When Luoyan City entered a closed state, Chen Jing and the others were driven back to the Deep Sea Singularity. They could only keep walking back along the way they came. However, fortunately, the Deep Sea Singularity fell into "decay", and the recent It’s much easier to go.


Hearing Chen Bofu sighing, Priest Chagong who was walking at the front couldn't help but turn around. He heard Chen Bofu sigh hundreds of times along the way, and the only thing that could make the old madman so depressed... was that He is a "gongziye".

"I was wrong, I was really wrong. I shouldn't have brought him to the Old Sea from the beginning. If I didn't bring him to the Old Sea, he wouldn't be like this. If I didn't bring him to the Old Sea, I wouldn't be like this. It’s all your damn fault for being reduced to such sadness!”


Seeing Chen Bofu swinging his sword towards him, Priest Chagong was immediately stunned.

Blame...blame me?

Does this have anything to do with me?

Aren't you guys rushing to come to Luoyan City?

And to say the least...

You guys have been playing with my brain from the beginning to the end, even coaxing and tricking you just to go to Luoyan City to advance to the rank. In the end, can you still blame me?

"I don't think this has anything to do with me..." Priest Chagong had no vision and subconsciously retorted.

"Say it again!" Chen Bofu glared, obviously wanting to vent his anger on someone, "Believe it or not, I'll beat you up!"

"You are too unreasonable..." Priest Chagong shook his head hurriedly, saying that he did not dare to quarrel with this madman anymore.

"I'm right!" Chen Bofu cursed through gritted teeth, "My grandson has turned into such a... such a ghost! How can he find a wife in the future!"

"I think it's pretty good-looking." Priest Chagong scratched his chin and asked in confusion, "Is there something wrong with your aesthetics?"

"Testing you..." Chen Boxu held back his swear words and turned to look at "Chen Jing" who was stumbling behind him. He hurriedly walked over to help him, but in the end he waved his hand and refused.

"It doesn't matter……"

Chen Jing is still in that translucent form, and within the haze-like mist-like torso, it seems that there are countless stars shining with different colors.

At this moment, he has gradually taken control of this new body. Although it is not yet to the point where he can use his arms and fingers, it can at least make him more like a human being...

In the passage of the singularity of the deep sea.

Chen Jing is like a foggy blurred figure, without the necessary details such as facial features, and the entire body structure appears too streamlined.

If he could maintain a nearly human-like form, then the old man might not be so sad. The problem is that the area below Chen Jing's waist... has completely lost the form that a human should have.

Chen Jing has no legs or feet below the waist.

There is only a piece of "excrescence" like an old-fashioned long skirt.

They are like a tumor formed by countless rays of light. When Chen Jing drags them forward, the space around Chen Jing will be distorted.

"Fuck...it would be better if someone played a wedding march for me now..." Chen Jing was also extremely angry at this moment, and his voice was filled with gritted teeth, "I'm wearing this damn 'skirt' now. , just like a funny bride about to get married..."

"Calm down, calm down." Chen Boxu cautiously followed Chen Jing and comforted him softly, for fear that his sweet grandson would not be able to think about it. "Actually, if I think about it carefully... maybe there is something wrong with my aesthetics... You This look is much more domineering than those ancient gods..."

"Those who say things against their will have no great-grandson!" Chen Jing gritted his teeth.

"Wow, you are too poisonous..."

Chen Bofu was stunned for a moment, but then sighed again.

"My dear grandson, as you are now neither a human nor a ghost, how can you find a girl to give me a great-grandson..."

Chapter 625: The Nebula Eroding Ihasrei (Part 2)

Chen Jing didn't want to speak.

Chen Jing just wanted to be quiet.

Because when he heard the old man sighing like this, the memory of the Buddha Mother suddenly came to his mind.

"Actually, my form is okay..."

"Are you okay?" Chen Bofu almost burst into tears, "My dear grandson, please stop comforting me. I tremble in my heart when I see you like this. You're scarier than his mother Gheluo..."


It's scary.

It's like a moving spatial distortion-inducing period.

Twisted wherever you go.

"Almost there..."

Priest Chagong walked at the front, completely unwilling to pay attention to the crazy grandfather and grandson behind him, especially Chen Bofu, who was mentally ill. He felt that if he chatted with this old madman for a few more words, he might risk his life. Here it is.

"You go first." Chen Bofu followed Chen Jing every step of the way, fearing that something might happen to his beloved grandson again. "I'll walk slowly with him. You see, this kid has a hard time walking..."

"Let's go together. You go faster." Priest Chagong did not dare to be careless and said cautiously, "Notoya is guarding us. If nothing else happens, we may encounter something unexpected as soon as we go out. "

"If you're afraid of death, don't rush me!" Chen Bofu said impatiently, "You are in a hurry to reincarnate!"


After Luoyan City was closed, the passage to the deep sea singularity also changed. It was no longer a beam of light that decomposed all things as it was when it came... It seemed to have truly turned into a tunnel leading to the other world, surrounded by some blue Crystals, the space inside the channel has become extremely narrow, so walking in it is like walking through a tunnel in the mountain.

"I can't continue to compress this body..." Chen Jing said helplessly to the old man, his tone full of frustration, "This is the smallest form that I can maintain stable..."

Chen Bofu sighed and didn't want to say anything more. He just wanted his grandson to be happy.

After all, a normal person drags a "skirt" about forty to fifty meters long, causing spatial distortion all the way. This reality is really not easy to accept.

"Negative points for appearance...full marks for practicality..." Chen Jing seemed to have thought about it, and said to himself, "My grasp of the basic laws of dimensional space has improved a lot... In this Sequence Six old descendant, Within the range...there is no way anyone can be my opponent..."

"Where are the old descendants of Sequence Seven?" Chen Boxu asked curiously, "For example, someone like me."

