As he spoke, "he" suddenly laughed. Although he seemed to be carefree and seemed to be open-minded, at this moment, Chen Jing could still see that "he" had a complicated look in his eyes.

"We are the part that was abandoned by him."


Huang Wang took over and said with a look of disappointment.

"You are the anchor of humanity that I abandoned, and the main reason why Deep Space rejected me."

"We are... humanity?" Chen Jing was stunned, and for a moment he didn't know what kind of expression he should put on to face this conclusion.

"In fact, I didn't expect that the humanity that I abandoned would turn into a person, but it's good this way, at least you can live again and experience all the missing parts of my life..." Huang Wang sighed.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"He" sitting next to Chen Jing couldn't listen anymore, and the expression on his face gradually became ugly.

"Everyone around me is dead, and I pushed both worlds to destruction... In the end, I will die too. What kind of experience is this!"

"You are lucky."

The King Huang put his hands on his knees, looking helpless.

"In some time and space, 'I' died a long time ago, and I haven't even faced the Creator's test, so naturally 'Chen Jing' has not been born."

"So I have to thank the King Huang of my time and space?" He said with a fake smile, "I should thank him for his strong strength, otherwise I wouldn't be able to be born... right?"

"There's no need to thank him, after all, he didn't help you with the most critical thing." The King Huang seemed to be comforting "him", with a trace of pity in his expression, "It's a pity that you didn't find the inheritance of the armory, otherwise you wouldn't stop at Sequence Eight. If you break through to Sequence Nine, maybe all this will be rewritten from your time and space..."

"Can you stop talking about those things? I feel upset when I think about them."

As soon as the voice fell, "he" looked at the King Huang impatiently, as if he was stabbed in the lungs by the King Huang's words.

"In simple terms, the plan you arranged for him is to first let him advance to Sequence 5, and then let him advance to Sequence 8 naturally. When it's time to break through Sequence 9, he will advance according to the ritual you gave..."

"That's it." Huang Wang nodded.

"What a fucking good luck!" He glared at Chen Jing, and his words were full of undisguised envy, "I envy you so much!"

"Were we really one?" Chen Jing still couldn't accept it. After all, Huang Wang was a creature from the inner world, and he was a human from the outer world. The two were indeed a bit far apart.

"Yes, so don't feel ashamed of it. Just remember one sentence!"

"You say."

"If you really advance to Sequence 9, then go and avenge me. Kill all the Creator Club from top to bottom, including that red emperor... Damn it! He was the one who gave the order to kill me!"

Chen Jing didn't make a promise with a eloquent voice, but just nodded solemnly and said "good".

After receiving this answer, Huang Wang smiled even more brightly.

But before he could say anything, Chen Jing suddenly asked.

"Are you going to kill Mu too?"

"Uh... forget about her."

Huang Wang frowned, as if thinking about something.

"And that Mr. Wu in your memory... try not to kill her. If she continues to target you, just kill her."

"You're not going to kill Mr. Wu either?" Chen Jing was stunned. "Do you have a relationship with her?"

"A little bit." Huang Wang said helplessly, "In fact, Mu and I lost contact for a while. It was Mr. Wu who helped her pass the information to me, so I owe her some favor."

Seeing Chen Jing's surprised expression, Huang Wang could only continue to explain.

"There are too many incomplete parts of the memory image, especially the secret communication between Mu and me. If you can read it in full, you will understand that Mr. Wu actually has no hostility towards deep space. On the contrary, like Mu, she supports me in using deep space to advance to Sequence Nine."

At this point, Huang Wang seemed to suddenly remember something and spoke hurriedly.

"So I think she and Mu were sent to your plane as examiners. There must be a trap here. Questions like killing the examiner never appear in the biological leap test, let alone any requirements for you to destroy the core of the world..."

"So my goal should change?" Chen Jing blinked, his brain working rapidly, "It doesn't require completing the test, it only requires breaking through sequence nine, and then killing the creators who let us take the test, right?"

"That's right--"

Huang Wang patted Chen Jing's shoulder with relief, like an elder praising a younger generation.

"You are a teachable child!"

"But I have another question." Chen Jing frowned, as if he had a headache talking about these things, "They targeted you so much at the beginning, so is it possible that they will also target me? After all, we are both deep space sequences..."

"That's for sure!" Huang Wang and "he" answered in unison.

Huang Wang also ignored Chen Jing's dark face and talked to himself.

“They wanted to kill me not only because they were afraid that I would be promoted to Sequence Nine and affect the Red Emperor’s rule, but the main reason was…”

"They claim to be aloof creators. It is no longer easy for them to tolerate a 'Supreme One' stepping on their heads. How can they relax and have another me? The reason why they take advantage of the 'Supreme One' to sleep When I was young, I was willing to take risks and break the rules to kill me. The main reason for this is this..."

After hearing this, Chen Jing already felt that his future was inexplicably bleak.

Although the cakes painted by Huang Wang are very sweet.

But the problem is...he can't help himself at this stage.

Even if he shows himself the path to Sequence Nine, it will still take a certain amount of time to complete the final promotion, not to mention the risk of failure.

"What are you afraid of!" Huang Wang saw Chen Jing's solemn expression and immediately comforted him, "Your good days are still to come. You can have fun while I guide you. As my descendant, you will eventually stand tall. Above the gods!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing's expression suddenly turned even more ugly.

It would be better if King Huang didn't say this.

As soon as King Huang said this, he felt...

"They won't target you." "He" sitting aside suddenly spoke to comfort him, "The situation in this world should be similar to mine. After the resurgence of deep space, the Supreme Being has been paying attention to you, so those creators I don’t dare to mess with you, let alone openly break the rules and kill you.”

