Another danger to outsiders is the group of natives who smell like fish.

"Those bastards who eat raw meat and drink blood are particularly disgusting." Chen Bofu emphasized this point, his face full of undisguised disgust, "and they are particularly bad-hearted and xenophobic. Although it is not ruled out that there are good people in their group, most of them are the kind of people who eat people without spitting out bones... I mean eating people literally, you don't need to associate."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Bofu couldn't help but frowned.

"Those natives are also old descendants. The sequence of their awakening is very strange and has a deep connection with the sea. If the conch city you are looking for is really in the sea... To be honest, it will be very troublesome."

"What about the ancient god?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "It should be the biggest trouble, right?"

Hearing this question, Chen Bofu hummed heavily while smoking a cigarette.

"When Randolph Armitage and I went out to sea, the natives seemed to be celebrating some kind of festival, and there was a ceremony to worship Dagon... The natives who led the way said that the Dagon ceremony was a carnival day for everyone, but Dagon would not necessarily appear. In history, it appeared very few times, and each time it was regarded as a good omen by the natives."

"We were unlucky that day."

"Not long after we went out to sea, we ran into Dagon who came out of the sea to take a breath."

To this day.

Chen Bofu can't forget the experience of that day.

On the boundless dark sea, the raging wind and waves swept up waves of terrifying tsunamis, and in silence, the sea level, as if swallowed by darkness, suddenly cracked, and an endless abyss hundreds of kilometers wide appeared in the center of the ocean...

On the sea, everything that Chen Bofu and his team saw was swallowed by the abyss in an instant, whether it was the ships or islands passing by, all fell into the terrifying abyss.

If the boat that Chen Bofu and his companions were on was not far from the abyss, they would have fallen into it in an instant.

"To be honest, I still don't know what Dagon looks like. I can only understand it through the totems drawn by the natives. Dagon's body should be similar to an octopus."

"You didn't see Dagon that day?" Chen Jing asked puzzledly.

"Of course I saw it."

Chen Bofu sighed helplessly, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"But I only saw part of it."

Chapter 566 Conch and Horn (Part 2)

"Part of Dagon?"

"Yes, just a part. Its body should be the largest of all the creatures I have ever seen..."

According to Chen Bofu, after the sea level cracked, an extremely strange creature "crawled" out of the abyss... That was a part of Dagon, and it was also a "feature" that Chen Bofu and his companions could barely identify at a glance.

The Dagon totem passed down from generation to generation by the natives is an octopus.

So Chen Bofu saw it at a glance.

The creatures that climbed out of the abyss of the old sea were part of the arms of Dagon. They climbed rapidly toward the sea surface like black ridges, accompanied by an extremely crazy and shrill howl, like thousands of babies crying hysterically.

"When we saw it, we ran away without saying a word." Chen Bofu smacked his lips and threw the extinguished cigarette butt into the flower pot beside him, "To be honest, I was scared that time..."

"Grandpa, are you afraid too?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"What else?" Chen Bofu rolled his eyes at Chen Jing unhappily, "If you want to live long, you have to know what to be afraid of and what not to be afraid of, like that thing... To be honest, I can't guarantee how strong it is, but it is definitely not weaker than the ancient god Xi in the Western Continent."

After that, Chen Bofu sighed helplessly.

"Plus, the Old Sea has too many restrictions on us, the Old Ones. If we fight without any effort, we will probably be exhausted in a few minutes... Otherwise, I would have cut off one of its legs and roasted it!"

"Even if there is no restriction on the Old Sea, you may not be able to hurt it..." Chen Jing looked at the old man half-believingly, "He is an ancient god of Sequence 8. Your strength back then was not as good as it is now..."

"Can you please stop interrupting me when I brag?" Chen Bofu glared at Chen Jing angrily, "It's fun to tear down your grandfather's stage?"

Seeing that Chen Jing just laughed after being scolded, the old man immediately became even more angry.

"So you'd better pray that the so-called Conch City must not be in the Old Sea, even in the dried-up inland seas on the mainland, otherwise you will be in big trouble!"

When Chen Jing heard the old man say this, he smiled but didn't say anything, but the smile on his face was obviously too far-fetched, at least Chen Bofu could see it at a glance.

