"Who knows, its excitement is like... like a hungry wild dog seeing meat! Yes! That guy might want to eat you!"

Chapter 525: The Suffering of the Buddha’s Mother·Bliss and Sorrow (Part 1)

Chen Jing was no stranger to the origin of the Buddha Mother, especially after Qiao Youning chatted with him about some past events about the Buddha Mother... Chen Jing knew that the Buddha Mother was some kind of derivative of the source of Qiao Youning's sequence.

Qiao Youning's sequence is called "Life", and the Buddha Mother is a part of the life sequence that was separated from itself. Over the course of hundreds of millions of years, it has been eroded and polluted... until it became the terrifying appearance it is today.

to be honest.

In fact, until now, Chen Jing didn't know what the Buddha Mother looked like, including Chen Bofu and others who had had a lot of dealings with the temple, as well as those ancient books that had records about the Buddha Mother... all about The information about Buddha Mother is vague.

I only know that the Mother Buddha is an ancient god with nearly infinite vitality, and a compassionate god who shows mercy to all living beings, but what exactly does she look like...

no one knows.

Not only that, the true identity of the Buddha Mother is also top secret in the temple. This is what Chen Jing heard from Qiao Youning. Apart from Lord Ejia and the elders, Qiao Youning is the only one who has seen the Buddha Mother so far.

"The Buddha Mother is actually the appearance of all living beings." This is how Qiao Youning described it to Chen Jing. Although she has seen the Buddha Mother many times with her own eyes, whenever she wants to describe it in detail, she doesn't know how to say it better and can only barely describe it. , "You can see the characteristics of hundreds of millions of living beings in the Buddha Mother, like a chaotic fusion..."

Chen Jing was also confused when he heard this, but judging from the description here, the appearance of the Buddha Mother must be very terrifying. This is why the temple did not dare to publicize the true appearance of the Buddha Mother outside.

Even the statues made for the Mother of Buddha are mainly in various human forms that are easily accepted by the public...

"It wants to eat me?" Although Chen Jing felt a little uneasy, he was still a little confused, with lingering doubts in his eyes. "If You Ning didn't lie to me, then the Buddha Mother should be hers." Part of..."

"I'm not sure either." "He" in my mind immediately explained, "But I can vaguely feel that... it has the intention to kill you."

Killing intent.

Chen Jing became more and more confused and couldn't find a clue for a while.

And just then.

The hall, which had been extremely noisy before, suddenly became quiet. Even Chen Bofu, who was about to lose his temper, lost his voice in an instant... because everyone could hear the sound coming from the underground of the temple, which was a thump similar to the beating of a heart. There was a thud, and even the ground trembled faintly.

"Buddha Mother?" Chen Boxu lowered his head and glanced at the floor tiles with dragons and phoenixes carved on them. Suddenly there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes, and he glanced at everyone suspiciously, "Ejia, you don't want to trick us into coming to the temple. Kill..."

In fact, Chen Boxu has always suspected the true purpose of the temple, especially after Qiao Youning brokered the deal to make both parties interested in cooperation.

Because Chen Boxu didn't believe in these monks... In his opinion, if he was the one in charge of the temple, then the first choice would naturally be to join forces with Xuan Kong Yongye and kill the deep space resuscitator before he rose. is the optimal solution.

In fact, that's what it's all about.

How can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch?

This world seems vast and vast, but it is still too small for the forces with ancient gods at their command. However, no matter what, even if all the heroes join forces to occupy three parts of the world, forces such as monasteries are still top-notch existences.

Therefore, once the deep space resuscitators completely rise, this situation will no longer exist. The entire world will be enveloped by the power of deep space, and those ancient gods who are aloof will eventually fall under deep space.

This is absolutely intolerable for those ancient sects who are used to being the "boss", so Chen Boxu doubts...

"I thought about it carefully...I still feel something is wrong..." Chen Bofu stood beside Chen Jing, the energy in his body surged slowly, and a dangerous look appeared in his turbid eyes, "I will tell you about your temple There are quite a lot of conflicts... This negotiation has deceived us all into one fell swoop... Although it is not your style, you should be able to do it..."

"We have never had such an idea." Erjia looked at Chen Boxu helplessly, wondering why this old madman is still like this. He is still so unreasonable after so many years.

"You can't say for sure, these are all nonsense..." Chen Bofu grinned and said with a smile, "What's more, I feel that the Buddha Mother doesn't like us very much."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field had become tense, and even there was a vague smell of gunpowder in the air.

If Erga hadn't been using his eyes to tell the elders to shut up and stop intensifying the conflict, they would have started to quarrel uncontrollably by now.

Compared to Erga.

In fact, the person who is most worried about a quarrel between the two sides... is Qiao Youning.

She is the facilitator of cooperation negotiations between the two parties.

He is also the person who never wants to see the two sides fighting.

