There must be some secret between them.

Yan Que thought so, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high.

Because Chen Jing was not the kind of person who could hide things. The smile in his eyes now belonged to that of a child... like a lie that successfully deceived an adult, it was a kind of pride that could not be hidden.

"Are all the monks in your temple as good-looking as you?" Wei Nan approached Qiao Youning and carefully looked at the face hidden behind the veil, "The monks I saw before were uglier than each other, and those women, one head can grow eight faces!"


Compared with the monks in Wei Nan and Yan Que's impression, Qiao Youning is definitely an alien. Not only does she look similar to ordinary humans, but her gentle and virtuous face is so beautiful that it is difficult to look away.

After a brief contact, Wei Nan and Yan Que felt that... the woman named Qiao Youning in front of them was really like Chen Jing.

Because they both gave people a gentle and virtuous feeling.

People did not feel the slightest bit of aggression.

If Chen Jing gave them the feeling of a gentle older brother, then Qiao Youning gave them the feeling of a neighbor's sister, with cute curved eyebrows and eyes when she smiled, and she spoke softly.

It must be said that compared with the social phobia in the surface world before, Qiao Youning now seems to be better at communicating with people.

She seemed to have been trained in a place like a temple. She chatted with Wei Nan in a few words, and even Yan Que was brought in.

From the beginning of the tentative chat to the beginning of complaining about Chen Jing's unreliability and flying them around in the sky... The whole atmosphere changed in just two or three minutes.

"Yes! He is a good person! But sometimes he doesn't use his brain! When taking off, he didn't even look at my lower body hanging outside! The hip axis is almost broken!"

Wei Nan bit the honey that Qiao Youning handed to her in her mouth. The taste of chewing is similar to chewing gum, but it began to melt after chewing a few times, with a fresh fruity fragrance.

"Is this a specialty of Polar Day City?" Yan Que used a bamboo stick to pick up a piece of honey, looked at it for a while before putting it in her mouth, "I seem to have seen it on TV, it's said to be made from a fruit called 'Buddha Heart Honey', which is a very precious fruit..."

"It's not expensive." Qiao Youning smiled gently, with a completely child-friendly tone, "When we finish the business at hand, sister can take you to Polar Day City to have a good time for a few days, and bring back some local specialties for the old man to taste."

"Where's A Jing?" Yan Que still had a conscience, and while greedy, she didn't forget Chen Jing, "Don't you take him with you?"

"My identity is quite special, and there will be trouble if I go." Chen Jing spread his hands helplessly.

Just as Chen Jing's voice fell, a faint singing voice suddenly came from the mountain range closest to everyone.

It seemed to be a woman's humming.

The slightly hoarse tone gave people a light feeling.

"Who is singing?" Chen Jing looked over curiously.

"Buddha Mother."

Qiao Youning turned around and looked at the mountain range, which was also the destination they were going to.

"When Buddha Mother is in a good mood, she will hum songs for everyone. Sometimes only the polar day can hear it, and sometimes... the whole far north can hear her humming."

After that, Qiao Youning turned around and looked at Chen Jing, her bright eyes seemed to be glowing.

"Hearing the singing of Buddha Mother is often a good sign. We should be able to go into the mountains to collect herbs smoothly."

"Then let's go!" Wei Nan hugged Qiao Youning's delicate shoulders in a familiar manner, and said excitedly, "After collecting herbs, we will go to the polar day to play!"

Chapter 389: The Monk Who Broke the Vows and the Happy Girl (Part 1)

The place where Chen Jing and his group are located is called "Yukong Mountain Range", and the largest mountain is "Yukong Mountain" where the Bodhi fetus is hidden.

The entire mountain range stretches for 500 miles, with peaks and ridges undulating like a big fish lying in the shallows, and the destination of everyone, "Yukong Mountain", is the highest peak located at the head of the fish.

Chen Jing originally planned to take them to fly directly, but Qiao Youning said that it would be better to keep a low profile in the mountains.

"Bodhi embryos are very timid. They will hide in the ground at the slightest disturbance. Moreover, their trunks are very fragile. If they are not careful, they will be injured and lose their medicinal effects..."

Hearing what Qiao Youning said, Chen Jing could only be patient and walked into the mountains step by step as if he was really taking the children to the mountains for an outing.

