A terrifying one-eye is hidden deep inside the star.

When Li Mobai and the others saw it, it was also watching everything in the outside world.

That crazy and violent emotion was almost directly transmitted to Li Mobai and the others' minds in an informational way.

"Chen Jing..."

"How come you were bullied like this..."

Qiao Youning stared at the embarrassed figure with dull eyes. An almost crazy murderous intention suddenly spread in her heart, and scarlet blood was faintly beating in her eyes...

kill! !

Kill that Raphael who bullied A Jing! !

Kill this weird star! ! !

Everyone who bullied A Jing deserves to die...all deserve to die! ! !

"Damn it." Li Mobai cursed through gritted teeth, immediately put out the cigarette butt in his hand, and prepared to go up and take a look regardless of Bai Aji's obstruction.

at this time.

A shrill howl suddenly resounded across the sky.

That was Raphael's voice.

"why why!!!"

"Why didn't its heart explode!!!"

Hearing this sound, Li Mobai and the others quickly raised their heads and looked over there following the sound.

Until now.

Only then did they notice an unknown object lying in front of Chen Jing.

Has vaguely human features.

Like a melted wax figure.


"You talk so much...I'm not one of the 100,000 whys...ahem..." Chen Jing couldn't stop coughing as he spoke, and his voice sounded extremely weak.

At this moment, Raphael has been corroded by the deep space and is no longer human. Before rushing out of the sea, he was not in the melted state he is in now. At that time, he was more like a "bloody brick man" made up of countless geometric objects...

At that time, his body had been cut by deep space, and Chen Jing randomly piled it into a weird human shape. His facial features were even removed by Chen Jing, and re-placed on Raphael's own butt... which was similar to what he looked like at that time. Compared with the current state of melting into mud, it is indeed a little less interesting.

"In the end, I won..."

The smile on Chen Jing's face was extremely bright, but in Raphael's eyes, this smile was more terrifying than a nightmare.


"Even your gods can't protect you..."

Chapter 363: Surviving Dimension Collapse (Part 1)

It turns out.

Chen Jing won the bet.

At the moment when Gehro's heart exploded, he seized the opportunity of the Moonlight Domain's collapse and directly used his power to drag Raphael into deep space...

Raphael and Gehro's incarnation are one body, so sending him into deep space naturally means that Gehro's heart has gone to deep space.

to that place.

Gehro's heart could explode however he liked, even if it exploded in eighteen thousand ways, Chen Jing said he could accept it.

But the facts also prove it.

"He" is right to be worried.

Although under normal circumstances, the process of going to deep space only takes an instant, but in this instant, the energy used to suppress Raphael went out of control, but Chen Jing was more willing to believe that it was Mr. Wu who caused it.

Because when the energy is out of control.

He saw the gray mist wrapping around Raphael's body disappear.

"I want to report this grandson to the leader!" Chen Jing cursed angrily.

At the moment when the energy is out of control.

Gehro's heart exploded.

It must have exploded, right?

Chen Jing doesn’t remember much either.

Because his eyes were shrouded in an extremely white light, he could neither see other images nor hear any sounds, and his consciousness was almost collapsed by the impact of the pure moonlight.

without any exaggeration.

Chen Jing really thought he was going to die.

But even so, his remaining consciousness still maintained his instincts.

Even though the deep space energy was already out of control, he gritted his teeth and hugged Raphael tightly, directly using himself as a medium, like a conductive wire, to continuously guide the out-of-control energy to Raphael...

In that process.

Whether it was Chen Jing or Raphael, both of them were in a state of extreme pain.

The former was caused by backlash due to out-of-control energy, and the entire body was torn apart by deep space.

The latter has to withstand the impact of a burst heart and the erosion of deep space... It is a double torture, and Chen Jing has earned it.

after that.

Chen Jing's consciousness inexplicably recovered a little, and before the moonlight completely swallowed him up, he used his power to "cut" Raphael to pieces, which was more or less used to satisfy his hatred.

A few seconds later.

It was overwhelming white light.

Chen Jing felt like he was really dead.

When consciousness was completely lost, even the torn body no longer felt pain, but instead felt an inexplicable sense of comfort.

It's like a reflection of light.


