It has to be said that Qiao Youning really woke up the dreamer with one word.

While Chen Jing was still racking his brains to think about Turing's intentions, he completely forgot about Yong Ye's gang of bastards... Since they are the Anti-Deep Space Alliance, many of the actions in the Hanging City may have something to do with them. Contact us!

"Is there anything going on over there at Yong Ye?" Chen Jing asked.

"Yongye...yes! Yongye!!" Hassad slapped his forehead and said with a sudden realization, "I almost forgot about those monks! Maybe we can get the answer in Yongye!!"

Chapter 647 Hidden in the Moonlight

"I'll contact the spy over there now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hassad fell into a brief silence. The red light in the biometric eyes kept beating, like some kind of signal indicator light, flashing continuously according to a rigid pattern.

Until two minutes later.

Hassad’s prosthetic eye “went out.”

And the expression on his face became more and more confused, not like he had found the answer.

"Nothing happened."


"Everything is normal over there, there are no special circumstances. After the Hanging City disappeared, Gehro still looked like he was dead, as if he didn't even know about the Hanging City's disappearance..."

After Eternal Night fell due to the arrival of Ghero, the entire city was completely absorbed by Ghero until it "grown" again on the lunar soil.

There are no outsiders in the eternal night.

Yongye doesn't need outsiders either.

Compared to the Hanging City, today's Yongye is more like an enhanced version of the Qing Dynasty. It's an exaggeration to be closed to the country. Let alone the ancient descendants, not even a single insect can fly in...

Since Eternal Night City "grows" on Gehro, the white moonlight that can annihilate all things is always filled in every corner of the city. Any creature that dares to approach Eternal Night will be silently killed by these moonlights. Kill.

Therefore, Hassad's spy on Yongye always only dared to stay in the depths of the wasteland and use optical instruments to explore from a distance.

"This matter shouldn't be that simple..."

The more Chen Jing thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. With a thought, he used the connection between the family members to call Armitage and the others over. Then he used deep space energy as the basic material to create a classical and elegant golden round table in the palace.

Less than three minutes.

The seats at this round table are full.

Except for Jagertos who couldn't find a seat due to his exaggerated size, everyone found their own seats, while Chen Jing sat on the main seat.

After the meeting starts.

Chen Jing told the situation about the Hanging City in just a few words without any nonsense. When everyone learned that the Hanging City had disappeared, they all showed expressions of surprise and astonishment.

"Is it because I'm afraid of you that I just hid it?" Wei Nan bit the straw in his mouth and drank the boxed yogurt. "Didn't you succeed in the promotion sequence? Maybe it was because of this. They were terrified!"

"Unlikely." Hassad on the side shook his head, "Based on my understanding of the Hanging City, plus Turing's exposed thoughts... I don't think they are afraid of the deep space resuscitators at all, only Find ways to kill this resurrected descendant before deep space rises completely."

"So this is part of their plan?" Xu Ye frowned slightly, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Because there was too much noise in your promotion sequence, so they couldn't wait and wanted to use some means to kill you?"

"That's the problem..."

Chen Jing scratched his head helplessly. He felt that Turing must be holding back his evil, but he couldn't figure out what exactly Turing was holding back.

"How are they going to kill me? Directly start a full-scale war? Or do they want to come to the Western Continent for a sneak attack?"

"No matter what, we need to be more vigilant." Xu Ye said.

"That's right! Be more vigilant! Build fortifications!" Mr. Shu jumped onto the round table, completely ignoring the meeting etiquette, and said excitedly, "I have already drawn the line diagram for the parallel connection of the formations! Construction can start this afternoon. !”

With that said, Mr. Shu turned to look at Armitage again.

"You must be the human professor! Come and help me! The progress of the fortifications will be faster!"

Before the meeting started, Chen Jing introduced Mr. Shu and the mouse to these "newcomers", but I have to say... Mr. Shu's life form is too unique. Until now, Armitage and the others have been using a Look at it with a strange look.

"What fortifications?" Armitage took a slow drag on his pipe.

