His abdominal cavity was suddenly split from the navel. The original tissues of human flesh and blood were no longer visible inside. It seemed that they had been replaced with bionic parts. There was a reactor-like device installed in the Dantian under the abdomen.

"This is my secret trick. I never thought it would be used on something like this..." Li Mobai inserted two fingers into the Dantian furnace and took out a thick silver metal ring.

When he put the ring on the thumb of his right hand, the split abdominal cavity closed silently.

At this time, the white moonlight behind everyone was approaching quickly, and it was probably less than a hundred meters away from them.

"Turing is not a creature of Gherro's time."

Li Mobai slowly raised his palm facing the moonlight behind him, and a light blue plasma-like ionized gas poured out from the ring. It instantly turned into a very fast stream of light and began to fly in the air according to the route conceived in Li Mobai's mind. , leaving behind a trail of mist-like light that cannot be blown away by the wind.

"Is this the talisman of the [Turing Research Society]?"

Chen Jing looked at the trail of light and mist that lingered around him, and it looked very familiar no matter how he looked at it.

This trajectory is regular, and when connected, it resembles a pattern.

It is about thirty meters high and about fifteen meters wide.

When the light haze that makes up this pattern gradually changes from virtual to solid, the translucent trajectory deepens the color.

Use plasma as pen and ink.

Use space as a carrier.

"It's indeed a way to keep the bottom of the box." Chen Jing looked surprised, "I have never heard of this way of using talismans..."

"It's part of the ritual."

Li Mobai's right hand was shaking violently. It seemed that using this ring had caused great consumption to him. The surface of his skin began to heat up uncontrollably, forming a sheet of hot steam visible to the naked eye.

"Don't you open a few holes to dissipate heat?" Chen Jing thought of those weird alchemists on TV.

"In this age, who still uses cooling holes..."

Li Mobai smiled. Several light blue meridians lit up under the bionic skin of his arm, and a sizzling sound was also heard.

"Nowadays, liquid cooling systems are used to dissipate heat. The system installed in my body is a high-end product from the research institute..."


at the same time.

The ninth talisman has appeared next to Bai Aji.

This should also be the last one.

After the blue streamer drew the talisman, he got back into Li Mobai's ring.

Afterwards, Li Mobai twisted his hands to make a decision, and muttered something in his mouth. He didn't know what spell he was reciting. In short, the nine hanging talismans began to rotate clockwise around Bai Aji, and everyone heard a little more noise. current noise.

"I'm about to catch up..."

Chen Jing looked at the white moonlight that was as close as ten meters away, and his heart couldn't help but lift.

"Don't worry, it should be able to block it, but I can't guarantee how long it will last..."

Li Mobai folded his hands to form a seal, and a light blue light flashed in his eyes.

"This is a special ritual that can be advanced, attacked, retreated, or defended. Only a few people within the research association can learn it. It is regarded as the core secret of the research association that is not passed down..."

"Does this ritual have a name?" Chen Jing asked, staring at the approaching white lights.


Li Mobai stared intently at the moonlight that first touched the talisman. Along with a burst of harsh electric noise, the moonlight was instantly blocked by the talisman, and a smile gradually appeared on Li Mobai's face.

"It's called the Turing force field."

Chapter 367 Buddha Mother Flesh and Bodhisattva Blood (Part 1)

Any sequence has the power to "go to heaven and become a god".

This is not a secret in this world, but is the consensus of the entire ancient descendants group... In addition, there is another consensus.

There is no superior or inferior sequence path.

Well...at least that's what everyone thinks on the surface.

But the old man said more than once in private that the upper limit of some sequence pathways is much higher than most sequence pathways, such as Chen Jing's deep space sequence is one of them.

In addition, there are three major sects.

The moonlight sequence of [Moonlight Priory].

Turing sequence from [Turing Research Association].

And the life sequence of [Big Buddha Mother Temple].

Li Mobai is an alchemist of the research association. His awakening "Turing" sequence is the same as that of most Hanging City candidates, but his promotion route seems to be quite different from others. Chen Jing once heard him mention this. .

Just like Yan Que and Raphael both belong to the Moonlight Sequence, but their promotion routes are completely different.

"Others are following in Turing's footsteps, and they are all believers who worship Turing, but I am different... I have found a way to surpass Turing." Li Mobai said at the time.

Although Chen Jing always felt that there was an element of bragging in this statement, from the reality, Li Mobai's strength was indeed among the best among the candidates.

Not only is he the same as Chen Jing, he is also in sequence 4.

At this moment, he single-handedly blocked the overwhelming moonlight.

"Okay..." Chen Jing looked at the nine talismans that were constantly circling around Bai Aji, and saw that while they continued to make electric noise, they also bounced away the moonlight coming towards everyone one by one.

"Fortunately, you have sent most of the energy inside the star to deep space. Otherwise, I really can't do anything. These things are too deadly." Li Mobai did not take this opportunity to brag about how awesome he was, but instead remained calm. As if his personality was split, Chen Jing doubted whether No. 2 Xiao Li was on the clock.

at the same time.

