. Why don't I submit to you directly... Anyway, if I were them, I would definitely come as soon as possible. I'm looking for you to surrender."

"That being said, if you really get to that position, maybe you won't think so..." Chen Boxu finally spoke, looking away from Chen Jing's face, picking up the cigarette case on the table and shaking it A cigarette came out, "They are all used to being aloof and respected by others. Who would be willing to suddenly let them be the lackeys?"

Hearing this, everyone felt that it was very reasonable. They nodded and said that Lao Jianghu has experience and can get to the point with just one word!

After three rounds of drinking.

It was already late at night by the time Chen Jing and the others made their way back home.

Just when everyone was about to go back to their rooms to rest, Chen Jing suddenly stopped the old man and mysteriously took him to the balcony.

"What's wrong?" Chen Bofu still had half a cigarette in his mouth, and the sparks from the cigarette butt kept flickering when he breathed. "Is there something you want to tell grandpa?"

"Big deal!" Chen Jing nodded, his expression a little excited, "Grandpa, do you know what a 'Bodhi Fetus' is?"

"What kind of hydatidiform mole?" Chen Bofu pressed his ears, "I remember that thing was quite disgusting. The last time I saw it was in the hospital's promotional picture..."

"Bodhi! Bodhi fetus!" Chen Jing corrected with a dark look on his face.

"Oh Bodhi..."

Chen Bofu smiled awkwardly, smacked his lips and took two puffs of cigarette.

"It sounds familiar, but I can't remember it."

"This thing can help you cure your illness." Chen Jing hurriedly explained, "Not only can you heal the hidden wounds on your body, but it can also heal your declining strength..."


Chen Bofu couldn't help but tremble, and sparks jumped out of the cigarette butt, making him grin.

"How do you know this thing can help grandpa cure his illness??"

"I heard..." Chen Jing scratched his head and didn't think of how to explain it, so he could only use the most familiar method to deal with it, "Anyway, this thing should be reliable! Let's do it when we have a chance! "

The old man was actually never happy.

Chen Jing could see this.

The old man's emotional change started after he left Yongye City.

It is not difficult to see from this.

After his strength declined, the old man also fell into the mental quagmire that troubled many ordinary elderly people.

He always felt that he was useless and could not help.

Although the old man didn't say it, he thought so in his heart.

Now that he heard that his strength was expected to recover, Chen Bofu suddenly laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Originally, I wanted to ask Grandpa Hassad. He is well-informed and might know where this thing is hidden, but I forgot about it while eating..."

"I'll go find him!"

Chen Bofu casually stubbed out the cigarette butt and threw it out from the balcony, and then happily went out again, leaving Chen Jing with an impatient figure behind him.

Wait until the old man leaves.

Chen Jing stood on the balcony and stretched out, looking at Bai Aji hovering in the sky like a night owl, and felt that this guy was so energetic... From a certain point of view, raising Bai Aji was as important as raising Bai Aji. There is no difference between puppies and dogs, they all need to be walked.

"Have you figured out how to deal with him when you go back?"

Suddenly, "his" voice sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

"Well, unless he goes to outer space, he will definitely leave it in my hands." Chen Jing leaned on the guardrail of the balcony and looked at the wasteland in the distance, "This time I won't leave him any chance to survive. ”

"Are you going to use Deep Space Brilliance?"

"Yes, that thing is so powerful that it would be a waste not to use it." Chen Jing said with a smile, "What's more, after I was promoted to Sequence 4, that guy became much more obedient. I asked Yegertos to Tried to touch it and didn't get attacked again."

"You're making too much noise."

As he spoke, "he"'s tone became more solemn.

"When I was promoted to Sequence 4, I didn't make it known to the whole world like you... maybe you have already alerted the enemy!"

"This is beyond my control." Chen Jing said helplessly.

"If nothing unexpected happens, he should be ready for a last-ditch battle. The counterattack in the battle between trapped beasts is the most fatal..."

Chen Jing was also a little confused when he heard "him" say this.

"Do you think he is still capable of counterattacking me?" Chen Jing asked, "After being promoted, my ranking in the candidate list has been refreshed to the first place..."

"Those are all false. His own strength is definitely no match for you, but what if part of Gehro is added to it?"

"Then I'll kill Gehro's part as well."

There was a hint of murderous intent in Chen Jing's calm tone.

The smile on his face couldn't help but become brighter at the thought of soon returning to the surface world to "play" with Raphael.

"If Ghero doesn't have long-sightedness and wants to keep Raphael, then I don't mind sending part of it into deep space along with Raphael."

As Chen Jing spoke, his hands holding the guardrail began to exert force unconsciously. Thinking of the scene when Raphael and the others forced them to leave their hometown that day, the anger in his heart became more intense, and he wanted to burn all the monks to death. …

"Raphael must die this time."

"It's useless for anyone to help him."

"Even if Gehro is covering him, I will still kill him!"

Chapter 335: Preparations of all parties before return (Part 1)

This round of exams is said to last for 100 days.

But Chen Jing felt that it was not that long.

After all, he spent more than eighty days in the tomb of the Black Pharaoh.

But others are not so lucky.

without any exaggeration.

Apart from Chen Jing, only people like Tsukano Kushiro who have no memory of the outside world can feel that time flies so fast.

For most candidates, these 100 days are too painful.

Not to mention how many things happened around them, the conflict between Chen Jing and Raphael was enough to make them panic.

Everybody knows.

After returning to the surface world, Chen Jing and Raphael will have a life-and-death fight. It is definitely not as simple as winning or losing.

How many people will be affected by that battle?

no one knows.

How broad is the scope of the battle?

No one knows either.

Therefore, compared to the joy of returning to their hometown, most of the candidates are still a little uneasy, fearing that they will be implicated in the fight between the gods. After all, everyone knows that a fire at the city gate will affect the fish in the pond.


[Countdown to return: 0 hours, 31 minutes and 46 seconds]


"A Jing! I'm going to report this stinky birdie for being a cheater!! Please chop off her hand for me!!!"

"Do you think everyone is as shameless as you?"

"You see how dare you scold me when she cheats!"

"It's obvious that your poker skills are too bad, okay?"

In Wei Nan's bedroom, Chen Jing, Wei Nan, and Yan Que took off their shoes and sat on the bed playing Landlord. Wei Nan's luck was so bad recently that she didn't dare to play cards with money, let alone go to the gambling house.

If she lost, she would leave a note.

And it was not an ordinary note.

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