To be honest, the mountain range where Yukong Mountain is located looks a bit out of place in the wasteland, at least it has nothing to do with the desert covering most of the Far North. It is a bit unfair to call it an oasis in the desert...It is no exaggeration to say that the paradise on earth that Chen Jing imagined might look like this.

Deep mountains and valleys, thousands of ravines and rocks.

This mountain, which is thousands of meters high, is like an emerald rooted in the desert.

The quiet and dense jungle presents a kind of green full of vitality under the sun. Only under the mountains of West Peak, there are no trees growing. There is only a layer of extremely thick and soft moss covering it, which looks like a curtain spread from the top of the mountain.

"This is my first time to come to such a place..." Wei Nan began to sigh soon after entering the mountain. He looked around with wide eyes, wishing to engrave the beautiful scenery in front of him in his mind, "This is different from the wasteland over there in Evernight City..."

"Yes, it's different from what's on TV."

Yan Que was still taciturn, but a beautiful blush appeared on that wooden face because of excitement.

"The vitality here... is incredibly strong..."

In fact, Chen Jing also thought their reaction was a bit strange at first, because no matter how beautiful the scenery here is, it shouldn't be so exciting, but after connecting to the memory of "Chen Jing in the other world", Chen Jing understood after a little thought... For these Eternal Night City natives who have never traveled far, this mountain is a scenery they can't imagine.

Because whether it is Eternal Night City or the wasteland around Eternal Night, most areas there give people a lifeless feeling.

That kind of ominous decay seems to have existed in the old days.

They corroded everything silently.

Whether it is mountains and rivers or plains and hills, or wasteland restricted areas and even Eternal Night City.

It can be said that in the memory of "Chen Jing in the other world", even with the old man's careful care, he has always lived a very depressed life. This depression is caused by the living environment. I think Wei Nan and others are not much better.

Think about it carefully.

Perhaps the madness of the residents of Eternal Night City is very likely caused by the environment.

If they were allowed to live in this kind of place with green mountains, clear waters and fairy air...

"Are there any villages in this mountain?"

Chen Jing looked curiously at the foot of the mountain, and saw a dozen scattered wooden houses, which looked very much like those buildings in the costume movies in the outer world. From time to time, you can see a few chimneys rising.

"It seems so."

Qiao Youning didn't seem to know clearly, but she didn't feel surprised. After all, this mountain range was also within the influence of the [Great Buddha Mother Temple]. Without those terrifying polluting species, it was not surprising that someone dared to settle here.

"Let's go and have a look!" Wei Nan said excitedly, "I've never seen a building of that shape in real life... Ah Jing! Are they cooking? Can we go and eat?"

"Eat, eat, eat, you only know how to eat!" Yan Que rolled her eyes at her unhappily, thinking it was embarrassing to take this foodie out, especially when there were outsiders present...

But fortunately, Qiao Youning was not an outsider. She had learned about Wei Nan's character from Chen Jing a long time ago, and with the simple communication before, she had roughly understood it... Wei Nan was not a smart person, she was more like a child who had not grown up, saying whatever she wanted to say and doing whatever she wanted to do.

"I'll take you to see it." Qiao Youning straightened her monk's robe and looked back at Chen Jing. "My clothes are very useful in this area. I'll go get some vegetarian food for you later."

"I don't need it. I just ate." Chen Jing shook his head hurriedly and held Wei Nan, who kept nodding and saying yes. He felt that he couldn't afford to lose face. "You can go for a walk, but forget about begging!"

Hearing this, Qiao Youning couldn't help but smile, showing an expression of a successful prank, and said with curved eyebrows: "Do you really think I will go to beg for alms?"

"You're not going to beg for food?" Wei Nan suddenly looked disappointed.

"What delicious food can there be here..." Qiao Youning smiled gently, as if coaxing her own sister, and softly comforted Wei Nan, while touching her head and saying, "When we get back to the polar day capital, I will take you to eat something delicious, definitely something you have never tasted!"

When Qiao Youning stretched out her hand, Wei Nan subconsciously turned her head away to avoid it, but perhaps it was the other party's non-aggressive smile that touched her.

Wei Nan thought about it, and finally did not avoid Qiao Youning's hand.

It was like being touched on the head by Chen Jing.

Feeling this feeling of being cared for, Wei Nan's favorability towards Qiao Youning suddenly increased a lot.

In fact, it is still a little different from Chen Jing...

