While escaping from the pursuit.

Because of a coincidence.

He found an ancient ritual in the deepest part of the underground city.

"That ritual has existed since the old days. According to the records inside our temple, there should be a stone tablet next to the ritual, which clearly records the function of the ritual and how to operate it..."

"The stone tablet clearly states that it is a 'ritual of descending gods'. Once someone activates the ritual, the ancient god who survived the disaster will be summoned from the pale history in an instant, and the person who activates the ritual will become a sacrifice and be completely annihilated."

When Chen Jing heard this, he had already guessed what happened next.

In fact, it's not that complicated.

He was just an ordinary person who suffered from oppression. Suddenly one day he didn't want to live anymore, and happened to pick up a button that could bring the end of the world instantly... Is there any need to think about it? He must have pressed it directly!

"After Nora started the ritual, Paradise City was instantly eroded by the ancient god. No one had time to escape. Even the most powerful descendants were swallowed by the ancient god in an instant... Paradise City became a dead place and became a vague history."

After hearing Qiao Youning's last words, everyone's expressions became complicated.

Wei Nan felt relieved, his face was full of joy, while Yan Que was in a daze, as if thinking about whether "Nora" was right or wrong.

And Chen Bofu smoked silently. For him, it didn't matter what bullshit about being oppressed and resisting before death. He only cared about the fall of the ancient god from the underground city...

As for Chen Jing.

His expression was the calmest, because he felt that what Nora did was not unexpected.

In the final analysis.

Nora was just an ordinary person.

An ordinary person who was exhausted to the extreme.

An ordinary person whose ideas were neither noble nor vulgar.

He just didn't want to live anymore, or rather, he no longer had the desire to live. His ideals were extinguished in the continuous struggles, and his spirit had long been drained into a hollow wreck.

So when he encountered an opportunity to destroy everything, he would naturally not let it go.

He just wanted to destroy everything.

Including himself.

That's all.

"What is the 'River of Styx' that the rat spirit just mentioned?" Chen Bofu asked with a frown.

"The liquid substance left behind after the ancient gods descended, they flooded the entire underground city, and even turned the wasteland where the underground city was located into a long river with no end in sight."

"According to the temple records, there are many corpses from Paradise City in that river, which should be the residue vomited out after being swallowed by the ancient gods. Until now, everyone is still floating in that river that emits a foul odor."

Qiao Youning held her chin with one hand and smiled at the black-haired mouse in front of her.

"The upper and lower people, all of them are rotting together and stinking."

"Perhaps this is the fairness that Paradise City has long forgotten."

Chapter 418 The Shadow of the Ancient God (Part 1)

"So the entrance and exit of the underground city is in that river?"

"Yes, sir!"

The black-haired mouse stroked his beard, and seemed to be immersed in the history narrated by Qiao Youning. He came back to his senses when he heard the old man's question.

"The entrance to the underground city is a vertical staircase passage that can only be seen by outsiders when it floats up in the Styx."

"I have an impression of the Styx you mentioned..."

Chen Bofu grabbed his hair in pain, seeming to be extremely annoyed.

"At that time, in order to show off and mock the ancient god, I took Randolph and others to fly over that river, but at that time I just thought that the river was fucking stinky, but I didn't find the entrance to the underground city..."

"You are unlucky." The black-haired mouse stroked his beard and said with a tut-tut sound, "But you can also be considered lucky. Anyway, those who I have seen trying to enter the underground city have all died in the Styx."

"If you can't talk, just shut up." Chen Bofu was in a bad mood to begin with, and he felt even more suffocated when listening to what this black-haired mouse said. He just felt that this little beast was playing tricks on him.

During this process.

Chen Jing was also chatting with the "him" in his mind about the underground city.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Paradise City has such a history..."

"You don't know?" Chen Jing asked in confusion, because he felt that this guy was an omniscient existence, especially about the inner world, he was like an encyclopedia... How could he not know?

"I know."

The "he" in his mind said disapprovingly, and by the way, he looked down on Chen Jing's childish imagination.

"All this information and data is stored in my brain, just like in a computer. If I don't deliberately search for information in depth, I certainly can't remember the secrets of these underground cities."

When he said this, "he" also impatiently clicked his tongue.

"But it doesn't matter if I can't remember these things. Anyway, we are rushing to that old treasure house..."

"In fact, knowing more about the past of this wasteland may help us."

"What a fart of help."

Hearing Chen Jing's words, "he" just laughed at the boy's naivety.

"This rotten and smelly history can only prove the origin of the ancient god, and it has no value other than that."

"I think it's quite valuable." Chen Jing frowned and said, "I'm going to go back to the surface world and tell Li Mobai about it, so that he can remember it."

"No matter how much you talk about this kind of thing, it's useless. If it should develop in a good direction, it will naturally develop in a good direction. If it should rot and stink, it will naturally rot to the end. It's just a matter of time..."

He said calmly, as if he was used to this kind of history.

"Besides, the most indispensable thing in human history is this kind of self-destructive plot. Maybe Li Mobai knows more than you, so don't go to the class... By the way, what the rat spirit just said, those black I think that’s much more interesting than the history of Paradise City!”

"Do you know the origin of those monsters?" Chen Jing asked hurriedly.

"I don't know, but I can guess, and I might be able to guess pretty well... As long as I see them with my own eyes, I won't be wrong."