For Qiao Youning, the meaning of Chen Jing's existence is indescribable. She can even do many things for Chen Jing regardless of reward. She can do whatever Chen Jing wants, even if it means risking death, she will not complain. .

But for her, the temple is also "home".

Compared with the so-called "home" in the outer world, the temple seems more humane. Whether it is the kind Grandma Hong or the elders here, they all give her the care and care of the elders in her family.

"A Jing... I won't harm you..." Qiao Youning looked at Chen Jing with a pale face, her tone was very urgent, "Please advise me... the temple is really not hostile to you..."

"I know."

Chen Jing smiled at Qiao Youning, grabbed the corner of Chen Boxu's clothes, and motioned for him to sit down and talk first.

"My dear grandson, let's go back if you want. We have nothing to talk to these monks... my dear grandson?"

When Chen Bofu sat down again, he still impatiently advised Chen Jing to go back and forget it, but before he finished speaking, he found that Chen Jing was in a strange state.

In Chen Jing's clear eyes.

Strands of golden threads visible to the naked eye are flowing in the whites of the eyes, and the black eyes seem to be entangled by these golden threads, turning into a golden color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The heartbeat of the Underground Buddha Mother became increasingly clear.

Chen Bofu only found that the golden color in Chen Jing's eyes became more intense.

"Conditions..." Chen Jing looked at Erjia and asked straight to the point, "What are the conditions for cooperation that you have thought of in advance..."

At this moment, Erga no longer concealed himself. After all, judging from the temper of the old madman, if he said a few more words, he would probably overturn the table and kill someone.

"Help us release the Buddha Mother."

Erjia sat cross-legged in front of the desk, fiddling with a string of simple wooden prayer beads with his right hand. He had a tired look on his face and a very helpless tone.

"Otherwise, the capital will be destroyed..."

Chapter 526: The Buddha’s Mother’s Suffering·Bliss and Sorrow (Part 2)

When Erjia said these words, Chen Jing and Chen Bofu both looked stunned, while the other elders were stunned and showed a trace of panic that could not be concealed.

None of them seemed to expect that Erga would say this directly.

To casually talk about such a major matter related to the life and death of the temple is equivalent to pushing the chips in front of others! ?

"Alas... I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place..." Erga looked back helplessly and sighed, "I've already said it... the basis of cooperation is frankness... Since You Ningdu is cautious by nature, If you are willing to believe them...then why use those unnecessary brains..."

Chen Bofu scratched his head and didn't know what to say. He lit a cigarette and sat next to Chen Jing, smoking quietly, as if he was wondering whether the information revealed by Erga was true or false.

"Release the Mother of Buddha?" Chen Jing glanced at Qiao Youning and saw that she was also shocked, as if she didn't know what was going on. Then he turned his attention to Ejia, "Is this a condition of the temple?"

"It's not a condition, it's a request... I hope you can do a small favor for your allies." Erjia was straight to the point at this moment, and no longer kept secrets, "Since You Ning left the temple and went to the Western Continent with you, it has been silent. The Buddha Mother seems to have become irritable and wants to break through the seal of the Holy Mountain."

"Wait for me to figure it out..." Chen Jing was confused by Ega's words and asked with confusion on his face, "Is the seal of the Holy Mountain used to seal the Buddha's mother?"

"Yes." Erga nodded.

"Then you still want me to let it out?" Chen Jing was stunned. "Wouldn't it come out if it broke through the seal on its own? And to say the least...didn't your temple create this seal yourself? Yours The purpose should not be to seal it in..."

"We don't have the ability to seal the Buddha Mother."

Erjia interrupted Chen Jing's words, and everything he said was the most secret truth in the temple. Even Qiao Youning had never heard of it.

"The seal of the Holy Mountain was set by the Mother of God herself. Its purpose was to cut off contact with the outside world. It was the first time that the Mother of Buddha came to the Holy Mountain. The temple had not yet been established. How could we go there? Seal it."

Hearing what Erjia said, Chen Jing and the old man couldn't help but look at each other, because this kind of secret was something they had never thought of... The Buddha Mother actually sealed herself? ?

"Buddha Mother is different from Turing. It has been sleeping in the pale history. The erosion of hundreds of millions of years has made its body on the verge of disintegration. It is forcibly sealed to prevent the outside world from noticing its existence..."

"Is this a means of self-protection?" Chen Jing asked.

Erjia nodded and continued: "Although the Buddha Mother has not completely healed herself yet, it seems that it does not want to wait any longer. After You Ning left the temple, it has been attacking the seal and trying to come out..."

As he said this, Erga's expression became increasingly helpless.

"But unfortunately, with its current strength, it is simply unable to break through the seal it originally set."

"So you asked me to let it out..." Chen Jing looked at Ojia thoughtfully.

