In fact, before Huang Wang said this, Chen Jing had a vague feeling that something was wrong, because the examiner of the biological leap exam that Huang Wang and his group experienced in that era was not Mu but another creator. In other words... Mu never appeared. Didn't even show up.

Chen Jing originally thought that Mu was in charge of another examination room, and that he was only intentionally helping Huang Wang by providing him with tips leading to Sequence 9. There should be other hidden secrets in this.

But when he heard what Huang Wang said, Chen Jing immediately understood.

Mu's status in that era was not low. He was not the examiner but the reviewer!

So in our time...

Did Mu become the examiner and was demoted?

Thinking of this, Chen Jing was also a little puzzled.

If Mu was demoted because he betrayed the organization and provided clues to King Huang... This seems unlikely, because according to the Creator Club's culture of killing people when told, it would be impossible for Mu not to be liquidated. Possible things.

But in the future, He is indeed alive and well, but was demoted... That's right! ! It’s an exam question! ! !

For a moment, Chen Jing suddenly thought of the test questions for future generations.

Or destroy the core of the world.

Or kill the Creator Mu.

Judging from the title, Mu should have been targeted as well. As for why he could live to the next generation... maybe his life was not that easy. I'm afraid there are more hidden secrets than imagined.

"What position does the first-tier creator hold within the club?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

Upon hearing this, King Huang couldn't help but be stunned.

What position...

"He has no position."

King Huang shook his head and said truthfully.

"He is just the leader of the club. He is the first creator born in the billions of dimensions of the universe, and he is also the most powerful creator..."

According to King Huang.

The ruler of higher dimensions, the source of billions of gods, the eternal Son of Chaos, the ultimate order in the universe... these are all His names.

It was He who single-handedly founded the [Creator Club], and it was He who gave the three words “Creator” the true meaning.

In the club.

The creators all call him the ancestor, or the source emperor.

But in other worlds.

Any creature that knows his legend will call him the Red Emperor.

"He looks very much like me." Huang Wang smiled and raised his hand, gently shaking the long sleeves of his yellow robe. "He looks almost like an ordinary human being. He also likes to wear a robe that covers his head and face, but He I like wearing you think red looks good?"

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, not expecting King Huang to ask this suddenly.

"It doesn't look good?" Chen Jing tentatively answered.

"Yes, it doesn't look good."

King Huang was very satisfied with Chen Jing's answer, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared. He seemed to have a bad impression of the emperor in red... but it was understandable, after all, he died because of the ancestor of the creator.

"The red robe is so pretty, damn it's so ugly. The robe A Ling made for me is the most beautiful!"

Chapter 463 The Red Emperor and the Creator (Part 2)

As King Huang said.

Since he came into contact with the "deep space source", this residual memory has inevitably been contaminated, so from Chen Jing's perspective, the images in front of him are almost blurry, and are accompanied by violent strobing. And the harsh sound of electricity...

Fortunately, there was Huang Wang as the narrator to explain to Chen Jing. Even if he couldn't see those memory images, he had a certain understanding of this lost Huang Wang memory.

After the arrival of the Creator’s army.

Since the entire other world was moved into deep space by the Yellow King, they lost their combat target immediately. They could only follow the instructions of the "Red Emperor" and stationed themselves at the coordinates of the universe where the other world was originally located. Excavating deep space hidden in another dimension.

"If the emperor in red comes, maybe we will be arrested that day, but it's a pity that guy can't come. I also heard what Mu said. The emperor in red went to the other side of the universe to deal with some big troubles, so we can't be there in a short time. Get away..."

According to King Huang, he was very clear about his positioning of strength, so when facing the Creator's army, he never showed any intention of facing off head-on.

His idea is simple.

With everyone in the deep space, wait until they are fully promoted to Sequence Nine...

"You haven't reached Sequence Nine yet??" Chen Jing looked at King Huang in disbelief, remembering the scene where he wiped out the examiner team before. No matter how you look at it, his strength cannot be in Sequence Eight.

"Well, not yet."

King Huang nodded helplessly, with a very disappointed tone.

"I always thought that Sequence Nine was equivalent to the New Generation Creator. If it were exaggerated, it would only be at the level of the Ancient Creator and Inquisitor. But... Sequence Nine in Deep Space seems to be different."

"Why is it different?" Chen Jing asked.

"My strength at that time was between Sequence 8 and Sequence 9. I had not completely broken through to Sequence 9, but my strength was only slightly weaker than that of the Examiner."

As he said this, King Huang smiled mockingly.

"If I were given a chance to successfully advance to Sequence Nine, I would definitely be able to kill the Creator at the Inquisitor level, but unfortunately I have never been able to break through..."

It will not be easy for the Creator Club to dig out deep space.

From preparation to start of construction, this process took almost several decades.

They built an ancient ritual array in the starry sky, hoping to use it to drag the deep space out of the dimensional space, but it turned out that it was not that easy...

"Two thousand three hundred and twelve years." Huang Wang suddenly said.

"What?" Chen Jing didn't understand what he meant.

"It took those creators two thousand three hundred and twelve years to find the coordinates of the deep space. I thought it would take them even longer, because I could fully master the deep space at that time, but maybe it was because I was not at Sequence Nine, so I always showed some clues at the edge of the deep space."

The specific coordinates of the deep space were found.

The creators also felt that victory was in sight.

Then they began to plan to force their way into the deep space.

But without exception, they all failed.

As the most secretive space in the universe dimension, the door of the deep space is not so easy to enter. Without Huang Wang's key, it is almost impossible for outsiders to force their way into the deep space.

