He should be considered the number one candidate among the candidates under Chen Jing.

the reason is simple.

Raphael participated in the ceremony of the coming of the "ancient god", integrated himself into the ritual, and successfully made the "ancient god" come to the world.

Therefore, Gehro would remember his great achievements and would not hesitate to give him a generous reward. What's more, Gehro also wanted to get rid of the resuscitators in deep space.

And "he" also told Chen Jing.

Raphael seems to have some secret deal with Gehro.

He received powers that even surpassed those of the Pope.

"I have always suspected that Raphael exposed the existence of the surface world to Gehro in some way, so that he could return to this world with a part of Gehro."

"A part of Ghro?"

"Yes, it's its heart."

"Does my grandson need to fight like this with me?"

"Nonsense, if you don't fight, you will die. Besides, this world is not important to Raphael at all, so it doesn't matter if he is invaded by Gehro, and being invaded on this plane will have countless consequences for him. benefit……"

When Chen Jing and his party arrived at Point Nemo, the sun hanging high in the sky had already set to the horizon, but maybe it had just risen?

Because when entering this sea area.

Li Mobai found that the communication signal seemed to be affected by some kind of magnetic field, and the speed of receiving the data transmitted from the headquarters became very slow.

In addition, Chen Jing's mobile phone also seemed to be malfunctioning. The time numbers on the screen kept jumping rapidly, and the interlocking screens could not be opened as if they were infected by a virus.

"There seems to be something wrong here." Chen Jing looked at the rapidly changing time on his phone, and then glanced at the deserted and empty sea. "I didn't look at my phone when I came last time. If I had just taken a look, I might have noticed something was wrong. Already..."

"That monk is hiding here?"

Baiaji was also looking around at this moment, seeming to be caught in some kind of self-doubt, because it did not smell any strange smell, and the feeling here was no different from those cities inhabited by humans.

"Why can't I feel him? Logically speaking, the aura of a moonlight monk like Raphael should have very different characteristics..."

Hearing Bai Aji's words, Chen Jing also subconsciously asked "him" a question.

Didn't you say that you relied on Baiage to find Raphael?

Why does the reality seem like it's not as useful as the radar? ?

"have no idea."

The "he" in Chen Jing's mind didn't seem to understand the matter, but "he" didn't think deeply about it. After all, some things were destined to have no answers.

What's more, there are some differences between each time and space. Chen Jing... I can only say that the difference is too big, and it is a bit beyond "his" control.

"He should hide in the sea." Li Mobai reminded, his whole person entered a state of preparation for war. His biologically modified body was like some kind of energy reactor, and the cracks on the body's surface were constantly lighting up, exuding the unique aura of the alchemist. .

have to say.

Point Nemo is truly a chilling no man's land.

Even if Chen Jing is already an old descendant.

But the oppressive feeling brought to him by this endless dark sea still had an indescribable heaviness.

It was as if the entire world had been swallowed up by this black sea water, with no land or any man-made objects in sight... It was like a wild world without humans.

"Let's go down to find him?" Qiao Youning asked tentatively. Looking at the rough sea below, she felt as if there was something dangerous hidden in the darkness.

"He doesn't have that much face."

Chen Jing's yellow robe hidden in his flesh and blood gradually emerged, the golden light in his eyes continued to flow, and the black irises turned into gold at this moment.

This is the first time that Chen Jing has exposed the "true face" of deep space to his friends in the outer world.

When his face was completely covered by the hood of the yellow coat, Li Mobai and the others could only see the indescribable nothingness.

"There is no change in the scanning results at the headquarters?"

"No, they just scanned it three seconds ago, and the place where the moonlight reaction appeared is in this sea area..."

Li Mobai's biological prosthetic eyes were emitting a faint light, and seemed to be comparing the information and data sent from the headquarters.

"Judging from the real-time positioning we gave, the coordinate point where the moonlight reaction occurs is not far from us. It should be the sea area directly below us. The error will not exceed one hundred meters."


Chen Jing stood up and walked to the top of Bai Aji's head, lowered his head and glanced at the sea shrouded in darkness.

I saw him slowly raising his hands.

The wide cuffs of the yellow robe were blown by the wind.

In an instant.

Some golden liquid exuding a rich deep air smell flowed out of his sleeves and fell into the sea.

Like a dazzling waterfall composed of two liquid golds, the soft yet dazzling golden light is particularly abrupt in the darkness of Nemo Point.

And those golden substances gradually flow into the sea water.

Then it began to spread rapidly in the sea.

It only took a few seconds.

The sea below Chen Jing and the others was illuminated by these golden substances.

Like a golden curtain floating in the boundless sea.

"It's actually hidden so deeply..."

Chen Jing's slightly surprised voice came from under the hood of the yellow robe.

"No wonder Baiaji didn't smell your scent..."

