As the only master of Yegetos, Chen Jing got the answer almost instantly through the contact between his family members.

Jagerthos' aura disappeared.

The family relationship established with him is also on the verge of dissipating, becoming blurry and difficult to sense.

This is the feedback given by the undead species after death.

Intuitive and clear.

It also made Chen Jing feel a little bit unbelievable.

"He seemed to be annihilated by the 'circle of death' at that moment... He had no time to react..."

"That's right! It's annihilation!"

Mr. Shu laughed and ran to everyone, looking at this and which one, with a look of eagerness to try.

"Does anyone else want to try the power of the 'Death Loop'? I can help you cancel the safety agreement!"

Chapter 651 The Arrival of the Mother Buddha (Part 1)

Two months have passed since the day the "Death Circle" opened.

Since these two months.

Kakosha has always been in a peaceful and peaceful state.

At least in the eyes of Chen Bofu and others, life at this stage is indeed very peaceful, so peaceful that it gives them an unreal feeling... The second and third phases of the Kakosa project have started, and the defenses have been built since It has been idle since that day. Even Mr. Shu suggested that the "dead ring" should be dismantled. Leaving it there would be useless and even affect the progress of subsequent infrastructure projects.

There are no enemies.

There is no war.

Nothing at all.

Although Xuankong and Yongye still maintain that undetectable and strange state, those alchemists and monks really seem to have disappeared, and there is no trace of them in the whole world...


Nowadays, Xuankong and Yongye are completely empty of information.

Even if Chen Jing used all his connections to find out about Xuan Kong Yong Ye, and even posted on the forum to inquire about those candidates... he still couldn't get any valuable feedback.

"Maybe they want to avoid fighting?"

In the deep space temple, Chen Bofu sat cross-legged next to the throne, holding a bag of fried melon seeds in his hand, eating melon seeds while comforting Chen Jing.

"Those bastards knew they were no match for us, and they were afraid that you would rise up and come to seek revenge on them, so they simply hid..."

This is not the first time that Chen Bofu has comforted him, but to be honest, these comforts have no effect at all, because the more low-key Xuankong Yongye seems to have disappeared, the more Chen Jing feels shuddering.

The calm before the storm?

That should be it.

Chen Jing felt that Turing and Gehro had not disappeared at all, and it was even less likely that they would choose to avoid fighting... In a certain corner, they should still be paying attention to him, waiting for a certain opportunity.

"It's been two months, and there's been no movement at all." Wei Nan climbed on the back of the throne like a monkey, holding a lollipop in his mouth. He was obviously extremely bored, so he wanted to find Chen Jing. Play, "If we keep holding it in like this, we will probably all get sick from it."

"Chen Jing, will the city's closure continue?" Mr. Shu sat cross-legged and meditated under the steps, his fingers that were made of paper-cut pieces kept pinching, just like some old magician pinching his fingers to tell fortunes, "If you ask me, let's The city gates should be opened and the plan to introduce new people cannot be stopped.”

"That's right." Chen Bofu rarely spoke up for Mr. Shu. It was obvious that he was almost exhausted from being locked up in the city during this period. "Kakosa is getting bigger and bigger, but the number of residents has always been so small. It's empty and like a ghost town. Same."

"hold on."

Chen Jing, who had remained silent, finally spoke. The face hidden under the hood of the yellow robe already looked a little tired, but outsiders couldn't see it at all. After all, his face was as blurry as the nebula in the universe. clear.

"We'll wait and see. We're just a little bit sure of winning." Chen Jing's voice was very soft, and there was an undoubted feeling.

In fact, Chen Jing rarely speaks to everyone in such a command-like tone, but there is no room for nonsense in this matter. He also wants reality to give him a big mouth and let him understand that it is not that complicated. The guy was really hiding because he was scared...

But I'm afraid the reality is not like that.

It is no exaggeration to say that since the disappearance of Xuan Kong Yongye, Chen Jing's vigilance has never been stronger... He really has a feeling that his life is threatened, which comes from his intuition or the sixth feel.

"I'm only Sequence Six now, and I'm only one step away from being on par with the old man. By then, Xi should have completed the final stage of 'refining'. As long as he can leave Kakosa with us... we'll be sure Bigger.”

Chen Jing said calmly, the index finger of his right hand gently flicking on the armrest of the throne. This gentle tapping sound with rich rhythm and melody seemed to calm him down gradually.

"Have you received divine enlightenment?" Mr. Shu asked curiously.

"Not yet..." Chen Jing shook his head, his tone full of frustration, "I thought the next stage of divine enlightenment would come quickly, but I didn't expect that I still didn't believe it after waiting for two months..."

"You're thinking shit." Chen Boxu couldn't help laughing and complained, "I was waiting for the divine enlightenment of sequence seven, but it took me several years. You kid has been promoted quickly enough. Secretly, Have fun!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing could only sigh, because he felt that if he really had to wait for several more years, there was no telling how the situation would change...

Pass exam forums and score rankings.

It was not difficult for Chen Jing to see that those candidates from the surface world were promoted very quickly, but that was only limited to the early stage... The higher the sequence level, the slower the divine revelation came, and the more difficult it was to be promoted. This has almost become a consensus among the candidates.

Chen Jing always felt that he was an exception, maybe he was the son of destiny... But now it seems that there is no such thing as an accident, and he still has to wait.

"By the way, there was news from the Old Sea today."

Chen Bofu spit the melon seed shells in his mouth to the ground with a sound of "Puh", causing Yegetos to frown, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, this is his master's grandfather. He was eating melon seeds and spitting out the shells in the temple... He could just spit it out, at most he would clean it up later.

"News from Jiuhai?" Chen Jing was startled, and his mood improved immediately. "Is it news from Shagong?"