"What? Is it really in the Sea of ​​the Old Days?" Chen Bofu asked nervously.

"Actually, I wasn't sure at first, so I kept searching the memory in my brain..." Chen Jing sighed.

"Any information about the Conch City?" Chen Bofu asked.

"A little bit."

Chen Jing scratched his head and suddenly asked the old man.

"Grandpa, do you still remember that when I was in Evernight City, didn't the people from the Hermitage beat me up in the mall?"

"Of course I remember..." Chen Bofu didn't know why Chen Jing suddenly brought up this matter, but he nodded without asking more questions, "I remember Yan Que and Wei Nan were there at the time... Oh, right! The pig farmer was there too!"

"Well, that was the conflict." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Later, in order to vent your anger on me, didn't you go to see the Pope for a discussion?"

"Yes, there is such a thing." Chen Bofu lit another cigarette.

"The discussion is over, didn't you ask the Pope for an apology..." Chen Jing said seductively, trying to make Chen Bofu think of himself.


Chen Bofu took a puff of cigarette thoughtfully, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"Yes!! That's what you're talking about!!!"

In just an instant, Chen Boxu inserted his right hand into his stomach. After rummaging for a while, he took out a dark gray object.

The object was only thirty centimeters long.

The general shape is like a conch, but more like an overly twisted twist. The dark gray color and the surface full of holes give it a rock-like feel.

"The Pope said that this thing is called the 'Horn of Luoyan City', and it was found in an ancient ruins near the Sea of ​​the Old!"

With that said, the old man handed the conch in his hand to Chen Jing, still muttering softly.

"If this thing is really found near the Sea of ​​the Old Days, then we will probably go to sea once."

When Chen Jing took the conch-shaped relic, the examination light curtain popped up in front of his eyes again.


Tip: "Relic" has been detected, target details are being analyzed...

Relic: [Old Relic·The Horn of Luoyan City]

Detailed description: This is an ancient relic from the lost ancient capital of Luoyan City. The user needs to pay the price of his life and blow this horn on the altar of Dagon Cave, and then the road to the 'Deep Sea Singularity' can be opened. , at the end of the long road, is the Luoyan City that was lost in the fragments of history...


"No need to guess, it's in the Sea of ​​the Past." Chen Jing said helplessly, "And this conch is the key to entering Luoyan City."

Chen Boxu knew that his grandson had the ability to understand the origin of relics, and he could get the specific information of the relics with just a touch. Therefore, when he heard Chen Jing's words, the old man did not question it, but showed a troubled expression. .

"It's really in the sea..." Chen Boxu frowned.

"If the information I got is correct, then this relic should be related to the ancient god Dagon you have seen." Chen Jing looked at the conch in his hand while repeating the content on the light screen to the old man, "We need to find Dagon In the cave, blow this horn on the altar of the cave, and then you can open the way to the 'Deep Sea Singularity'..."

"According to what you say, we still have to go to its lair?!" Chen Bofu couldn't sit still anymore and stood up with a swish, pacing back and forth with anxiety on his face, "What the hell is the difference between this and courting death? !”

"Through the 'Deep Sea Singularity', at the end of the long road is Luoyan City. We can only go this way..."

Chen Jing gently rubbed the surface of the conch with his hand. The rough texture made him wonder if it was made of some kind of stone. It was completely different from the conches he had seen before.

"Grandpa, don't worry. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. If it doesn't work, we will retreat..." Seeing that the old man was still very anxious, Chen Jing comforted him, "Besides, our luck has always been very good. , we have already completed one of the two conditions for promotion, and the key required for the other one...haven't you found it for me a long time ago?"

"It's better not to have found it."

Chen Bofu couldn't help but say an angry word, and looked back at the conch that Chen Jing was playing with, the look on his face becoming more solemn.

"Why do I feel like I pushed my grandson into the fire pit..."

Just when Chen Jing was about to open his mouth to comfort the old man, Chen Boxu seemed to suddenly remember something and hurriedly said to Chen Jing.

"If we really want to go to Luoyan City, I think we can go to Armitage first. That old bastard has been living near the Sea of ​​Old Suns in recent years. Su Ye and the pigherder's little brats should also be there. Living in his house!"

