Kturt couldn't help laughing when he said this, and his words were full of admiration for Huang Wang.

"To be honest, I admire him very much. He was able to struggle desperately before he died. At the moment when he was completely disconnected by Deep Space, he tore off a 'nerve' of Deep Space and sent it directly to me..."

"I remember that he should not have been able to struggle anymore!" Chen Jing murmured in disbelief, "How did he do it..."

"At that time, the only owner of Deep Space was Huang Wang. The connection between the two was deeper than your current connection with Deep Space. In a sense, Huang Wang and Deep Space are close to a symbiotic relationship."

"You mean... Although Huang Wang was abandoned by Deep Space, he also caused damage to Deep Space at the moment of his death?"

"That's right."

Kturt nodded silently, his eyes full of regret for Huang Wang.

"If it weren't so, he wouldn't have been able to see the true face of deep space."

Chapter 617 The Bloodline of Deep Space (Part 2)

"So the 'deep space umbilical cord' you mentioned before is actually the nerve that was torn off by King Huang?"


Kturt nodded, raised his hand to signal Chen Jing to look at the "deep space umbilical cord", and his tone of voice became full of nostalgia, as if he was thinking of someone.

"This is the great gift that King Huang left for you, and it is also the only key item that needs to be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Creator..." Kturt said calmly, as if warning Chen Jing, "If you don't have this 'umbilical cord' to complete the deep space for you, your future will be difficult, and your body may collapse directly when you are promoted to Sequence 7."

"Is it true?" Chen Jing was half-believing and half-doubting, because the change of sequence was arranged by King Huang, and from what King Huang said at the beginning, although this path is risky, it will not kill people at Sequence 7.

"If you still follow the original deep space sequence to advance, then you will definitely not encounter any risks, but the highest... you can only reach the realm of Huang Wang."

Kturt raised his hand and pointed to the sky, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Huang Wang was killed by those creators. Even if you reach his realm, it is just a repetition of a tragedy."

"I know..." Chen Jing frowned, "So I changed the way of sequence advancement according to his advice."

"That's right, it's because you changed the way, so the more you advance, the greater the risk." Kturt suddenly grinned, revealing a frightening smile, "Believe me, the deep space will kill you sooner or later."

"...Why?" Chen Jing asked in confusion.

"Because you want to pretend to be its child, but the blood flowing in your body is not its blood. It will not abandon you like it abandoned Huang Wang. It will directly make you disappear from this world completely." Kturt laughed strangely.

"Huang Wang didn't tell me this..." Chen Jing's face became more and more ugly.

"If he had told you all these things in the armory, do you think you would have a chance to come to Luoyan City to see me?" Ketuart smiled.

"You mean..." Chen Jing was stunned, and then he suddenly realized.

"Those damn creators have been staring at you, so you can only get partial information, or even wrong information. You need to use this to paralyze them. After all, wanting to carefully search your memory is an operation that violates the principles of the exam. The Supreme Being will not let them go."

At this point, Ketuart sighed.

"The reason why I was forgotten by the world, the timeline, the Creator, and even the King Huang himself... all of this is part of his plan."

"Only in this way can I hide perfectly and prepare for you, the descendant of deep space."

"Actually, there is one thing I am very curious about." Chen Jing asked calmly, "You have the ability to erase your existence from history, I believe this, but those Creators... They are much stronger than you, how did you manage to disappear from their memories?"

"It helped me."



Kturt raised his hand and pointed at the "deep space umbilical cord" suspended in the void, and his expression became inexplicably blank.

"In fact, until today, I still find it incredible that this nerve continues to grow after leaving deep space... I can't control it, but it can really help me. This is the method that King Huang taught me."

"He still has this ability?!" Chen Jing opened his eyes in disbelief.

"I don't know either." Ketuart smiled bitterly, as if Chen Jing had asked him the question he least wanted to answer. "I am the person who helped King Huang complete the plan, and I am also the implementer of this plan. From a certain perspective, I am part of the truth that you want to know... But this truth is not the truth for me."

For a moment, Chen Jing was confused by Ketuart's words.

What do you mean the truth is not the truth for you? ?

If all this is true, then in the whole plan, aren't you the most important link? !

The so-called truth for you should be...

"King Huang lied to me." Ketuart retracted his gaze, grabbed his hair with a distressed expression, and stared at the table in front of him that was corroded by the wine. "He should have concealed a lot of things from me, just like this one you are curious about... How did those damn creators forget me?!"

