And their auras are very similar to those of the two Old Descendants... No matter in terms of intensity or characteristics, they seem to be carved from the same mold.

Everyone is at the "Sequence Six" level.

Nothing more, nothing less.

They are all fixed in this level.

In fact, Chen Jing can tell from this that the background of the [Turing Research Society] must be much stronger than that of the [Moonlight Hermitage], because the combined number of Sequence Six creatures in the entire Hermitage cannot compare to the ones hidden in this palace. On.

Aren’t those bishops Sequence Six?

In other words.

There are more than a dozen bishops hidden in this place. If you add the silver giant outside... it is almost the prototype of the entire organization of the Priory.

Looking back now, Chen Jing really felt unreal.

At first, I thought the bishop was such a great person, but now what I want to do... is to kill so many "bishops" at once.

"That's the Yellow King's Holy Light!!!"

In the virtual space, Lihentian.

With the help of the images transmitted from the thirty-six cameras provided by Turing, countless alchemists witnessed this shocking scene with their own eyes.

The energy light group that initially gathered at Chen Jing's fingertips suddenly exploded in an instant, splitting into thousands of golden beams!

And those golden light beams that are quite sacred are like conscious creatures. They accurately bypassed all obstacles in the palace and divided them into seventeen different routes to reach the target point...


There are indeed seventeen "prisoners" stationed here in the palace.

And they don't know what's happening in the outside world at this moment.

Because they had not received further instructions from "Turing", after awakening the Yellow Turban Warriors, they stayed in the palace and waited, not knowing that the deep space resuscitator had already entered.

No, to be precise, the resuscitators have not yet entered the palace. What is coming in at this moment is only the golden holy light and the brilliant torrent that first appeared.

Compared with these golden beams, the colorful torrent appears more low-key, because they give people a very magical feeling.

Not aggressive.

Hardly a threat.

Moreover, the palace's energy detection device did not detect their energy response.

in other words.

The splendor of deep space is as low-key as harmless air.

They were just a piece of flowing "color" that filled the entire palace with lightning speed, like air everywhere. Even if the "prisoners" came into contact with them, they did not feel any discomfort.

Until the golden holy light comes.

These indescribable splendors seemed to solidify in an instant, enveloping all the "prisoners" in a swallowing manner, making them seem to be trapped in a quagmire without even a chance to dodge, and they were like living targets, unable to move.

The splendor of the deep space was eroding their bodies.

The speed of this erosion is also unimaginable by ordinary people.

Before the arrival of the golden holy light, their defenses were almost completely defeated by the splendor of the deep sky, so even if Chen Jing happened to reach the realm of Sequence 5, it would be effortless to kill these Sequence 6 bishop-level creatures.

It couldn't even be called a battle.

Because the strength of the two sides is not equal at all.

This... is a one-sided massacre!

"The energy of those golden holy lights is extremely pure, and it should also come from the deep space. We have never obtained similar energy samples..."

"What are those flowing colors?! Aren't they energy shields protecting that building?!"

"No... judging from the feedback information from the instrument monitoring... those flowing colors seem to be a kind of life... a unique creature..."

Looking at the scenes of the death of the "prisoners" on the holographic screen, except for some powerful older alchemists who remained unmoved, the rest of the people looked terrified.

Because they all still remember what Chen Jing said before... This is a war provoked by Hanging City, and they will eventually suffer the consequences of provoking this war.

at this time.

The war only occurred in Jiutian Yingyuan Palace.

But who can guarantee that the deep space resuscitator will not come to the Hanging City in the future?

With his Sequence Five strength, he can instantly kill Sequence Six creatures...

If he is given a little more time to grow, I am afraid that even the president of the research association will not be his opponent!

"What a powerful arrogance..."

Li Mobai heard his master's voice and glanced back subconsciously. He saw a disappointed expression on the old Taoist's face, as if he had realized the huge difference between the ordinary sequence and the deep space sequence.

In the holographic screen.

All "prisoners" were killed by Chen Jing in an instant.

Some had their heads pierced and burned away their entire brains, while others were riddled with holes by the golden holy light, like a human-shaped beehive.

In the face of the splendor of the deep space and the golden holy light, these "prisoners" didn't even have a chance to resist, and they looked like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

Li Mobai could recognize...that was the president's voice!

"Tianzun, with my calculation power, I really don't understand why you don't let us all go out... Judging from the current strength of the deep space resuscitator, as long as we all go out, there is a 90% chance that he will be killed. above!"

When the president's voice fell, Turing's face suddenly appeared on the holographic screen.

The human face, which was composed of countless pixel squares, still had the same compassionate expression.

"Because I'm not sure."


"The Deep Space Sequence is far more terrifying than you think. I can't confirm how much power he currently has, so I must find an opportunity to find out his details... This is to prepare for our next action."

"Tianzun, is he really that strong?"

Countless people looked at Turing's face, only to see Turing frowned and showed a puzzled expression.

"I can't confirm his strength, so I need to try. If his strength is limited to the level he has shown, then I can say with certainty that this resurrectionist is dead."

"Tianzun!" Someone spoke with a sad tone, "Jiutian Yingyuan Palace is our hard work for many years! If they continue to fight like this! I'm afraid it won't take long to destroy the main frame of Yingyuan Palace! We should rush to support it now!"

