No, jumping into the air is not bad. If Turing had set up an ambush on the road first, or deployed some fatal defensive measures there, Chen Jing would probably have hit the muzzle of the gun directly.

So although this time it looked like he was attacking someone secretly, he might also have stepped directly into a trap.

If he had a choice, Chen Jing wouldn't be in such a hurry to rush over by himself.

It's a pity that he has no other choice now. If he gives up this opportunity, God knows whether it will happen next time.

"The environment here is the same as the vacuum universe in the outer world... There seems to be no difference..."

In the process of repeatedly performing deep space jumps, Chen Jing was also quietly observing this strange universe.

It turns out that there is no difference between the inner and outer universes.

At least there doesn't seem to be much difference.

The location of the inner world is also within the scope of the solar system, and even the surrounding stars are carved out of the same mold.

Jumping long distances in the universe is completely different from being here.

Put it this way.

Within the scope of the other world, Chen Jing can cross the north and south with an extreme deep space jump, and it only takes an instant to reach the other end from the pole of the world, but this is not the case in the universe at all.

After Chen Jing's preliminary estimation, the entire process would take at least three days from the moment he left the other world to the galaxy where the Hanging City is located.

For Chen Jing, who is used to teleportation, three days is indeed too long, but it is not difficult to understand...

The scope of the entire universe is ridiculously large, and the distance between two galaxies is measured in light years. In addition to the long distance, Chen Jing discovered that using deep space jumps to make long-distance jumps in the universe will also be "suppressed."

It's like there are many invisible gravitational forces pulling on me, and I can clearly feel the strange feeling of stagnation with every jump.

Logically speaking, in this gravity-free environment in the universe, long-distance jumps should appear to be easier than in the other world, but the actual situation is completely opposite, which makes him have to wonder, fearing that it is the Creator's gang. Doing something behind your back.

After searching carefully in Huang Wang's memory for a long time, he finally got an answer that made him relieved.

According to Huang Wang's memory, this is a normal phenomenon.

Just like Gehro would be rejected by the "world will" in the outer world.

When certain creatures with extraordinary strength and ability to step into the starry sky wantonly start to travel in the universe, they will naturally be rejected by the universe.

The same was true for King Huang at the beginning, so Chen Jing suddenly regained his psychological balance. At least this eliminated the option of the Creator pulling the wrong hand.

The deep space environment has many similarities to the physical universe.

But there are differences.

The real cosmic environment, whether in the surface world or the inner world, is always filled with a strange smell... like the pungent smell of high-temperature metal or welding smoke, which filled Chen Jing's nasal cavity from beginning to end.


There is another significant difference between these physical universes and deep space.

Deep space is literally dead silence.

This is not the case in the real physical universe.

Although there are very few stars in the universe that can breed life, from Chen Jing's point of view, using his perception, he found that he could sense different breaths of life anytime and anywhere in this universe.

Some breaths are close to humans, some breaths are close to beasts, and some breaths come from different life forms. Even Chen Jing can't judge. He can only conclude that the complexity of that kind of breath is something he has never seen before.

They may not be powerful, but they are certainly alive.

All alive.

In this vast universe, human beings are never alone, but they are too far away from their neighbors...

Follow the coordinates and keep moving forward.

Chen Jing entered the full-power rush mode, and did not even communicate with the black star he brought with him during the process. It was as dead as a machine.

Two days later.

For the first time, Chen Jing stopped from the state of constant space jumps. The deep space energy that had always maintained a high active state suddenly dissipated at this moment, making Chen Jing enter a state of "hidden" nothingness as much as possible. , even the breath is trying to be suppressed.

"No wonder Turing would move his hometown here..."

Chen Jing looked at the "Kingdom of God" suspended in the material universe in the distance, his eyes full of disbelief.

It was an ancient city that was far more spectacular and gorgeous than Carkosha. Perhaps it existed not long after the birth of the universe...

