"You...are you going to run away?" Sati was stunned.

"There's no point in fighting him. I can't possibly kill him. He might even kill him here..." Yin Mingzi gradually calmed down and her voice no longer stuttered.

"Why are you more courageous than me?" Sati was dumbfounded, thinking that Yin Mingzi was also the vice-president of the research association after all, and was a well-known veteran in the circle of old people. He said he was fierce. It's not an exaggeration to be famous...but does it mean that he is really ready to run away? ?

"Aren't you and his sequence level the same? What are you afraid of?!"

"Am I afraid?" Yin Mingzi sneered, "Isn't the Pope of your monastery afraid of this lunatic?"

Upon hearing this, Sati didn't know what to say, because what Yin Mingzi said seemed to be the truth.

After having his grandson, this madman has restrained himself a lot. At least he has some scruples and weaknesses to pinch, but even so, no one dares to push him. Even the Pope can only give in repeatedly when facing him.

Because he is really not afraid of death.

After a quick fight with this old guy, he will be able to show you what a life-threatening fighting method is, and he can even kill eight hundred enemies and lose a thousand to himself.

Therefore, among the old descendants of the same level, this old madman has always been a unique existence, not to mention that the sequence of his awakening is not inferior to that of the major sects.

without any exaggeration.

Just talking about fighting alone.

Today's Pope is not 100% sure that he can defeat him, unless he borrows the power of Gehro's body...

"There is no benefit in fighting him now, not to mention his single strength, and those monks..." When Yin Mingzi said this, his tone became heavier.

"You mean they've also formed an alliance?" Sati asked cautiously.

Yin Mingzi remained silent without saying a word, because he was also calculating the possibility that Sati said... During this period of time, Chen Bofu and the others have been avoiding the search of the Hanging City. If nothing happens, they should be prepared. Find a place to hide.

In the analysis of the hanging city.

Chen Bofu and the others should have been waiting.

Waiting for the Deep Space Resurrectionists to rise.

Only then will they be able to show up in public without so many scruples.

But now...

Chen Bofu appeared in the wasteland not far from Jizhou.

What does this mean?

Does it mean that the deep space resuscitators and Ji Zhou have already met?

Or does it mean that... they were planning to meet, but they just happened to meet each other?

Are Chen Bofu and the others related to the vision in the sky over Jishidu?

If there is a connection, what does it mean?

Yin Mingzi's brain was rapidly calculating all these possibilities, but without many clues, it was too difficult to calculate the "truth" at once, even if he borrowed various divination methods from the research association. It’s also very difficult…after all, computing power is limited.

"The place we are located is too far away from the Hanging City...the wireless bridge signal is losing packets too much...it is difficult to access the host..."

Yin Mingzi murmured to himself, the light in Bioyi's eyes pulsating, and Sati standing next to him only smelled a smell similar to burning carbon fiber.

"What's more, there is still this old madman... His power can pollute space... Almost all the distress signals I sent to the Hanging City were 'eaten' by him... I don't know if the Research Council has received any survivors. That information..."

Hearing this, Sati almost understood the situation. Even the weird and stable communication method of the Hanging City could not be used to contact the rear. It should be impossible to call for reinforcements. There is only one way now...


But the question is, will this old madman let us escape easily?

"Sigh... It turns out that everything is not right..."

Yin Mingzi let out a long sigh and seemed to be ready for a last-ditch battle.

"We just have to take a gamble."

"How to bet?" Sati asked tentatively. At this moment, he had forgotten the previous conflict between the two, and subconsciously regarded Yin Mingzi as the leader of this operation. After all, in terms of strength, the only way to break the situation was to rely on he.

"I'll use the spirit corpse to hold back Chen Bofu. You and I will divide our forces into two groups. I will go south and you will go west..."

"You...you want me to run to the Western Continent???"

Chapter 548: Cyber ​​Corpse·Yin Shen Initiation (Part 2)

Sati's curse words rolled around his mouth several times without daring to curse them. If he hadn't considered that he had to rely on him to break this deadlock, Sati would have been really ready to greet his parents cordially.

The way everyone came here was to the south.

If you want to return to your respective sects, you can only go south.

So...you really put your fucking brains on me?