"Calm down first..." Chen Jingsheng was afraid that the mentally ill ancient god would go crazy again, so he hurriedly comforted him, "Don't think about the questions you can't figure out. Let's talk about other things!"

"You know what! I have always felt that the people involved in this plan are not just me and King Huang! There should be other people...or other forces involved!"

Keturt murmured to himself, a fierce light dancing in his green eyes.

"But King Huang didn't tell me! In order to help him! I paid the price of billions of years..."

As he spoke, Keturt suddenly reached across the dining table and grabbed Chen Jing's collar.

"In countless parallel worlds, I am the only existence, and Luoyan City is also the only existence, but King Huang said that 'you' in any world may find me..."

"He also asked me to prepare a key! Do you remember that conch? He actually asked me to throw that thing directly into the dimensional turbulence! He said that the thing would be found by 'you' sooner or later! He said it was fate ! I am also part of the fate!"


When Chen Jing heard these two words, he suddenly felt that what Huang Wang said was true. Maybe there really was such a thing as "fate"... just like the "key" he found, the conch that could open the singularity in the deep sea. .

Thinking of the origin of that thing, Chen Jing felt that it was full of coincidences.

The old man got it from [Moonlight Hermitage].

And the premise for him to fish for it was that he, the grandson, had suffered a lot and had a legitimate reason to go to the Priory to cause trouble.

"You too are part of destiny."

When he heard Keturt's words, Chen Jing was about to say something, but before he could speak, the severe pain from his chest caused him to temporarily lose the ability to make a sound.

"When I help you this time, I also make the last move for him. With this, my mission is completed..."

Keturt's right hand was already embedded in Chen Jing's chest, and his slightly skinny palm was tightly holding Chen Jing's beating heart.

"It's time to replace the Yellow King's blood flowing in your body. It must be replaced by the true deep space bloodline..."

"Can you please be gentle..." Chen Jing gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out in pain.


Keturt grinned, his smile becoming more and more terrifying.

"I'll try my best. After all, this is my first time performing a blood transfusion on someone. The process shouldn't be too smooth. Just grit your teeth and see if you can get through it... If you get through it, you'll be fine!"

"Can't you survive it?" Although Chen Jing knew the answer, he still wanted to ask.

"If you can't survive it, you will die. It's such a simple thing."

Keturt said with a smile while pulling Chen Jing's heart out of his chest. The range of his movements was so large that it didn't look like he was operating on a living person at all, even if he was dissecting a dead body. Rude, it looks more like inflicting torture on an enemy.

"Come on, get through it...you will be the biological son of Shen Kong!"

Chapter 618: The Two Gods of Eternal Night (Part 1)

Outside Kturt's mansion, Chen Bofu was holding a cigarette and talking to the priest Chagong beside him. There was a wine table in front of them, and Dagon was sitting directly opposite them, chatting. Listening with interest to the old man's lies about Chagong, he put dried meat that looked like dry firewood into his mouth.

That is also a specialty of Luoyan City, but it is not made of fish, but comes from some kind of mammal that lives in the sea.

"Listen to my brother's advice. If you continue to fool around with those two idiots, you will definitely have no good future." Chen Bofu put his arm around the shoulders of the priest Chagong, as if a big brother was confiding to his younger brother, "Even if you believe in The sources of the sequence are all friends in deep space. Do we still need to consider this issue of alignment? "

"Brother, don't worry. I won't consider it. I am definitely on your side!" Priest Chagong is an out-and-out smart man. He had already seen Dagon being so "polite" to Chen Jing before. He saw many problems, "I will resolve the matter between Notoya and Gambaro, and I will have a good talk with them after I return..."

"It's best if we can continue the conversation." Chen Bofu said with a smile, and there was a hint between the lines, "But if we can't continue the conversation..."

"I know." Priest Chagong nodded without hesitation, "I will let the Tantric Cult follow the will of the 'god'. Whoever the 'god' chooses to be friends with will be our friend."

"That's right." Chen Bofu nodded with satisfaction, "This is called a teachable child... Think about it for yourself. If you follow the team in deep space, is it possible that your secret sect will suffer a loss?"

In fact, the Chagong priest wants to say that there is.

After all, the current situation is so chaotic that it's a bit difficult to see clearly.

Needless to say, the alliance between Xuan Kong and Yong Ye goes without saying.

The main problem comes from within the Tantric Cult...

Notoa is a standard lunatic, whose brain circuit cannot be inferred by ordinary people's logic, and Gambaro is a bastard who talks about faith, but is actually ambitious and wants to fish in troubled waters.

