"We are friends." Chagun looked at the gentle Armitage and murmured to himself, "Although you are a stranger, I also recognize you as a friend. I hope this time... you won't lie to me. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zha Gong slowly took off the hood of his robe.

All of a sudden.

That inhuman face came into Chen Jing's eyes.

Chagon no longer has the basic human form.

In other words, he was different from the natives Chen Jing had seen. He was like a weird combination of a lizard and a toad, and his entire face looked extremely ferocious and twisted.

Under the cheekbones on both sides of the cheek, there are three organs similar to fish gills... Only this is similar to those of the aborigines, and the characteristics of some aquatic animals can be seen.

"Yes, we are friends." Armitage breathed a sigh of relief when Chagun said this.

"But I am not like them." Chagong looked back at Chen Jing and Chen Bofu, with a hint of vigilance in his cold tone, "Even until now, I have never seen them show up... wearing Wearing a gas mask, who are you trying to protect?”

"Everyone has a secret, right?" Armitage smiled.

Cha Gong smiled noncommittally, looked at Chen Jing and the others silently for a while, and finally asked.

"When do you want to go?"

"The sooner the better." Chen Bofu replied calmly, "When we first discovered this relic, it was already on the verge of collapse. Although we have used some means to stabilize its condition, this is only temporary. of……"

Chagong nodded, having no doubts about Chen Boxu's answer, because the relic looked frighteningly fragile...

"There will be thunderstorms later tonight."

Chagon slowly stood up and put his hood back on.

"The thunderstorm will last for two days. You will go out to sea on the third day and go directly to Pohnpei to meet me. I will personally escort you to deep dive to Ihasre."

Chapter 597: The first connection between the temple and Kakosha (Part 2)

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Chagong had left Yinbojia Island that Chen Jing and the others dared to take off the gas masks on their faces.

The swineherd and others who had been walking outside the house also ran in and asked how the discussion was going and whether they wanted to adopt plan B?

"Damn, what a stupid plan." Chen Bofu casually threw the gas mask on the coffee table and cursed, "Wearing this thing suffocates me to death! We might as well let us wear masks! In Bruna Fishing When we are in town, we will..."

"The mask is safer." Armitage said with a smile. After Chagun left, he seemed a lot more relaxed. "After all, he is a priest of the Dagon Secret Cult. He knows the outside world better than those natives, not to mention he can see the outside world." I want to pass the arrest warrant for you two grandsons..."

"He won't suddenly regret it, right?" Chen Bofu asked with a frown.

"It shouldn't be... right?" Armitage blinked. Seeing Chen Bofu's brows raised and about to curse, he hurriedly explained, "I don't know what he is thinking, but I can't help him." To be honest, I feel like he has wanted to be the first priest a long time ago.”

"As long as you are ambitious." Chen Bofu tugged on the collar of his raincoat and felt that it was not as comfortable as a large vest. "Then let's wait patiently and see... By the way, the Pohnpei he just mentioned is Where?"

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but look at Armitage curiously.

"It's the closest place to Ihasre."

Armitage murmured, lowering his head and slowly lighting the pipe. The muscles on his cheeks contracted suddenly, and he took a long puff of the cigarette.

"Actually, I have always been unsure whether Yihasrei exists, and Chagun has never given me a definite answer, but now it seems... all this can be confirmed, and it is exactly the same as my original analysis result, Yiha Slay is just around the corner from Pohnpei.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Armitage looked up at Chen Boxu, his cautious tone conveying a sense of instruction.

"If nothing else happens, he will escort you down to Yihasrei. You must keep a low profile along the way and don't accidentally expose your identity..."

"What should I do when we get there?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, "Do you really want to take him to Luoyan City with you?"

"What the heck." Chen Boxu took over the conversation and said angrily, "The Dagon Secret Cult is obviously working against you. Although they have not joined the Anti-Deep Space Alliance, they are very hostile to you. If you want to I said……"

Chen Bofu sneered, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"After you complete your promotion, we will search Luoyan City carefully. After the search is completed, we will find a way to destroy Luoyan City."

"It's not that easy." Chen Jing frowned and analyzed carefully, "Our power in Old Sea has always been limited. It's just that you were affected less than me, but in the end, you were affected. It’s impossible to exert your full strength, not to mention that the Chagong priest is also an old descendant of sequence seven..."

to be honest.

In Chen Jing's view, the old man is definitely unique among the descendants of Sequence Seven. It is not too much to claim that he is "invincible at the same level", but the problem is that this is the old sea, not the inland...

