Although the temple did not directly express its attitude on this, Chen Jing knew that that day was not too far away... With Qiao Youning as an important link, there was only a very small possibility that the temple would stand against Chen Jing.

"Ega is back?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "Is his wandering over?"

"Yes, I just heard about this news..." Qiao Youning raised her finger and pointed at her temple, "The elders of the temple told me that Lord Ega is very curious about you, a deep space resuscitator, and even more curious about what you will do in the future. What, so I want to see you."

"The meeting place is in Jizhou Capital?" Chen Jing looked at Qiao Youning thoughtfully, "Has the time been set?"

"The time has not been set yet, but it should be in the next few days. Originally, Mr. Erga wanted to come to the Western Continent directly to have a look. He was very curious about everything you did... I didn't tell a snitch! I But I have never told anyone about the Western Continent! Elder Yan saw it himself!"

Seeing Qiao Youning's hurried explanation, Chen Jing couldn't help but feel funny, because he really didn't know what this stupid girl was afraid of.

I'm not the kind of petty person. Even if you say so, what will happen? Even if the temple has bad intentions towards the Western Continent, the monks like Gu Shenxi can't change the world... No, wait a minute.

"Elder Eye?"

"Yeah! I told you before! It's the Elder Eye who is very similar to Clairvoyant!"

"He...can see everything?"

"So be it."

Qiao Youning nodded and started to chat with Chen Jing about some gossip about "Elder Eye".

"His peeping ability is said to be the best in the world. When he was young, he was ignorant and especially liked to look at things that were not in line with the rules. In the end, he almost had needle holes in his eyeballs several times and almost rotted them... After that, Elder Eye slowly changed. Gotta be reliable.”

As she said that, Qiao Youning couldn't help showing a look of gloating. After all, it would be a good thing for the residents of the entire continent if Elder Yan learned his lesson.

"He should see what he should see now, and should not see what he shouldn't see, otherwise he will get a needle eye again... I heard that this is the ban imposed on him by Lord Ega!"


"By the way, do you know what you shouldn't look at?"

"have no idea……"

"Such as the kind of pictures that concern other people's privacy, Elder Eyes cannot look at them casually, unless the target being observed is an enemy of the temple, or a potential threat... Well, it is very likely that Elder Eyes has been watching. Look!"

At this moment, Chen Jing couldn't even listen to Qiao Youning's words. He was thinking about how to take Ancient God Xi away from the Western Continent, and then use deep space jump to go directly to Jizhou City, and finally kill Elder Yan and so on... All must be carefully planned.

Damn, look at my privacy, right? !

When I go to Jixi, I will have to let Xizi pluck your eyes out...

"Hey, wait a minute!" Qiao Youning suddenly covered her ears and turned around, like a child whose ears hurt from the cold wind in winter, looking in the direction of the temple, "The elder sent me a message! He asked me to explain it to you! He Say that I definitely didn’t spy on you!”

"It's okay, I don't care." Chen Jing's smile was gentle, but his teeth were almost broken in his heart.

"Really." Qiao Youning blinked and said, "There are ancient gods here, and your grandfather is here. If Elder Yan really dares to peek, his eyeballs will be caught and crushed, so we can only watch from a distance. Observing you from a distance..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see, then I'll let it go... isn't this still peeping!"

According to Qiao Youning's explanation, Elder Eye's magical power of peeping from thousands of miles away seems to be a natural power, but this power also has great limitations... The farther the observed target is from Elder Eye's body, the greater the energy consumption in Elder Eye's body.

And there is a possibility of being captured alive with this magical power.

Just like what Qiao Youning said.

If he really dares to peek at the disturbances in the Western Continent at close range, then Gu Shenxi will probably be the first to discover him, and maybe even discover his trouble-making tricks.

"So...Elder Eye's magical power is actually similar to an out-of-body experience...there is a conscious body near the target being observed..."


Just as Qiao Youning was about to continue explaining, her voice suddenly stopped, her face suddenly fell, and she looked helplessly at Chen Jing.

"The elders told me to shut up and stop talking, otherwise Elder Yan will be angry... Really! Elder Yan is so stingy! He also warned me not to say anything about his dark history! But I have already said it!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qiao Youning's voice stopped, as if she was listening carefully to the voice in her brain, and she spoke after almost half a minute.

"Ajing, Lord Ega said that he will entertain you and your grandfather at Jishidu in three days."


"You haven't met Master Ejia yet, have you?" Qiao Youning said with a smile, winking at Chen Jing, "He is actually very similar to you. For the people of Jiridu City, his status in the hearts of those people is Just like your position in Kakosha..."

"Just let me go with the old man?" Chen Jing asked.

Qiao Youning nodded: "Anyway, Lord Ega said so, just go this time. He said he wants to talk to you about business."

Hearing this, Chen Jing immediately agreed.

"You Ning, do I need to make any preparations to see Ejia? Bring some gifts or something..."

"No need." Qiao Youning said with a smile, "As long as you guys go there, you don't have to follow those clichéd rules."

Although Qiao Youning said so, Chen Jing always felt that it was not right to come without some gifts, even if it was some local specialties of the Western Continent...

But after thinking about it.

