Rather, it is an extremely comfortable feeling.

It's like after a long period of high-intensity work, when you are exhausted to the point of exceeding the threshold, you finally relax completely after finishing everything, then take a comfortable hot bath, lie in bed and enjoy the soft and cool breeze blowing from the window. The evening breeze means that the next day will be a long vacation without any pressure...

"Isn't the pleasure of being lured towards death by power very intoxicating?"


"That's a fart! Don't be careless, kid! If you can't return to deep space in time! This ritual will kill you!"

"I know……"

Chen Jingshen took a breath and slowly exhaled it, and a dazzling golden glow emerged from under the hood of the huge yellow robe, quickly filling the moonlight field at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Since it is the incarnation of Gehro, a part of Gehro's consciousness should remain in it... It was really embarrassing to be forced away by it last time. This time, I should let it recall the horror of deep space."

When Chen Jing's body disintegrated and turned into a huge golden shadow, everyone who was in the middle of a fierce fight subconsciously stopped. Hero incarnate.

at this moment.

They all seemed to be attracted by some unknown force.

They all stopped and looked back.

Seeing the golden figure that was more than a thousand meters high, except for "individuals" like Jegertos who were extremely excited, Raphael, who had just merged with the avatar of Gehro... His face was full of fear.

"King of Deep Space?!"

These four words suddenly appeared in Raphael's mind, and then he realized that a large part of the fear he felt at the moment came from Gehro, and even these four words were transmitted by Gehro. information coming.

That's right.

Although after the battle in Evernight City, Gehro saw the situation clearly and believed that even if a new king appeared after the fall of the Yellow King, the deep sky would no longer be the high and high deep sky.

What's more, this new king can't even compare to his own family members!

This creature is as weak as an ant. As long as it is strangled in time, the nightmare can be prevented from coming again...

But at this moment, Gehro unexpectedly discovered that the new king of deep space was not a weak creature.

The deep space energy raging like a torrent in the moonlight field, and the tattered yellow robe covering the sky... only reminded it of the nightmare it least wanted to think of, the nightmare dominated by deep space!


The familiar "voice" suddenly sounded in Raphael's ears. It was dry and stiff, not like a living thing at all, but more like some kind of machine transmitting information in a mechanized way.

"You are still useful to me, you can't die here."

When he got this second piece of information, Raphael suddenly noticed something squirming inside his body... It was the heart that belonged to Gehro, and it suddenly started beating violently at this moment.

Before Raphael could react, his body trembled uncontrollably, and the skin on his back suddenly tore and rolled to both sides, and two more distorted wings protruded from under the bloody skin.

And in the gaps between skin tears.

A rust-colored one-eye was turning slowly, as if observing the outside world through the huge wound... When it looked at the huge golden figure, the fear in the one-eye could no longer be concealed. live.

"This is not a power he can possess at this stage..."

"He's just like you..."

"Life is burning."

Chapter 360: Living God (Part 2)


Chen Jing's voice became ethereal and distant, as if coming from high in the sky, and Yegetos and the splendor were also teleported back to the deep space at this moment.

It can be seen from the previous battle that they can't do anything to the incarnation of Gehro in front of them, and there is not much use staying here. Chen Jing simply sent them all back to avoid stumbling him here. .

"Chen Jing..."

After Raphael completely integrated with this incarnation, his handsome face became distorted. Several protruding gray meridians were wrapped around the sides of his cheeks. Even his eyes became much darker. Very much like the lifeless Gehro.

Looking at this golden shadow as huge as a mountain, Raphael's eyes were filled with fear, and the fighting spirit that had been ignited in his heart had also faded by 90%. He could feel the huge difference in strength between the two sides without fighting.

at this moment.

The white moonlight field was dyed into a bright golden color by Chen Jing's "Living God".

It was as if this field had become Chen Jing's private property.

Those terrifying deep space energies were eroding everything Raphael could see.

"I can finally settle my accounts with you..."

Suddenly, Raphael sighed as he heard the shadow covering the sky and the sun, and then a dazzling golden light hit him.

At this moment, Raphael's visual ability seemed to be abnormal. His vision was blurred and he could not see anything clearly. He could only vaguely feel that something was approaching him quickly.

The angel's body's instinctive reaction was far faster than Raphael's.

While the visually impaired Raphael was still in a daze, the deformed wings on his back had already flapped violently, and in an instant, his whole body turned into a white stream of light and quickly flew away into the distance.

But unfortunately, after performing the "Live Descendant", Chen Jing has briefly gained a higher authority in the deep space, or he has obtained a higher authority to view the space he is in from the perspective and scale of the deep space.

In Chen Jing's eyes at this moment.

The entire moonlight domain is composed of countless points and lines.

In addition, there are lines of "strings" that are constantly plucked and tremble slightly, and they draw elegant and strange arcs in the ethereal nothingness...

Each "string" has its own rhythm and rhythm.

Vibration, trembling.

Accompanied by their silent performance.