Satie gritted his teeth and looked at this alchemist who smelled of metal all over his body. He felt that this bitch was using him as a bait... I can understand that the soldiers split into two groups and fled for their lives, but why can't I be the one fleeing south? ?

"The physical gap between you and me is too big. You are far inferior to me in terms of escape speed, so you should leave the shortest path to me. I am more likely to escape... Of course, the old guy is also likely to come. If you intercept and kill me, your chances of surviving are not small."

"How about we switch?" Sati said calmly, with a sneer on his face, "The moonlight that our monastery believes in has also given us some special powers to escape. In terms of speed, it may not be faster than you. "Slowly."

"No." Yin Mingzi said word by word, "I go south, you go west. I just predicted for you that it's a good omen for you to flee westward, and it will be auspicious!"

"What if I have to change?" Sati asked at last.

Seeing that Sati was still stubborn, Yin Mingzi looked back at him silently, his tone cold and stern.

"Very bad."

"If you want to threaten me, just say it..." Sati also knew that now was not the time to engage in internal fighting. All internal conflicts should be resolved after the fact. Even if he was unwilling in his heart, he could only grit his teeth and agree, "It's okay for me to run west, but you have to be one step behind me. If Chen Bofu attacks me, you must cover me..."

The light in Yin Mingzi's biological eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about whether to agree to Sati's request. After all, he couldn't push people too hard. If Sati turned against him at this juncture...

"Okay." Yin Mingzi finally nodded.

Seeing Yin Mingzi nod in agreement, Sati took a deep breath. Although his current body had long since shed its physical body and turned into a sacred moonlight that was close to the origin, the habits left over from his human life still existed.

At this moment.

Sati finally calmed down and began to observe the situation, because he knew that no matter how scared he was, it was useless. Even if he knelt on the ground and kowtowed a thousand times, crying and begging for mercy, Chen Bofu would not give up...

The rain clouds floating from the polar day had begun to spread over the wasteland. Although they were previously dispersed by the neon light beams emitted by the spirit corpses, they now gathered again, and even those light beams that seemed to be composed of pure energy could not disperse them again...

The scarlet clouds kept rolling, and the damp breath brought by the heavy rain clouds made Sati feel like he was returning to his homeland.

Looking at these red rain clouds that were as sticky as asphalt and squirming in the sky, Sati had a hallucination for a moment... as if these rain clouds were not dead but alive, like the remains or internal organs of some giant creature.

And at this tense moment, the long-accumulated rainstorm poured down.

These bloody water droplets formed a red curtain between the sky and the earth. They kept hitting the wasteland surface fiercely, leaving countless traces of corrosion...

"I didn't expect this rain to be so heavy..." Yin Mingzi murmured solemnly, and the raindrops fell on him, making a crackling sound of collision with metal, which was so noisy that he was annoyed and couldn't help cursing, "God, is his prostate broken..."

"Is Chen Bofu still in the sky?" Sati asked.

"Yes." Yin Mingzi said truthfully. He didn't need to hide this kind of strategic intelligence from Sati. "That old madman has been moving at high speed. It's hard for me to lock him, but... he should also be preparing."

When Yin Mingzi said this, two of the four spirit corpses suddenly lowered their heads, and the neon light beams shot out from the spiritual holes behind their heads instantly changed direction... Like the star-pointing pen used in astronomy, the neon light beams outlined an irregular geometric shape in the sky.

"Chen Bofu has been moving at high speed along this path. The reason why he didn't rush to attack us may be because... he wanted to completely eliminate the possibility of our contact with the outside world before attacking."

Hearing Yin Mingzi's words, Sati nodded silently, and then looked back at the hundreds of figures covered by white light behind him.

Those were his subordinates, or "tools".

They are all made of pure moonlight energy, and are true moonlight creatures. Not only do they look like they were carved out of the same mold, but their strength is also very similar, almost all at Sequence 5...

To deal with Chen Bofu and his group, Sequence 5's strength is definitely not enough, but this time Sati and his group also came to negotiate with Polar Day City, so these Moonlight Clan members are prepared for those monks.

Not only that.

Ge He Luo also personally taught Sati an ancient ritual, which was performed at the cost of the Moonlight Clan's body... An ancient ritual that is enough to destroy half of Polar Day City!

It's a pity that it can't be used now.

