As time passed, Chen Jing felt that he was getting closer and closer to his goal.

Through the boundless moonlight in front of him.

He could vaguely sense Raphael's breath.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly closing.

"I have asked Yegetos and Deep Space to prepare. We will fight as soon as we meet..."

Chen Jing kept speeding up, secretly thinking about how to deal with Raphael. According to "his" words, as long as Raphael was not given a chance to fight for his life, then this battle was doomed to be a suspense.

Don't hesitate, don't hesitate.

Kill him as soon as you meet.

This is the best solution.

"Yes! We have to fight!"

"But then again, this piece of moonlight is really strange..." Chen Jing sighed sincerely, "This is the first time I have encountered something that cannot be sent to deep space..."

After being promoted to Sequence 4.

Chen Jing's control over deep space has reached a new level. He can forcibly exile a fixed-size space to deep space at will. Whether it is visible matter or unobservable energy, or dead or living things... they can all be thrown into the bottomless deep space.

But these moonlights... no, to be precise, this abnormal space filled with moonlight, he can't cut the space as he did before, and then send it into deep space.

Even in the area covered by this moonlight, even the most basic space jump can't be done.

In "his" words.

It is this moonlight that disrupts the basic laws of space and blurs the boundaries of certain dimensions, so some powers from deep space cannot be used here.

At least Chen Jing can't do all this when his sequence level is not much higher than Raphael, but fortunately the power to summon the clan is not blocked by the moonlight, which he can sense himself.

Of course, Chen Jing also had crooked ideas, such as directly jumping from the moonlight field to the center of the field to behead Raphael.

But the reality proved that "he" was right.

When Chen Jing performed the space jump, this moonlight area was blank on the "map" in his mind, and he could not select or operate it, so in the end he could only break in obediently...

This process was very long.

It seemed to be only a hundred meters away.

It actually took him more than forty minutes.

Until he broke through the last piece of moonlight.

He came to an extremely strange space.

"This is the center of the moonlight area... Where is Raphael?!"

After Chen Jing escaped from "nothingness" and re-condensed his body, he looked around for the figure that made him think about day and night.

This is a vast and strange space.

There is no end in sight.

It looks like a replica of deep space.

But there is no "universe" here. In this space emitting white soft light, there is only a dark star suspended in it.

Its diameter is about two to three thousand meters.

The whole body is crystal clear and white like jade.

Although it does not have those characteristics of Gehlo, Chen Jing knows that this should be the part of Gehlo's heart that "he" said...


At this moment, the "he" in Chen Jing's mind couldn't help but wonder.

"The last time I broke in, he was standing on Gehlo's heart. The moment he saw me, he almost peed his pants... Where is this kid?!"

Chen Jing did not act rashly. He raised his hand and waved it. The overwhelming strange colors gushed out from the sleeves of his yellow robe, spreading rapidly in this strange space like a torrent.

And Yegetos also appeared beside him at this moment, holding the cross broadsword in both hands and ready to fight the enemy.

"King, where is the enemy?" Yegetos asked in a deep voice, "My greatsword is thirsty..."

"It disappeared."

Chen Jing interrupted Yegetos's pretentious words, and a trace of uneasiness surged in his heart.

"His breath suddenly disappeared... I can't sense it at all..."

At the same time, the deep space color has completely enveloped the suspended star at a very fast speed, and while resisting the erosion of moonlight, it is also eroding in the opposite direction to swallow this strange star...but it did not find Raphael.

"Did he run away?" Chen Jing asked.

"Impossible, if he ran away, this area would also dissipate."

While speaking, "he" was also using Chen Jing's eyes to observe the outside world.

"That kid should be hiding somewhere, let's look for it carefully..."

Before "he" finished speaking, a strange and miserable cry suddenly came from Chen Jing's side.

This sudden shock made Chen Jing fall into a state of stress in an instant, and the golden beams in the sleeves of his robe shot hundreds of times subconsciously, and Yegetos also swung the broadsword in his hand, even though he didn't have time to see the target clearly.

That's right.

It was not someone else who was crying.

It was Raphael who had no breath reaction.

The attacks of Chen Jing and Yegotos were completely ineffective against him.

He... maybe he is no longer an old descendant, or even any creature known to everyone.

"That bastard... lied to me..."

Under Raphael's handsome and delicate head, there is a living vertebrae with internal organs, like the moon rock of Gehlo, showing an extremely abnormal gray color.

"He is lying to me..."

Chapter 357 Headless Angel (Part 1)

Raphael seemed to have become a human specimen that could not be touched by deep space.

Although he no longer had any energy breath reaction, the various organs connected to his cervical vertebrae were still wriggling, and the blood vessels and nerves that grew like dead branches were constantly extending in all directions...

The golden beams of light from deep space pierced through his body, and the cross broadsword of Yegetos also slashed through his body, but all this seemed to be in vain.

Because Raphael's body was like "nothingness" in the true sense.


Naturally, no harm could be done to him.