"Oh! Don't you understand this!" Mr. Shu disliked Armitage for being too stupid and explained impatiently, "Fortifications are naturally rituals! This is what I found from the lost old history! Once upon a time It was regarded as a ritual to protect the country by the 'Durhad Civilization'. King Huang was not even born at that time..."

According to Mr. Shu.

This ancient ritual that has been lost for hundreds of millions of years was once called the "Death Circle". It is a compound ritual that coexists attack and defense. Once started, it cannot be terminated. It is extremely powerful and consumes a lot of money.

"I plan to use the black star as a medium to connect to deep space, and let the endless energy of deep space become the fuel for this ritual..." Mr. Shu became more and more excited as he talked, and seemed to be eager to start setting up the ritual now. orbit, "It can effectively increase the lethality of the black star, and also allow the black star to affect more distant areas, like some kind of energy amplifier..."

"Since you have an idea, let's do it." Chen Jing nodded, "If you need help, just tell me. We must get this ritual done as quickly as possible, so that we can sleep more peacefully..."

"My dear grandson, do you really think that those alchemists dare to come to the Western Continent to raid our Kakosha without caring about their lives?" Chen Bofu asked calmly.

"Who knows?" Chen Jing sighed, "Anyway, it's right to be careful. Arm Kakosha first. Even if the war starts, we will have fewer concerns."

"That's right..."

"Fuck! Something's happening!!!"

Suddenly, Hasard shouted without warning, and his biological eye flashed red wildly, as if it was receiving some external information.

Without waiting for everyone to ask.

Hasard reached out and dug out his right eye, raised his hand and threw it to the center of the round table.

The next second.

This biological eye with a strong smell of motor oil suddenly lit up.

First a beam of light appeared.

Then the beam spread out and turned into a holographic screen.

There was a photo on the screen.

The photo showed wasteland, moonlight, and... a blurry Gehro!

"This is the photo my spy just sent me! It was taken half a minute ago!" Hassad hurriedly explained to everyone, "Do you see the moonlight covering Gehro!"

Everyone nodded and said they were not blind, and then they saw Hassad switch photos... The shooting environment in the second photo did not change, and the angle was the same as the previous one, but Gehro covered by the moonlight had disappeared.

Gehro's original position.

There was only a white light column connecting the sky and the earth.

"What are they going to do..."

Chen Jing looked at the extremely white light column in the photo, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Could it be that they are ready... about to launch a war against the Western Continent..."

Chapter 648 Ritual·Death Ring (Part 1)

On the afternoon of the day when the meeting ended, Kakosha officially entered a state of crazy infrastructure construction. Not only did it build basic fortifications at the fastest speed, but it also began to pull and arrange the array eye of the "Death Ring Ritual" according to Mr. Shu's instructions.

Compared with Kakosha's infrastructure projects some time ago, this large-scale construction of fortifications is obviously much more efficient.

Especially when high-level descendants such as Chen Jing are in the city, many trivial troubles can be easily solved, thus saving a lot of time.

In the process, the plan to introduce new people by Tsukano Kushiro was also suspended, because Chen Jing felt that now was not the right time... Although he didn't understand what Xuankong and Yongye wanted to do, he did have a strong sense of crisis.

That's exactly the case.

After the meeting, Chen Jing has been in a state of paranoia, always connecting his consciousness closely with "Kakosha", and carefully monitoring the slightest movement outside the city...

Ten days later.

The basic defense fortifications of Kakosha have been built, and the "Death Ring Ritual" jointly arranged by Mr. Shu and Professor Armitage is about to be completed.


"Are you still worried?"


On the black star hanging in the sky, Chen Jing, wearing a yellow robe, has a complete human form.

After this period of unremitting efforts, he has the ability to control this nebula body... He can change the shape and characteristics of this body at will, but unfortunately he can't change the flesh and blood that symbolizes mundane things.

So at this moment, he still looks like a strange human figure made of nebula.

"Actually, I've always felt something was wrong..." Chen Jing sat cross-legged on the south side of the black star, looking at Kakosha, which was covered by golden dust below, and spoke in a solemn tone, "Before the Hanging City disappeared... the reactions of those alchemists and monks were already wrong... they were too quiet..."

At this moment, the ancient god Xi was standing behind Chen Jing, looking at Kakosha below like him.