As he said this, "he" suddenly frowned.

"But it's hard to say secretly..."

Chapter 468: The Child of Ancient Taboos

Chen Jing discovered that King Huang really looked like "him". They were almost carved out of the same mold. Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh to himself for his ability to make people feel butterflies in their stomachs with just a few words... Oh no, I seem to be so irritating sometimes!

"By the way, what happened to that pale history?"

When Chen Jing was so angry that he wanted to say something to "him", "he" suddenly turned his head and looked at King Huang.

"I see that your state seems to be different from ordinary consciousness projections. How much do you know about what has happened in the outside world these years?"

"No more, no more." Huang Wang shook his head, "I know as much as that book knows."

"You also know Mr. Shu?" Chen Jing said in surprise, "It even said you didn't know..."

"That book was given to me by Ah Ling." Huang Wang smiled, his eyes full of memories and reluctance, "After Ah Ling left, I collected everything related to her and put it here. I remember that she loved reading books the most during her lifetime..."

"So that book gave birth to spiritual intelligence on its own, and finally transformed into Mr. Book today?" he asked.

"Yes." Huang Wang nodded.

After receiving this answer, "he" couldn't help but touch his chin with emotion.

"What kind of book is this? It can actually give birth to spiritual wisdom on its own... Is it some kind of rare ancient manuscript?"

"It's actually a fairy tale book."

Huang Wang laughed and said, his clear eyes seemed to be filled with mist, and anyone could see the unforgettable nostalgia in his eyes.

"A-Ling likes to read those childish things. That book is her favorite. It seems to be about a love story between an imperial prince and a poor girl. I have read it a few times. It is so childish..."

Hearing King Huang's words, "he" suddenly felt embarrassed.

As if he accidentally touched someone's heartache, "he" and Chen Jing looked at each other, not daring to speak and could only communicate with their eyes.

"Advice." He gestured.

"You caused the trouble yourself and you want me to persuade you?" Chen Jing asked with his eyes.

"It's not like you don't know what I say. If you really ask me to persuade him, I'll probably persuade him to jump off the building in a few words..."

At this moment, King Huang seemed to suddenly wake up from his memories.

Looking at the two people in front of him who looked exactly like him, Huang Wang also felt as if he was in another world, as if a long time had passed in an instant, so long that certain things had become distant memories.

"Getting back to the subject, let me answer your question first. That pale history... is actually the dark history of the Creator Club."

"After my death, those losers prepared to destroy all traces of my body and wipe out the entire world. However, they did not expect that the Supreme One would also come. In the end, they could only move our world intact out of deep space. , and also repaired many contaminated areas on the surface caused by the Creator..."

"They don't say they can resurrect people?" Chen Jing couldn't help but complain, "These creators are too careless!"

"It is too difficult for the Creator to reverse death in this material universe, so the Supreme Being did not force them. He just asked them to repair the places that should be repaired and then get out..."

King Huang also laughed when he said this, as if he was laughing at the narrow-minded behavior of those creators.

"When the Most High is around, they are all more well-behaved than rabbits."

“When the Most High departed, they followed.”

"It wasn't until thousands of years later that they determined that the Supreme One had focused its attention elsewhere, and then sneaked back to erase this dark history."

After listening to King Huang's story, Chen Jing and "him" couldn't help but look at each other.

Chen Jing didn't know anything about that pale history. He could only get fragmentary information from the words of Jegertos and others, and then pieced it together for his own imagination.

And "he" actually knew some of the inside story.

It's just that "he" never thought that those inside stories would be so bloody when connected.

"In fact, the Supreme and we are of the same clan. We all came from deep space, but he is at the top of the food chain and the creator of the order of the universe, while we..." Huang Wang said with a sigh, and was also full of emotion.

"In fact, I have always wanted to ask you... Is the Supreme considered a child of deep space?" Chen Jing asked carefully, "You said before that He was bred by deep space. If He is considered, we will also have to go through such a process to be promoted to Sequence Nine. At that time, we will also be considered children of deep space?"

"Are you filming an ethical drama?" He glanced at Chen Jing unhappily, wondering why this kid always thinks about these weird things in his head. Does it matter whether he is a child of deep space?

"We are, but He is not."

Huang Wang's answer was beyond "his" expectation.

"The word 'nurture' used for Him is just an adjective. He was originally one with the deep space, but they separated later and separated each other, just like the relationship between me and you."

"What about Mu?" Chen Jing asked, "Mu gives me the feeling that she knows the deep space very well. Does she have any connection with the deep space?"

"I don't know about that."

Huang Wang didn't seem to be joking. When he gave this answer, his brows also frowned slightly, because this question has puzzled him for billions of years.

"I once asked Mu, but she never gave me a direct answer."

Hearing this, Chen Jing's doubts in his heart suddenly became heavier.

Mu is related to the deep space.

Chen Jing felt this before he came into contact with Huang Wang's memory.

And "he" also said it.

Mu is the only creator among all creators.

She can directly contact the deep space.

So...what is her relationship with the deep space?

"Any creature that can be related to deep space is not too simple."

Huang Wang sighed with emotion, thinking that he might not have a chance to solve the mystery of Mu, and could only wait for his descendant to find the answer himself.

"Deep space is actually the highest law of the universe."

"Time and space, creation and destruction."

"Parallel universe, multiple dimensions."

"And the countless births of life..."

"All this is related to deep space."

As soon as the voice fell, Huang Wang's fingers suddenly flicked on his knees a few times, and suddenly looked at Chen Jing and asked.

"You should have completed the promotion to Sequence 5, right?"


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