It must be said that Chen Jing really admires those "spies" of Hasad.

The second before those "spies" sent the message to Hasad, Chen Jing had just received the message from Deep Space Strangeness through the family contact, and the content was the same... the moonlight dissipated and the light column shrank.

"Is the Evernight City going to appear?" Chen Bofu murmured in doubt.

Before Chen Jing could speak, the old man spoke first.

"Let's go and see it together." Chen Bofu glanced around, "I, Yegetos, Bai Aji, the three of us will go with you, otherwise I will not be at ease."

"Okay." Chen Jing waved his hand impatiently without hesitation, "I will take you to jump directly to the deep space, and I am very familiar with the coordinates there."

In the eyes of everyone who were both worried and curious.

Chen Jing and his figures disappeared instantly.

In just a moment.

The three of them and the beast came to the coordinate point outside the Evernight.

This place is only a few kilometers away from the Evernight City.

Located on a high-lying wasteland.

After the Eternal Night City learned to isolate itself from the Hanging City, Chen Jing brought the old man here more than once...

Every time they could see the light column.

Every time they tried to see the "real body" of the Eternal Night through the moonlight.

But this time...

The light column disappeared, and the moonlight disappeared.

Even the entire Eternal Night City...disappeared!


Chen Jing looked in the direction of the old site of the Eternal Night City, and couldn't help cursing for a moment, because that place was Gehero, no Eternal Night City, and no Pope.

On the ground, there was only a burning mark that stretched for thousands of miles.

Looking from a high place.

The burning marks formed a totem...a totem from the Hanging City!

Chapter 709 Summoning the Family (Part 1)

"I'm a step late..."

Chen Jing's calm mentality could no longer hold up, because he felt that he seemed to be calculated by Turing again.

It has to be said that Turing's shrinking tactics have worked.

At least it deceived Chen Jing.

Chen Jing originally thought that it would never dare to step out of the Hanging City, and even if it wanted to come out, it should target the Deep Space Clan, but the reality seems to be different.

This guy did "come out of the mountain", but its target is the Evernight City without Gehlo... No, maybe it's the Pope.

The relationship between the clans of each sequence is different.

The death of Gehlo does not mean that the Moonlight Pope of its clan will die.

"Is that the totem of the Hanging City?" Chen Bofu frowned, looking at the burning marks that stretched for thousands of miles, his expression was particularly heavy, "Did Turing do something..."

"There is no one else except it." Chen Jing shook his head helplessly, and then raised his hand and waved, and the Deep Space Color that was hiding in the ground appeared.

Its lurking place is very close to the old site of the Evernight City, probably less than one kilometer away from the moonlight that enveloped the Evernight, so Chen Jing really wants to know what it saw...

Accompanied by the shaking of the sky and the earth without any warning.

The earth that was burned by Turing in some way suddenly cracked, and a gully thousands of kilometers long quickly appeared... or in other words, an abyss shining with the splendor of the other side of the universe.

The splendor of deep space is hidden here.

It is like a silent underground river, the torrent of colors flows slowly, until it hears Chen Jing's call, then it turns into a beam of light and rushes into the sky, spreading at lightning speed.

"You told me before that Evernight City was falling." Chen Jing looked up at the colorful fog that spread to the sky, frowned and asked, "How did it fall? Did you see the alchemists in the Hanging City?"

"" Even though Deep Space Color had been promoted to this level, he still stuttered, "I...I only saw the ruins falling like a meteorite...After that, I couldn't see anything..."

"Can't see it?" Chen Jing looked at Deep Space Color in confusion, "Is there something blocking your perception?"

"Maybe..." Deep Space Color answered Chen Jing's question carefully in a very uncertain tone, "I don't know what it is...but I can be sure...that thing covered the entire Evernight City..."

"What happened next?" Chen Jing asked again.

"After that, it was what you saw." Deep Space Color spoke in a lower voice, as if afraid that Chen Jing would be angry, "Wang, I'm useless..."

"It has nothing to do with you."

Chen Jing sighed and comforted him softly.

"An ancient god is here. With your current ability, it's already good enough to ensure that you are not hurt in this situation."

Hearing Chen Jing say this, Deep Space Color suddenly felt even more ashamed, and only hated that his strength was too weak and he couldn't help Wang keep an eye on the city.

When the colorful mist in the sky gradually dissipated, Chen Jing took off his hood and looked back at the old man.

"Let's go home." Chen Jing smiled.

"Should we search again?" Chen Bofu asked tentatively, "Maybe there are some clues..."

"I have already searched the area with Deep Space Color. Turing has left. There is no breath of the Taoist priests in the Hanging City in this area. It's a waste of time for us to stay here."

In fact, at this time, Chen Jing had already thought it through.

It's just that he missed a step.

Generally speaking, it does not affect the overall situation. At least this situation is much better than Turing leading a team to wipe out the deep space clan. Although I don’t know what it means by taking away the Moonlight Pope, in the end, the Pope is just a person to Turing. Just chess pieces.

The chess pieces in sequence seven can't even defeat the old man in a single fight. Is this a piece of cake?

After all, this is the situation. Regret is of no use. It is more serious to hurry up and get things done!

"I didn't expect Turing to take Gehro away too... What tricks do these two grandsons want to play..." Chen Boxu murmured with a puzzled look on his face. He just felt that thinking about it gave him a headache, "I think It’s better for us to be careful, maybe they are hiding in the dark and are preparing to do something evil to us..."

Except for the candidates who participated in the biological leap, only a very small number of "creatures" knew the news of Gehro's death... Chen Bofu was not among them, so his instinctive thought was that Gehro was going to join forces with Turing to create something big. Action.

