It should be them.

These creators who exist in the past, present, future and even all dimensions have appeared in the passage of time from unknown time, and their eyes have been on Chen Jing from beginning to end.


Chen Jing is like the only dancer standing on the stage.

The curtain of darkness has been lifted.

The spotlight also came on.

All the audience's eyes were focused on Chen Jing.

It's a pity that the gazes of these viewers not only made Chen Jing feel nervous, but also made him feel a sense of crisis.

In their eyes, Chen Jing could not see any look that could be barely related to "goodwill"... It is no exaggeration to say that their murderous intentions were undisguised.

If circumstances permit.

Chen Jing had no doubt that they would kill him instantly.


After a brief period of fear, Chen Jing's mentality quickly recovered. Perhaps because of his promotion to Sequence Six, he became more and more like the Yellow King in the old days.

Looking at these creators who were thinking about killing themselves but did not dare to take action, Chen Jing sneered without concealment.

Chen Jing knew very well what he was in their eyes.

To them.

I am just an eyesore, a bug that might grow up to swallow them up, so... is there any point in being in awe of them?

Could it be that if I were more respectful to them, they wouldn’t target me?

Or, if I kowtow to them a few times, they will be merciful and let me go?

Neither is possible.

So don't think so much.

Anyway, sooner or later it's going to be a fight to the death, so let's go toe-to-toe...

But there was one thing that Chen Jing couldn't understand.

Logically speaking.

The creators responsible for this biological leap test are "Mu" and "Mr. Fog".

They are both the examiners and supporting staff of this exam.

But Chen Jing never saw them from beginning to end.

Of course, it's possible that he didn't recognize them. After all, these creators were so foggy that they couldn't be seen clearly, doesn't make sense if you think about it carefully. Judging from the number of these creators, it's not an exaggeration to say that they came out in full force.

The exam has not yet entered the final stage, why are they here so early?

Could it be that I can’t wait any longer?

After thinking about it, only this analysis is the most reasonable.

After all, these guys are also unlucky. From a certain perspective, they, the superior creators, are also someone's playthings.

That's right, in front of the "Supreme One", even the leader of the Creator group, the "Red Emperor", is just a plaything.

They are all limited by rules.

Even if they wanted Chen Jing to die right now, they did not dare to take any obvious targeted actions. They could only try to embarrass Chen Jing as much as possible within a certain limit...

A little bit beyond that.

I'm afraid that the "Supreme One" will cause trouble for them.

To be honest, Chen Jing has nothing to do with the "Supreme One". It can even be said that he has never met him and has rarely heard of information about him... However, after careful calculation, it seems that there is some relationship. After all, they all walked out of deep space. .

The reason why the "Supreme One" "helped" Chen Jing like this is simply that he felt too lonely... Yes, combined with the information Turing, King Huang and Keturt said, Chen Jing could only think about this. possible.

In the entire universe and even in all dimensions, only the "Supreme One" is truly alone.

He has no relatives or friends, and there is not even an existence similar to Him, so He desperately wants someone of the same kind.

Of course, all this is the analysis of Chen Jing and Huang Wang. No one can say whether it is reliable or not. But if this analysis is in line with reality, then Chen Jing’s path may not be a dead end, at least he does not have to worry about the "Creator" Will kill him on his way up.

"This is really like raising a gu..."

As Chen Jing's consciousness began to gradually pass through the dimensional gap, the creators had already been left far behind him, and they could only watch his back with extremely complicated eyes until he completely merged into the gap...


This is raising Gu.

Those creators could only watch Chen Jing being "raised".

If he was lucky enough to survive the entire biological leap exam.

Until then...

It was the day when they, the Gu worms, would fight each other to please the "Supreme One".

Or, Chen Jingying, the supreme one has found his kind.

Either that, Chen Jing loses.

However, these creators could not help but feel a little frightened when they thought of the Yellow King in the old days.

Because they had witnessed with their own eyes how the Yellow King rose, and they also knew some of the secrets about deep space from the Red Emperor.

This part alone was enough to make them murderous towards Chen Jing.

What's more, there are two traitors helping him...

"Can't keep it."

I don't know which creator spoke these three words, and then the huge figures standing on both sides of the passage began to gradually disappear.

The third round of exams is completely over.


Is it really over?

Chapter 663: The invaded surface world (Part 2)

When Chen Jing got out of the time-travel state, he felt a soft touch suddenly coming from under his body.

