Turing didn't seem to hear Chen Jing's complaints and had no intention of explaining it... After all, it also knew that there was no need to explain these things. Since it was discovered, it might as well just acquiesce.

In front of Turing's eyes.

Lines of prompt information that only it can see are flashing at high frequency.

[System prompt: Parsing failed! ]

[System prompt: Parsing is restarting...]

[System prompt: Parsing failed! ]

[System prompt: The 689841th target root information reconstruction is in progress...]

"You should have attacked me as soon as I entered the data space... You didn't kill me directly. Instead, you used this inconspicuous method. Did you want to dig out some secrets from my body?"

"Yes." Turing sighed and admitted directly.

"Do you really treat me as an old descendant of your Hanging City?" Chen Jing complained with disdain while pulling out a half-meter-long "worm" from his abdominal cavity, "I'm not here There are tricks in the brain, not to mention those brain-computer plug-ins..."

"It's the same when you enter this space." Turing said truthfully, no longer hiding from Chen Jing, "To me, you are just a bunch of data that can be read and changed at will... But that's not the case, at least now. You are not yet."

At this point, Turing had to admit the specialness of Chen Jing.

Turing has been around since the old days.

Over the years, it can be said that it has seen countless old descendants and even polluted species, as well as some special extraterrestrial creatures, or other dimensional creatures from other dimensions.

no matter who.

Even if it is a Sequence Eight creature of the same level.

As long as Turing is brought into this data space, not to mention whether he can kill the opponent or defeat the opponent... If he just wants to read the opponent's memory data, Turing has never failed.

But now...it failed.

at the very beginning.

Chen Jing is a standard "rookie" in Turing's eyes.

Not only is his sequence level low.

Not even those wizards who install virtual machines or firewalls in their heads.

I don't have the slightest understanding of the "fighting methods" in the data space.

So it should be easy to deal with him, at least much easier than reading the memories of those defecting alchemists. After all, this rookie has nothing in his mind... Not to mention a homemade firewall, there is not even a public version of the protection protocol!

What does this mean?

It shows that Chen Jing is a mobile database.

And it is still the kind of database without secret keys and any protection methods.

It's like the most common folder in your computer.

Just click to open.

But it turned out that Turing was wrong.

From the first time it tried to capture information data, it was unsuccessful.

All information grabbing methods aimed at Chen Jing failed.

"I heard that you call the battles in cyberspace 'fighting'. I want to try it too..." Chen Jing reunited his divided body. Under his translucent face, there was a massive flow that could not be read. The information data, "Come on, let me see what you, the ancient god, can do!"

Chapter 502: Heaven and Earth are born together with me (Part 2)

Chen Jing knows.

Turing let him in with no intention of letting him leave alive.

And Turing knew it too.

Chen Jing is not the kind of fool who can sit back and wait for death.

No, maybe it can’t be said to be stupid. It can only be said that he lacks the spirit of self-sacrifice and has no desire to assume the responsibility for the continuation of civilization... He has already been frank and straight to the point, and chose the "negotiation method" with the highest success rate, but in the end he still chose reject.

Is it so difficult to sacrifice oneself for the continuation of civilization?

Turing couldn't understand.

If it can ensure that the success rate of civilization's continuation is high enough, it can sacrifice itself without hesitation.

This is the difference between it and Chen Jing.

Or rather.

Different from human beings.

"If everything you said is true... it is somewhat possible that the Supreme Being will protect you... After all, those creators can destroy even a civilization at will for the sake of equations... It shouldn't be difficult to come and kill you... This can also be regarded as evidence. Bar?"

The deep space energy in Chen Jing's body has turned on the active mode. Under the translucent skin, you can see the information light spots as black as mist passing by continuously, until the entire red body is dyed as black as pig iron. Only those eyes remained scarlet.

"Actually, I'm also very curious about deep space." Turing said calmly, "If you are willing to hand over the information of deep space to me without reservation, I can let you live for a while. After all, if you fight... I There’s no guarantee that I can kill you, but you can’t hurt me, and the possibility of leaving here is even slimmer.”

Chen Jing showed a surprised expression, then shook his head and said.

"I do not believe."

As soon as he finished speaking, under Turing's puzzled gaze, Chen Jing's body suddenly exploded, and his flesh and bones turned into massive amounts of free data.

These data seem to be able to be read at will, but those text symbols are not understandable by Turing... They all seem to be related to deep space.

Endless information and data are scattered in this strange space.

Some are like snowflakes falling into the sea of ​​data.

Some skyrocket into the boundless sky.

After simple calculation.

Turing also understood Chen Jing's intention.