"Chagun should be following us to Yihasre. It's not easy to get rid of him. We want to kill him on the way... It's not like we won't come back after we go into the water. I guess we'll have to rely on his help when we get back!"

Upon hearing Chen Jing's words, the old man fell silent immediately.

Because this is the reality. If you really fall out with Chagong in the sea, the consequences will not be easy to bear.

"Give him some benefits, and we can come back safely." Chen Jing persuaded the old man in a low voice, "Anyway, the media that enters Luoyan City are always in our hands. This can be regarded as our bargaining chip. We can wait until we return to a safe place. Think about other things."

"I agree with Jingjing's idea." Armitage nodded, "It will definitely do no good if you push Chagun in the sea. Maybe he can let you taste the feeling of capsizing in the sewer."

"Are you trying to scare me?" Chen Boxu glared at him.

Armitage just smiled and did not argue with Chen Bofu.

"It's okay to take a step back." Chen Jing comforted softly, "As long as I can complete the promotion step by step, even if the Dagon Secret Sect wants to become our enemy in the future, I will have a way to deal with them."

"Okay..." Chen Boxu sighed, "I just feel that this is a bit of a disadvantage, but there is nothing I can do if I am stronger than others... Damn it, sooner or later I will make them all into grilled fish!"

At this moment, a light curtain suddenly popped up in front of Chen Jing's eyes.

It was a message from Qiao Youning.

[Qiao Youning]: Start the ritual. The supplies are all in Chang Lao’s treasure box. He will deliver them to you this time.

[Chen Jing]: Has the time been advanced? I thought I had to wait until dawn.

[Qiao Youning]: The dean of the temple is afraid that someone will do something bad, so he wants to take advantage of the dark moon and high wind to send you all the supplies you want. By the way, the snacks I bought for Wei Nan Yanque are all at the dean's place. Remember to give them to him when you go back. They divide.

[Chen Jing]: OK, then I’ll contact Tsukano Kushiro.

"Grandpa, someone from the temple contacted me and said that supplies were about to be delivered."

"How did they contact you?" Chen Bofu had just lit up his cigarette, and when he heard what Chen Jing said, he immediately showed a surprised expression, "Did those grandsons call you?"

"I have a media person there. You Ning can contact me directly." Chen Jing pointed to his head and said something casually.

"I'm now contacting Kakosa and asking them to do the reception work. The person who sent the supplies this time is the elder..."

have to say.

With the help of the examination system, it is convenient for candidates to communicate with each other.

When Chen Jing contacted Tsukano Kushiro and asked him to notify Hassad to greet the distinguished guests from the temple, the space jump ritual in the outer city of Kakosa had already lit up.

Endless golden light particles appeared out of thin air, sweeping up from the ground like sand and shooting into the sky, until they formed a golden light curtain about several hundred feet high...

Although it takes a certain amount of time to start this space jump ritual.

But it only takes a moment to transmit it.

When the brightness of the dazzling golden light curtain gradually decreased until it completely dissipated...the distinguished guests from the temple had already appeared in the outer city of Kakosa, and Hassad and the others also greeted them immediately.

"Are you the elder of the Great Buddha Mother Temple?"

"Yes...it's me..."

The elder had not yet recovered from this long-distance jump in space. When Hassad held his hands enthusiastically and shook them, he was staring at the black star hanging high in the sky in a daze.

"This is Kakosha..."

The elder murmured, his eyes full of shock.

"The capital of the King of Deep Space... really deserves its reputation..."

Chapter 598: Under the Deep Space·The Capital of Gods (Part 1)

This time, the people sent by the [Big Buddha Mother Temple] to deliver supplies to the Western Continent, in addition to the elders who had dealt with Chen Jing, were also the fat monk who realized his nature and eighteen people wearing monk robes. , the "Arahant" whose status is second only to the elders.

Erga attached great importance to the temple's first visit to Kakosa. Although he knew that Chen Jing and the old madman were not in the city before, he still had all the necessary etiquette and did not dare to lack it, for fear of being singled out and stabbed later. .

Correspondingly, on the Kakosa side, Hassad also showed due sincerity to the distinguished guests from the temple under Chen Jing's instructions.

The people responsible for coming out to greet these monks, in addition to the two old men, Hassad and Lawrence, are also Tsukano Kushiro, a person with the status of a candidate, as well as Yan Que, Wei Nan, these friends who have dealt with Qiao Youning. .

As for the two dependents left here by Chen Jing, Yegetos and Baiaji, the former was sitting alone outside the temple in a daze, while the latter spread his wings and soared in the night sky of Kakosha...

After some polite exchanges of polite words.

Hassad enthusiastically led these monks into the inner city.

