"The deep space energy flowing in my body... is almost comparable to the deep space energy of the Yellow King's body... it's so pure..."

Yegetos couldn't help but tremble with excitement as he spoke. He suddenly looked back at the cross broadsword stuck on the ground, and saw many black growths similar to rust attached to the surface of the broadsword.

Before he could step forward and draw his sword to take a closer look, Chen Jing walked over first and raised his hand to gently knock on the "rust" as if knocking on the door.

In an instant.

This layer of black growth turned into powder and dispersed in the wind.

And the sword body, which shone with extraordinary light like crystal glass, instantly caught the eye of Jaegertos.

He rushed over with excitement, raised his hand and pulled out the cross sword that shrunk along with his size.

"This is……"

Jagetos was a man who cherished weapons. This broad cross sword had been with him for hundreds of millions of years, and its significance to him was self-evident. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a lover of dead things.

So when he felt that this heavy sword was reborn.

He was stunned for a moment.

"Even if this sword existed in the old days... it would still be a peerless weapon..." Yagetos muttered to himself, then suddenly raised his hand and swung the sword into the sky.

There is no sword light.

There is no visible sword light either.

Only a vague ripple in space followed the path he slashed.

The next second.

In this cloudless sky, a black dimensional crack appeared silently.

"A little gift for you." Chen Jing stood aside with his hands behind his back, a warm smile on his face, and he seemed to still have a bit of childishness, "Do you like it?"

"Me!! I love it so much!!!"

Yegetos turned around suddenly, and was so excited that he almost hugged Chen Jing, but then he thought that this was his king again, and hurriedly knelt down and prepared to salute.

However, Chen Jing did not give Yegetos a chance to salute, and raised his hand to hold his knees.

"Why are you not as good as before..." Chen Jing said helplessly, "I asked you to become my family member again, why are you still separated from me?"

"Hehe..." Jegertos climbed up helplessly, smiling awkwardly and not knowing what to say.

at this time.

Suddenly a bright and colorful light pillar appeared in the sky.

The moment it appeared, it shattered the dimensional crack opened by Yegetos. With just a simple impact, the black crack collapsed and caused a deformation that was difficult for ordinary people to understand.

First twisted, then broken.

It looked like broken glass that had been thrown to the ground and broken into countless pieces.

"That's...Bai Aji???"

Jegertos looked at the looming huge figure in disbelief. It seemed to travel outside time and space, flying through the gaps between overlapping dimensions. Its body, which was ten thousand meters long, was looming in the sky, like The beautiful and elegant fantasy beasts of old fairy tales...

"I didn't expect that my skills in transforming dependents can be used for beauty." Chen Jing touched his chin thoughtfully, and his already proud expression suddenly became even more proud, "It seems that Bai Aji should thank me! "

Accompanied by the deafening howling of the wind.

Baiaji, who returned to his identity as a Deep Space Familia, began to dive toward the ground.

Its huge body is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it still has that strange and looming posture, as if it is wandering outside the edge of this dimension...


The miniature version of Bai Aji fell into Chen Jing's arms, with fluff shining like stars fluttering in the wind, and stars dancing in his eyes... From a certain point of view, it should look like this. It can be regarded as a strange beast from the deep space star sea.

"King!!! I feel like I'm much stronger than before!!!" Baiage said excitedly, "Now I should be catching up with Yegetos soon!!!"

"What a beautiful idea! You're so far behind!" Yegetos snorted coldly, with a very unkind tone, "I am the king's knight and the king's hunter. You are a mount, so what can you compare to me..."

"You fart!" Baiaji retorted directly, showing a rare tough attitude in front of Jaegertos, "If you don't accept it, let's practice it in heaven! You see, I can't kill you with just one breath of my breath!"


At this moment when a deep space civil war was imminent, a familiar figure suddenly ran from outside the hospital.

"Chen Jing!"