"It seems that you are smarter than I thought." Turing sighed, and his embodied body gradually disappeared in the endless data. "You don't want to confront me head-on, but you have your eyes on this space..."

At this time, Chen Jing ignored Turing, but concentrated on doing what he had planned from the beginning.

That's right.

He knew what kind of attribute Turing was, so his target was not the embodied human figure at all.

Chen Jing's target was this data space.

"I found something wrong the first time I entered this space... Every corner exudes Turing's breath... and it is a breath that is no different from the origin..."

Chen Jing was discussing countermeasures with the "him" in his mind, and his calm tone made "him" sound extremely calm.

"This special situation... plus the unique property that Turing cannot leave the data space... I think it can only explain one thing... this space is Turing's body..."

"That's right." He sighed in Chen Jing's mind, seeming a little disappointed, "I'm sorry I can't help you too much. I have had limited dealings with Turing, and I haven't even fought it head-on..."

"If the history of parallel time and space is similar, then Turing should also target you. Why haven't you fought it?" Chen Jing asked puzzledly.

"It also troubled me at first, but then... when I was going to kill it in the Hanging City, it disappeared."


"Well, I always forgot to tell you about this... The alchemists in the Hanging City are still there, but Turing himself is indeed missing. Even the closest family members can't contact him."

Chen Jing had ten thousand question marks in his mind, because what "he" said was indeed something he had never thought about, but at this moment he couldn't care so much... After Chen Jing exploded his body into billions of "light spots", he began to quickly search for the information he wanted in the data space.

The characteristics and properties of this space.

Can this space be eroded by deep space...

If you want to kill Turing.

Then you must completely destroy this data space.

Chen Jing understands this and is working hard for it, but for him at this stage... This space is like an airtight net. The erosion of deep space has no effect on it. Even the golden holy light and black star fragments cannot touch its origin.

If it were in the outside world, Chen Jing could still use various powers to tear the space apart, and use various ways to destroy the dimension, so that the space he was in became fragmented and disintegrated.

But here... he found that he could not do anything.

But in just ten seconds.

Chen Jing tried all the means.

"It still doesn't work." Chen Jing said helplessly, "Since it can't be done, then retreat. Wait for me to go back and upgrade a few sequences, and find a chance to kill it again!"

"Compared to Gehro, Turing should be more difficult to deal with." He also agreed with Chen Jing's point of view, and said calmly, "This space is too big. It is difficult to completely destroy it. Not to mention the continents and oceans we can see, I suspect that this grandson has already played the simulated universe..."

At the same time.

Chen Jing's split body reunited.

He was going to return to deep space without any hesitation, ready to use the deep space jump method to use deep space as a transit station to go to the outside world.

But Turing didn't want him to leave so easily.

Just as Chen Jing was about to return to deep space, he found that his connection with deep space suddenly became weak, and the sky composed of countless data information also became bizarre.

Endless data turned into a downpour, and even made a sound when it fell on Chen Jing. The "smell of rain" simulated by electronic signals only reminded Chen Jing of the sulfur dioxide he had smelled in chemistry class.

At the moment of the rainstorm.

The world in front of Chen Jing also became upside down and chaotic.

The sky and the ocean merged.

Thousands of meters long gray whales swam freely in the clouds, and birds like white paper airplanes flew freely in the sea.

And those simulated huge stars were also constantly approaching the surface, and the ground was completely torn apart at this moment. Huge "fire trees" formed by magma rushed into the empty universe, like biological blood vessels, connecting those weightless stars, turning them into an airtight net.

Turing did not say anything to Chen Jing, nor did he appear in front of Chen Jing in the form of a simulated human. It was as if he had completely evaporated from the face of the earth without a trace... But Chen Jing knew very well that the guy was everywhere.

The heavy clouds were him.

The falling raindrops were him.

The birds were him, the giant whales were him.

The ocean, the land, the sky.

Even the stars in the universe.

Even a speck of dust floating in a vacuum environment...

These were all Turing.

Chen Jing knew very well that these were all manifestations of Turing's power. After all, this was the world he created, and everything would operate according to his will.

Turning the world upside down, moving the stars and changing the constellations.

Even returning the entire simulated universe to the singularity before the Big Bang.

Chen Jing believed that Turing could do it.

At this moment.

Chen Jing only remembered the sentence mentioned in "Zhuangzi".

"The heaven and the earth were born with me, and all things are one with me."

Chapter 503 Unmanned Ghost Fleet (Part 1)

Chen Jing could hardly remember how long he had been in the inner world.

Dozens of days?


Or a few years?

His thoughts till now are the same as when he first came here.

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