Everyone present looked at a loss, including Chen Boxu, who seemed not to have expected that Chen Jing would take this opportunity to make such a request.

"Are you sure you want my friendship?" Xi asked tentatively.

"Yes, I want your friendship."

Chen Jing shook the human skin in his hand and motioned for Xi to take it and take a look. His laughter was still hearty and heartwarming.

"And it's the kind of friendship that will lead to death if betrayed."

Chapter 437: Good friends holding hands (Part 2)

Facts have proved that "he" is still very useful.

Although "he" couldn't give Chen Jing much substantial help, at certain critical moments, "he" was indeed not the kind of cheat who dropped the ball.

Chen Jing handed this human skin to Xi.

In fact, it was what he had just peeled off himself.

As for the densely packed old Japanese characters on it...

"Good friends hold hands and make an agreement..."

Xi carefully studied the content on the human skin. As soon as he read the title, he couldn't help but glance up at Chen Jing.

At this moment, Chen Jing had already put on the hood of the social terror artifact, so outsiders could not see the death-wanting expression on his face.


There was just an awkward nothingness.

"What the hell did you write on that?!"

"Oh, don't worry. There are absolutely no loopholes in this agreement I wrote for you, and my grandson will definitely not be able to take advantage of it!"

At this time.

Xi had already read the agreement carefully while reading it.

From the title to the last word of the agreement.

It took almost three minutes to read.

"How did you engrave an agreement of more than 4,000 words..."

"Oh, don't worry about this. Anyway, my ability is limited to this. I can help you a little bit."

At this time, everyone was stunned by the content of this agreement, and Xi was in a state of emptiness, because what should he say about this agreement...

Very pure.

Because it really only requires Xi to give his friendship.

But at the same time, he is a thief.

There are eight major clauses, and countless minor clauses and supplementary items. It is basically the kind of agreement that can lead to pitfalls if you are not careful.

"You're asking for too much..." Xi muttered as he looked at the agreement in front of him, unable to believe that the descendants of King Huang could go so far as to be thieves.

"It's actually not much."

Chen Jing said with a smile and raised his hand to gesture in the air.

"Those provisions can be summed up in four words."


"Unity and friendship."


"As long as you no longer have any evil thoughts towards me or the people around me, this agreement will not bind you."

"Bound?" Xi sneered, "This is obviously an ancient ritual that can be activated instantly when signed by both parties. Once I, as Party B, breach the contract, I will be sanctioned by the source of my own sequence, and maybe even my life will be involved. ”

Hearing what Xi said, Chen Jing also expressed his attitude. He spread his hands to express whether he wanted to sign or not.

"Although you paid a small price, you gained the friendship of deep space!" Chen Jing said with a smile, "At least I will be bound by this agreement and become your good friend forever."

"Friends are equal." Xi said in an almost gritted tone, "But in this agreement, there are hundreds of requirements for me, and only one or two requirements for you. You are treating me as a slave. ?!"

"I'm not that kind of person." Chen Jing retorted.

At the same time, everyone who had been keeping quiet began to speak. After all, no matter how stupid they were, they could understand the situation... As long as Chen Jing was present, they would be safe in front of the ancient god of the Western Continent.

"I think this agreement is quite good." Chen Boxu remained the same. Even when facing this ancient god, he was obviously biased towards his grandson. "What a blessing it is to be friends with my dear grandson!"

"Chen Jing is a good man and won't embarrass you." Qiao Youning comforted.

"If you hadn't wanted to attack us before, there wouldn't be so many supplementary clauses in the agreement." Yan Que is a discerning person and hit the nail on the head.

"If you don't want to sign with him, why don't you sign with me?" Wei Nan said excitedly, "It's not shameful for you to be my friend!"

"I don't know what's good or bad."

Baiaji snorted, and Jegertos on the side immediately added.

"You should feel honored to be able to establish a contract with the Lord of Deep Space!"


I'm honored to be your mother.

This is not an agreement to make friends, it is clearly a slave contract!

Xi read it carefully again without saying a word. Originally, he planned to refuse to sign it, but after reading it carefully, he found that... this agreement did not seem to be as strict as he thought.

Except for those clauses related to the safety of people around him that were written in extremely detailed terms, the other clauses were relatively loose. At least there were no words such as "must", "unconditional" and "no other choice".

In other words.

If Chen Jingzhen wants to use this contract to use it, it can accept or reject it. This right is reserved for it.