Even if the complete set of rituals is forcibly performed, it will only turn over the surface of the wasteland, and it is impossible to cause any harm to Chen Bofu.

"Cover me."

Sati left the last sentence, and then without waiting for Yin Mingzi to respond, he turned into a white light and went straight to the west.

At the same time

The hundreds of moonlight clansmen brought by Sati also melted away, turning into tens of thousands of "moonlights" that floated in the air like silk, catching up with Sati at an incredible speed and merging into his body...

At this moment, Yin Mingzi suddenly heard a sarcastic laugh from the sky, it was Chen Bofu's voice... The undisguised mockery in the laugh was the contempt of the strong for the weak.

"What an arrogant bastard..."

Yin Mingzi sat cross-legged on the ground, hanging his hands in front of his knees like meditating, the knuckles of his ten fingers kept bending and twisting, showing many strange arcs that mortal bodies could not make.

"I obey the command of Turing Tianzun..."

When Yin Mingzi recited this spell, the old man's face was also reflected in the scarlet rain curtain.

"For you two bastards... I have made a lot of preparations..."

Chen Bofu's laughter almost overwhelmed the deafening rain, and there was an excited expression on that blurred face.

"In this space..."

"We're going to have a good time!"

Chapter 549: Cyber ​​Corpse·Yin Shen Initiation (Part 2)

As an empiricist who has dealt with all major sects, Chen Boxu knew exactly what he should do.


That's all child's play.

Even though Yin Mingzi and he were both descendants of Sequence Seven, the old man never regarded him as a rival.

It's not a question of whether it can be killed, it's just whether it's easy to kill.

Therefore, in this absolutely certain situation, Chen Boxu did not rush to kill these two uninvited guests. Instead, he prioritized the space in the wasteland area and marked it, and then used his own power to mark it. To contaminate...

Chen Bofu had dealt with the alchemists of Hanging City more than once.

Especially those alchemists of the older generation, almost all of whom had fought against Chen Boxu, so Chen Boxu had some understanding of the "technology" of Hanging City, and he knew very well how annoying the speed of information transmission between them was...

Nowadays, Chen Jing is still entangled with the Buddha Mother under the Holy Mountain. Although the attitude of the temple is clear, it has not reached the point of "negotiation." Therefore, some information is destined not to be known to the Hanging City and others at this stage.


The corroded space has lost its spatial characteristics.

Even if Chen Jing, a resuscitator who is well versed in the way of space, comes to see it, he will only feel that this place is like a blurry and difficult to identify... "rotten meat" existing in the material universe.

Now that this "rotten meat" has been separated from the dimension, let alone the wireless signals used by the Hanging City to communicate with each other, even Chen Jing's deep space jump may not be able to use it as a target point.

"We haven't fought each other for many years..."

The Chen Bofu who spoke had long since lost his true appearance, and his body that looked like a mortal body had also disappeared, replaced by a brand new body formed by the rainy sky.

Countless raindrops continued to roll down from the clouds. In the overwhelming rain curtain, Chen Bofu became increasingly clear. Every drop of raindrops was a part of his body... From the perspective of Yin Mingzi, this was like It is a grand holographic projection carnival. The endless rain curtain is the projection curtain, and Chen Boxu is the protagonist of the holographic image.

Heaven and earth exist together with me, and all things are one with me.

This is one of the "Greater Good Ways" taught by Turing to his disciples.

Although Chen Boxu is an outsider, in a sense, he has managed to achieve this step with such unsavory methods...

"Is this your new power?" Yin Mingzi looked at the thin figure that was thousands of meters high in the rain, and his tone became more serious. "Is this the temple's heaven and earth? Or is it something you studied yourself?"

"It's just a little trick." Chen Bofu said with a smile.

"Little trick... You are really getting more and more arrogant..." Yin Mingzi sighed, "You turned the space we are in into a pile of shitty data that I cannot analyze and understand... in order to cut off My connection with Hanging City?”

"That's not true." Chen Bofu laughed and said, "I'm just afraid that you two bugs will run away. After all, I finally found you two in the wasteland with higher status. I must play with you slowly. !”

"Have you been wandering in the wasteland all this time?" Yin Mingzi asked.

"Yes." Chen Bofu smiled and nodded.

"Is it to intercept and kill our people?" Yin Mingzi asked again.

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