Takeno Ryuichi thought clearly and gave the answer without any hesitation.

That's really all.

A person can have a lot of face in this life, but he only has one life... The Li Mobai in front of him is not a person who can communicate at all, he is a mad dog, a mad dog that will be released to bite people by the research institute!

Aren't you seeking death by caring about face with a mad dog?

"Yes, you can live a long life if you learn to keep your head down and be a good person, isn't it... Oh, I almost forgot! You seem to be over three hundred years old, right?!"

Li Mobai clicked his tongue and said loudly, seemingly expressing emotion from the bottom of his heart, but he just said this sentence and then changed the topic.

"The Research Council intends to keep you alive."


"It's like we spared the lives of the other four consortiums... Although what you did is worthy of being cut to pieces, we, the alchemists who cultivate immortality, are still prepared to uphold the concept of compassion and let you go."


Li Mobai didn't bother to look at Takeno Ryuichi who looked in disbelief, and said slowly to himself.

"Spit out everything you shouldn't eat."


"Cooperate with the unified dispatch of the research association and gather all resources. Whatever we need, you must send it as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Takeno Ryuichi was stunned for a moment, because he realized its seriousness as soon as he heard this...

Unified scheduling of resources?

Is there going to be a war?

"That's the basic situation. As for fines and so on, someone will come to communicate with you later. I'm just a messenger..."

With that said, Li Mobai stood up on his desk, yawned and stretched.

"It was a relaxing and pleasant job at first, but in the end it was messed up by your bodyguards. Just tell me whether they should die or not!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai jumped down from the table and walked to Takeno Ryuichi in a few steps.

Li Mobai looked at Takeno Ryuichi, then at the synthetic fried meat in his hand, and a malicious smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Open your mouth."


"Can't understand?"


Although Takeno Ryuichi didn't know what Li Mobai wanted to do, he really didn't dare to ask more questions in front of this madman, so he could only open his mouth slowly and obediently.

Just in an instant.

Li Mobai grabbed a few pieces of fried meat with his right hand and stuffed them into Takeno Ryuichi's mouth. The raw and astringent taste like firewood, coupled with the explosively exciting technological seasoning, only made Takeno Ryuichi happy. I feel like I accidentally ate shit.

But before he could ask for mercy, Li Mobai grabbed the fried meat in the paper bag and continued to stuff it into his mouth.


The paper bag is empty.

Takeno Ryuichi also looked particularly embarrassed because he swallowed in a hurry.

"So many fresh ingredients are not allowed to be used... Just use this cheap synthetic stuff to fool the people... You Zhuye Group is really damned for such a monopoly..."

Li Mobai looked at the miserable old man kneeling on the ground in front of him. There was no trace of pity or intolerance in his eyes. Instead, he was filled with a kind of crazy joy.

"I heard from people outside that you, the five old men who are the heads of the consortium, claim to be the five underground emperors of Hanging City..."

"Those are all rumors!" Takeno Ryuichi forcefully swallowed the remaining pieces of meat in his mouth and hurriedly explained, "I can guarantee it! They are all slanders against our consortium! You must not believe it. !”

"Believe it or not, it doesn't matter what I say, but I'm just a little curious..."

Li Mobai slowly squatted down, with a strange light dancing in his eyes, he looked at the old man with interest and asked.

"If you bastards can be considered the emperor of the Hanging City, then who are the alchemists of our research association?"

Chapter 515: The Ambitious Man and the Future King (Part 1)

After all, the Hanging City only belongs to the [Turing Research Society]. No matter what kind of chaebol, business group, capital power... all organizations or forces, whether they can see the light or not, are just dogs raised by the Research Society.

The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

This is the reality.

Although Li Mobai was not a "native" who grew up in Hanging City, he was an internal member of the research association, a direct disciple of a certain big shot, and a promising descendant of Lord Turing.

This heavy weight of identity rests on my shoulders.

It only made this young man in his twenties difficult to look at.

The five emperors of Hanging City?

What bullshit?

Even a bastard like you can be called an emperor, so who are we alchemists who "cultivate immortality"?

"I'm asking you a question." Li Mobai looked at the old man in front of him with a smile, and kept playing with his tight-skinned face with his hands, "He's over three hundred years old, and he's better at skin care than young people. You’re so meticulous, you want to go to a beauty pageant?”

Zhuye Longyi was trembling and didn't dare to speak. He didn't dare to speak when Li Mobai pulled the corner of his mouth. He could only force out an extremely flattering smile.

"Li Xianchang..."

"Actually, you don't need to explain. After all, things like getting carried away have always been buried deep in human genes. Even I am not immune... What's more, you, an old dog who has been studied to become a sperm, occasionally want to It’s fun to be the master, right?”

Li Mobai seems to know the so-called powerful people very well. For him, it is not difficult to figure out the mentality of these people. Whether in the outer world or the inner world, people in this group seem to be cast from the same mold... They are always so high and mighty, as if they have completely separated themselves from the common people.

In their eyes, the gap between themselves and the common people is like that between humans and dogs, they are completely two species.

Take Takeno Ryuichi for example.

In the eyes of this old man, besides money, there is only fucking power. For the so-called resources, he can do anything. He has no "sense of mission" that Turing mentioned to them at the beginning...

"Mr. Takeno, you must not forget who this city belongs to."

"I know! It belongs to the research institute! It is..."

"Do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand?" Li Mobai cursed impatiently, "This city was born because of Tianzun, of course it belongs to Turing Tianzun!"