"This... What on earth is going on..." Yegetos looked at Raphael, who was so close, in disbelief, and swung his sword again, but this sword seemed to have hit the air as before, and there was no feedback from the sword body that it had touched the target.

Chen Jing also tried other methods during this process, such as cutting off the space where Raphael was, like cutting off a piece from a complete cake, and then forcibly exiling it to deep space... But he couldn't do it, the moonlight domain was still silently affecting his deep space power.

After that, he also tried to let the deep space color devour Raphael's body, but the fact proved that the color that could devour the material universe still couldn't touch Raphael at all.

"What kind of means is this..."

Chen Jing tried all the conventional attack methods in turn, and after confirming that they had no effect, he did not hesitate to take Yegetos and quickly retreated a distance.

Although Raphael was still mumbling and had no intention of taking action, seeing his state was so weird... Chen Jing's heart was instantly uncertain.

"Did he sacrifice himself to Gehro as a coordinate?!" Chen Jing asked hurriedly in his heart.

"It seems like." The "him" in his mind seemed to be confused, as if he had encountered such a strange thing for the first time. "But the crack in the dimension did not appear. Even if he sacrificed himself... he should have failed!"

At this moment.

Raphael, who was confused and mumbling here like a ghost, suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Jing, who was dozens of meters away.

"You said...what exactly did we fight to this point...for..."

"Are you talking to me?" Chen Jing asked back uncertainly, because Raphael's empty and out-of-focus eyes were confusing, always giving him the feeling of talking to someone else.

"Chen Jing."

Raphael seemed to regain consciousness at this moment, and an indescribable despair overflowed in his deep eye sockets.

"You said that we humans are...what to them..."

"Who are they you are talking about?" Chen Jing asked with a frown.

"Those high and mighty people."

Raphael raised his "hand" with difficulty, and the scarlet capillaries barely formed a finger shape, pointing to the sky.

"You mean... the examiner?" Chen Jing asked tentatively. Although Raphael did not make his words clear, his intuition told him that Raphael was referring to those "creators" who looked down on low-level creatures like them from above.

"Before this... I wanted to kill you every moment... The reward I could get by killing you is unimaginable to you... But now... the reward is in front of me... I suddenly feel like a joke..."

Raphael muttered to himself, and his internal organs, which were constantly wriggling with the trembling of his bones, made a buzzing sound at this moment.

"I'm like a wild dog... They throw a bone to me... They can make me run around... Even if I have to sacrifice my life... They clearly promised to help me... But now..."

Raphael's voice became deeper and deeper, and his body, which had just barely stabilized, was on the verge of collapse again. The scattered capillaries and human nerves entangled several knots on the organs, and even pierced into the organs like sharp long needles. The whole person looked normal except for his head, and the rest was a mess.

At this time.

Chen Jing only felt that this kid seemed to have suffered some kind of blow, and then he became insane.

"In your time and space, Raphael was also like this?"


"Why do I feel that he was stimulated by the examiner..."

"You will know if you ask him."

Hearing "him" say this, Chen Jing did not hesitate, and looked directly at Raphael and asked tentatively.

"What reward did the examiner give you?"

"You can't imagine." Raphael answered with a dull look.

"Is it the divine revelation of the promotion sequence?" Chen Jing tentatively guessed based on the rewards he had received for completing additional questions in the past, "Or is it a relic or something like that?"

"Invitation letter..."

Raphael said in a lost and soul-stirring manner, and he did not hesitate to answer the question and answer, as if he no longer regarded Chen Jing as an enemy. In the simple words, he revealed a feeling that a dying man's words were kind.

"It's the invitation letter from the Creator... He said that as long as I kill you, the descendant of deep space... I can get the qualification of a candidate member of the [Creator Club]... Then I can leave my status as a candidate..."

Just as Raphael was talking to himself, the moon-like star floating not far away suddenly cracked.

And the deep space color tightly wrapped around the star was also impacted into scattered clouds at the moment the target exploded.

The star is an empty shell.

At the core.

There is a complete, blood-stained...angel body.


That should be the "angel" in the myths and legends of human civilization. At least the general shape is not much different, but the dirty blood stains and the wings made up of countless human fingers... It exudes an evil feeling no matter how you look at it.

Although it is just a body without a head, it has all the necessary parts, and even in places where there is no clothing to cover, the more delicate parts are also available.

So the moment he saw it, Chen Jing felt that he might get a stye, and in the next second... Deep Space Color and Yegetos rushed towards the deformed angel body at the same time.

This was Chen Jing's order.

"Although I don't know what that thing is used for... but it's always right to destroy it first..." Chen Jing thought so.

The headless angel body seemed to have an independent consciousness. The moment Yegetos swung his sword forward, it folded its scarlet wings and tightly wrapped its torso in it, turning it into a disgusting and dirty giant egg.

Densely packed human fingers were stacked on the surface of the dome, and the sound of the feathers constantly contracting and flapping made people shudder.

There was a clang.

The broadsword in Yegetos's hand struck sparks on its wings.

Before Yegetos could recover, the strange colors of the deep space surged up like a colorful torrent of energy and engulfed it.

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