"That Turing guy is very insidious. God knows what plots he is preparing..." Chen Bofu said with a serious face, "If we hadn't been lucky enough not to encounter its true form last time, I guess we would all have had to do it that time." Accounted for."

"How about this."

Chen Jing adjusted the expression on his face and tried to make what he said sound as true as possible.

"Grandpa, I'll take you back first, and then I'll take Yegertos and the others around..."

"What the hell, are you trying to kill me?" Chen Boxu looked at his sweet grandson in surprise, and couldn't help but raise his finger to point to the burn mark, wanting to use it to beat him, "We shouldn't keep a low profile now. ? Then go back and think of a way to figure out Turing's conspiracy first and then..."

"It's really urgent." Chen Jing said helplessly, "After being promoted to Sequence Seven, my perception has been greatly improved, and my thoughts can almost cover the entire world."

"So?" Chen Bofu blinked and asked in confusion.

"Aren't we going to introduce new people?" Chen Jing smiled, without revealing any flaws in every word. "I sensed many 'seeds' that are easier to connect with deep space. They are destined to deep space. I have to seize the time to put those Pull people into our team..."

"Then I'll go with you." Chen Boxu said as he bent down to take off the flip-flop from his right foot, then knocked it hard on his hand to shake out the gravel inside, "I have no time to go back. Well, I might as well go out for a walk with you."

"forget it."

Chen Jing said dumbfounded, thinking that this old man still liked to join in the fun, but he obviously couldn't join in the fun, otherwise something would have been exposed.

"The number of people targeted is a bit large. I want to be more efficient. I can jump directly into deep space and take people away. I keep spinning around. Aren't you afraid that I will turn my back on you?"

Hearing Chen Jing's words, the old man suddenly remembered some bad memories again, nodded hurriedly and said: "Then I won't go, you can go do it yourself!"

After saying that, the old man patted Chen Jing's shoulder again.



"You have been promoted to Sequence should be able to transform me into a dependent, right?" Chen Bofu smiled excitedly, "Don't forget this! I've always been thinking about it!"

Chapter 710 Gathering the Familia (Part 2)

Chen Jing first sent the old man back to Kakosa, and then escaped directly into the deep space, and began to sort out the coordinate points sent by the believers, and then relied on the induction of the family connection to compare them one by one.

"The old man seems to be in a hurry." Jegertos always stood within five steps of Chen Jing, like a qualified imperial guard. "He must have been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"Hmm..." Chen Dingding nodded and didn't say much.

"King, I feel like you don't want to transform the old man into a dependent."

Bai Aji was lying at Chen Jing's feet, wagging his tail like a puppy. I don't know if it was because of his special physique or some other reason. His tail was swung like a steel pipe, banging, banging, banging. Smash to the calf from Jagertos.

"Well, I really don't want to."

Without looking back, Chen Jing raised his foot and touched Baiaji, signaling it not to seek death. If Jagetos hadn't looked out for his sake, he would have slapped it with his arm.

"Why?" Bai Aji still listened to the advice, and got up before Jegertos got angry. He ran to Chen Jing and lay down in front of Chen Jing. He was so well-behaved, "What's the point of being a Deep Space Familia?" not good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Chen Jing smiled helplessly, "On the contrary, it's safe to be my dependent. At least in a short period of time, you can really improve by leaps and bounds, and your ability to protect yourself will become stronger... "

"Then why don't you want to?" Baiaji asked doubtfully.

"Because that's Wang's grandfather."

Jagertos turned around abruptly to answer, taking the opportunity to lift his leg and shoot Baiage as a football, but the action was still concealed, as if he accidentally "bumped" out a garbage bag.


That huge muffled sound has nothing to do with "concealment".

Chen Jing's ears were a little jarred when he heard it at close range.

When Baiaji came back to fight for Yergetos, Chen Jing directly reached out and hugged it, touched the mane on its back and comforted him softly: "You have nothing to do, so why bother with him... …”

The words fell.

Chen Jing turned around and took them to leave the deep sky.

"The coordinates are set, let's go, follow me to pick someone up."

Before departure.

Chen Jing has already started arranging docking tasks in the forum.

The candidates who survived this round are not fools. At least they have the most basic ability to act and brains. They know that following Chen Jing back to Kakosha now is the best choice. If they find an opportunity to go there in the future... it is hard to say what will happen at that time, not to mention the threat of Turing.

Isn't it comfortable to hide in Kakosha and eat delicious food and drink spicy food?

If you don't seize this opportunity to go back with Chen Jing, what if you are unlucky one day and encounter Turing's purge?

Ask Chen Jing for help?

Can you catch up?

Those candidates think about this point more clearly than anyone else.

So after seeing the call post posted by Chen Jing in the forum, they immediately started to pack the luggage to take to Kakosha and call those family members who could not be abandoned.


Chen Jing promised them that he would take their families to Kakosha, which was a benefit for the deep space family. Moreover, these three million believers were not many for Kakosha. Mr. Shu and Hasad were rushing to work, and there were a lot of expansion projects to come, so there would be room for tens of millions of people.

"You are the first one."

When Chen Jing said this, he had brought Yegetos and Baiaji to a tribe outside the Polar Day City.

Standing in front of him was a European man. Whether it was his appearance or his dress, he was in line with his impression of the outer world. There was even a cartoon pendant of a big mouth monkey hanging on his chest.


"Well, I am the one who contacted you through thoughts." Chen Jing interrupted the other party and took another look at his wife who was beside him. The woman had nothing special except that she had three eyes. She looked more like a human than some of the old descendants of Kakosha.

"Are we going now?" The other party asked cautiously again.

"Well, take the luggage and go back now."

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