"I'm just saying...that one just now must be Bai Aji!" Tsukano Kushiro stopped as soon as he ran through the door. He first looked at the strange-looking Jagertos, and then looked at Bai Aji in Chen Jing's arms. Aji, "Have you transformed them all into dependents again?"

"You have good eyesight." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"Then...what..." Tsukano Kushirou pointed to himself hurriedly, as if he was a little embarrassed, "I am also your dependent...don't forget..."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it!" Chen Jing suddenly laughed out loud, feeling that this guy looked like a silly goose. He was obviously anxious to death but was too embarrassed to speak directly.

"I'm here to tell you that the registration process for candidates has ended. Except for those candidates in Jizhou City, the rest of the candidates are willing to follow you. They all want to become your dependents!"

"Okay." Chen Dingding nodded, not surprised by the result. "The back-up preparation work of these candidates should..."

"It's done." Tsukano Koshiro took over the conversation and said with a smile, "Except for a very few candidates who were unfaithful and were kicked out by me, the rest can be considered qualified, at least barely qualified!"

"How many people are there in total?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Discounting the more than 213,000 candidates in Jizhou City, and excluding those who failed to pass the test, the remaining number should be around... 3.12 million!"

Tsukano Kushiro made a careful calculation, and then opened the statistical information on the examination screen.

"I have a detailed list here, I'll send it to you first!"

"More than three million dependents... it's barely enough..."

Chen Jing unhurriedly opened the light screen and glanced at it. His eyes quickly passed over each name, and he couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

Kakosha has indeed been empty for too long.

We should let these guys bring some popularity.

It is estimated that this time when I go back to the Western Continent, things will really get lively...

"Ajing, when are you going to transform them into dependents?" Tsukano Kushiro asked tentatively.

"In an hour."

Chen Jing's eyes glanced at the last name, then closed the light screen, turned back and smiled at Tsukano Kushiro.

"When we complete this large-scale transformation of the family members, we should also start preparing to return to the other world."

Chapter 696: The Great Purge of the Table World (Part 1)

More than three million candidates are about to be transformed into deep space dependents by Chen Jing. This news is known to almost the whole world, so whether it is the communication area of ​​the candidate forum or the communication area of ​​the surface world, there are posts discussing this matter. There are endless...

Although many candidates from the inner world came out to popularize science and said that the relationship between dependents is a kind of connection similar to that of blood, which is very similar to the "contract" in traditional mythology, people still feel that... the connection between dependents in deep space must be certain Something unique.

This idea is not unfounded.

After Baiaji and Yagethos were re-transformed into the Familia, the scene of them having fun in Sentinel Ridge was photographed by many fanatics.

Although they were all taken from a long distance away from Sentinel Ridge, the pixels were high enough and clear enough. After uploading it to the forum, everyone saw the dimensional crack that opened in the sky and the mysterious star-like beast. exist.

According to some "knowledgeable" candidates' popular science, Bai Aji and the others should have been re-transformed into a dependent clan by Chen Jing. The difference can be seen from the strange form displayed by Bai Aji at this moment.

It is precisely because of these various explanations that people have almost reached a consensus.

they think.

After accepting the transformation of the Deep Space Familia, the change in form is certain, and the strength will also increase dramatically. It is not an exaggeration to say that one can reach the sky in one step... Although this is true from a certain perspective, the span of a leap in strength, It is indeed not as big as ordinary people imagine.

But none of this matters.

No one needs the truth in this world.

Especially after the belief in deep space spread widely, even if some candidates come out to popularize science despite being scolded, there are still countless people who firmly believe that the transformation of the dependent family is equivalent to a blessing from God.

Not only can he shed his mortal body, but he can also become the legendary immortal... This is a great thing! How can those candidates who are "unwilling" to participate in the transformation of dependents be so dissatisfied!

No matter what, God’s gift cannot be rejected.

Now that you have been asked to sign up to participate in the transformation of dependent clans, you should bathe in the mighty divine grace with a grateful heart and piety...


How is this different from slapping God in the face?