"We have gathered the power of the temple to calm down dozens of major earthquakes that were on the verge of erupting... But this is our limit... Every time the power of the Buddha's impact on the seal will increase... If this continues... we will also We can only evacuate all the residents of Jiju City..."

"Would that have an impact on your rule?" Chen Bofu interrupted Ejia's words and asked with great interest, "That's why you want my grandson to help solve the Buddha's mother matter, otherwise Ji Ri I'm afraid it will all turn into ruins..."

"We are not ruling Jiju Capital, we are just protecting them. If you think this is considered ruling, what do the alchemists in Hanging City count?" Erga asked in return.

Chen Bofu smiled noncommittally, smoked a cigarette and said nothing.

"So this is your condition?" Chen Jing asked.

"It's not a condition but a request, because that's what I thought from the beginning. We are willing to stand by your side whether you agree or not..."

Erga calmly stated the facts, even if it sounded a bit hypocritical to Chen Boxu, but this candid tone could not be false.

"We are not like the alchemists in the Hanging City or the monks in the Evernight City. We do not have their desire to conquer. The people's beliefs are not important to us. If possible, we are not even willing to participate in any war... …”

"But the current situation does not allow you to be alone."

Chen Bofu smacked his lips and looked at Ojia meaningfully.

"Even Hanging City can choose to cooperate with Yong Ye. It is conceivable how chaotic the situation is already. Even if you choose to be neutral now, you will be liquidated sooner or later. It's okay to say that Shen Kong wins. My grandson is big-hearted and does not hold grudges, but Those bitches will kill you and divide the world into two..."

"So there is only one way before us." Erga smiled helplessly, "At least if you choose you, you can gain the friendship of deep space, and you can live easier on this continent in the future."

"So why didn't you choose to join the Anti-Deep Space Alliance?" Chen Bofu was still a little curious. To be precise, he was still doubtful. "You three might have a chance of winning if you join forces."

Erga fell silent and did not rush to answer the question. Instead, he thought deeply and seemed to be choosing his words seriously.

"Because I don't like them, is that enough of a reason?" Erga asked.

Chen Bofu was stunned, but he didn't expect Erjia to say that.

"I have been to countless places in my life. I have seen the high-pressure rule of Hanging City. I have no good impression of those alchemists who treat ordinary people as consumables. As for Eternal Night City... those monks can take over the entire city. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a sacrifice to an ancient god with a human face and a beast’s heart.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Erga looked at Chen Jing again.

"So can you consider our request? Although the risk is very high, I promise to gather the strength of the entire temple to help you. Once successful, we will also..."

"Actually, even if we don't cooperate, I will help you, as long as she asks. I think it's too harsh to ask for any conditions..."

The golden light in Chen Jing's eyes was faintly beating. He did not look at Erga while he was talking, but was looking at the cracks on the ground, as if he could see at a glance the "monster" that was constantly attacking the seal underground.

"You Ning is my friend. She can help me do things no matter the cost, and I can also help her..."

Chen Jing raised his hand and gently placed it on the floor. Invisible energy instantly surged out and penetrated into the ground. The cracks on the ground were constantly smoothed by the energy of the deep space. It was as if even the heartbeat of the Buddha Mother was silenced at this moment.

"You Ning's parents were not good to her, so she never felt the warmth of family before coming to the temple, but now she has... She told me that she likes you very much, so even if she doesn't ask for any conditions , I will also try my best to help the temple settle this matter."

When Chen Jing said this, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Ega, and then at the elders sitting cross-legged behind Ega.

"But I only have one condition."

"Cooperate with deep space? You don't even need this condition..."

"Don't get me wrong, the conditions I'm proposing now are more important than cooperation."

Chen Jing slowly took back his palms placed on the floor, and the heartbeat of the Buddha Mother completely disappeared at this moment.

"you say."

Erga looked at Chen Jing, while the elders behind him looked at each other, as if they were afraid that the deep space resuscitator would make some exaggerated demands. After all, the chips were now pushed in front of him, and he sat on the ground in a playful manner. Starting prices are not out of the question.

"I hope you can treat her well in the future."

"Hmm...huh?" Erga was stunned.

"She treats you as relatives and elders from the bottom of her heart, so I hope you can face up to the feelings she has given to you, and never let her down, let alone use her as a consumable that carries the consciousness of the Buddha... "

Looking at Erga who looked thoughtful, the smile on Chen Jing's face was still kind and gentle.

"I hope she is a child of the temple, not a pawn of the temple."

"What do you think, Lord Erga?"

Chapter 527: The first light of the lantern·Moths fly into the flame (Part 1)

In the Hall of the Mother Buddha, candlelight flickered.

When Chen Jing said the last few words, the magnificent hall seemed to be shrouded in some kind of ominous shadow, a "haze" that was invisible to the naked eye but could be perceived through the visual system...

at this moment.

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