The next second he woke up, he realized that he was on the sofa in the Chen family's old house in Sentinel Ridge, and Qiao Youning, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, was sitting on the corner of the sofa, as if he had just woken up.

"Long time no see." Qiao Youning was still wearing the plain monk robe, and her soft face looked hazy under the veil.

"haven't seen you for a long time……"

Chen Jing covered his head and slowly sat up straight. He didn't know whether it was because he had "looked directly" at the creators before, or because he had observed the process of time travel too carefully, and he had a headache the moment he woke up.

Seeing Qiao Youning stunned, Chen Jing thought he had scared her. After all, this was the first time they met after being promoted.

"Don't be afraid. I became like this after I was promoted. I remember I sent you a picture last time, but it was definitely not so intuitive..."

"I'm not afraid." Qiao Youning smiled, "I just think it's quite handsome."

Hearing this familiar laughter, Chen Jing couldn't help but relax a little. After all, he had always thought that Qiao Youning was angry with him, but he didn't know exactly why he was angry...

"Let's check the situation first."

As Chen Jing said this, he opened the examination light curtain and entered the forum.

"Boss Chen!" I'm safe here! Do not worry! 》

"There is no problem in Europe, it is very safe!" 》

"There is nothing happening in the beautiful scenery..."

"Boss Chen, what danger are you talking about?" 》

When Chen Jing saw the latest posts, his first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief, because judging from the current situation, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with the world, at least it was not as dangerous as he imagined.

But soon.

Chen Jing realized something was wrong.

"F*ck!" My buddy from Hanging City hasn’t come back! 》

"The Hanging City warlock in our department hasn't come back either..."

"What do these mean?" ! The Hanging City group was destroyed? ! ! 》

"But the names on the rankings are still there, they should still be alive..."

"could not be reached."

Just when Chen Jing was about to try to contact Li Mobai, Qiao Youning, who was sitting in the corner of the sofa, suddenly spoke with a solemn tone.

"Li Mobai, Bixuan, they can't be contacted."

"What is going on..." Chen Jing murmured in confusion, "Does the Hanging City have a way to resist the forced return after the exam..."

"I don't know." Qiao Youning shook her head, "The candidates in Hanging City should still be out of contact, and no one can be contacted."


The examination light screen flashed before their eyes.

The light curtain was originally on the forum page, but was suddenly switched to the page notified by the examiner.

"The current number of surviving candidates: 3,400,121"

"Candidate revision time: 240 hours"

"That's it?" Chen Jing stared blankly at the notification displayed on the page and murmured in disbelief, "That's it?"

Returned a few times before.

Chen Jing clearly remembered that there was a long list of information on this notification page.

Even if there is not that much information, the Creator as the examiner will use projection to show off, just like that bastard Mr. Fog... But this time the notice only has two lines of text, and does not even have the signature of the examiner.

"Now there are only more than three million candidates who have died..." Chen Jing stared at the information displayed on the page intently, trying to read some clues between the lines, "The trimming time is the same as at the beginning, it is still ten days. …”

"Many people died."

Qiao Youning stood up slowly, then closed the light curtain in front of her and said to Chen Jing with a smile.

"Many candidates' corpses have been sent back. They may cause quite a stir this time by pretending to be corpses. I'll go take a look."

"I'm coming with you." Chen Jing also stood up in a hurry.

"What's the point of killing a chicken with a sledgehammer..." Qiao Youning smiled, "It's enough for me to go there. I can handle them no slower than you."

After that, Qiao Youning walked out of the house. Chen Jing was confused by her vigorous performance for a while, and he only wondered if she had been possessed by Xu Ye.

"I'm not worried about you going alone."

The moment Qiao Youning opened the door, Chen Jing quickly chased after him, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned Baiaji and Yegetos from the deep space.

Before the two of them, who had just arrived in the surface world, could figure out the situation, Chen Jing gave the order directly.

"Follow You Ning and get rid of those candidates who are pretending to be dead."

"Finally we can fight..." Baiaji pretended to raise his front paws to cover his face and cried, screaming, "I'm almost dead in Kakosha! I can finally find someone to vent my anger on." !”

"Understood." Jegertos said little when he was doing business. He agreed and at the same time raised his hand and drew out the cross sword.

"You don't have to follow me."

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