Chapter 567 The Three Ancient Gods of the Old Sea

Prologue night?


Hearing these two long-lost names, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then remembered that Prologue Ye seemed to have said that after leaving Yongye City, they would go to the "sanctuary" under the arrangement of Senator Randolph, which is Ami Where Professor Teach lives.

"Speaking of that old bastard Armitage...I suddenly thought of something...but I don't know if I should say it...I felt like he was cursing us for bad luck..."

"What's the matter?" Chen Jing saw Chen Bofu's embarrassed look and couldn't help but curiously asked, "Just tell me if you have something to do. If you are unlucky, how could you be more unlucky..."

Before Chen Jing could say the last word "go", Chen Boxu scratched his snow-white afro and directly told him a piece of news that was even more explosive than his hairstyle.

"The main purpose of our trip to the Sea of ​​the Old was to help Armitage complete his research. According to him, there is a big secret of the old era hidden under that sea, and it is related to the ancient gods believed by the indigenous people. related."

"How do you say it?" Chen Jing asked hurriedly, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"My dear grandson, what do you think the ritual formation is?" Chen Bofu asked in return.

Chen Jing thought for a while and then repeated it according to the information in his memory.

"The Ritual Array is a tool that uses 'target energy' to achieve the purpose of implementation."

"Yes, it's a tool." Chen Bofu nodded, his expression a little uncertain when he said this, "According to Armitage's investigation records, all known sequences of ritual arrays are related to The ritual formations passed down from generation to generation by the indigenous people in the Old Sea all have something in common..."

Hearing this, Chen Jing's heart moved, and then he listened to what the old man said.

"So Armitage suspects that the Sea of ​​the Old Ones is the origin of all ritual formations. The ritual formations we use today are all derived from those simplified original rituals." Chen Bofu said.

"But the rituals of deep space are..." Chen Jing subconsciously wanted to refute. After all, the rituals inherited by deep space are not products of the old era. They were born in a time older than the old era... The real An ancient ritual in the sense of the word!

"Except for deep space." Chen Bofu curled his lips.

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man saw Chen Jing nodding with satisfaction. He suddenly became unhappy and couldn't help but lift up his foot and lightly kicked Chen Jing.

"You are so proud...but then again, you are the lucky one!"

Chen Bofu originally planned to complain, but then he thought about it, Chen Jing is his grandson, and I am honored that he is a deep space resuscitator.

Thinking of this, the old man suddenly became proud and sighed.

"The rituals of other sequences may be related to the Sea of ​​the Old, but deep space is definitely not. After all, the sequence you awakened in has always been a legend that was not taken seriously..."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Chen Jing asked dubiously.

"Nonsense, when you told me that you awakened from deep space, I suspected that there was something wrong with your brain. How could there be such a sequence as deep space? It was only later that I slowly remembered..."

As he said this, the old man couldn't help laughing.

“My grandson is awesome!”

"...Let's get down to business."

"Ah, yes! It's business!"

After a brief interruption, Chen Bofu also lit a cigarette again, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"Actually, I don't really care about the origin of rituals. What I care about is Armitage's other research."

In Chen Boxu's soft-spoken narration, Chen Jing probably understood what he was worried about and why Chen Boxu felt that these words were like a curse on himself.

Compared with other scholars who are keen on studying ancient history, Armitage's research focus is not on the mainland.

In Armitage's view, the history of the continent is just pages. You can find the answer by casually flipping through a few pages. There are countless data and information that can be borrowed for comparison and correction, so it is not too difficult to study.

The history of the Old Sea is the real secret.

There is not much information that can be referenced, and there are not many ancient ruins that can be excavated at will.

Clues information is limited.

History is blank.

This kind of research project was interesting to Armitage.

"The natives of the Sea of ​​Old Days claim to be the people of Dagon, but because their settlements are too scattered, many settlements are still isolated from the outside world, so... those natives have no idea about Dagon. The description is also different.”

"Different local beliefs have created different images of gods? But the ancient gods they believe in are all called Dagon, right?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"Yes, they all believe in Dagon." Chen Bofu nodded, and then denied Chen Jing's guess, "But according to Armitage's investigation, Dagon is just one of the ancient gods of the old sea. ”

"One??" Chen Jing noticed this keyword.

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