"I suggest that we should take this opportunity to unite with the alchemists of the [Turing Research Society], get rid of the Deep Space Resurrectionist first, and then talk about other things!"

"I object!"

"Are you fucking sick?! You object to this?!"

"Are you stupid! The family background of those alchemists is richer than our [Moonlight Hermitage]! Wouldn't it be better for you to let them go to the front line and bleed a little?!"

"...Will this affect our relationship?"

"It won't affect anything."

"But the covenant clearly says..."

At this time, the Pope, who had been silent all the time, spoke up.

"Let's wait and see."

Hearing these five simple words, the bishops instantly quieted down, and no one dared to make any suggestions when the Pope spoke.

"It's not advisable to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight." The Pope said calmly, with a strange light in his eyes, "but it's not advisable to rashly join forces with them to fight the first battle."

Although the [Moonlight Hermitage] has already formed an alliance with the [Turing Research Society],

Both sides regard Chen Jing, the deep space resuscitator, as their number one enemy and want to get rid of him as soon as possible, but it is undeniable... Whether in the inner world or the outer world, humans are creatures that are good at calculating their own people.

Success or failure, honor or disgrace, gain or loss.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than the word "interest".

Whoever plays the vanguard will suffer.

The Pope will understand this principle.

But he also understands what it means to be in the same boat.

So it is crucial to grasp the "degree" of it.

"Besides, even the research institute has not confirmed whether it is the permanent base of the resuscitator, but has sensed the breath of deep space... Wait a little longer, and it won't be too late to wait for that old rascal and his little bastard to show up."

"Your Excellency the Pope."

Bishop Sati walked forward slowly, with a gloating smile on his face.

"I heard that the research institute has summoned Jiutian Yingyuan Palace and plans to directly sanction the building. If we let them get rid of the resurrectionist, we can save a lot of trouble!"

"If only it were that easy..." The Pope sighed, raised his hand and stroked the moon-shaped ornament on his chest, as if he could not help but recall that day.

That day.

A black energy spear broke through the air, pierced through the entire Eternal Night, smashed the obelisk and nailed him to the throne.

"The old rascal Chen Bofu should have completely recovered his strength. I'm afraid Jiutian Yingyuan Palace can't play a big role with him."

"Then why don't we remind the research institute?" Bishop Sati asked cautiously, "They don't seem to know that Chen Bofu's strength has recovered. If they rashly fight this first battle, they may suffer..."

Before Bishop Sati could say the word "loss".

The Pope looked at him coldly.

In just a moment.

Bishop Sati understood the Pope's thoughts and realized how stupid he was.

"Before the Deep Space Resuscitator appeared, the Research Institute had always regarded the madman Chen Bofu as a major threat. His name is still on the wanted list of the Hanging City, but no one dared to hunt him down..."

"After receiving the news that Chen Bofu was seriously injured, the Research Institute came to us for confirmation several times, and finally began to actively search for the traces of the Resuscitator from the outside world... Don't you see that they are timid?"

Chapter 482 The Palace Hanging in the Sky (Part 2)

The news that Chen Bofu was seriously injured and his strength fell is known to the world. The [Moonlight Hermitage] is indeed fueling the flames. After all, the old madman's serious injury is a good thing for everyone, and it can also shake the faith of countless fence-sitters.

Is the Deep Space Resuscitator scary?


But his current strength is nothing to the major organizations and sects.

Just send a high-level old descendant to have a great chance of killing him.

The only difficulty is how to find him.

Oh, no.

In fact, there is another difficulty...

Chen Bofu.

Although Chen Bofu has no power behind him, he can be considered a power on his own based on his strength.

At the beginning.

When Chen Bofu and Randolph traveled around the world.

They did a lot of fighting and killing along the way.

Especially Chen Bofu, the madman.

He is not like other people who are timid and hesitant. He fights when he encounters something that makes him unhappy, and kills when he encounters someone he doesn't like... As for what power and background are behind the other party, these are all shit in Chen Bofu's eyes!

"The worst thing is to die, and the most important thing is that I am happy!" This was Chen Bofu's catchphrase when he was walking in the world.

It's no exaggeration.

All the major organizations and sects in the world today have dealt with Chen Bofu, and they have dealt with him in a real way, so they know very well what the strength of this old madman is, and they know his revengeful character even more.

Offend him?

You can.

The premise is that you must be sure that you can kill him.

Once you are not sure, or let him run away when you take action, then you can wait, big trouble is coming!