So they changed their method.

"The Creator Club has many strange rituals, one of which is used to cultivate dimensional viruses, which are used to corrode certain special dimensions and make them diseased. Even the creatures in the dimension will be affected by it and transformed into puppets of the Creator..."

When Huang Wang said this, his tone gradually became heavy.

"Since they have found the specific coordinates of deep space, it has become much easier to release the virus. It only took hundreds of years for those viruses to spread to the range of deep space..."

"The Creator can't get in, but the virus can?" Chen Jing said that it was a bit difficult to understand.

"Because that kind of virus is collected from the singularity of the birth of the universe, it has a commonality with all dimensions and will not be rejected too much by deep space, so they succeeded... The Old War began like this."

Huang Wang knew that hiding in deep space was not a long-term solution. Once the Red Emperor had time, he would probably be the first to deal with him, so he could only pin all his hopes on the illusory Sequence Nine.

From the day the inner world was moved into deep space.

Huang Wang went into seclusion.

He was always in a state of integration with the deep space, so his consciousness was in a dormant state. At first, he didn't know how cruel the war that spread to the deep space was...

"The deep space is constantly decaying, which is the most fatal. Secondly... the creatures in our world are also affected by this virus."

"This virus is very strange."

"Maybe it's because high-sequence creatures are closer to the origin of the universe. The higher the sequence of the creatures, the easier it is to be infected by them, and thus become puppets of the Creator, but those low-sequence creatures will not."

"The creatures that become puppets are equivalent to the incarnations of the Creator. They not only want to kill all living things within their sight, but also want to use various means to connect the deep space with the outside world."

"When I was forcibly awakened by the deep space, there were not many people left in the inner world. In addition to those who were infected and turned into puppets, at least 60% of the old kings died in the war. Only my family members are still alive. They use the method of committing suicide once infected to continuously control the speed of the virus spreading..."

The voice of King Huang paused for a moment, and there was a trace of grief in his tone.

"I killed all the infected people as soon as I woke up, but I couldn't clean up the damn virus."

"Mu told me that there was only one step left."

"Only one step left."

"We can escape from this cycle that countless civilizations have to face..."

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Wang fell silent.

"So I have no choice."

"No one knows when the Red Emperor will come back."

"But sooner or later he will come back."

"Plus those viruses that almost corrupted the entire deep space, I know that continuing to hide in the deep space is also a dead end. Sooner or later, the passage to the outside world will be opened, so I can only gamble once... Forcefully break through to Sequence Nine, only in this way can everyone be saved!"

After saying that, Huang Wang smiled miserably and shook his head.

"At that stage, I was only one step away from Sequence Nine. I could sense that I needed an opportunity to break through."

"Maybe it was to abandon this body, or maybe it was to abandon other things."

"The ninth level of the deep space sequence is actually an ancient law of the universe. In fact, I don't know what it is, but I know that only by becoming a part of it can I have the qualifications to peek into the final answer, so..."

"I abandoned everything that could be abandoned, erased the anchor points between myself and all dimensions, including the memory you are seeing now."

"I even forgot who I am and why I exist. I just want to transform myself into a part of the law of the universe and completely merge with the deep space to become one..."

The Yellow King slowly turned his head to look at Chen Jing. On the face that looked almost the same as Chen Jing, there was an indescribable sadness.

"But in the end I still failed."

"I abandoned everything."

"The deep space abandoned me."

Chapter 464: The Fall of the Yellow King·The End of the Era (Part 1)

The memory image kept flashing.

It stopped in a dazzling golden light.

Chen Jing didn't know where he was. He could not see the continent of the inner world nor the familiar stars in the deep space. It seemed that he was in an endless void...

The figure of King Huang in a long robe had become fragmented, like a huge puzzle suspended in the sea of ​​stars in the deep space.

The smallest piece of the "puzzle" looks to be the size of a planet.

The stripped-out eyes were even more dazzling like the scorching sun, flying to both sides of the deep space until they were extinguished.

"I know that it is very dangerous to forcefully attack Sequence Nine. If you fail, you will die. There is no room for buffering, so before that, I have already made arrangements for my funeral."

King Huang said while counting with his fingers.

"I left a projection of my consciousness in the arsenal, which is the me you see now. I also moved the whole world to a corner of deep space, hiding it as better as possible. Finally, I moved my courtyard He also hid himself and sent Yegthos and the undead family members in."

"It's safer there than the outside world. As my dependents, they can live there longer than outsiders... As for other people, I don't care about them. They are not my dependents and cannot enter the courtyard."

"By the way, there's also Bai Aji."

"Since it was injured, I erased the aura marks on its body and sent it back to its hometown of the Pleiades Star Sea. It is not a creature of our world. It would be better to stay with us and hide in its hometown for safety. "

After saying that, King Huang smiled bitterly.

"Actually, I thought I could succeed at that time, but I didn't expect that Deep Space actively abandoned me, which ultimately led to my failure to be promoted."

"Why did Shen Kong abandon you..." Chen Jing asked in confusion.

"Because I have erased the anchor points between myself and all dimensions, and want to break away from the biological category and become part of the laws of the universe." Huang Wang answered truthfully, every word seemed to remind Chen Jing, "Deep space knowledge The human being is me, so after erasing the anchor point, I am a completely foreign thing to it.”

King Huang's tone became deeper and deeper, and there was unconcealable regret in every word.

"I thought it would be alright if I died, but I didn't expect that after being abandoned by deep space, my dependents would also be wiped out. They were all killed by the deep space energy in their bodies..."

"But Jagertos seems to still be..."

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