During this period of living in the other world, Chen Jing's personality has changed drastically compared to before. In some concepts, he has even begun to imitate the old man in the other world.


Death is nothing.

Who can avoid death?

Isn’t it true that the King of the Old Age, who was as powerful as the Yellow King and dominated an entire era, died?

Of course it’s better if you can live, but if you can’t, then damn!

What's so scary!

"Actually, I have always been afraid of death..."

Qiao Youning whispered, recalling the past and couldn't help but laugh.

"When I was a child, I was afraid of starving to death... When I was studying, I was afraid of being beaten to death by my parents if I didn't get good grades... When I worked, I was afraid of dying suddenly from exhaustion... When I entered the world, I was afraid of dying unexpectedly... But now I'm not afraid anymore."

"Why aren't you afraid anymore?" Chen Jing asked subconsciously.

"Because I'm really going to die."

Qiao Youning seemed to have returned to the state she was in before going to the other world. She had a somewhat dull personality and seemed to think about things that were different from ordinary people.

"I'm not afraid if I really die."

"Anyway, people don't disappear completely after death. According to the law of conservation of matter, all the material energy that makes up our body will return to the universe, but it will just change its way of existence..."

Hearing what she said, Chen Jing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"You're quite open-minded."

"Actually, I'm still a little reluctant to let go." Qiao Youning sighed, "Grandma has always lived alone in the temple. If I die, there will probably be no one to chat with her in the future."

"I can't bear to part with it either." Chen Jing said helplessly, "The old man has an extreme temper. If he finds out that I have disappeared, I'm not sure how uncomfortable he will be. And the two girls Wei Nan and Yan Que... It gives me a headache just to talk about it.”

Qiao Youning secretly looked up at Chen Jing and listened quietly without saying a word.

"Those two girls are crazy, and the old man is too lazy to care about them. If I hadn't kept an eye on them, they might have suffered a lot in the future... Not to mention, taking care of them is like taking care of a daughter. Ryan is worried to death. It makes me worry less than them.”

Saying that, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh again.

He died.

Deep space will also lose its master.

If nothing else goes wrong, Yagertos and Baiage, as dependents, will also pay their own lives... By the way, there will also be the splendor of the deep sky.

Let’s not talk about Bai Aji and Shen Kong Yicai.

How miserable it is for Jagerthos.

It’s not easy to meet a new master after so many years.

As a result, it was over before the master could get involved.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

When he thought that this was all caused by Mr. Wu, he was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth... I haven't offended you, how could you do this to me? Even if you want to kill me, you have to give me a reason!

It's a pity that Chen Jing doesn't have a way to report Mr. Wu. If there is a way to report Mr. Wu, Chen Jing will go there now. He even goes to sit in front of the [Creator Club] and hold a banner!

"I didn't expect that we would die at the hands of Raphael in the end..." Qiao Youning seemed a little unwilling. She always thought that the moonlight came from the self-destruction guided by Raphael, and she had no idea what the reason behind it was.

"He's a piece of shit."

Chen Jing couldn't help but curse, and was thinking about whether to tell Qiao Youning the real reason, when she heard her sigh and complain again.

"It's okay to die. I didn't expect to die in such an ignominy manner. I couldn't even put on any nice clothes..."

"You are better than me, okay!" Chen Jing said in a dumbfounded voice, "At least you can still see a human figure, I only have half of it left, and besides, I'm naked too..."

Qiao Youning burst out laughing, but she would have almost ignored Chen Jing's words.

No need to raise your head or turn your face to the side, you can see the pink color dazzling in front of your eyes as soon as you open your eyes.

"Why are you so light-colored?"



"Fuck, don't poke me!"

Chen Jing grinned and said, subconsciously wanting to swat Qiao Youning's hand away, but when he raised his hand, he couldn't bear to swat it down, because he suddenly realized at this time... The skin on this girl's body was gone, and maybe a swat would help. How painful it is.

"I...I'm holding you like this...does it hurt?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, carefully trying to let go.

"It doesn't hurt to hold me, it doesn't hurt at all." Qiao Youning said softly, hugging Chen Jing tighter with her backhand, "But you are not allowed to pat me, it hurts when you pat me, and I cry when it hurts!"


At this time.

The "flesh and blood" that made up the walls and floors had been torn apart by the moonlight outside. Even where Chen Jing and the others were, there were dozens of chopstick-thick cracks on the ground, and the bright red cracks were filled with white flesh. moonlight.

"I actually have a lot of things I haven't said to you...but it seems I don't have time now..."

"Sister, please tell me, can you please stop poking..."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." Qiao Youning said disdainfully, "The last time you came back from Antarctica, I helped you take a bath when you were in a coma. I saw everything you should and shouldn't..."


A huge crack opened in the ground less than one meter away from Chen Jing and the others.

Countless moonlight poured in like flowing water.

"Oh shit……"

Chen Jing looked at the moonlight with dismay, his heart filled with reluctance and self-blame.