While Chen Jing was talking to "him" about those monsters, Wei Nan couldn't help but be curious. He reached out and picked up the black-haired mouse, as if grabbing the back of the cat's neck, scaring it so hard that it opened its teeth and claws and struggled desperately. .

"I feel that you are quite weak...Judging from your aura...your strength should be around Sequence 2..." Wei Nan looked at the little mouse with interest and asked with interest, "Why are you here?" I won’t ask if you’ve survived in this wasteland... I’m just curious... How do you know so many things? Just because of your ability to become invisible?”


Seeing that Wei Nan had no intention of harming him, the black-haired mouse gradually calmed down, and a flattering smile appeared on his cute face.

"Zhushu, my power is very powerful. Although I will never be able to advance further in my life, as long as I have this special power, I will definitely be able to live until the end of my life without any disease or disaster..."

Before the black-haired mouse could utter the last word of death, Wei Nan pulled it and shook it hard.

"Didn't you say before that those monsters found you?"


"Did you also conclude that they will not harm you because of that experience and will only attack those humanoid creatures?"

"That's right!"

At this moment, Chen Bofu put out his cigarette butt and sighed.

"How dare you boast about your power? I can feel your breath even if I close my eyes!"

"Oh, doesn't this show how powerful you are..." the black-haired mouse said flatteringly, "Apart from you and those monsters, no one has ever noticed me!"

"They are nothing!" Chen Bofu stomped his foot gently.

"Yes, they are nothing, you are the real strong one!" The black-haired mouse raised a thumb as thick as a toothpick, "You are invincible! What I admire most in my life is a powerful descendant like you!" I have never dreamed of following a great being like you!”

"Who did you learn from this bitch about flattering..." Chen Boxu looked at Chen Jing with a look of surprise on his face.

"It has spied on so many people over the years, so it is normal for it to learn bad things." Chen Jing only thought of this possibility and shrugged helplessly.

"If you don't learn from others, you will learn to flatter others!" Chen Boxu scolded.

"Grandpa, please stop pretending. I think you enjoyed being photographed by it..." Chen Jing said with disdain.

At this time, Chen Bofu's irritable mood seemed to have subsided a lot. After all, there was such a flattering rat who kept praising his stinky feet.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to get angry with a little beast like you..."

"Oh, sir, you have a lot! Thank you, Rat Rat!"

"What's your name?" Chen Boxu glanced at the black-haired mouse and seemed to be very interested in it.

"My name is Jerry!" the black-haired mouse replied loudly, and at the same time saluted Chen Bofu, "Outstanding Jerry! Auspicious Rui!"


Chen Jing and Qiao Youning looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment. They just hoped that the lawyers from MGM and Warner would never come to the other world, otherwise they would have to sue this rat until it went bankrupt.

"That's a bullshit name." Chen Boxu frowned and cursed at first, then nodded, "But the meaning is pretty good."

The black-haired mouse was too frightened by Chen Boxu to speak nonsense. He probably could tell that the old man was not mentally normal. He might be able to crush him to death if he felt unhappy the next second.

"I've told you everything I know. How about you adults let me go?"

Jerry mentioned it cautiously, then pretended to wipe away his tears and began to cry with trembling words.

"As you know, I have left my mother since I was a child. As the saying goes, the mice from poor families have long been in charge..."

Chapter 419: The Afterimage of the Ancient God (Part 2)

To be honest, Chen Jing was really curious about this black-haired mouse.

Because he really couldn't imagine that an ancient descendant who was no more than Sequence 2, after simply exerting his power... could actually make him, the King of Deep Space, unable to feel his existence!


If the old man's keen "sense of smell" hadn't detected the mouse, Chen Jing and the others probably wouldn't have discovered that this little guy was still hiding under the ground.

At this moment, the "him" in Chen Jing's mind suddenly spoke.

"This rat cub seems to be an ancient species."


"It's a bit similar, but I can't be sure because there are so many ancient species that look just like it..."

At the same time, the black-haired mouse had been caught by Chen Boxu.

Compared to when Wei Nan was holding his neck, Mouse felt that he was more dangerous now. This crazy old man was much scarier than that stupid girl!



"Your family gives me a very strange feeling..." Chen Bofu seemed to have discovered something. He was holding a mouse named Jerry in his hand. The smile on his face was extremely kind and kind, but it made people feel uncomfortable. Looking at it, I felt creepy, "Your aura seems to be more active, those few of them..."

Jerry was stunned, and his eyes suddenly froze.

After a while, he seemed to be discouraged and stopped struggling, looking at the old man with a resigned look on his face.

"Did you see it?"


Just as Chen Bofu nodded, Jerry sighed, raised his little paw and waved it gently. The remaining mice in his room instantly disintegrated and turned into wisps of black smoke that dispersed in the wind. go.

Seeing this, Chen Boxu stopped scaring it and put it on the ground.

"I'm too weak...so I don't dare to touch others casually..."

As soon as he landed, Jerry put his hands behind his back and started pacing back and forth in a humane manner. He had a bit of an old man's arrogant charm and muttered to himself.

"I don't know if others will harm me... so I'm all alone... I was so bored that I created several clones to live with me..."

"If we hadn't caught you, would you have been hiding like this for the rest of your life?" Yan Que, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked.

Jerry thought for a moment and nodded.

"Actually, it's good to be alone..." Jerry spread his hands and said nonchalantly, "I don't have to worry about others harming me... and I don't have to worry about whether the people around me will die... oh, the average lifespan of a living thing. It’s really too short…”

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