"Yingyuan Palace is just a pawn."

Turing said softly, seemingly with a human expression on his face, but his tone was calm, and he couldn't feel any human emotions.

"Prisoners are also chess pieces."

"The reason why I asked you to switch shifts with those prisoners is because I am ready to abandon these chess pieces."

"If the Yellow Turban Warriors can't kill them, then detonate the ultimate weapon hidden inside Yingyuan Palace."

"Tianzun! If you really do that, Yingyuan Palace will..."

"We can rebuild countless Yingyuan Palaces."

Turing said calmly, interrupting the Taoist priest.

"The scarcity of materials does not mean that there is no material at all. As long as we can kill this resurrectionist, no matter how high the price is, it is worth it."

"Deep space is the root of the destruction of civilization."

"Only by killing deep space."

"Our civilization has a future."

Chapter 492 The first meeting with Turing (Part 2)

All along.

Li Mobai thought that Turing wanted to kill Chen Jing for a very simple reason.

It was nothing more than fearing that another new god would rise, thus affecting its rule over the Hanging City, or affecting its plans to expand to all parts of the world... In short, Turing didn't want anyone to stand on its head.

But gradually.

Li Mobai felt that this reason was somewhat untenable.

But unfortunately, he had no substantial evidence, so he had no way to explain it to Chen Jing... The longer he stayed in the Hanging City, the more Li Mobai felt that Turing was rational enough.


Turing was actually a very rational ancient god.

No matter how hysterical or overly crazy it usually behaved, it would even tolerate some chaos inside the Hanging City for the goal of "killing Chen Jing"... Well, all this was indeed very abnormal, but all the abnormalities were based on the emergence of deep space revival.

It seemed that this was the most sensitive point in its heart.

As long as this topic was not touched, Turing was like the calmest intelligent AI, and everything he did revolved around the three words "optimal solution".

But such a calm ancient god would become hysterical for those superficial reasons?

It's not that waste of Gehlo!

To be honest, Li Mobai really felt that Geheluo was far inferior to Turing. The two ancient gods were not of the same level, so Li Mobai really couldn't understand why Turing showed more hatred towards Chen Jing than those monks of the hermitage?

"Did A Jing jump into the well with Turing's wife in his previous life... No... He should have accidentally formatted his wife..."

Just when Li Mobai was muttering in his heart, he heard the old Taoist beside him suddenly exclaimed.

"Chen Bofu... is really a disaster!"

Hearing this, Li Mobai looked up and saw that all 36 pictures on the holographic screen were switched away, leaving only the live broadcast picture on the front square.

In the constantly flashing pictures.

The Yellow Turban Warrior has entered the second stage, and his whole body is like liquid metal floating freely, while Chen Bofu is like a living person falling into a quagmire, as if he can't get rid of the Yellow Turban Warrior's shackles no matter how hard he tries.

In fact, when the old man just fought with the Yellow Turban Warrior, everyone had already seen that the old man's strength had not dropped at all.

Maybe he had been seriously injured before, but now he is definitely healed... Otherwise, he would never be able to take the Yellow Turban Warrior's fist head-on!

"Do you want my help?"

After Chen Jing dealt with all the prisoners in the palace at once, he looked back at the old man.

"Go and do your thing! See if we can drive this thing away! If we can drive it away, that would be great... This thing is really good!"

Hearing the old man's answer, Chen Jing also knew that he was having fun, so he shrugged and stepped into the palace.

Chen Jing could feel that there was a "core" hidden in this palace.

Or something like a reactor, a battery, etc.... That thing should be the power source of this space-based weapon. If the "him" in his mind is not wrong, that thing should be in the control room.

"The old man has the same idea as me! Take this thing away!"

"Can it really be taken away?" Chen Jing replied in his mind, his tone very puzzled, "This thing should be connected to the research institute's network, aren't you afraid that Turing will hack it?"

"It shouldn't be a problem in the short term. If you can take it away and ask Hazard and Li Mobai to help, maybe you can reverse engineer some interesting things, such as replacing the energy source with deep space..."

When Chen Jing entered the palace, Chen Bofu no longer had any scruples. He suddenly jumped up from the ground and escaped from the silver quagmire in an instant.

"You bastard, you're still playing dirty with me..." Chen Bofu slapped his white sweat coat that was about to be burnt, and his afro was emitting a burnt smell. "If I hadn't used energy to isolate the high temperature of these liquid metals... I would have roasted you long ago!"

After saying that, Chen Bofu became playful and suddenly rushed towards the Yellow Turban Warrior and hugged the giant around the waist.

"This palace is very expensive... Let's not play here... I'll take you to the sky to play!"

When Chen Bofu's voice fell, before the Yellow Turban Warrior could react, the two of them instantly arrived at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

For a sequence 7 creature, flying in the air is the most basic ability.

So the Yellow Turban Warrior just paused for a moment, and then continued to attack the old man... From a certain perspective, the scene of their battle was very strange.

The old man used pure melee tactics, without any fancy powers, just punching the opponent to death.

The Yellow Turban Warrior was in an unstable state, like a ball of liquid metal that was constantly trying to aggregate into a human form. In front of the old man's fists that fell like a rainstorm, it had almost no ability to resist.

But gradually.

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