Judging from that extremely familiar aura, Chen Jing could definitely come up with the answer without any thought.

That continent that looks like a giant disk suspended in the universe is the hometown of those creators!

At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly had a creepy feeling, because his sixth sense was warning him... In the dark universe, there seemed to be countless eyes looking at him at this moment, watching. Looking at this outsider who doesn’t know how to live or die.

So, want to take a gamble?

"I didn't expect to see you here..."

Although Chen Jing has an extraordinary physique that can survive in the universe, he is still like the most ordinary human being. He can't help but take a deep breath when he is extremely nervous.

Although he couldn't inhale anything, he did it anyway, as if it would calm him down.

About half a minute later, Chen Jing saw that there was no movement from the Creators hiding in the dark, so he no longer hesitated and continued to perform deep space jumps at full power, rushing towards the coordinates of the Hanging City at super-light speeds.

During this process, he could always feel those eyes moving silently with him, staring at his back from beginning to end, making him feel like a light on his back.

But they could only watch.

At least so far, no creator has jumped out to block his way, let alone attacked him suddenly.

"I would like to see...whether you will abide by the rules and order of the 'Supreme One'..."

Chapter 727: Desperate Mr. Fog (Part 1)

That huge disk suspended in the universe is the continent that is the hometown of the Creator... It is shrouded in bright and colorful holy light, and it is very much like the place where the gods live in myths and legends.

Although the distance between the two sides was not very close, from Chen Jing's perspective, he could vaguely see part of the building structure on the land.

Those "weird" buildings were complex and exquisite that he had never imagined. They seemed to embody the aesthetic commonality of the entire universe. Any living creature could feel the overwhelming beauty and shock, as if with " The word "beautiful" would seem too pale to describe them.

Perhaps when creatures advance to a certain stage, regardless of race or belief, their understanding of "beauty" should tend to be the same. Therefore, seeing the complex and ferocious arches and flying buttresses on those buildings, Chen Jing couldn't help but think of the Deep Space Temple with the same architectural style.

Although the architectural styles of Kakosa and the City of the Creator are similar, they are still quite different after all. At least there is no such shocking feeling, just like an ancient man suddenly stepping into a modern city, that kind of feeling that transcends the times. Comprehensible beauty can leave almost anyone in awe.

It's like the splendor of deep space coming from the other side of the universe.

The holy light emanating from this God's hometown cannot be described in words. They surpass all the colors in Chen Jing's cognition. They are like a deep abyss torn open in the material universe, surpassing all dimensions of glory. and brilliance are concentrated in this ancient city like an isolated island.

Chen Jing did not stop here, let alone appreciate this spectacular and beautiful ancient capital. He was always mobilizing the deep space energy in his body at full power, trying to get to the Hanging City as quickly as possible...


Chen Jing became farther and farther away from the Creator's hometown, until the continent suspended in the universe turned into a star, and then gradually disappeared into the deep and dark universe.

One day later.

Chen Jing can no longer remember how many galaxies he has crossed.

In the process, he found that the closer he got to his goal, the more confused and helpless he felt in his heart, because he had realized that he was too far away from the other world, and even half of the familiar stars could not be seen when he looked back. Out of sight.

This feeling of being at a loss has nothing to do with strength, nor is it the fear that a Creator will jump out of the darkness, it is just... a fear caused by loneliness, nothing more.

In the process of continuous long-distance jumps in the material universe, Chen Jing almost forgot that he was still a "human". The loneliness and depression of the universe were always affecting him... It was so quiet here, so quiet that it made people want to go Ape.

Anxiety, restlessness, irritability.

All kinds of emotions went back and forth in Chen Jing's heart, but in the end these emotions turned into "nothing".

It seems that as time goes by, the biological emotions in Chen Jing's heart are gradually disappearing, and it seems that he uses human emotions as fuel for his journey.