Countless "points and lines" are derived from those arcs...

This is not the basic space law unique to the moonlight domain.

The outside world is the same.

So in Chen Jing's view, the fast-moving "bird man" is just spinning in place.

He just raised his hand slightly to hold one of the "strings", returning its vibration frequency to zero, and gently pulled it back, causing the "points and lines" scattered throughout the space to shake, like invisible waves hitting Raphael back.

In this process.

Raphael did not notice anything unusual.

He only felt that he was trying his best to fly farther away, and he was getting farther and farther away from Chen Jing...

Until his vision recovered and the overwhelming golden light faded.

When Raphael opened his eyes.

Chen Jing.

Close at hand.

"How did you catch up..." Raphael thought he had run far away.

Looking at the phantom standing in front of him like a golden mountain, his face was full of fear and deep confusion, because he did not sense the movement that Chen Jing should have made when chasing him from beginning to end.

"I didn't chase you."

Chen Jing raised his hand and slowly reached out to Raphael. His movements seemed extremely slow and the distance between the two sides was nearly 100 meters, but in just a moment, he held Raphael in his hand.

"I just moved the space you are in to my front." Chen Jing calmly looked at Raphael in his hand, and whispered the answer that frightened the other party.

In fact, not only Raphael was confused and difficult to understand, but also Chen Jing himself, because he had only tried "living descent" in deep space before, and had never tried it in the world outside deep space...

Sure enough.

Deep space is a strange place different from all dimensional spaces.

There are no "strings" visible to the naked eye, no "points and lines" that make up the basic structure of space... Deep space has only chaos, symbolizing the chaos of the origin of billions of dimensions.

At this moment, Chen Jing also began to gradually understand the difference in dimensions that "he" had said.

Dimension does not necessarily mean another dimension, or another strange world.

It is not all annotation words for plane diagrams.

Sometimes it also represents high and low.

For example, two-dimensional and three-dimensional, or higher dimensions.

The height of the dimension can be used to distinguish between different spaces, and can also be used to distinguish the level of creatures. These theories are actually correct... But it is precisely based on these theories that have long been heard that Chen Jing realized another terrifying thing about deep space.

Deep space has no dimension attribute.

You cannot understand whether it is three-dimensional space, two-dimensional space, or a higher-dimensional space.

It has lost all the characteristics of dimensional space.

Because of this.

When it erodes the external space, it can disrupt the dimensional level of the target space, blur the boundaries and characteristics of the dimension, until the target space is completely assimilated into its own part.

"Human string theory... the basic particles that make up space... the points and lines I see..."

Chen Jing muttered to himself, holding Raphael in his hand tighter and tighter.

"Three-dimensional space... is not the limit of deep space... No wonder King Huang can suppress an era..."

As he said, Chen Jing suddenly stretched out a finger.

At this moment, Raphael no longer had the ability to resist, just like a doll in Chen Jing's palm, letting him fiddle with it. When he saw the finger formed by golden light particles reaching out to him, Raphael instinctively wanted to struggle, but he could do nothing.

He could only let Chen Jing cut open his abdomen.

The moon rock heart that had been beating slowly was exposed.

"It's a pity that I'm not your opponent yet... otherwise I would definitely go find you..."

Chen Jing stared at the blinking eye on the heart, and his tone became colder and colder, with a vague killing intent filling the lines.

"Kill me if you want..." Raphael said this tremblingly, with only the remaining courage to support his last dignity, "But even if I die... I won't let you go too easily..."

When Raphael said this, the heart that originally belonged to Gehro suddenly beat violently, and the eye suddenly bulged outward as if it was about to fall out, and even cracks appeared on the surface of the heart.

Although Chen Jing didn't know what he was going to do, judging from the extremely terrifying energy fluctuations he felt at the moment, it was probably not a good sign.


Perhaps this really wasn't a good sign.

Chen Jing looked at the gray mist pouring out of the cracks in Gehro's heart, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Could it be Him..."

Chapter 361 You see, even God can't save you (Part 1)

Chen Jing remembered that "he" once mentioned solemnly that he would be targeted to death by Mr. Wu... Although Chen Jing did not understand why Mr. Wu hated him so deeply, he could hear that "he" was not joking at the time.

Not to mention a series of things that happened later.

Plus the additional questions that the candidates refreshed.

All this is enough to prove that Mr. Wu, who had just become the chief examiner, was targeting him.

Chen Jing also thought privately, did he do something to make the old man angry?

But no matter how much he thought about it, he felt that it was not right.

To put it in a big way, he did not jump into the well with his child, and to put it in a small way, he did not even dare to complain about him in private...

Targeting me like this?


Chen Jing had been holding back his anger all along, but now, he saw the wisps of gray mist emerging when Gehero's heart was broken... He could not bear it anymore.

"Fuck him!"

Chen Jing only felt that his energy body, which had been stabilizing, suddenly began to tremble, and the deep space energy in his body also showed signs of disorder. This was not a good sign...

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