The thought of meeting Armitage's old friend put him in a bad mood.

Thinking of taking the water route...

He was in an even worse mood.

According to the old man himself.

He absolutely hated, even hated, traveling by water.

Whenever he thought of the unsteady feeling of sitting on a boat, he couldn't help but feel nauseous... Of course, Chen Jing felt that this was not a mental illness, just simple seasickness.

"We should keep a low profile this time, and try not to be discovered by people from Xuankong Yongye." Chen Jing checked the mask on his face, and then urged the old man to put it on, "This is not far from Yongye Xuankong, pointed out I don’t know how many spies they sent out..."

"Oh, I know." Chen Bofu put on his mask and looked very impatient, "If you ask me, don't be afraid of them. If you see them, we'll do it one by one. If we can't do it, we'll run away. It's not like we can't run away!"

"We are not traveling to relax." Chen Jing said helplessly, "If we are accidentally targeted by them, will we be able to do our business?"

Hearing this, the old man became silent.

that is the truth.

The anti-deep space alliance formed by Xuan Kong and Yong Ye is so disgusting.

You don’t have to be afraid of sudden encounters, but you absolutely can’t ignore the troubles caused by your whereabouts being exposed, especially the Hanging City’s backup force… Judging from the information exposed by some Hanging City candidates on the candidate forum, during this period The Hanging City can be said to be full of wind, cranes, and grass and trees.

Anyone who looks at it will know that the Hanging City is preparing for war, and they have extremely firm determination to kill the deep space resuscitators.

Hanging City sent many informants.

Among them are alchemists, as well as some people who live in the wasteland near the Hanging City and have various special abilities and were selected by the Hanging City.

"Find the deep space resuscitator and immediately report the specific coordinates to the headquarters. This is your task." This is what the senior executive of the research association said.

Judging from the information learned.

Hanging City does not agree with those informants launching an offensive directly after encountering Chen Jing, but wants them to follow Chen Jing and keep an eye on him, and at the same time provide specific coordinate information to the Hanging City headquarters...

After all, in the view of those alchemists, the encirclement and suppression of Chen Jing had to be done by oneself, and they were always worried about letting outsiders intervene.

Had the same experience as last time.

Chen Jing knew that Hanging City would not be so careless anymore.

Once those alchemists seize the opportunity again, they will most likely face an all-out siege by the Hanging City.

Chen Jing thought he could run the first time, but he was not sure he could run the second time.

Because judging from the information revealed before Li Mobai "disappeared", Turing seemed to have mastered some means of blocking deep space jumps.

"You still have to be careful..."

When Chen Jing and the old man walked into this coastal town side by side, they were still chatting quietly with each other.

"Judging from the current situation, as long as we dare to expose the coordinates, those bugs will continue to surround us..."

"I know! Didn't you see that I'm wearing a mask?"

Chen Bofu muttered, feeling that Chen Jing was nagging him. It was not like he didn't understand the principle of keeping a low profile and a high profile... Damn it, it's all Xuan Kong and Yong Ye's bastards, they will be killed sooner or later!


Chen Jing has already led the old man into this coastal town.

According to the route instructions given by Hassad, this town should be the closest human settlement to Inboga. If you want to rent a fishing boat to go to Inboga, you must deal with these local indigenous people.

"The people in that place are very xenophobic, so be careful." This is what Hassad told Chen Jing.

In fact, it was difficult for Chen Jing to determine whether the indigenous people here were exclusive or not, because he found that there were no "outsiders" here.


There are literally no outsiders.

Although this town is called Bruna Fishing Town, after walking around for a while, Chen Jing found that this place should be more appropriately called a fishing village. The actual area was completely inconsistent with the imagined town. It was so small that it could be called a poor town. to describe.

I don’t know if it’s because of the climate or because people here don’t care about cleanliness.

Whether it was the buildings in the town or the passers-by, everything exuded an extremely strong fishy and putrid odor, especially the straight street that ran through the entire town, which was sticky, slippery, and disgusting.

The stone tiles paved on the ground seemed to be covered with a thick layer of fish mucus, which only gave Chen Jing the illusion that he was constantly stepping on dead fish.

Every time he stood up or landed, he needed to be mentally prepared, otherwise he would be so disgusted that he would retch.

without any exaggeration.

Compared to Eternal Night City, which had never seen sunlight for ten thousand years, this town gave him a weirder feeling... It was dark and depressing, as if shrouded in an ominous haze, and in the drowsy back streets and alleys, there would be a few ominous rays shot out from time to time. A kind look.

From the moment you step into town.

Chen Jing has never met any "outsiders".

Whether they are pedestrians walking on the road or some indigenous people standing in the house hiding behind the windows, they all have extremely obvious "local characteristics".

"Are these guys all half-murlocs..."

Chapter 579 Bruna Fishing Town (Part 2)

Each region of the world has a unique architectural style.

For example, the architecture of Jizhou City tends to look like the antique buildings and jade buildings seen in world-class costume films.

As for Yongye City, it is more inclined to a modern city.

As for the fishing town called Bruna in front of Chen Jing...

Like medieval Europe?

It should be about the same.

Whether it is the architectural style or the dress of the local indigenous people, it is almost completely consistent with Chen Jing's impression of medieval Europe.


These natives are just dressed like medieval Europeans.

But they are not human.

Chen Jing firmly believes in this.

For example, the natives he met along the way...

They all have the same distinctive feature.

