[Tsubano Kushirou]: "You want to fight Gehro alone?!"

[Chen Jing]: "How is that possible? I just went to have a look. I'm not stupid!"

When Chen Jing rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters, Baiaji had already brought back Yagetos and Qiao Youning.

"What are you doing back here?" Chen Jing suddenly stopped taking off and looked back.

"I'm worried about you." Qiao Youning answered truthfully, and before Chen Jing could ask again, she took the initiative to explain, "I've pretty much dealt with those candidates who lied about their bodies, and the remaining stragglers are Tsukano Kushiro and others. to deal with it.”

Hearing this, Chen Jing was a little in disbelief.

After all, he has not yet finished cleaning up the area he is responsible for.

"Are you moving so fast?" Chen Jing asked cautiously, "I just went up to see the situation. I will never take action with Gehro until I have a clear understanding of the situation. Don't worry about me missing the point."

"Wang, everything she said is true."


"She may kill those alien species faster than you..."

When Yegetos explained to Qiao Youning, his tone was completely unbelievable. It seemed that everything that had happened before was hard for him to believe...

"Faster than me?" Chen Jing looked at Jaegertos doubtfully.

"Really! She didn't even need to use her hands to kill those alien species!" Jegertos seemed to be still immersed in the shocking scene before. He kept gesticulating with his hands and racked his brains to explain clearly to Chen Jing, "We didn't do it at all. Fighting on the ground just keeps Baiaji flying at high altitudes at extremely high speeds..."

According to Yegetos, Baiage's ultimate speed is now infinitely close to that of deep space jumping, so the efficiency of the carpet sweep by the three of them is not slow, and even if they encounter those "alien species" along the way, Qiao Youning will not Ask Bhaiaj to slow down.

"I can see it clearly! Those alien species have all turned into plants..." Yegetos said this and glanced at Qiao Youning warily, seeming to be very afraid of Qiao Youning's methods, "It seems like they have been completely transformed from the genetic level. , instantly turned into a plant composed of blood and flesh, either turning into a tree or a field of flowers. In short, it was very weird. When the wind blew, it dispersed into scarlet powder..."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but re-examine Qiao Youning, thinking that her strength should have always been below Yagetos, and she would definitely not be able to match him, but now it seems... her strength has been There has been a dramatic improvement.

Is it because of the Buddha Mother?

"Let's not talk about this yet."

Qiao Youning didn't like to talk about explanations as much as before, and her words became much less. She raised her finger and pointed at the planetary rings in the sky.

"Gehro should be between the earth and the moon. Are you really prepared to observe it up close?"

"My current state is fine. I can survive in the vacuum universe for a long time. And as long as I keep a safe distance, there is no chance that Gehro will kill me instantly." Chen Jing said calmly, his answer was meticulous, and everything came from Confidence that comes from strength.

After receiving this answer, Qiao Youning stopped trying to persuade him.

"Then we'll wait for you here and give you the signal anytime you need help."

"Hmm..." Chen Jingding nodded and suppressed all the words he was holding back.

He originally thought that Qiao Youning would be worried about going alone, so he had been prepared to explain and comfort him before. After all, he also knew this girl's original character...

Indecisive and cautious.

Especially the actions related to him, I was worried to death, and I would never let him take risks alone unless it was absolutely necessary.

But now she agreed so readily that it made Chen Jing feel...

"You Ning."


"You won't be snatched away by the Buddha Mother..."

"No, Buddha Mother and I are separate. The two independent consciousnesses do not affect each other."

Qiao Youning did not hide the fact that she took the Buddha Mother back to the outer world. Instead, she explained clearly, with a smile on her face.

"If you want to talk to her, I can ask her to come out. You can just talk on your own and don't worry about me."

"That's not necessary...you be careful, I'm going up."

Chen Jing shook his head helplessly, and then continued to rush towards Gehro outside the earth by flying.

At this moment, he no longer dared to use deep space jump.

Because the space close to Gehro has been "blurred" by it, it is very difficult to find the accurate coordinates. You may not be able to teleport into Gehro's arms.

Troposphere, stratosphere, ozone layer, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere... When Chen Jing completely escaped from the outermost layer of the atmosphere, the aura of Gehro he could feel was so clear that he couldn't help but start to tremble. .

Maybe he sensed the breath of the deep space resuscitator.

The "planetary ring" that was constantly rotating around the planet suddenly stopped, and the endless pale moon rocks began to gradually squirm until a huge eye was revealed, silently watching Chen Jing approach him.

It was a one-eye filled with resentment and resentment, much like a human eyeball covered with bloodshot eyes. The whites of the eyes were turbid and rust-colored, revealing a softness that did not belong to moon rocks.

It is precisely because of the appearance of this one-eye that the ignorant creatures living on the surface can fully understand.

This is a living creature.

A catastrophic thing that can destroy the surface world!

Chapter 666: Taking All Humanity to Deep Space (Part 1)

In the vacuum universe tens of thousands of kilometers away from the earth, Chen Jing was quietly watching the terrifying one-eye.

Chen Jing knew that Gehlo had seen him.

Because he could tell from Gehlo's eyes, even though there was only one eyeball in the moon rock ring... that kind of direct and undisguised emotion was directly transmitted through his resentful eyes, as if he could spray poisoned steel needles every second to pierce him.

"You bastard."

Chen Jing stared at Gehlo's one-eye intently, and cursed him word by word in Gehlo's consciousness with a "voice" that the other party could hear.

The next second.

Gehlo's eyes became more ferocious, and this kind of emotional feedback was exactly what Chen Jing needed.

"It's not a clone projection... it's the real body..." Chen Jing was shocked and at a loss, because he really didn't understand... How did a sequence eight ancient god pass through the channel to the surface world?