Chen Jing found that Li Mobai's hands were still pinching various gestures, and the movements were so fast that even afterimages appeared.

"Brother Li, are you going to be the eighth generation of Hokage?"


Li Mobai's movements froze, and the energy in the Dantian furnace, which was in an active state, was almost unbalanced by Chen Jing's words.

You are just playing jokes because you see that the situation is under my control, right!

You are the eighth generation!

If I want to be, I will be the first generation!


Accompanied by the increasingly harsh noise of electric current, the nine talismans flashing with azure light gradually split apart, and many flocculent plasmas began to counterattack in the direction of the moonlight, trying to further block the damn white impact from a distance.

But in just a few seconds.

A blue barrier formed by plasma condensation appeared behind everyone.

Like a light curtain stretching for hundreds of meters.

In the harsh and noisy sound of electric current, all the moonlight was blocked behind.

Not only that.

These strange plasmas seem to have the effect of disturbing the moonlight.

Outside the blue light curtain.

Many free flocculent plasmas began to entangle with each other and rotate continuously until they disappeared.

To the naked eye, they should have disappeared.

But everyone knew that they were still there.

Because that strange breath always lingered in the air.

From the moment they disappeared.

The moonlight that first hit the barrier began to sink.

It was as if it was pulled by some strange gravity and was dragged into the sea like a pouring waterfall.

At this moment, Chen Jing couldn't help but think of the ancient poem in the textbook.

The waterfall falls straight down three thousand feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls from the sky.

I'm afraid that's it.

"It's a pity that Bai Aji's breath can't be fired continuously for a long time... Otherwise, we don't have to bother so much..."

Li Mobai seemed a little tired, and he forced his mind to control the plasma in the sky and didn't dare to relax.

"Bai Aji, keep flying forward. As long as this force field is not broken, we should be fine."

To be honest.

When Chen Jing saw that the moonlight was blocked by Li Mobai's "Turing Force Field", he was somewhat relieved.

But before he could completely relax and put down his hanging heart, "he" in his mind popped up.

"I don't feel right."


"I just kept thinking... if Mr. Wu intervened in this matter... the old guy shouldn't let you go..."

"What do you mean..." Chen Jing was nervous again.

"Let me put it this way, if He intervened and wanted to deal with you, then He would definitely not stop until he killed you. There is no need to keep you alive..."

"Are you serious?"

Just as Chen Jing was getting nervous, Li Mobai on the side suddenly said "Huh".

"Are those also Gehlo's moonlight?" Li Mobai pointed to the flocculent gray mist that gradually appeared in the white moonlight behind the light curtain, "Why do I feel that their breath is different from other white moonlight..."

Chen Jing looked in the direction of the voice, and the expression on his face suddenly became ugly.

"It's that bastard again... Run!!!"

Although Bai Aji didn't know what happened, he heard the urging of his master Chen Jing, and he almost didn't think much and sped up to escape as ordered.

But unfortunately, the weird "gravity" was still affecting it. Even though the moonlight was blocked by Li Mobai's Turing force field in the distance, its speed still couldn't be increased, and it was even getting slower and slower, which made Bai Aji panic.

But before it could respond to Chen Jing.

Only a very harsh electric current sound came from not far behind.

"Fuck!!!" Li Mobai was the person who was most unwilling to believe in reality. At this moment, his face was full of disbelief, "I can understand that the force field was offset, but how could it crack? This is so unscientific!!"

But soon Li Mobai discovered something even more unscientific.

When the Turing force field was dismantled by the unknown force, the ring on his hand also began to heat up rapidly, like an overloaded prosthesis, and the strong burning sensation was transmitted to his brain through the mimetic nerves of the bionic skin.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to die..." Li Mobai murmured, and suddenly a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

At this moment, Li Mobai felt his body suddenly shake.

It was like someone was pushing him from behind.

But when he looked back, Chen Jing and Qiao Youning were clearly standing on the side one meter away, and there was no one behind him.

"What happened to me..."

The light of Li Mobai's two biological prosthetic eyes turned scarlet at some point, flashing and jumping like an alarm light. The picture in front of him was becoming blurred and even stuck. The warning from the mainboard in his brain was constantly passing by his eyes.


[Overload and high temperature warning! Please reduce the power of the "magic weapon" as soon as possible! ]

[Overload and high temperature warning! Please reduce the power of the "magic weapon" as soon as possible! ]

While the screen in front of him was constantly refreshed with text warnings, the ring on Li Mobai's hand also had cracks, and the finger wearing the ring was deformed due to the high temperature, and even the metal bones seemed to begin to melt under this high temperature…

"Li Mobai!!!"

Hearing Chen Jing's shout, Li Mobai was stunned for a moment, and instinctively looked up in the direction of Chen Jing, but he only found that the upside-down opponent was getting farther and farther away from him, and the sky had already run to his feet.

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