Dead face.

No matter men, women, old or young, tall, short, fat or thin, no matter how different their facial features are, the eyes of these indigenous people are always protruding, and the bloodshot whites of the eyes are often accompanied by some strange and dirty marks, like pathological diseases growing on the eyeballs. Plaque…

Like the eyes of a dead fish.

There is no human emotion in their eyes, they are godless and empty yet creepy.

Not only that.

The faces of these natives were particularly stiff, and they seemed to be able to maintain an expressionless posture. Whether they were talking to each other or looking at outsiders such as Chen Jing, their expressions did not change in any way.

In this town.

Most of the indigenous people Chen Jing had seen had extremely muscular bodies, with muscles that exceeded human limits and almost shattered the cheap clothes on them.

Only the women, children and the elderly were a little thinner... no, to be precise, they were almost pathologically skinny, forming an extremely strong contrast with those strong men.

It started when Chen Jing and the others entered the town.

Every native here will unabashedly set their sights on them.

No threat or other emotions could be seen.

But Chen Jing's intuition told him...these natives had some evil intentions.

Behind those empty and dull eyes, there might be some chilling "bad ideas" hidden behind them.

"What I hate the most is these coastal aborigines... You have seen their empty eyes, right... I feel uncomfortable looking at them... I really want to gouge out their eyeballs..." Chen Bofu also said I couldn't help but complain softly.

"Don't say anything yet, or you will attract hatred." Chen Jing warned, then he turned his eyes away and looked calmly at the native who just passed by him.

It was a middle-aged man hurriedly carrying a sack. His slightly shabby clothes were covered with dirty marks. He had a solid wood pipe in his mouth and a dry and peeling fish scale on his neck...

To be honest, Chen Jing looked quite disgusting.

Because the fish scales growing on his neck only reminded Chen Jing of the dried fish given by his colleagues in the past, the kind without the scales removed. After being exposed to the sun, it would dry and peel, and the scales would fall off with just a click.

This town is disgusting.

This was Chen Jing’s first impression of Bruna Fishing Town.

But the town is also quiet.

This is Chen Jing's second impression of Bruna Fishing Town.

From beginning to end.

Regardless of the sounds made by Chen Jing himself and the old man, there seemed to be no other people talking here. There were only the occasional footsteps of pedestrians, or strange sticky sounds coming from some buildings, as if some creature was coming. The darkness is slowly crawling and unsettling.

"The natives living here are all descendants of the past, and the strongest ones are only Sequence Four..." Chen Jing also had a rough understanding of the natives of this fishing town.

In terms of strength, Chen Jing can wipe out this town by himself, but in terms of his true thoughts, he doesn't want to fight these natives at all. Seeing how sticky and fishy they are... forget it.

Chen Jing avoided them.

I just want to leave this disgusting town as soon as possible to avoid smelling the smell of dead fish and rotten shrimps when I breathe again.

On the way to the fish stall.

Chen Jing met one "native" after another who liked to stare at them.

In response to this phenomenon.

He was ready to take action at any time.

As long as these weird-looking natives dared to do anything out of the ordinary, Chen Jing would directly use the golden holy light to burn the town shrouded in fishy and rotten odor to ashes... But it was a pity that no natives took action against them from beginning to end. .

The natives just stared at them.

That's all.

Therefore, Chen Boxu became more and more impatient. If Chen Jing hadn't been persuading him earnestly, he would have destroyed the town directly regardless of the risk of exposing his whereabouts.

Come to what Hassad calls the fish stall.

It was the first time for Chen Jing to talk to the indigenous people here.

Although the other party spoke in a weird and dull tone, at least he could pronounce the words clearly and understand...

"Are you going to Inboga?"

The local native who spoke was the owner of the fish stall, and he was also the strongest descendant among the natives that Chen Jing had ever seen.

However, he didn't look amazing. He was just dressed in a dirty fisherman's attire. He was old, frail, and skinny. He was not as intimidating as the strong men before.

"Yes." Chen Jing looked at the sticky and smelly wooden floors in front of him. Being a germaphobe, he didn't want to go in and talk to the other party, so he could only stand outside the fish stall. "I heard that you can rent a boat here. But before renting a boat, you must rent a captain..."

"Yes, these are the rules." The fish stall owner nodded, picked up the pipe stained with dead fish mucus from the chopping board, and took a heavy puff, "Actually, this is also for the benefit of the customers. The weather in the old sea is so changeable and windy. "Big, if there are no locals at the helm for you, I'm afraid you will fall into the sea and feed those damn fishes in less than half a day."

"Quote a price."

Chen Jing nodded and agreed to the other party's proposal. After all, this was what Hazard had said before coming here. It seems that this is the rule in this coastal area.

"One kilogram."

The fish stall owner took a deep puff of his pipe and slowly exhaled the choking gray-black smoke. There was no other expression on his stiff face, and his empty eyes were still lifeless.

"One kilogram?" Chen Jing didn't react for a moment.

"One kilogram of filth."

The fish stall owner knocked his pipe on the corner of the table, and his tone was steady when he spoke, and there was no intention of extortion at all.

"This price is already very fair. In addition to providing you with a fishing boat that is often maintained, we will also let Old John, the best captain in Bruna Fishing Town, steer the helm for you."

"One kilogram of filth?! Fuck you..."

Chen Bofu didn't have time to curse the following swear words, and was swallowed back by Chen Jing's eyes.

One kilogram of filth?

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