"Child... Thank you..."

A trembling old man came out, the wooden cane in his hand had already been coiled and shone brightly.

The old man raised his cane and pointed to the street east of the community, his words revealing his fear.

"Fortunately you came to save us in time... If you came a little later... I'm afraid that monster would have killed us..."

Chen Jing subconsciously looked in the direction the old man pointed, and saw that nearly a thousand meters of the street had been corroded by moonlight, the bushes on both sides of the road had turned into lifelike stone sculptures, and the wires hanging in the air were also petrified and stretched straight.

Fortunately, the association evacuated the people in time.

Before Chen Jing arrived, there were no casualties here.

"It should be."

Chen Jing gradually relaxed a little, and responded to the thanks of the crowd in a decent manner.

"I'm glad everyone is okay."

"Brother Chen Jing! Why is your mount gone!" A little fat man squeezed out of the crowd with gritted teeth, holding a monster made of plasticine in his hand, which looked a bit like Bai Aji.

"Its mother called it home for dinner." Chen Jing said calmly, looking at the clay monster in the little fat boy's hand curiously.

"Oh... I thought I could meet it... I made this! I want to give it to it!" The little fat boy raised the clay doll in his hand, with an excited smile on his red face, "I watched the video of it destroying the human python last time! Super handsome!"

"Really..." Chen Jing looked at the little fat boy with a smile, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

I didn't expect that Bai Aji could also gain a little fan in the outer world!

At this time.

The aunt next to the little fat boy bumped him with her arm calmly.

"Brother Chen Jing, you are handsome too!" The little fat man said loudly, and his cleverness reminded Chen Jing of Wei Nan who was far away in the other world. "Can you help me give this to it!"

"Of course." Chen Jing walked up to the little fat man and took the slightly abstract Bai Aji from the little fat man. "I will pass it to it for you later. I will say thank you to you on its behalf..."

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" The little fat man smiled excitedly, and suddenly took out a plasticine doll bigger than a cigarette box from his trouser pocket, "This is for you!"


Chen Jing looked at the little fat man in doubt, and felt that this kid was not simple. When he looked at the doll in his hand again...well, it was even more extraordinary. It was simply a craftsman with superb craftsmanship!

"Oh, isn't this me..." Chen Jing said in surprise. After comparing it in his mind, he found that this kid was better at making people than animals. They looked at least 80% like him, which showed how much effort the fat boy put in.

Chen Jing squatted in front of the little fat boy, as tall as him, holding the doll in his hand and constantly looking at it, and anyone could see the joy in his eyes.

"Well made."

"Hehe... I have you and Bai Aji on my bedside! I really like you guys!" The little fat boy said while sniffing his nose, his eyes red as if he was about to cry with excitement. After all, to these children, Chen Jing was no different from Ultraman on TV.

At this time, many children squeezed out of the crowd.

They were not like adults, and they did not have so much awe for Chen Jing. Instead, they worshipped him like an idol.

"Brother Chen Jing! How did you destroy that monster just now!"

"Brother Chen Jing, our whole class likes you very much! And our teacher too! She is your super fan! When we were in class yesterday, the teacher said that you will definitely save the world!"

"Are you still in class?" Chen Jing was stunned, but after asking this question, he felt stupid, because Li Mobai had said before that under the operation of the association and all parties, social order has basically been restored.

"We are also in class today." The little girl who was talking squeezed in front of Chen Jing, staring at the idol squatting in front of her, "Brother Chen Jing, you are more beautiful in person than in the photos on the forum!"

"Thank you..."

"I! I didn't expect to meet you! I didn't even prepare a gift... Oh, right! This is for you!"

The little girl took out a lollipop from her pocket and handed it to Chen Jing.

Seeing her giving snacks as gifts, the little friends around her followed suit, giving spicy strips, chewing gum, and Lychee Plum... In a blink of an eye, Chen Jing had a bunch of snacks in his arms.

Seeing this scene, the adults in the crowd couldn't help it, and they fumbled around to give something to their idol as a souvenir. Among them, the one who reacted the fastest was a bald fat uncle.

He squeezed out of the crowd and rushed to Chen Jing in two steps.

Then he gave Chen Jing a pack of unopened Huazi.

"This is good!" The uncle was a little embarrassed, and his face turned red while speaking, but he also knew that as long as he was not embarrassed, it would be others who were embarrassed, so he was still confident to speak with a stern face, "This is out of stock! Keep a pack as a souvenir! It's very meaningful!"


At this moment, Li Mobai's message suddenly popped up, reminding Chen Jing that there were reports of sightings of moonlight creatures in several places.

"Let's not talk about it for now..." Chen Jing said awkwardly, holding the snacks in his arms and some "gifts" stuffed from the crowd, "I just received news that those monsters appeared again, I'll go over and take a look!"

After that.

Bai Aji, who was forced to return to deep space by Chen Jing before, was summoned again by him.

Everyone looked at Bai Aji who appeared in the sky out of thin air, and their faces showed excitement.

Although Bai Aji still looked like a ferocious beast, everyone seemed to no longer be afraid of it, and the children were jumping and shouting Bai Aji's name.

