And it is not just big.

Even though Chen Jing has been promoted to Sequence 7, and is only one step away from the transcendent Sequence 8, and even if he has a certain ability to resist the ancient gods in the inner world, all this is nothing to the Red King...

Even if Chen Jing is Sequence 7, so what?

Even if he is promoted to the realm of ancient gods, he still cannot enter the eyes of the Red King.

It's just a weak ant and a stronger ant.

Yes, it sounds cruel, but that's the difference.

"The stronger the creature...the more it can sense the original power of the material universe...Mastering the laws of the universe and dimensions is the root of strength..." When Chen Jing was "pushed" to the gate of the inner world, his mind kept recalling what the deep space "said" to him not long ago.

Discussing the difference between strong and weak based on sequence level is just a basic concept that ordinary creatures can think of, but the real strength is not a level, but the law mastered by oneself, or in other words, the law in the true sense.

The more laws one can master and manipulate, the stronger one will naturally be. And these laws and rules also have strengths and weaknesses. The closer to the origin of the universe, the stronger they are.

Take Chen Jing for example.

With the help of the power of deep space, he gradually mastered the "dimensional law", which is one of the "supreme laws" in the universe. The reason why he was able to fight at a higher level before was also because he relied on the "law" that he did not notice at the time...

Although he has not yet fully understood the mystery, the little bit he inherited from King Huang is enough to make him overwhelm the old descendants of the same level.

It can be seen from this.

When a creature leaps to a certain level, only laws and rules can determine life and death.

For a being as strong as the Red King, isn't this his strength?

Of course.

Chen Jing is also very curious about what law this guy has mastered?

But unfortunately no one can give him an answer.

Not even King Huang at the time.

At this moment, Chen Jing had given up struggling. After realizing the huge gap in strength between the two sides, he no longer wasted extra energy. Like a fish drifting in the waves, he was pushed forward by the invisible "water".

When entering the entrance of the inner world.

Chen Jing subconsciously looked back and saw that the figure of the Red King had disappeared. From beginning to end, He had never shown any hostility to him, nor did He hate him like some creators.

But it was this indifference that made Chen Jing extremely depressed.

It was a kind of contempt from a higher level of life, without any emotion or any extreme ideas.

So Chen Jing did not feel humiliated, but only depressed.

Before crossing the "door" of the inner world, Chen Jing took the time to look back again, and saw countless figures floating densely not far away.

At first, they looked only the size of sesame seeds, but soon... they became clearer and clearer.

Those were millions of candidates.

Of course, they could also be said to be Chen Jing's most loyal family.

As they followed Chen Jing through the inner and outer worlds, although they did not have a clear consciousness, they always maintained the posture of the deep space clan... dots of golden light dust enveloped them like a mist, and in their eyes of different colors, golden holy light was dancing.

"Go home..."

Chen Jing stood outside the door and stretched, then strode across the "door" connecting to the inner world.

In an instant.

Chen Jing's consciousness fell into chaos, but this symptom of loss of consciousness lasted for less than a second, and he soon woke up.

"Back again..."

Chen Jing looked at the empty temple in front of him, raised his hand and waved to summon Yegetos and Baiaji.

"Remember what I told you." Chen Jing meticulously instructed, "I broke through Sequence Seven in an instant, and you don't know why."

"Understood." Yegetos nodded.

"Let them wait outside for a while, and no one should come in." Chen Jing instructed again.

"Don't worry! We are here! No one can get in!" Bai Aji assured confidently.

And just as it finished speaking.

There was a loud bang.

The long-silent temple door was suddenly kicked open.

Accompanied by several familiar shouts and curses, billowing smoke and dust filled the air.

"Fuck! Who touches my grandson?!"

The skinny old man standing in the smoke and dust rushed in in flip-flops, waving his seemingly weak fists, cursing and wishing to kill the whole family, and a skinny man in a Taoist robe followed behind the old man, his legs as flexible as a stick insect.



"Is this what you mean no one can get in?"


Chapter 706: The whole world belongs to the king (Part 2)

At the moment when Chen Jing returned to the inner world.

No, to be precise, at the moment when all the candidates returned to the examination room.

The static inner world returned to normal again.

In fact, for all creatures in the other world, the ten-day time freeze is just a concept. They can't feel it specifically. So after the candidates come back, they will integrate into the "timeline" of this world. Almost no one will be noticed... unless they are unlucky like Chen Jing.

The old man and his friends don't know what time freeze is.

But they do know that something is wrong.

Because from their perspective, time has always been in a state of natural flow, but in just a moment... the Deep Space Temple suddenly appeared an inexplicably powerful but somewhat unfamiliar aura, and Chen Jing's aura became elusive.

This change that happened in an instant only made Chen Bofu and the others wonder if something happened in the temple, so they were still concerned and did not wait for Xi to knock on the door and ask questions, Chen Bofu kicked the door of the temple open with one foot.

Of course.

At this moment, it was not only Chen Bofu and the others who were embarrassed, but also the Bai Aji who had just boasted.

It swore to Chen Jing that it would never let outsiders in with it.

What was the result?

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the temple disappeared.

This quick slap in the face speed made Yegetos on the side feel distressed.

"No way..." Bai Aji's eyes widened, and he could hardly control his anger. He planned to show his true form to punish them. "Are you humans so rude?! You don't even know to knock on the door?!"