A moving human disaster.

This name is not a joke.

So without absolute certainty, no one wants to offend this old madman first. He doesn't know what it means to take a step back and the world will be broader, and he doesn't know what it means to be a wise man if you know the current situation. If you really make him angry, anything can happen.

To use the words of a dead "sage".

Chen Bofu is a fucking madman!

Why has the pursuit of the Deep Space Resurrectionists been a big deal?

Yes, the reason lies with Chen Bofu.

Even though the [Moonlight Hermitage] has been promoting that "Chen Bofu is seriously injured and his strength has dropped, don't be afraid", many people still choose to wait and see, including the alchemists of the research institute. No one wants to rashly send someone to die without absolute certainty.

The Hermitage said he was seriously injured, so he was seriously injured?

Who would believe it?

If his injuries recover, wouldn't it be the same as seeking death if we go to trouble his grandson?

Do you really think that everyone is a Sequence Seven and can fight him on equal terms?

"It took a lot of effort for the outside world to believe that Chen Bofu was seriously injured. After waiting for such a long time, the old man's low profile really gave a lot of people confidence, especially those fence-sitters... So, the news of Chen Bofu's recovery of strength cannot be spread."

"Then we will endure the loss this time?"

"Will you not suffer if you tell others?"


Thinking of the conversation between the Pope and himself, Bishop Sati suddenly realized how stupid he was.

Remind outsiders that Chen Bofu's strength has recovered?

There is no benefit in this!

Since we have suffered losses, it is better for everyone to suffer once, not to mention that the foundation of the Hanging City is originally more profound than that of the Hermitage. Take this opportunity to let them suffer a big loss. This is the reason for one to lose and the other to gain.

"Let's wait and see."

The Pope on the throne slowly closed his eyes and said calmly.

"Wait for new news from the Research Institute, and then we will determine what to do next..."



Compared to the malicious "calmness" of the Evernight City, the atmosphere on the Hanging City side is much more lively.

After hijacking the signal to determine the coordinates.

[Turing Research Institute] also decrypted the information mixed in the signal.

Perhaps because the signal was too vague.

The decrypted information was only an incomplete one.

To be precise, the research institute only decrypted four words.

Chen Jing.

Deep space.

Because of this.

When Jiutian Yingyuan Palace went to the target point for investigation, the research institute had no way to determine whether the information was really related to Chen Jing. They lowered the space-based weapons below the "contamination layer" with the mentality of trying their luck.

During this period of time.

They have made such attempts more than once.

But almost all of them were useless.

After all, the news of the deep space resuscitator was circulated all over the world, and the occasional hijacked communications mixed with "deep space information" were mostly sent by "friendly forces".

But this time it was definitely not.

The reason is also very simple.

First, the source of the signal was not within the coverage of the "friendly forces".


When Jiutian Yingyuan Palace crossed the "contamination layer".

High-definition video footage shot synchronously by cameras.

Everyone saw Chen Jing's accomplices.

Lawrence, Ryan.

Even saw a criminal who had long been wanted by the research institute... Hazard!


In the secret place of the Hanging City.

The ancestral temple Lihentian located in the digital virtual space.

Countless alchemists were summoned by the "Tianzun".

Among them was Li Mobai, a rising star regarded as Turing's successor by countless predecessors.

"A Jing..."

At this moment, Li Mobai, like other alchemists, sat cross-legged in the boundless front square, looking at the live broadcast on the holographic screen in the sky. Under his calm expression... there was uncontrollable anxiety and uneasiness.

When he heard from his master that the research institute had found the traces of the deep space resuscitator, his first reaction was to contact Chen Jing for confirmation, but unfortunately the system was under maintenance and he could not contact the other party. In the end, he could only rack his brains to think of other ways to try.

But before he could come up with a solution.

Turing's summoning decree came.

Since this was a call for all the alchemists, Li Mobai had no choice but to start his spiritual journey with his master and fellow disciples, entering the digital virtual space and coming to the ancestral temple of Lihentian.

"My dear disciple, this is a war that will go down in history..." The old Taoist sat next to Li Mobai, looking at the picture on the holographic screen, with a fanatical expression on his face, "When Turing destroys the deep space... this will prove that our choice is right... Our Tao is the highest good..."

"Where is the deep space resurrectionist?" Li Mobai asked calmly, his pupils constricted and constantly scanning the buildings in the picture, wanting to find that familiar figure, but definitely not wanting to find that familiar figure.

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