"How is it?" Chen Jing saw that Xi's eyes became calmer and couldn't help but ask, "Is this agreement not as extreme as you thought?"

Xi hummed unhappily and continued to carefully check the contents of the agreement.

In fact, "he" thought about whether to add some excessive clauses when drafting the agreement, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

After all, it's no good to push Xi too hard. If it turns against me, I really don't want the things in the arsenal...

"Sign it."

After Xi confirmed the content of the agreement again and again, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Friendship in deep space... I hope you can do what you said like King Huang did..."

"Of course!"

Chen Jing moved to Xi's side in an instant. He was so enthusiastic that he seemed to be possessed by a ghost. He pointed at the terms of the agreement and taught Xi how to sign and put his fingerprints.

"Yes, yes! You have to sign after each term! Put a fingerprint on the signature!"


"Here, don't miss this!"


The moment Xi signed the agreement according to Chen Jing's request, the human skin in his hand kept squirming as if it had come alive. Chen Jing took it, lifted the yellow robe and stuffed it into his stomach, then patted his stomach and took off his hood with a comfortable look on his face.

"We will be friends from now on." Chen Jing sincerely grasped Xi's somewhat cold right hand and squeezed it hard to show his enthusiasm, "This can be regarded as a fight without acquaintance, please take care of me in the future."


"By the way, if I help you get the inheritance of the arsenal, can you also do something for me as a friend?"

"You tell me first..." Xi had a terrible headache.

"I have a little conflict with the ancient god Gehero of Evernight City, can you help me deal with it?" Chen Jing blinked his eyes with expectation.

Xi didn't speak.

It was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed.

"Sorry, I can't help."

"I'm stingy! We are friends!"

Xi laughed even happier when he heard this, because it knew what Chen Jing was thinking, so it could see his lost expression, and Xi was almost happy to death.

"I would like to help you, but before I regain my full strength, I can't leave this continent where I'm rooted... So, I'm sorry, hahaha!"

"It's okay."

Chen Jing changed the topic swiftly, not feeling disappointed by Xi's answer, because that little request was just a casual one, and it didn't matter if it didn't work.

His real goal was another one.

It was also a long-planned retreat.

After all, it was only a matter of time for a place like a fortress to be targeted, and it was not remote, so it was obviously not enough to survive.

"Xizi, I'm going to move my family to the West Continent, because I think it's safer to be next to you."

Chen Jing enthusiastically pulled Xi's right hand and shook it constantly, his eyes shining as if they could emit light.

"As a friend, you should have no objection, right?"

In an instant, Xi's laughter stopped abruptly.

"I knew you were good! I'll move to the underground city and live next to you!"


"Hey Xizi, why aren't you smiling?"


Chapter 438: The Old Armory (Part 1)

The ancient god Xizi has become Xizi.

This huge change made everyone a little uncomfortable.

Especially after seeing Chen Jing take off his yellow robe, it seemed that he was completely relieved about this ancient god of the Western Continent.

"Open the door."

Chen Jing walked aside with his hands on his waist and gave Jerry a look like an overseer.

In fact, Chen Jing was still a little nervous, because no one knew whether this rat could really open the door. If it couldn't open it, Xizi would probably fight him to death even if he was punished by the contract...

But fortunately, this rat was not bragging.

It seemed that it could really open it.

Jerry jumped off Chen Jing's shoulder and ran to the door, scratching the door with his little claws while turning his head left and right, as if he was looking for something on the huge door panel.

"You used to look like this?"

Hearing Chen Jing's voice, Xi looked back, nodded and said yes, then fell silent, patiently waiting for Jerry to help him open the door.

"I heard them say that this underground city was destroyed by you. Did they summon you with a ritual or something..."

"It's not a ritual."

Xi pointed to the stone slab under his feet and said calmly.

"I have been sleeping here all the time. They just happened to step on me."

"It's not a ritual?"

Chen Jing was surprised and wondered if this guy was lying.

"Isn't there a stone tablet here? It says that this is a 'ritual for descending gods'. Once someone starts the ritual, the ancient god who survived the disaster will be summoned from the pale history, and the person who starts the ritual will become a sacrifice and be completely annihilated..."

"There is a stone tablet." Xi said this, and seemed to fall into a long-lost memory, muttering to himself, "I erected that stone tablet, and there are only a few words engraved on it, which probably says... I'm sleeping here, don't bother me if you have nothing to do, waking me up will kill me."


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