"It's all my damn fault...if I hadn't asked you to follow...you wouldn't have..."

Chen Jing fluttered his hands and tried to drag Qiao Youning back, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't drag Qiao Youning's body. When he looked down, he realized that Qiao Youning's legs had been integrated with the ground. It seemed that the space had been destroyed. It also caused a huge backlash to her afterwards.

"Ajing, you don't have to blame yourself, no one will blame you, and do you still remember, when we just graduated, you told me to learn to live for yourself and learn to respect your own ideas."


"I've always done this." Qiao Youning said with a smile, a hint of pride in her tone, "Even now!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Youning struggled to push Chen Jing's hands away, hoping that he would run away and die later.

"So don't blame yourself. This is my own thinking. As long as I can help you, I can do anything. Although I couldn't help you this time..."

Chen Jing was startled.

Qiao Youning's eyes were filled with guilt, as if she was still blaming herself for not being able to protect him.

"You were the one who pulled me out of the quagmire, so I always wanted to help you, but in the end I couldn't help you with anything. I'm sorry..."

Chen Jing rushed forward and tightened his grip on Qiao Youning's hands, trying to drag her away from the moonlight without saying a word, his eyes red.

The moonlight seeping in from the ground is very strange, and it is different from the previous performance that can annihilate all things.

As soon as they touched Qiao Youning's warm and soft body, it was as if they suddenly turned into a highly corrosive liquid, causing everything she touched to melt at an extremely fast speed.

"A Jing... do you still remember... when we first spoke?"

"The time we were classmates in the final sprint team in high school!"

"You really remember!"

"I remember you just said 'Hello Chen Jing' and then went to answer the questions with your head down!"

"I was too timid at that time, and I tried very hard to tell you these four words. In fact, there is another sentence behind it... But it's not too late to say it now."

"What words?"

At this moment, although almost half of Qiao Youning's body was swallowed up by the moonlight, she always had a smile on her face, as if she couldn't feel the pain, and her eyes were full of joy that she didn't dare to show when she was young.

"Chen Jing, nice to meet you!"

Chapter 370 Mu and Mr. Fog (Part 2)

Familiar people died before their eyes.

If we leave aside the old man Congressman Randolph, whom we just met not long ago.

Chen Jing hasn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

I remember the last time was when grandma left.

I can still recall the pungent smell of disinfectant in the ward.

There are also those pale sheets and quilts, the medical instruments on the bedside table, and the repetitive electronic beeps...

That memory is unforgettable for Chen Jing.

It's like a small iron nail stuck in the heart.

The longer it goes.

The more rust there is on it.

It is no longer possible to pull it out.

It is even more rusty now, growing together with the flesh of my heart.

Because of this, Chen Jing has realized that he is not a person who is good at reconciling with life, nor is he a person who can reconcile with himself. Some things are not so easy for him to let go.


He didn't want to encounter something like this a second time.

"There is another way..."

Chen Jing seemed to be deceiving himself, and he also seemed to be deceiving Qiao Youning, but he believed it when he said it... Yes, I am the king of deep space, and I am also the descendant of the Yellow King who overcame an old era. .

How could these moonlights kill me.

How can it be……

"It's okay...I don't feel any pain..."

Qiao Youning still had the same temperament that didn't want people to worry. When she saw Chen Jing's eyes turned red, she became a little anxious. She raised her hand to touch Chen Jing's face, but found that she had no strength to raise her hand.

"I have lost contact with deep space now... I can't summon the Familia... nor can I use those powers... But I still have one ability..."

While Chen Jing was speaking, the fair skin on his face had broken into pieces silently, like porcelain that was constantly peeling off its outer shell. The fragments that fell to the ground turned into powder when touched.

At this moment, his body had begun the transformation into "deep space", and the remaining deep space energy in his body began to surge.

Although the remaining energy is less than one percent of what he had in his heyday, it should have some effect...even if it can only block those moonlights for a few seconds.

Ghro can use his heart as a bomb.

So can Chen Jing.

But he had never thought of doing so before.

Because once the deep space energy in his body is dissipated, his physical body will dissipate instantly. After all, he is already a deep space descendant of Sequence 4, and his entire body was recast by deep space for him.

"I don't know if these energies are still willing to listen to me... If they don't listen... they might dissipate on their own..."

Listening to Chen Jing's voice, Qiao Youning kept shaking her head, and for the first time, a look of sadness appeared in her tear-filled eyes.

She didn't know what Chen Jing was going to do.

But she could feel that Chen Jing's aura was quickly dissipating.

"What a fucking shame..."

The expression on Chen Jing's face was a little bitter, and his smile was full of self-deprecation.

In this space gradually filled with moonlight.

One person was only half alive, and the other looked like Spider-Man... This kind of embarrassing situation was something Chen Jing had never dared to imagine before.

"Mr. Wu, that bastard... I won't let him go even if I die and become a ghost..."

"Mr. Wu?"

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