Crossing the inner and outer worlds is not as simple as it seems. If it was so easy to go back and forth, the ancient gods of the old days would have invaded this world long before Gehlo.

Dimension crossing, interstellar travel.

These were not uncommon in the old days.

But crossing the positive and negative poles of the inner and outer worlds... even Huang Wang dare not say that it is 90% certain.

The closure of the channel is one thing.

The repulsion of the positive and negative poles is another.

In short, from the memory inherited by Huang Wang, crossing the plane of the positive and negative poles is the most difficult, because the difference between the two worlds is too great, and they repel each other and cannot blend.

Take Huang Wang as an example.

He was born and raised in the inner world, so the aura on his body is "recorded" in the inner world, and he has always been recognized by the inner world as "a part of himself", so the inner world will not reject him.

But if he comes to the outer world...

Even if he forcibly breaks through the closed world channel, he will be forcibly exiled back by this world.

"The will of the world is hard to resist. Even the ancient gods can hardly resist that mysterious repulsive force..."

This is what King Huang said, and it is also the main reason for "his" demise.

What is the will of the world?

Chen Jing still cannot understand it, because King Huang's explanation is very vague. He only said that it is part of the basic laws of the universe, something that even the Creator cannot control.

"Did the Hanging City help you cross?" Chen Jing asked again while looking at Gehlo's one eye.

This time.

Gehlo responded.

For the first time, a "smile" appeared in that terrifying one eye, and an unclear voice also sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

"The Resurrectionist... is about to die..."

"I'm asking you a question!" Chen Jing replied impatiently.

At this moment, it was Gehlo's turn to be a little confused, because he couldn't imagine that a descendant of Sequence 6 dared to be so "rude" to him. Even if the two sides were in a state of hostility, the difference in sequence level was an insurmountable chasm, so some emotions should exist...such as fear!

Is he not afraid of death?

Gehlo couldn't figure out this question, and even suspected that it was because of his limited state that Chen Jing couldn't sense the breath he exuded...

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Gehlo couldn't help asking, and the idiotic tone of a single-celled organism made Chen Jing laugh.

"Should I be afraid of you?" Chen Jing asked back, and at the same time took this opportunity to observe Gehlo's state.

"Can't you sense my breath?" Gehlo still acted so brainless, and his tone was full of stupidity, "I am the ancient god!"

"I am still your father." Chen Jing replied unhappily, "In the Western Continent, I live with the ancient gods every day, and in the polar day city, I am..."

As he spoke, Chen Jing lost his voice.

"You are nothing!" Chen Jing cursed at last.

In this process, Chen Jing almost figured out Gehlo's state. Although this guy's body came to the surface world, it has always been fighting against the repulsive force from the "world will"...

Chen Jing can see it.

Gehlo's scattered body has been trying to get closer to the depths of the planet. The moon rock ring is shrinking at a very slow speed, but it is also being pushed outward by the repulsive force of the "world will". At the intersection of the two forces, even the moon rocks are squeezed into powder...

"You have become weaker."

Hearing Chen Jing suddenly say this, Gehlo's one eye flashed a trace of suspicion, as if he didn't understand how Chen Jing saw it.

"During the time when Evernight City was closed, I went to see it several times with my grandfather. The breath we felt at that time was different from now... You seem to have become much weaker. Is it because you forced your way through the world channel?"


Gehlo did not respond, but in that huge one eye, it was obvious that a deep hatred emerged.

"It seems so." Chen Jing laughed, and there was a hint of sarcasm between the lines. "You are no longer a Sequence 8 creature now. At most, you are between Sequence 7 and Sequence 8. You should not be able to use some special powers, right? At least for the time being?"

Geh Luo still did not respond, staring at Chen Jing, that kind of resentful look seemed to want to cut Chen Jing into pieces.

"So, we still have some time."

After reaching the conclusion of the analysis, Chen Jing used deep space jumping to quickly retreat to the surface of the planet. He did not talk nonsense to Gehro in the middle, and did not waste time waiting for its response.

Judging from the current situation, Gehro should come to this world soon. Chen Jing knows that this is an unavoidable result, so he can only prepare in advance... maybe a few hours, maybe ten He had to do something for a few hours.

Although Chen Jing has been promoted to Sequence Six, he knows very well where the limit of his strength is. If he wants to be an enemy of Gehro, whose strength has declined slightly, he is far from qualified.

So he must think of a foolproof strategy as soon as possible, preferably one that can protect the creatures in this world plane and himself...

When Chen Jing returned to Qiao Youning and the others, the moonlight covering the world had become more intense. At a glance, the whole world was dyed this pale color.

"Is the true form of Gehro here?" Qiao Youning turned back to look at Chen Jing, already accustomed to his elusive methods.

"Well, we're in big trouble."

Chen Jing only showed a hint of fear until now, but he was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that the world would be completely destroyed by the Gehro he had invited.

"Is there any chance?" Qiao Youning asked tentatively.

"If you confront it head-on, you will definitely lose its body. We can only think of other ways..." Chen Jing shook his head helplessly, "If it doesn't work, we can only hide."

"Just... us?" Qiao Youning was startled.

"No, everyone."

Chen Jing looked back at the white world, and his tone of voice couldn't help but become complicated.

"I want to take all the creatures in this world with me to deep space."

"Do you want to perform family transformation surgery on them?" Qiao Youning looked at Chen Jing in surprise, "Do you know how heavy the workload is?"

"Don't worry, my operation efficiency is much faster now than before. What's more, we don't have many choices. We can only choose the path with the lowest risk first..."

Chen Jing opened the light curtain and began to contact Tsukano Kushiro. Every word coming out of his mouth seemed to be shrouded in a pessimistic mood.

"Avoiding without fighting..."

"This is the optimal solution..."

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