Chen Jing felt that the specialty of the Western Continent seemed to be the ancient god Xi.

But it seemed unreliable to bring this thing...


[Li Mobai]: Ah Jing.


Suddenly, the exam screen popped up in front of Chen Jing.

Seeing this long-lost chat box.

Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.


[Chen Jing]: What the hell? ! The chat function has been restored? !

[Chen Jing]: Are you okay? ! How is the situation in the Hanging City? ! Is Turing...


After the battle with Turing.

Chen Jing has been racking his brains to find ways to contact Li Mobai.

He just wanted to tell Li Mobai that Turing really knew everything, so don't stay in the Hanging City, run away!

But after the chat function of the exam system was offline, Chen Jing and Li Mobai's way of contact was completely cut off.

Even though Chen Jing had also looked for the old man, and even the natives of the Hanging City like Hasad, to ask them to help with ideas, in the end everything was in vain.

In their words.

The blockade of the Hanging City is not so easy to break through, at least it is impossible to do all this in a short period of time, not to mention that it must meet Chen Jing's requirements for keeping a low profile...

Just as Chen Jing was typing frantically, Li Mobai's reply came.


[Li Mobai]: Ah Jing, no matter what I say to you in the future, you must not believe it, remember it.

Chapter 519: Possession and Dilemma (Part 1)


[Chen Jing]: You can't believe what you say?

[Li Mobai]: Yes, this is very important.

[Chen Jing]: Then I can't believe what you say now?

[Li Mobai]: You kid must argue with me, right? !


After a few simple words.

Chen Jing also roughly guessed Li Mobai's situation.

He should have encountered some difficult problems or very serious troubles, but let's take a step back... at least this guy is still alive, right?

It's no exaggeration to say that Chen Jing had always suspected... Did Li Mobai let Turing's grandson kill him to silence him?

But on second thought, it seems unnecessary. Since Turing knew about the relationship between Li Mobai and himself a long time ago, and saved Li Mobai's life and let him live until now, it is unlikely to kill him casually.

In Turing's words.

Li Mobai is still useful, very useful.


[Chen Jing]: Have you seen all the messages I sent you? Turing's grandson seems to know everything!

[Li Mobai]: I saw it, not only I saw it, but it also saw it.

[Chen Jing]: ...

[Li Mobai]: Turing can read my memory at will, so everything in my memory is synchronized with it... Damn, I'm almost annoyed with it!


Li Mobai is being monitored by Turing, but to be more precise, this kind of monitoring should have started a long time ago, but fortunately, Li Mobai and Chen Jing are not fools.

When they first realized that they might be monitored by Turing, Chen Jing began to be cautious in front of Li Mobai, and when talking about things about deep space or the inner world, he only talked about unimportant things.

In Li Mobai's subsequent narration, Chen Jing also completely understood what kind of situation he was in now.

In short.

Li Mobai has been under house arrest by Turing.

Although Turing advertised to the outside world that he would take Li Mobai to the digital space, accept him as his personal disciple, and pass on to him the true method of transformation from mortal to immortal, what is the actual situation?

If nothing unexpected happens, Li Mobai should be imprisoned in the digital space for the rest of his life. Unless there are special circumstances, Turing will not let his consciousness leave the virtual network.


[Chen Jing]: Turing really doesn't plan to be a human anymore? ?

[Li Mobai]: It's not a human at all...

[Chen Jing]: What should we do now? Is it too late to run?

[Li Mobai]: The entire Hanging City is under Turing's control. I can just think about running away. If I really dare to run away, I will become the enemy of the entire Hanging City, a real apostate. At that time, my master will probably be the first to stand up and kill his relatives for the greater good.


Standing on the rooftop of the fortress, Chen Jing looked at the chat box in the light screen in front of him, with a heavy expression showing a trace of uneasiness.

Because from the situation described by Li Mobai, he has no ability to resist at all now...To put it bluntly, isn't this a desperate situation? ?

"Li Mobai is in trouble?" Qiao You stared at Chen Jing with a solemn face. After discovering that the chat function was restored, she could guess why Chen Jing behaved so abnormally without analysis.

"Turing wants to get him." Chen Jing frowned and said, "They said they were going to take him to the digital space to practice, but in fact it was an unlimited house arrest."

Hearing this, Qiao Youning was also stunned.

Because before this, apart from Chen Jing, Li Mobai should be the least worried person in the entire surface world team. In terms of brains and means, he is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

Although Qiao Youning has never been to the Hanging City, from the "legends" told by other candidates, Li Mobai is also like a fish in water there, and he easily overcomes some difficulties that seem almost fatal to outsiders.

But this time...

"We go save him?" Qiao Youning asked.

Chen Jing didn't say anything. Although his instinct was to save Li Mobai, Turing had been monitoring Li Mobai... If you think about it carefully, this seems to be a trap.

Using Li Mobai as bait, let the deep space resuscitator show up, and even go to the suspended city as Turing's base camp.

Isn't this a blatant conspiracy?

Just when Chen Jing was entangled.

In the chat box, Li Mobai sent a new message.


[Li Mobai]: Don't think about saving me. I will be fine in a short time. Turing also promised not to hurt me, and can help me advance to the sequence in the digital space...

[Chen Jing]: Really?

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