Chen Jing felt the salty sea breeze blowing in front of him, and his collapsed consciousness gradually recovered. Only then did he realize... He seemed to be still alive?

Open your eyes and take a look.

Although Chen Jing was a little confused about the situation, his intuition told him that he had won the bet!

"F*ck!! You!! You really survived!!!"


Hearing the voice in his head, Chen Jing expressed some confusion.


Aren't you happy that I survived?

"Why do you sound like you've seen a ghost..." Chen Jing asked doubtfully.

"No...don't blame me for being excited...don't you know what happened before?"

At this moment, "he" was speaking a little incoherently, and every word was filled with uncontrollable excitement.

It was like before the end of the world, someone was walking on the street and suddenly saw an alien falling from the sky.

That's pretty much what it feels like.

It's that indescribable feeling of shock.

"I know." Chen Jing replied doubtfully, "Didn't it almost fail? The thing suddenly exploded, and then the deep space energy went out of control..."

"No!! It's not!! It's not that simple!!! You have no idea how outrageous this is!!!"

Chen Jing felt like his head was about to explode. "He" spoke so fast and urgently, and he was so excited that it was difficult to control his volume. The noise made Chen Jing feel a severe headache.

"The moment the energy in deep space lost control, that thing exploded, right?"


"These two forces exploded directly on the way to deep space, and then shattered the dimensional passage leading to deep space, right!"


"Do you know what happened next?"

"have no idea."

As Chen Jing finished speaking, "he" couldn't bear the excitement and almost shouted.

"The dimensional channel was broken, the deep space coordinates were lost, and you ran into the gap between dimensions!"

"Really?" Chen Jing was dubious, "Why didn't I feel it?"

"You were so unconscious at the time! I called you for a long time and you didn't respond!"

In "his" subsequent narration, Chen Jing probably understood why "he" was so excited.

As "he" said.

When the dimensional channel leading to deep space was broken, the coordinates to deep space were naturally lost.

Chen Jing and Raphael were like a sailboat that had lost its anchor. They could only drift with the tide in the sea, and then... they were unlucky enough to encounter a fatal reef.

That's right.

The gaps between dimensions are dangerous reefs.

It is also a place of death that those creatures who are good at traveling through dimensions avoid.

If Chen Jing was in a normal state, there would be no danger if he ran to a place like the gap between dimensions. It could even be said that he only needed to turn around to return to deep space.

But the problem is...

At that time, Chen Jing was already seriously injured and in a coma.

Or to be more specific.

He was basically as good as dead, just with an extra breath.

"The out-of-control deep space energy tore apart the dimensional gap, coupled with the energy impact of the explosion of Gehro's heart... Tsk tsk, there was collapse and decay in that place. I didn't doubt that you would die in the dimension at all. "In the turbulence."

"What happened next??" Chen Jing couldn't help but wonder how he survived after hearing this.

"Later...it was deep space that saved you."

At this point, "his" tone suddenly became emotional, with a hint of unabashed envy in his words.

"You lost the coordinates of the deep space, but the deep space has not forgotten you, the new king... It took the initiative to find you, forcibly opened the dimensional channel, and teleported you and Raphael back together."

"Why didn't you teleport me back to deep space??" Chen Jing was puzzled.

"Due to the distortion of space at that time, you, Raphael, and Gehro's heart... were basically integrated into one. Your state was very strange. Deep space could not accept you at that time. In other words, deep space was unable to accept you. The empty gate cannot identify you for the time being.”

"why why……"

Raphael, who was constantly melting, was numb from the pain. From a certain point of view, he was indeed one of the unluckiest people in the world. He first ate his own big explosion, then was corroded by deep space, and finally let Chen Jing... A "loving and harmonious" approach reorganized this body.

without any exaggeration.

Death was a relief for Raphael at this moment.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Chen Jing came to his senses and looked down at Raphael, "If it's convenient, you might as well talk to me about the invitation letter from the Creator. I'm really curious about this... …”

Hearing this, Raphael's almost twisted eye sockets revealed a trace of unforgettable hatred.

"They are all liars..."

"Why did I lie to you?" Chen Jing asked seductively, trying to get some clues from Raphael.

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