I asked you to sign up, but you didn’t sign up. Isn’t this a waste of places?

If it is not stipulated that only candidates are allowed to register and participate...

I am afraid that 90% of the human beings on this planet will become deep space dependents, and this is only the most conservative estimate!

Of course.

Later, people came forward one after another to explain to those candidates who "did not register".

But the effect is not big.

It wasn't until Chen Jing published a post on his own account and explained in an absolutely friendly manner "why the candidates in Jijudu didn't sign up"... From then on, the fanatic believers' resentment towards those candidates began to subside.

As for those candidates who registered but failed...

To be honest, Chen Jing didn't care at all. According to the information file submitted by Tsukano Kushiro, those people did not have character problems, but scum in the standard sense. They were not good people before the Biology Leap Exam. Entering I didn’t do anything serious after the exam...

Let these scum sign up and then be weeded out.

This kind of operation may cause dissatisfaction among these candidates.

But Chen Jing didn't care.

Because from the moment they were kicked out, Tsukano Koshiro followed Chen Jing's instructions and began to rectify the "ethics" of the candidates in the world.

To put it simply, it’s just one sentence…

"Keeping them is also a disaster." Chen Jing's tone was calm and gentle, and the warm and friendly smile on his face had not even faded. "For the sake of being of the same kind, give them a good time. I will ask Bai Aji to follow Jagertos is going to help you."

Chen Jing knows.

Human nature is the last thing that can stand the test.

Therefore, Chen Jing did not dare to bet on whether they would hold a grudge against him. After all, his method of selecting dependents was indeed too strict. He basically did not consider the individual strength of the other party, but only looked at the other party's outlook on life and how he behaved.

"Kill them all?" Tsukano Kushiro frowned, showing a little doubt about Chen Jing's order, "Go now?"

"Can't bear to do it?" Chen Jing asked back.

"That's not the case. Anyway, they are all scum. Killing them is also a way to get rid of harm for the people. But don't you have to perform surgery on those candidates in an hour... Isn't time a bit tight?"

"No." Chen Jing gently put Bai Aji in his arms on the ground, motioning them to follow Tsukano Kushiro to have fun, "As long as you can provide the specific coordinates of those candidates, with their help, maybe it can be solved in ten minutes..."

"Do you need to give a heads up to the association foundation?" Tsukano Kushiro was still a little worried. After all, this was a standard big move. It was no joke for six-digit candidates to disappear directly.

"Let's fight." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Tell them that I'm going to get rid of the evil for the people, and remember to send me a banner later."

"Okay..." Tsukano Kushiro nodded, but still said with trepidation, "Although I think we should do this, others may not think so. Have you really thought it through?"

According to Chen Jing's instructions, if this is really done, the group of candidates will be almost cleared out, and only two groups will be left, either the family of Deep Space or the friends of Polar Day.

As for other third parties...

"Some people didn't sign up, but they have no problem dealing with people. This is a good example to put on the table. If someone asks about this afterwards, you can push these examples out and tell them that this is just to stabilize the country before fighting against foreign enemies."

Chen Jing said calmly, as if he had already made a comprehensive plan.

"It's troublesome to keep those people, not to mention that the next exams will be more difficult. If I keep these hidden dangers... what do you think is the probability that I will capsize in the gutter?"

"Well... it's hard to say."

"Even if there is only a one percent chance, I can't keep them." Chen Jing patted Tsukano Kushiro's shoulder and said calmly, "I want to live, you also want to live, but if I die..."

"There is a ranking list of exam points. Ordinary people should also know that six-digit candidates suddenly disappeared in a short period of time." Tsukano Kushiro sighed, "I need to give them a heads-up and let them prepare for public relations..."

"What public relations or not."

Chen Jing couldn't help laughing, thinking that Tsukano Kushiro thought too much about this matter.

"We just need to give the public a reasonable and not fabricated explanation after doing good things. This is not considered cheating, don't you think?"


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