
In the operating room, Wei Nan quickly understood what “the world is dangerous” meant. Although Chen Jing had been holding her and patting her back to comfort her like a child, her tears never stopped.

“I’ll beat that bastard Xu Ye to death when I get out!”

“Okay, okay, it’ll be done in a little while…”

“Will you help me?”

“… Yeah?”

“I’ve decided, before I kill her, I’ll kill you first!”

Wei Nan cried with snot and tears, rubbing Chen Jing’s shoulders hard, and occasionally raising her hand to hit him from behind. If it weren’t for Chen Jing’s special physique, she would have been beaten to vomit blood.

“You actually teamed up with her to deceive us!”

“That’s called a white lie, what do you know as a child…”

Facts have proved that.

Occasionally, hardship does help children grow.

After the operation.

Wei Nan first wiped his face with his sleeve, then took a few deep breaths, and his expression gradually became excited...

"Can I fool them if I go out like this?"

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded hesitantly.

"Okay, then you wait..."

When the barrier disappeared, Wei Nan was as excited as if he had won the lottery. His half-naive and half-silly smile fooled even Yan Que, his best friend.

"My little brother's skills are good! Everyone, hurry up and line up!"

Since Yan Que was still a little skeptical about Xu Ye's stories, he wanted to verify them with his good friend, so he pulled Wei Nan and asked softly.

"Does it really not hurt?"

"No, not at all." Wei Nan shook her head frantically, and then raised her thumbs to express her admiration for Chen Jing's skills, "It's like a massage! It feels so good!"

"Well... then I'll go!"

The nature of human beings is fully exposed in the inner world, even these extraordinary old descendants are still not immune to such things.

That's right.

It's the traditional one-on-one trick.

I can't let myself suffer alone even if I die.

"Haha, A Jing's skills are really good."

When Yan Que came out after the operation, Wei Nan was a little scared to see the smile on her face. Although she chose to trick her best friend before, she still regretted it afterwards, because Yan Que was famous for holding grudges...

"Are you... okay?"

"Well? I'm fine!"

Yan Que walked to Wei Nan and held her hand, then pinched her wrist fiercely without making a sound, and told her three words with gentle and sweet eyes.

"You wait!"

Chapter 644 When Kakosha's name resounds throughout the world

In fact, Chen Jing admires these people.

From the beginning, Xu Ye, Wei Nan, Yan Que.

To Hazard, Lawrence, and Ryan, Anu, Mona from the brat team...

From beginning to end.

Everyone's acting skills surprised Chen Jing sincerely, and he felt that Kakosha was full of talents. He really underestimated these old friends with special skills...What is acting bone? This is it!

Not to mention that they were screaming and howling in the "operating room", those brats were crying and shouting for help in pain, but when they walked out of the operating room, they all pretended to be fine.

For example, during the operation.

Hazard, who had been madly complaining about Chen Jing's murder.

He almost fainted several times during the operation, and he never stopped cursing. From Chen Jing's bad to his presumptuous craftsmanship, to the meanness inherited from generation to generation in the Chen family, he listed everything from top to bottom.

But even so.

When he walked out of the operating room, Hasard still praised Chen Jing "from the bottom of his heart" as a good material for being a doctor.


In the end, no one was left behind, and everyone was tortured by Chen Jing.

The last person to enter the operating room was Professor Armitage, who was also the one who hesitated and thought for a long time before deciding to accept the transformation of the family.

When he followed Chen Jing into the operating room.

In an instant.

There was a quarrel in the temple.

Bai En grabbed Yu Kui's neck and shook it wildly, asking him why he lied to his good brother, and Yu Kui slapped the pig herder away with a slap, scolding the dead pig for being disloyal.

Ryan squatted in the corner with his head in his arms and was beaten by Anumona.

Before Hasard could go up to mediate the fight, Lawrence, who rushed from behind, tripped him to the ground with a chokehold. Tsukano Kushiro was going to mediate the fight, but Chen Bofu, who was standing by, grabbed him and refused to let him help...

Wei Nan was one of the people who reacted the fastest. When Armitage stepped into the operating room, she didn't even dare to hesitate. Without saying a word, she turned around and ran out of the temple. As a result, she was held down by Yan Que, who was emitting golden moonlight, and a sword was placed on her neck.

"Crazy woman! You are so mean!" Yan Que hadn't cursed for a long time, which shows how angry she is now.

"You can't blame me for this... I just wanted to play a joke on you... Besides! Didn't you lie too!" Wei Nan was still quibbling, and at the same time, she was looking around with a vicious look, trying to find the culprit Xu Ye.

This series of scams all started with her.

She started a bad start!

So she should be the one to be beaten!