"You can't win, but you can't die either." Chen Jing whispered, "When you go out later, try that Notoa. Although the influence of the Old Sea on you is still there, we still have the foreign aid of Chagong... Um?"

"Damn it! Where are the people!?"

For a moment, Chen Jing and Chen Bofu were a little confused, because they realized that the priest Chagong who was walking in the front was nowhere to be seen.


It was as if the world had evaporated and disappeared into thin air.

"Hurry! The exit is ahead! I think that old boy walked too fast and was teleported out! Ihasrei is guarded by Notoa! If he goes out alone, he will die!"

Chen Bofu immediately became anxious. After all, Priest Chagong was also an old descendant of Sequence Seven, and there was the Dagon Secret Cult organization behind him, so the meaning of his life was far greater than his death.

"Let's hurry up and get out! We should be able to make it in time!"

The priest Chagong was confused.

Especially when he found himself inexplicably transported to Ihasrei.

Suddenly he saw that huge figure.

He was even more confused.

Where is the entrance to the deep sea singularity?

This question has always been lingering in the mind of Priest Chagong, because even if he walked out, he didn't know where the entrance and exit were. There was no sign or reference, and he was teleported out without any warning.

It's like there's an invisible door in the middle of a tunnel.

One step across is Ihasrei.

"Father God Dagon...look who I'm waiting for..."

In the panic-stricken eyes of the Chagon priest, the "humanoid creature" who was more than ten meters tall in a robe slowly stood up. While sighing that his waiting was not in vain, he recited Chagon's damning crimes.

"Sagun, my dear brother..."

"Do you know how I felt when they said you brought outsiders into Ihasrei?"

"Yes, I'm angry. You should also know that I have a bad temper... I hate people breaking the rules of the secret sect, and I even hate people making little moves behind my back."

Notoya, who was speaking, had already walked up to Chagon. The indescribable sense of oppression spread through the darkness under the priest's robe, as if forming a substantial energy, which made Chagon breathless. Get angry.

"Notoa... listen to my explanation..." Chagun had no idea of ​​resisting, because he knew that fighting this guy alone would be courting death, so he could only pray crazily in his heart that the two grandsons would come out to save the situation. .

"Okay, let me explain."

Although the height of the Chagong priest was already beyond the normal range, in front of Notoya who was more than ten meters tall, he looked worse than a child.

"Tell me, where did you come back from, and why did you use the space jump in Yihasrei..."

When Notoya said this, he slowly stretched out the crustacean-like "legs" from under his robe, which were his hands.

When Notoya lifted the metal gauze covering his face, the terrifying face that looked like a mixture of humans and insects also instantly came into Chagon's eyes.

"Tell me where you went."

"Luoyan City!!!"

At this moment, Priest Chagon was too frightened to think anymore, and answered Notoa's question loudly as if begging for mercy, because he knew how unreasonable this madman was.

Just like the old man named Chen Bofu.

You really pissed him off. He won't have any scruples when he kills you, even if you have the answer he needs...

"Luoyan City..." Notoya lowered his eyes out of their sockets, like the eyes of some kind of insect extending outward, "Are you talking about the city where 'that person' is? That mysterious ancient capital shrouded in legends and miracles ?”

"Yes!" Priest Chagong said hurriedly, trying his best to satisfy Notoya's curiosity, because he felt that even if he hesitated for a second, Notoya would probably take action suddenly, "There are many people who are going with me. Gon! Tejili! Those two ancient gods have been following me!"

This answer was something Notoa never dared to think of.


To be precise, it started from Luoyan City’s answer...

"That ancient city has always been a myth. Even I dare not admit that it really exists." Notoya stared at the Chagong Priest suspiciously, "How do you expect me to believe you?"

Hearing these words, an idea flashed in Priest Chagon's mind, and he made up an answer that Notoa couldn't refuse.

"I can take you to Luoyan City to see it! Once you go, you will believe it!"

Chapter 626: The Nebula Eroding Ihasrei (Part 2)

"Let me think about it...my mind is a little messed up..."

Notoya took two steps back, seemingly not wanting to put too much pressure on Shagon at this time. Although he couldn't be sure whether what Shagon said was true or false, one thing was certain... the moment Shagon suddenly appeared out of thin air, he did feel a breath older than Ihasrei.

That breath was something he had never felt before.

It came from further ahead of the source of the Dagon sequence...

"On a sunny day, I heard that my brother betrayed the cult and ran into Ihasrei with two outsiders, breaking one of the biggest rules of our cult..." Notoya muttered to himself, and began to sort out his chaotic thoughts in his own way.

During this process, Shagon didn't dare to interrupt, because he knew that the main reason why this guy liked to go crazy was... not enough brain capacity.

"I was waiting for my good brother to come back in Ihasre... and he did come back... and he told me that he went to the legendary city of Loyan... and the two ancient gods Dagon and Tekili also went with him..."

"Now he says he wants to take me to Loyan City to have a look..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Notoya fell silent, because he felt that Shagon was lying.

As for why he felt this way.

Notoya didn't know.

"You lied to me." Notoya priest stretched out sixteen legs from under his robe, like a crustacean about to eat, and pretended to hold Shagon in his arms, "I hate people lying to me, you'd better die."

"I didn't lie to you!" Shagon priest was anxious.

"Then you should show me the evidence... let Dagon or Tekili come out to testify for you..." Notoya sneered, "Or you can make me disappear like you, and then teleport to Luoyan City instantly."


"Nothing? It seems you are lying to me!"

"Wait a while and you will get the result!" The Shagong priest hurriedly stopped Notoya, fearing that this guy would start to go crazy, "I will wait with you!"

"Waiting for what?" Notoya asked doubtfully, "Are you waiting to die?"

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