In fact, based on this calculation, the person most loyal to Dagon and the others seems to be the priest Chagon, because his "piety" is indeed purer than Gambaro, but he is also much more sensible than the lunatic Notoa.

Let’s put it another way.

If [Dagon Secret Cult] is handed over to the hands of the Chagon priests, the Secret Cult may not necessarily rise, but it is unlikely to decline, because he will not go crazy like Notoa from time to time and use the Secret Cult to do some dangerous things. Nor will he be as eager for success as Gambaro...


This is the greatest characteristic of Chagong priests.

So for those believers whose brains have always been not normal, the personality charm of the Shagong priest is the lowest. Compared with the other two priests, he seems to be more difficult to be worshipped and followed by believers.

"Gambaro is simple. Even if the negotiation with him fails, it is not troublesome to deal with it." The Shagong priest also had a lit cigarette in his mouth. Although he did not have the habit of smoking, this was handed to him by his grandfather in the deep space after all. He could only bite the bullet and smoke it even if he did not smoke. "The problem is Notoya. He is not a normal person at all. It will be very troublesome to communicate."

"God's instructions are not okay?" Chen Bofu glanced at Dagon calmly.

"It's hard to say." The Shagong priest shook his head, "He is crazy and I am not sure. Maybe it will be easy to negotiate, but it is also possible that the negotiation will fail directly..."

At this time, Dagon, who had been silent all the time, coughed twice.

"In front of me, you bewitched my believers?" Dagon looked at Chen Bofu with complicated eyes, thinking that he was worthy of being his grandfather, Shenkong, bewitching his believers in front of him, the ancient god. From what they said, he was going to let the secret religion fall into a self-divided chaos...

Although Dagon didn't care about the future development of the secret religion, but saying these things in front of him... He felt something was wrong within two minutes of listening.

"What do you mean by bewitching?" Chen Bofu was unhappy and patted the shoulder of the Shagong priest hard, "I'm just showing this little brother a clear way!"

"Clear way?" Dagon thought about it, and finally chose to remain silent.

Because Dagon, a close confidant, knew Cturt's attitude towards deep space best, he had never considered the issue of standing in a team, but...

"Don't be too radical, don't be too risky." Dagon's dull voice was oppressive, "Only if the secret religion exists can those believers have a place to live in this chaotic world. If the secret religion falls into chaos, you will die earlier than anyone else."

Hearing Dagon's words, the priest Shagong nodded immediately, saying that he would always keep in mind the teachings of my god and would never let the secret religion fall into the crisis of division...

"Dagon, how about you help me?" Chen Bofu blinked.

"Help you go out to stabilize the situation? Or help him take down the secret religion?" Dagon smiled and shook his head, "We will not interfere in the disputes outside, and even after this 'banquet', we will live in Luoyan City and will not leave here..."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu and Shagong immediately widened their eyes, because what Dagon said was something they did not expect.

"You! Aren't you going to go out?!" Chen Bofu extinguished the cigarette in his hand excitedly, "Didn't we agree to be iron-clad allies?!"

"When did I say that..." Dagon looked at the old man with a puzzled look, and explained slowly, "My master has always disliked disputes, let alone fighting those damn things, so we are going to wait until you finish fighting before going out..."

"Are you going to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?" Chen Bofu was stunned.

"It's not as complicated as you think. Whether you win or lose, it doesn't affect us." Dagon paused for a moment, then added, "Besides, all this is the master's wish. He has clearly stated that he is unwilling to participate in this war."

"No reason?" Chen Bofu frowned. He didn't expect this to happen. It seems that these guys living in the Old Sea have completely different concepts from the ancient gods of the Western Continent...

"There should be a reason, but I don't know." Dagon spread his hands, "I just made a choice in accordance with the master's wishes, that's all."

"Then...then what should I do..." The Shagong priest couldn't make up his mind for a while, because the plans he had discussed with Chen Bofu before were all based on the appearance of ancient gods such as Dagon...


Dagon shrugged indifferently, but after thinking about it, he added.

"Forming an alliance with Deep Space is indeed a good choice, but risks and opportunities coexist. If you are lucky, you may have a chance to leave your name in the history books created by Deep Space, but if you are unlucky..."

"Okay, stop it!"

Chen Bofu raised his hand hurriedly, signaling Dagon to shut up.

"Don't bewitch my little brother! He is timid and can't stand being scared!"

Chapter 619 The Two Gods of Eternal Night (Part 2)

"You have been bewitching him, right?"

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