“Yan Que, we are good half-sisters. Listen to me, we should go find Xu Ye now and call old man Hasad and the others… let’s give that woman a good beating!”

"What you said makes sense." Yanque nodded, "But I still want to beat you first."


"Be prepared. I will stab you with my sword. If you avoid it, your luck will be better."


"You ran fast enough."

"Of course you have to run faster, otherwise you will be beaten."

In the inner city of Kakosan, which is a thousand meters away from the temple, Suye was walking leisurely on the streets with her hands behind her back, and Jegertos was not far behind her. His huge and heavy body was like a moving golden tower. Hilly, but it didn't make any sound when walking.

"You followed me...because you didn't trust me?" Xu Ye suddenly turned around and asked, still smiling.

"No." Jegertos shook his head, "It's too noisy in there, I'm afraid I can't help but lose my temper."

As he said that, Jagertos couldn't help but curse again.

"Those bitches dare to make such a noise in the temple. They really don't take my king seriously at all..."

“The city is too empty.”

Su Ye stopped at the corner of the street and looked at the golden bench under the street lamp with interest, then sat on it and stretched out comfortably.

"If you want to develop this city, I'm afraid you will need a lot of people. It would be better if you are an old descendant. After all, this is the capital of deep space. It's really a bit shabby to have a bunch of ordinary people to support the scene."

"I heard my king say that you are a smart man." Jegertos stood aside and looked at her.

"Huh?" Xu Ye laughed, "A Jing said that?"

"He also said that you can help Kakosha develop faster, after all, you have experience in managing the city." Jegertos said.

"That's true."

Su Ye smiled even more happily, after all, this was some kind of recognition.

"It feels so strange to become a family member..." Xu Ye leaned on the bench and looked at the dim and warm street lamp. He slowly raised his hand and felt the light passing through his fingers quickly. "It seemed that I had connected with many people in an instant. Resonance..."

"This is the Familia." Jegertos said, "The blood of deep space is all flowing in our bodies. There will no longer be any secrets between each other, and there will be no betrayal or deception... Oh, by the way, the disrespect you just had Forget it, it’s all a child’s trick.”

"I heard A Jing say before coming here that there is a weird book here?"

"Mr. Book?" Jegertos nodded, "It has been very busy these days and can't spare any time."

"Yes, that's it. I heard A Jing say that it has stuffed the history of this world into its belly. If you want to know anything, you can ask it..." Xuye was very interested in Mr. Shu and talked about it. They couldn't help but look curious, "When will it be finished?"

"Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow." Jegertos shrugged, "It is copying historical sketches, trying to find a kind of fortification suitable for our Kakosha... It said it has a premonition that the war will soon happen. It's coming, so we need to be ready."

"War..." Xuye looked at Yegetos thoughtfully, "Have you ever thought about conquering the world? Just like what the Yellow King did in the legend."

"I haven't thought about it, I'm not interested."

Jegertos turned his gaze away and looked at the vast starry sky outside Kakosha.

"But that doesn't mean we don't need them to surrender."

"Yeah...understood." Xuye nodded, knowing that he should think about something for Kakosa in the future.

"The war sweeping this plane will be ended by us in deep space."

There seemed to be flames burning in Jegertos's eyes, but his calm tone revealed an unquestionable tone.

at this moment.

Long-lasting memories were already sweeping through his mind.

That old war.

The glorious days of conquering all dimensions with the Yellow King.

When all of this emerged uncontrollably in his mind, Yegetos could no longer hold back the high fighting spirit in his heart. He just wanted to find a suitable partner as soon as possible to make Kakosa completely famous and let the world know about it. The horror of deep space, so as to understand...respect.

"When the name of Kakosa resounds throughout the world, we will make all living creatures chant the name of my king."

Hearing Jegertos's words, Su Ye couldn't help but feel a little longing. After all, creating a new order... she was really interested in it!

"May the black star rise as usual."

Su Ye slowly stood up from the bench and gave Jagetos a greeting from the Deep Space Familia with a smile on his face.

"I learned this from a book. It is said to be the greeting ceremony between your deep space dependents. Is the gesture considered standard?"

"Yeah, not bad."

Jegertos also stood up and returned the salute, but he was still unforgiving.

"It's best to lower your head to show humility."

"Then why are you looking up?"

"Because I don't need humility."

Chapter 645: The Disappeared Hanging City (Part 1)

On the second day after Chen Jing returned to Kakosa.

Mr. Shu came over happily with the mouse.

When they saw Chen Jing.

The first feeling is... Chen Jing is very angry, very angry.

"King!" The mouse named Jerry was wearing a decent tuxedo. The moment he saw Chen Jing, he saluted him. Every line of his words was respectful to the supreme master of deep space. "Praise the deep space! May the black star rise as usual." !”


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