"Yeah." Chen Bofu nodded, with an appreciative smile on his face. "That little brother's methods are indeed cruel enough. The third priest Gambaro has been tricked back and eliminated by him. Now he is cleaning up those disobedient people in the Dagon Secret Cult."

According to Chen Bofu, Gambaro has been staying in Beihai for some time. Even though the Shagong priest found reasons to urge him seven or eight times, he did not go back...

Of course, this does not mean that Gambaro has sensed the danger. He simply does not want to go back and be governed by others. He just wants to stay in Beihai and continue to display his ambitions.

"Shagong has been trying to conceal the death of Notuoya, and it turns out that he did a good job. In the end, he used Notuoya's skin to trick Gambaro back."

"Hasn't he been hiding in Beihai all the time?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "Is Notuoya so powerful? He was tricked back by a few words?"

"He was scared back." Chen Bofu smiled, "Shagong used Notuoya's skin to pass a message to Gambaro, saying that he would hold an internal meeting of the secret sect. If he didn't see him within three days, he would go to Beihai to "invite" him in person."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Bofu raised his arms and stretched.

"I heard from Shagong that it took him almost no effort to kill Gambaro, but it was more troublesome to clean up his loyal subordinates."

"It will definitely take some time." Chen Jing nodded.

"So, my dear grandson..."

Chen Bofu smiled with a hint of sincere pride, that is, he was proud of the foundation laid by his grandson.

"Kakosha in the western continent, Polar Day City in the northern wasteland, and the boundless Old Sea... Now that we three have united, there should be nothing to fear, right?"

As he spoke, Chen Bofu began to rub his hands again, his face full of eagerness to try.

"If it were me, we should gather the army and take the lead, first destroy the bastards of Gehero, and then go to flatten the Hanging City. By then... wouldn't we have the final say in this world?"

Chapter 652 The Arrival of the Buddha Mother (Part 2)

Chen Bofu has no ambition.

For him, the so-called conquering the world is just a fun.

Of course it's good to have it, but it doesn't matter if it's gone.

So when Chen Jing heard the old man say this, he was not surprised at all. He knew that the old man was just having fun and just wanted to have some fun.

"Take the initiative to attack their base camp?" Seeing the old man's excited face, Chen Jing had no choice but to persuade him, "Is this different from seeking death?"

"You underestimate our ability too much!" Chen Bofu expressed his dissatisfaction.

"At this stage, our strength is not equal at all. In a life-and-death war like this, only the top combat power of both sides can really determine the victory or defeat." Chen Jing patiently counted on his fingers for the old man, "Gheluo is in charge of the Eternal Night, Turing is defending the Hanging City... What about us?"

"The three ancient gods of the Old Sea have already fled. If nothing unexpected happens, the three will definitely not show up in a short time, let alone any substantial help to us."

"The Buddha Mother in the Jiridu Temple is still recuperating. She has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years. Her vitality has been almost exhausted. Even if she has the courage to leave Jiridu to help us, who can she beat in her state?"

"As for Xi... This guy can't even leave the Western Continent. Can you still count on him?"

Chen Bofu's emotions were just rising for a while, and were directly extinguished by Chen Jing's words.


Reality is so cruel, no matter how much you beautify it, it's useless.

If they really want to start a war, and attack the enemy's base camp as the attacker... this is really the same as seeking death.

It's no exaggeration.

Gehlo can crush them all by himself.

The difference in strength between the ancient gods of Sequence 8 and the descendants of Sequence 7 is so huge, it is an insurmountable chasm.

"Observe for a while, if there is no problem, we will start the plan to introduce new people. At that time, you all help Tsukano Kushiro to keep a close eye on him and don't let those unidentified people sneak into Kakosha."

"I know, I know..." Chen Bofu sighed, feeling that this boring day will continue, and there is no end in sight.

"Take my advice, let's first..."

Just when Chen Jing was about to take this opportunity to continue to instruct everyone, the light screen of the examination system suddenly popped up in front of him.


[Qiao Youning]: Duang! Duang! Duang!

[Chen Jing]:?

[Qiao Youning]: Open the door.

[Chen Jing]:? ?

[Qiao Youning]: The Buddha Mother came to visit you. The ritual outside your city is a bit scary, so she doesn’t dare to go there.

[Chen Jing]: ? ? ?

Seeing that Chen Jing lost his voice mid-sentence, everyone looked at him with doubts.

"Why don't you speak?" Chen Boxu asked confused.

"I...I have something to do...I'm going out..."

Chen Jing stammered, and before everyone had time to react, he left the temple with a deep space jump.

[Chen Jing]: Why is she here? !

[Qiao Youning]: I have nothing to do and want to visit Kakosa.

[Chen Jing]: Are you here too?

[Qiao Youning]: No, I'm still in Jiju Capital. I won't have time to go and play with you until I finish my work.

[Chen Jing]: When did she leave Jiju Capital?

[Qiao Youning]: It was about a week ago. Anyway, when I came out of quarantine, I found that she was missing. When I contacted her, she was already hiking in the wasteland.

In the deep space temple.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. No one knew what Chen Jing was in a hurry for, but judging from the way he was walking and the tone of his voice, it seemed that there was something urgent...

"Out of town."


Everyone turned to look at Jegertos and saw him slowly sitting down against the wall and speaking calmly.

"My king is already outside Kakosha. He seems to be picking up someone. I can sense that person's breath..."

"Pick someone up?" Wei Nan jumped down from the throne and said to the old man excitedly, "Let's go too! Let's see who wants him to pick him up in person!"

"I think so too." Chen Bofu stroked his beard with great interest and said to himself that in the past two months, it has been rare to see his grandson so excited. It seems that the person who came to the door has a good background...

"do not go."

Jegertos spoke again calmly, with a hint of warning in his tone.

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