Takeno Ryuichi was stunned for a few seconds, and then nodded hurriedly, indicating that you are right, whoever you say this city belongs to, it belongs to.

"So, Takeno, you should have some sense. Don't just follow the other people from the consortium. Think about it more... You have lived for more than 300 years, you should want a good end, right?"

"I... I understand..."

"Stop doing things like private armed underground prosthetic factories. Go and report to the research institute. Someone will come to find you later."

"I understand..."

"The research institute knows everything. It's just a matter of whether the research institute wants to intervene or not. But the current situation can't tolerate you bugs making trouble. The higher-ups also take into account your contributions and hard work over the years, so they spared your lives..."

"Thank... Thank you!!"

At this moment, Takeno Ryuichi was completely awake.

He did not feel that he was insulted by kneeling on the ground. Instead, he felt inexplicably grateful to Li Mobai. He felt that he had escaped death and was spared by the research institute...

"If I were to say, you are stupid. It's okay to make a small fuss, but you actually want to go against the research institute. You want to smash the pot before you finish your meal... I really don't know what your pig brains are thinking."

Hearing Li Mobai's words, Takeno Ryuichi could only put on a face full of smirk, and dared not to say a word to defend himself, for fear that he would say something wrong and be scolded by Li Mobai again.

"Besides, what's the difference between offending the research institute and offending Turing? Otherwise, you old guys are still the bravest!"

Li Mobai raised his index finger and pointed to the ceiling. The smile on his face showed a feeling of gloating.

"You offended the god of the fucking Hanging City!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai stood up, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, slowly lit a cigarette and left the office. He didn't say a word to Takeno Ryuichi on the way. He knew what the old man was thinking, but it didn't matter...

He was just following orders, and he should leave after he was done. As for other troubles, naturally, others would solve them.

Leave the building.

Li Mobai got on a silver-white floating car that had been parked on the side of the road. The breathing light on the car body was a huge research institute logo, which was why passers-by deliberately avoided this car.


If those consortiums are the emperors of this city.

Then the research institute is the god of this city.

"Brother, did you finish the work so quickly?"


Li Mobai lay on the soft functional seat, and the whole person felt like floating in the clouds. He was so comfortable that he couldn't open his eyes when he spoke.

"The old guy Takeno admitted everything he should have admitted. I also gave him a good beating according to the instructions of the higher-ups..."


The female Taoist priest in a Taoist robe sitting opposite Li Mobai asked, looking a little worried.

After all, the order issued by the higher-ups did not include killing Takeno Ryuichi... From a certain perspective, this proves that Takeno Ryuichi is still useful to the research society, at least he cannot be killed for now.

Considering Li Mobai's style of doing things, she felt that there was no need to ask the word "dead"... Would this madman leave anyone alive casually?

"No, I just played with him and treated him to a big meal."

"Really?" The female Taoist priest still couldn't believe it.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Li Mobai opened his eyes and looked at her impatiently, "Don't you have something else to do? Hurry up and don't hang around in front of me. It's really annoying to talk nonsense!"

Hearing this, the female Taoist priest didn't dare to get angry.

She knew what kind of temper Li Mobai had. If she annoyed this madman and was scolded, it would be a light punishment. If she dared to refute or explain again, she would probably not be scolded.

After all, this madman really dared to violate the rules of the research institute and could attack his own people at will based on his mood.


The female Taoist priest walked down from the airborne car with the documents. She still needed to check and deal with the bad debts of the Takeno Group.

As for Li Mobai...

When the "junior sister" just got off the car and was about to turn around and say goodbye, he had the AI ​​driver close the door without any gentlemanly manners, and drove straight to the headquarters of the research institute under the depressed and resentful eyes of the "junior sister".

When the airborne car drove into the dedicated channel of the research institute, the display screen in front of Li Mobai lit up, but the person who appeared on the display screen was not the superior who assigned him the task, but a face made up of countless pixel blocks.

"Li Mobai..."

Chapter 516 The Great Ambitious Man and the King of the Future (Part 2)

The moment Li Mobai saw Turing, he felt a little surprised.

After all, apart from his own spiritual journey to the digital space to practice, he had only seen Turing a few times in reality...

Even if Turing appeared in reality, its arrival almost always indicated that some major changes would occur in the Hanging City, so Turing would often appear in real places where alchemists gathered.

He shouldn't appear on the hovercraft.

He shouldn't come to him alone.

"Tianzun." Li Mobai didn't dare to neglect this electronic ancient god. When he saw Turing appear, he sat up subconsciously, "The task assigned to me by the research institute has been completed. Do you have any other instructions for me?"


Turing's face kept flashing on the display screen, and the pixel blocks that made up its facial structure slowly crawled, like an electronic ocean that was fluctuating.

Although Turing's body was in the digital space, that invisible deterrence could be transmitted to the real world through the screen.

Li Mobai considers himself a fearless person, but when he faces Turing's gaze, he instinctively lowers his head. His bionic heart, which is constantly burning energy to supply energy like a reactor, is beating wildly at this moment.

"I have a lot of things to deal with recently, so I almost forgot about you when I was busy..."

Hearing Turing say this, Li Mobai immediately became alert, because the second half of Turing's words did not sound like a good thing.

"I can see that you were very happy the day your friend escaped from my hands... Although you hide your emotions very deeply, I can still see it, and I can even hear you cursing me in your heart, wishing that I would fall down. Is this your original words?"

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