"Hanging and Yongye are just two ancient gods. With our current strength, we may not have no chance of winning."

"Chance of winning?" Chen Jing looked back at Xi.

"I made a slip of the tongue..." Xi also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and changed his words helplessly, "But in my opinion, if they unite to attack the Western Continent together, as long as we can escape safely, wouldn't it be a victory?"

"That's right." Chen Jing sighed, "I have converted all the creatures of Kakosha into followers, and it's not difficult to take them to survive in deep space, but the problem is that it's a bit embarrassing to leave like this, not to mention that we have to consider the people in the temple..."

Five days ago

Chen Jing has completed the last "family transformation operation".

As he said, he has transformed all the residents of Kakosha into family members. Even ordinary humans in the fortress, Chen Jing has given them the opportunity to transform into family members, so now he is no different from a "god" in the eyes of those residents.


This old descendant in a yellow robe not only brought a stable and prosperous life to everyone, but also gave them a great opportunity to be reborn and even ascend to heaven in one step...

Residents who are old descendants themselves, as long as they are below sequence four, will be directly promoted one or two levels after undergoing the operation.

And those mortals who are not old descendants can use this operation to be reborn on the spot, transforming from nothing to old descendants.

So based on these favors, plus the subtle connection between the clan and the master, when they occasionally look up at the yellow-robed figure on the black star, they all look at it with a pious and fanatical gaze.

Even under the "careful teaching" of Yegetos, many residents have begun to learn to go to the temple to pray on time.

"The temple is our ally. Even if we want to escape to deep space, we must find a way to take them with us. Unless it is absolutely necessary, escape is not the only optimal solution... With you and the Buddha Mother, we have two ancient gods sitting in charge, so we may not lose."

"You have thought it through so clearly, what are you still worried about?" Xi asked puzzledly, sitting next to Chen Jing like an old friend.

In the city of Kakosha, the only person who can make Xi talk so calmly and patiently is probably Chen Jing. Even Yegetos will be scolded by him from time to time.

"They also know that there are two ancient gods behind me, but do you think they will give up?" Chen Jing sighed, "They have not taken any action for such a long time. They must not be doing this to give me time to breathe. They must be preparing something..."

It has been more than ten days since the disappearance of the Hanging City and the appearance of the strange phenomenon in the Eternal Night. During the journey, Chen Bofu even took Chen Jing to the "old site" of the Eternal Night... It has been covered by moonlight from beginning to end, and the breath of Gehe Luo still exists.


Combining all these signs, Chen Jing can be sure that Gehe Luo and the Hanging City are still in their original places. They have not disappeared or moved. They just stay there, but... they can no longer be seen.

"It's a pity that I can't leave the Western Continent now. It will take some time. When I recover... I will accompany you to see that hybrid celestial body." Xi said softly.

"You should take good care of yourself. This can't be rushed." Chen Jing shook his head. "I have already made all the preparations I can. Next... it depends on how they play with us."

Defense fortifications, city defense rituals.

These are being prepared step by step.

As for converting all residents into clans...this has been done. Although the process was not smooth, the result was good.

"In fact, you should have let me help you when you converted them into clans." Xi suddenly said, thinking of Chen Jing's exhausted state after the last operation, he just felt that this kid liked to force himself too much.

"In fact, before performing the operation on Mr. Shu and others, I had gradually figured out the door...I can't always ask you for help, right?" Chen Jing smiled.

From a certain perspective.

Chen Jing used Mr. Shu and the rat spirit Jerry as a test subject, just to try whether he could independently convert the target into a clan without Xi's help...Of course, he was also mentally prepared that time, and he would immediately call Xi to come to the rescue as long as the situation was not right.

Facts have proved that he can indeed accomplish all this with his own ability, but it is indeed more tiring and mentally exhausting to perform the operation alone than with someone to help.

"The ritual is about to start."

Chen Jing, wearing a yellow robe, suddenly stood up and looked at the "chains" rising from outside Kakosha City, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"I want to see if the 'death ring' that Mr. Shu mentioned is really that powerful..."

Chapter 649 Ritual·Death Ring (Part 2)

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