Chapter 348 The Split Sea and the Golden Abyss (Part 2)

It was the first time that Li Mobai and Qiao Youning saw Chen Jing dressed like this.

His silky yellow robe exuded a supreme and noble aura in almost every part.

If Chen Jing in the past could still be associated with "human beings" in their eyes.

Then he, who was wearing a yellow robe at this moment.

He was completely out of the boundaries of "human beings".

Although he had standard human torso features, the abruptness was so strange, as if the person standing here was not Chen Jing, a human, but the one who walked between dimensions and dominated everything...

The King of Deep Space.

"This suit is so fucking awesome..." Li Mobai stared at Chen Jing with shining eyes, feeling his bionic heart beating fast, "It seems to have the kind of divinity that Turing said..."

"It's open."

Hearing Qiao Youning's words, Li Mobai suddenly woke up.

Before, he seemed to have been immersed in the golden light that was coming towards him. The extremely pure deep air breath made him lose consciousness for a moment, until Qiao Youning's voice woke him up...

"What are you doing?" Li Mobai looked at Qiao Youning who was squatting behind Chen Jing in confusion. She squatted on the ground and pointed as if she was studying something.

"This robe is unraveling." Qiao Youning did not seem to be shocked by the oncoming deep air breath. Instead, her attention was on the thread ends at the corners of Chen Jing's robe.

If the yellow robe is like an indescribable work of art.

Then this thread end must be a flaw in the work of art.

Although it does not affect the overall beauty of the robe, it is still somewhat unbearable, and people always want to cut it off with a pair of scissors.

"It can't be cut off. I've tried." As a typical obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, Chen Jing has never had thread ends on his outer clothes. He noticed the thread ends of the yellow robe a long time ago, but there is no way... he can't cut it.

Even if Yan Que used her extremely sharp staff sword to chop, or Bai Aji used his mouth to tear, or even Yegetos used his cross broadsword to chop hard... they couldn't do it.

"Aji, take them to a higher place."


After hearing Chen Jing's words, before Li Mobai and the others could say anything, Bai Aji carried them and began to climb rapidly until they reached a height of several thousand meters...

And Chen Jing stayed where he was.

That's right.

After successfully advancing to Sequence 4, he has mastered the energy in his body to a meticulous level.

Flying off the ground is a very easy thing for him, but he doesn't like to do it normally. After all, with Bai Aji, the divine horse, he doesn't want to do anything that is in vain.

"Is he a descendant of Sequence 4?"


"Is this Sequence 4?"


Li Mobai and Qiao You stared at the sea surface that was constantly splitting apart, and saw a dazzling "gold" flowing silently under the water.

In myths and legends, Moses once parted the sea.

And today.

Li Mobai and his companions witnessed with their own eyes the miracle that only existed in legends.

"I used to think that the abilities of the descendants of the same level sequence should be similar..."

Li Mobai's smile was a little bitter, and his words could not hide his disappointment.

For him, a Taoist priest who was used to quantifying everything, the strength shown by Chen Jing had exceeded his calculation value of "Sequence 4".

If this is Sequence 4... then those Taoist priests of higher levels that he had seen in the Hanging City, the backbones of Sequence 5 and Sequence 6 in the research association, they are probably only Sequence 3 compared to Chen Jing? !

At this moment.

Bai Aji could no longer control his roar, and the deep space energy in his body seemed to be attracted by Chen Jing, burning like a flame.

The chilling and dull roar of the beast resounded through the empty and lonely sea. The sea surface, which was not calm to begin with, seemed to be affected by Bai Aji's roar. Suddenly, there appeared huge tsunamis as high as a hundred meters, like a wall curtain.

These huge waves that seemed to be able to sweep away everything and completely submerge the world stopped when they touched the golden substances flowing in the sea water.

At this time.

A golden abyss tens of kilometers long had appeared on the sea surface of Point Nemo.

Under the water thousands of meters deep.

In the vacuum environment created by Chen Jing.

Li Mobai and his team saw an irregular dark gray spherical object.

Dead silence, gloom, and decay.

All kinds of deeply oppressive auras continued to emanate from the spherical object. On its uneven surface were many structures similar to lunar craters...

"Ge He Luo?!"

Li Mobai had seen Ge He Luo's photo, so he recognized it at a glance.

"No... it doesn't seem to be it... is this another derivative of moonlight?!"

The sphere with a diameter of about 100 meters is 90% similar to Gehlo.

They even have the same rusty and terrifying single eye.

But the bloody mouth that crosses the equator of the moon did not appear.


Suddenly, Chen Jing's soft voice overwhelmed the roaring sound of the waves. Li Mobai and others could hear that Chen Jing was talking to the spherical object.

"I didn't expect you to have such a method... These strange things in the sea water are the medium you use to shield your breath, right?"

The voice fell.

Chen Jing raised his hand and waved it gently, and several dazzling golden lights rushed out of the sea and returned to his palm.

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