"What the hell?" Bai Aji was silently circling in the sky, communicating with Chen Jing through telepathy, and his tone was full of confusion, "Why are these guys calling me?"

At this time, Chen Jing had already used space jump to get on Bai Aji's back. He waved and said goodbye to the crowd on the ground, and the "gifts" in his arms were piled up like a small hill.

"They like you so they call you." Chen Jing smiled.

"Like me?" Bai Aji was stunned.

Chen Jing did not explain, put the gift in his arms on Bai Aji's back, picked a slightly soft orange and opened it, and the not-so-fresh fruit fragrance instantly hit him.

"Let's go, we still have work to do."

Chen Jing threw a slice of orange into his mouth, and took Bai Aji to space jump again according to the coordinates on the light screen.

"Hey, do you eat oranges?" Chen Jing asked casually.

Bai Aji turned his head and glanced at the things on his back.

"I don't eat oranges! Wang! Give me the sausage next to you! I love that! Remember to peel it for me!"

"I didn't expect you to be so particular, but I saw you didn't take off people's clothes when you ate them..."

Chapter 342 The fireworks of the end of the world (Part 2)

Although Chen Jing didn't have a meal as he wished, he slowly forgot about it when he was busy.

Moreover, many of the gifts given to him by the residents were snacks, especially the biscuits and oranges carried by the old men and women...

In fact, this should be the first time Chen Jing accepted a gift from a stranger.

Not as anxious as imagined, feeling that he owed a favor.

There was only one kind... maybe touched?

It seemed that everything he did was recognized by others.

That strange emotion made Chen Jing happy for a long time, but he couldn't help but sigh... Even if he became an old descendant, humans are still humans. At least at this stage, he is still easily moved.

After a long night.

The sky brightened again.

And Chen Jing's pursuit of those moonlight creatures continued, with no intention of stopping.

Because they hadn't been killed yet.

After eliminating all the moonlight creatures that were witnessed, Chen Jing began a carpet search in the second half of the night.

Every time a moonlight creature was killed, Chen Jing would count in his mind.

At present, almost 90% of the moonlight creatures have been eliminated.

Most of the remaining ones are hidden.

Maybe in the building, or maybe in the wilderness.

Chen Jing knew without thinking that this must be Raphael's handiwork.

It is estimated that he also saw the posts in the forum. It is not difficult for him to judge from the descriptions in the posts... The current situation is not an exaggeration to describe it as one-sided. It is completely a massacre against moonlight creatures.

It has to be said.

This kind of massacre also brought great pressure to Chen Jing.

It's not because he felt bad for killing too many people, but simply because he was about to vomit from the space jump.

He kept jumping to a strange place in an instant.

The speed of the screen switching in front of him was so fast.

It made Chen Jing feel dizzy.

So since the second half of last night, Chen Jing has gradually stopped considering himself as a human.

He felt that he was just a machine used to destroy moonlight creatures.

He kept doing the same thing mechanically.

It was boring, tedious, and disgusting.

Although he could do two things at the same time and chat with Qiao Youning and others during this process, overall... he was still very uncomfortable, and his resentment towards Raphael was getting heavier.

If he just wanted to cut Raphael into pieces before.

Then he now.

He really wanted to cut Raphael into pieces to relieve his hatred.

At this moment.

Chen Jing was talking about business with Li Mobai.


Something that puzzled them.


[Li Mobai]: So you don't know what those totems are for?

[Chen Jing]: I don't know much about the [Moonlight Hermitage]. I only know that the totem is the symbol of their hermitage, but the use... I feel that it should be useless. Maybe that thing is their death effect?

[Li Mobai]: Anyway, you should be careful.

[Chen Jing]: I know, since I found the first one, I have destroyed the totems that appeared on the ground, and none of them are left.


In the process of slaughtering these moonlight creatures, Chen Jing found more than once that some moonlight creatures would leave a concave hermitage totem on the ground after death.

Whether it is a concrete floor or a mud floor in the mountains.

The sunken totem is at least ten centimeters deep.

It's like someone slowly dug it out with some kind of tool.

Although Chen Jing didn't know what the totem was for, he still destroyed every totem that appeared on the surface for the sake of caution.

"We've almost traveled around the world... even the corners were not left out..." Chen Jing lay on Bai Aji's back and yawned. He was exhausted from working overtime. "I thought I could run into that bastard Raphael... but now I can't even find his shadow..."

"When I find that monk, I will chew him up!" Bai Aji cursed viciously, and seemed to have a deep hatred for Raphael.


[Qiao Youning]: I said I would help you. You haven't rested for so long, your body must be uncomfortable. I know acupuncture!

[Chen Jing]: Then wait for me to go back. There are not many moonlight creatures left. I will come back after I kill them.

[Qiao Youning]: Then tell me before you come back, I will prepare the meal for you in advance. There are ribs, beef, and... Anyway, tell me what you want to eat, I can make it!

[Chen Jing]: Oh, little Youning is so nice, I want to eat meat!

[Qiao Youning]: It's not that good... Anyway, tell me before you come back. I brought a lot of medicinal herbs back from the inner world this time. I can make some medicinal food for you to regulate your body. It's super delicious!


"Wang, are you hungry?"


"You are so hungry... You shouldn't eat me, right?"

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