Yegotos glanced at Bai Aji and reminded him calmly.

"Think about it carefully. It's a small matter if the temple is blown up later. If you accidentally hurt your own people... the king will be angry."


"You want to find someone to vent your anger when you can't get down from the stage. If I ask you, you really bring shame to our deep space clan..."

"They broke in, you have face?!"

"I didn't pretend to be arrogant." Yegotos was flawless and had an empirical style. "I said, I tried my best. Who knew they could break in so quickly..."

When Yegotos and Bai Aji whispered, everyone who broke into the deep space temple looked unbelievable.

"I... Shit..." Chen Bofu trembled and walked to the front, staring at his grandson with wide eyes, "When did you become Sequence 7..."

Compared to Chen Bofu's shock at this moment, "Xi", as an ancient god, was not much better.

Although Chen Jing did not break through the natural barrier of Sequence 8, he did break through Sequence 6 not long ago, and then suddenly jumped to Sequence 7. The process was simply silent... It was like a joke!

"How did you get promoted?!!" Xi almost rushed to the steps in front of the throne. If it weren't for Yegetos blocking there, he would probably have grabbed Chen Jing's robe and asked him.

"I don't know..."

Chen Jing was also a little at a loss at this moment. After all, this was not in line with his previous expectations. He really didn't know what expression to put on to deal with them.

"I just went to deep space to think about it... I got promoted inexplicably..."

At the same time.

The follow-up troops who came to support also rushed in.

Lawrence and Hazard were the two old men in the lead, while Wei Nan and Yan Que were in the second echelon, followed by Professor Armitage who almost lost his shoes and the swineherd... Xu Ye was the last one to come, and Mr. Shu and Jerry Mouse were with him.

Compared to the others, Xu Ye was the calmest. It seemed that she didn't think anything would happen in the Deep Space Temple from the beginning, so she was very calm when she stepped into the temple, and even smiled at Chen Jing.

Seeing such a large group of people coming from behind, the old man who rushed in first instantly became a popular science guide, and directly "introduced" Chen Jing as a rare animal.

"Fuck! I'm telling you! My grandson has been promoted to Sequence 7!"

"?" Everyone looked confused.

"Really!" The old man was only concerned about being happy for his grandson, and didn't care whether this promotion speed was reasonable. He excitedly pulled Hasad over and punched him, "He didn't do anything in the temple, and he was promoted inexplicably!"

"???" Everyone turned their eyes to Chen Jing, their expressions becoming more and more confused.

"Hahahaha!! My grandson has finally caught up with my realm!!!" After Chen Bofu knocked Hasad down with a punch, he also pulled Professor Armitage over, intending to give him two big slaps and be happy together, "Now he can finally transform me into a family!"

"???" Everyone turned their eyes back and began to look at the old man with a strange look.


So what made you happy was not that your grandson was promoted.

It was that you could finally become a family of your grandson?

"This is my grandpa!" Wei Nan couldn't help but marvel at it. Then, regardless of Yegetos's obstruction, he ran to the throne in two or three steps, like going to a zoo to see rare animals, with his hands behind his back, bending over and staring at Chen Jing, "How did you get promoted?"


"Teach me." Wei Nan smiled, "But it doesn't matter if you don't teach me. Anyway, if you get promoted, everyone will take off!"

Hearing this, Yan Que, who was standing at the bottom of the steps, nodded and gave Chen Jing a thumbs up to praise him calmly.

Wei Nan, Yan Que and other old men were the first to get together and live together. They also saw how Chen Jing walked out step by step... So when they heard that Chen Jing was promoted again, in addition to incredible surprise, the rest was just pure happiness.

However, some people's thoughts were not so simple, but they didn't think badly... They just couldn't figure out how Chen Jing could be promoted so quickly!

In the inner world, ordinary old descendants are only low-sequence throughout their lives. Even if the best among those gifted people are promoted quickly, it is impossible for them to reach Sequence 7 at Chen Jing's age. Even being promoted to Sequence 6 is a miracle.

Just when everyone was puzzled.

Chen Jing finally thought of what he should say.


The first thing to do is to divert everyone's attention.

"In the process of being promoted to Sequence 7... I thought about a lot of things..." Chen Jing took off the hood of his yellow robe, and his smiling face was indescribably relaxed.

"Oh, I finally smiled." Wei Nan said with a sigh, "You were still worried when you were eating, but in the blink of an eye, you became a different person after being promoted."

"I plan to listen to Mr. Shu and Sister Xu Ye's advice. In the next period of time, Kakosha will introduce a large number of new people..."

At this point, Chen Jing's smile became even bigger.

"In the near future, we will use Kakosha as the core point to continuously spread the faith of deep space..."

"Are you ready for war?" Xu Ye couldn't help asking, his eyes full of excitement, "Is Kakosha going to declare war? Is this a war of faith?"

"War of faith?"

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head.

"I don't care about any belief. I just want to make this world a solid piece of steel and destroy those enemies who want to kill me."

"The king needs a stable territory and loyal people, so the world should be loyal to the king." Yegetos said in a deep voice, "In this chaotic world, only under the protection of deep space can this world have a future... In the final analysis, the king is not for any belief, he is for the suffering people of the world, this is the real great compassion!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yegetos hurriedly turned back.

"King, is it okay for me to say this?"


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