Unknowingly, Chen Jing seemed to have become a part of these natural stars, like a planet moving at super-light speed, without any emotion at all, and so deathly silent that it was scary.

He was a little concerned about this change at first, but gradually... he didn't care anymore.

Within the estimated time.

Chen Jing arrived at his destination four hours early.

Facts have proved that Turing seems to have no intention of moving the suspended city. The city suspended in the material universe like an island is very similar to the continent where the creator's hometown is located. Perhaps this is also an evidence that Turing "received guidance" .

all in all.

It wasn't until he saw the familiar city that Chen Jing slowly woke up from the strange and dead state.

At this moment, he looked like a human being.

"Finally I found you..." Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time he was also trying to suppress the breath of the deep space, for fear of accidentally exposing his traces. After all, this was the last step he needed to get to the door.

At the same time, Chen Jing also placed countless coordinate points within a nearby light-year range. These are the "anchors" he left along the way.

Compared with the particle anchors brought back to the Hanging City by Turing, these carefully prepared road signs are more hidden. Even if Turing comes out to search, it will be extremely difficult to find their traces.

Make these preparations.

Chen Jing also began to gradually observe the long-lost hanging city.

Because there is a barrier similar to electronic neon light outside the Hanging City, Chen Jing cannot see the scenery inside the city at a glance. He can only vaguely perceive many familiar smells... They should be the alchemists of the Hanging City and local residents.

"It seems that Turing treats his own people well."

Chen Jing's body is now completely transparent, just like the "state of nothingness" used to deal with Raphael. This is another upgraded and perfected power after Sequence Seven, and it is something Chen Jing has never exposed to outsiders before. One of the trump cards.

When he returned to the other world to continue the exam this time, most of the reasons why he was confident that he could break into the Hanging City were based on this.

In this state of being able to cross the dimensional gap at will, Chen Jing felt that it was not difficult to break into a city with a barrier. At least the chance of success was greater than ordinary forced entry.

In addition to being able to travel through the dimensional space at will, in this state of nothingness, Chen Jing's breath and energy feedback will also be close to nothing.

in other words.

Chen Jingdu felt that it was impossible for Turing to find him in this state.

If it weren't for the short duration of this move, and the fact that it couldn't be used repeatedly due to bugs in a short period of time... If possible, Chen Jing would have chosen to drive all the way over in this state.

So now there are only two choices before Chen Jing.

Going in?

Or go in?

In fact, he had made other plans. He would first determine the coordinates and specific location of the Hanging City, then wait for "Xi" or "Buddha Mother" to regain their strength, and finally lead them to kill them together.

But how long does this take?

Chen Jing had no answer.

Maybe "Xi" will be faster, but who can guarantee that the Hanging City will not continue to move during this period? And if you bring "Xi", you may not be able to force your way in.

When facing a forcible siege from the outside world, who knows what other means Turing has?

If that guy is so shameless and plans to run away with the Hanging City with all his life...

"can not wait."

Chen Jing still made a decision. Although he didn't know how much risk this decision contained, if he wanted to be promoted to Sequence Eight, it was impossible not to take risks, even if he had to risk his life!

Thinking of this, Chen Jing prepared to approach the Hanging City at a steady and constant speed, trying to avoid "trajectories" left on the road as much as possible.

And just then.

Chen Jing suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What are you in a hurry for?"

Chapter 728: Desperate Mr. Fog (Part 2)

It is no exaggeration to say that this sudden conversation really frightened Chen Jing, because he had not noticed that there was anyone else around him before, and he did not even have the most basic breath feedback, and he did not sense anyone approaching him at all...

You don't need to analyze Chen Jing to conclude that the person coming behind him is definitely not Turing, because even a creature of sequence eight cannot do this kind of thing.

The only ones who can approach him silently and without revealing any clues are those creators who come from a higher level in the sequence!

So... was this an ambush?

Chen Jing's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, but this was also his worst plan.

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