Soft and warm.

As if there are no bones.

"Weird." Wei Nan muttered, and grabbed the hair that Qiao Youning had just smoothed twice, and suddenly a few more hairs stood up.

A few minutes later.

Qiao Youning brought everyone to the village entrance at the foot of the mountain.

Wei Nan was very excited from the beginning to the end, as if he was going to visit a scenic spot, and everything he saw was new, but Yan Que and Chen Jing had a tense face and looked alert.

On the way here.

Chen Jing noticed... There were two auras similar to Qiao Youning in this mountain village.

In other words.

There should be monks in this village.

In fact, Chen Jing was a little nervous when he noticed the two auras, because he always kept a distance from the monks in the temple, unless they were people he knew... To put it bluntly, his identity was too special, and no one could guarantee what troubles would arise if it was exposed.

But after careful observation, Chen Jing found that the source of the two auras was very weak, even weaker than Wei Nan, so he gave up the idea of ​​hiding, especially after hearing what Qiao Youning said, he wanted to come over to test the waters.

"There shouldn't be monks here..." Qiao Youning kept muttering along the way, "It's not the time to collect herbs recently, monks shouldn't come here..."

In order to ensure that the herbs can be collected smoothly.

Chen Jing didn't want to leave any hidden dangers behind.

If the monks in this village are also going to go up the mountain...


Just as everyone followed Qiao Youning into the village, before they walked a few steps inside, they heard a burst of erotic sounds of men and women in the depths of the village.

This really confused Chen Jing.

"What a strange sound..." Wei Nan looked forward curiously, and raised his foot to rush into the village, "I'll go and see!"

"Come back!"

Chen Jing grabbed Wei Nan and looked back at Qiao Youning, who was also stunned.

"Why... why did they come here to give alms..."

Chapter 390: The Monk Who Broke His Vows and the Happy Woman (Part 2)

Chen Jing didn't understand for a moment, but before he could ask more, Qiao Youning shouted loudly, as if she had become a different person in a trance, with a look of shame and anger, revealing a murderous intent that Chen Jing was extremely unfamiliar with.

"Who allowed you to give alms in Yukong Mountain!"

"Get out of here!"

This sudden shout not only scared the people in the village who had not yet appeared, but also scared Chen Jing and Wei Nan Yanque who were standing next to her and dared not speak.

"So scary..." Wei Nan hid beside Chen Jing, looking at Qiao Youning with lingering fear, "She looks like your grandfather when she's angry..."

"What kind of metaphor are you using?" Chen Jing said with a smile.

At this moment, two slightly shrunken figures trembled and walked out from the depths of the village.

The one on the left was a burly monk about two meters tall, with a naked upper body and no clothes. The arc and curve of the bulging muscles were terrifying, just like the characters in the hot-blooded comics.

The one on the right was a female monk, wearing a thin and transparent long gown, with a slightly messy long hair draped over her shoulders, and a blush on her charming face that had not yet faded.

When they came out, Qiao Youning blushed and was ashamed and angry, Yan Que turned away calmly, and Wei Nan looked at a loss, as if he didn't understand why the female giant walking towards him was dressed so strangely.

"Fuck, this is not Ba Chi..."

Chen Jing just took a look and quickly looked away. Qiao Youning heard what he muttered subconsciously, but she just looked at him calmly without saying anything.


The two people in strange clothes walked to five meters in front of the crowd and stopped, looking at Qiao Youning with an unbelievable look, as if they didn't expect to run into her here.

" put on your clothes!"

Qiao Youning was so angry that she couldn't speak clearly. If she hadn't taken into account the presence of Chen Jing and others, she would have been unable to resist attacking them when she first saw them.

"Have you all forgotten the rules of the temple! The elders said! It is absolutely not allowed to make random donations within the protection of the temple!"

"I...we didn't mean it..."

The female monk who spoke seemed extremely panicked, as if she was very afraid of the saint of the temple. Her stuttering explanation made people feel a little aggrieved.

"We just happened to pass by here...and saw that their village was seemed that everyone was unhappy...we thought about making everyone happy..."

"Yeah." The male monk nodded silently, seemingly unmoved even though the mountain collapsed in front of him, but his trembling legs still betrayed him, and he didn't even dare to look at Qiao Youning's eyes.

"Go get dressed and come back to explain to me."

"Okay...Okay! Let's go now!"

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