"The newly resurrected King of Deep Space... his family background is too shallow..."

During the process of entering the inner city, the elders had been quietly sizing up these "aboriginals" of Kakosa. Except for Hassad and Lawrence Yanque, whose strength was pretty good, the other old descendants couldn't enter him at all. eyes.

Enter the inner city from the outer city.

Along the way, these monks also saw many natives of the walled city. The more they saw, the more frightened they became, because they found that ordinary people made up the majority...

"Brother Hassad." The elder followed behind Hassad. Although the opponent's strength was far inferior to his own, he did not dare to put on any airs, not to mention he was not the kind of domineering character, "You Kakosa There are quite a few ordinary people here. I think most of the residents are..."

"Oh, isn't Ajing kind-hearted?" Hassad smiled, like a biological prosthetic eye set made of gold placed on the bridge of his nose, like wearing a pair of small telescopes with blood-red lenses, "The old man , are there no ordinary people in your temple?”

"Yes, there are..." Elder Sheng frowned, "but it's not like your Kakosha, where there are not many old descendants at a glance... Aren't you afraid that Xuankong Yongye will attack?"

"Since we are all friends of the alliance, then I won't hide it from you..." Hasad smiled, knowing that he should take this opportunity to reassure the temple, "You should know where the Western Continent is. In addition to us, there is also an ancient god here."

Hearing this, Elder Sheng couldn't help but be stunned.

The special nature of the Western Continent.

It's not a secret for sect members like Elder Sheng.

He knew that there was an extremely terrifying ancient god lurking here, and he also knew that Chen Jing chose the location of Kakosha in the Western Continent, and it was very likely that he had reached some kind of agreement with that ancient god. In addition to the information revealed by Qiao Youning...

"What is the relationship between that ancient god and your Kakosha?" Elder Sheng asked cautiously. Even though he already had the answer in his mind, he wanted to take this opportunity to confirm it again.

"He is a follower of Deep Space." Hasard replied calmly. When he saw the surprise on the other person's face, he felt a sense of pleasure from pretending to be awesome... As expected, the old madman was right. It's so cool to pretend to be awesome!

From the day the ancient god of the Western Continent appeared, he divided the entire Western Continent into his own sphere of influence. In the process, he was not unconquered by members of other sects, but who could take advantage of the ancient god?

Let's not talk about others.

Let's talk about the Great Buddha Mother Temple behind these monks.

How many monks have come to the Western Continent and disappeared over the years?

But such an ancient god who occupied the land as a king turned out to be a follower of Deep Space. This kind of impact cannot be explained in a few words.

"Although I heard some of what You Ning said... but this is too exaggerated..." Elder Sheng seemed a little depressed after getting a definite answer, "The Deep Space Resuscitator has just started, why is that ancient god so eager to surrender?"

"What else?" Hasad asked calmly, "Do we have to fight with Deep Space first to make an enemy, and then wait for A Jing to rise, and then skin him and pull out his tendons to settle new and old grudges?"

Elder Sheng didn't say anything, but he seemed more and more depressed.

"It's not shameful to stand on the side early, but if you stand on the wrong side, it's both shameful and fatal... Don't you think so?"

"That's the truth." Elder Sheng nodded silently, vaguely feeling that this old guy was taking the opportunity to hit him, but it was hard to say.

Although the members of Kakosha are mixed, especially with that group of ordinary humans, the overall strength can be said to be terrible... But it must be said that the shock this city brought to Elder Sheng and others is real.

Whether it is this city filled with golden light dust or the black star hanging high in the sky, all of these are symbols of deep space. The breath from the origin of deep space only makes the monks feel inexplicably afraid.

Of course.

What also scares them is the ferocious beast with a body length of several thousand meters.

That is Baiaji that keeps circling in the sky.

As we all know.

The direct relatives of deep space are closely related to "Chen Jing".

The stronger Chen Jing is, the stronger his family is.

Whenever Chen Jing successfully advances to a sequence, his direct relatives will increase their strength accordingly. Perhaps the changes in Yegetos will not be so obvious, but Baiaji... its size is getting more and more terrifying.

After Chen Jing was promoted to sequence five.

Baiaji's complete form has become extremely terrifying, and its size is far beyond the common ancient species. When the terrifying body of three thousand meters long is circling in the sky, it is a black cloud surrounded by ominous haze.

Today, it has "self-healed" some of its chronic illnesses. The erosion caused by sleeping for billions of years has healed by more than 50%. The originally rotten and damaged body has been mostly repaired, and the abscesses throughout the abdominal cavity have long disappeared.

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