At the same time.

Chen Jing, who was in the suspended city, was examining this new body.

A thin figure, a wide Taoist robe.

An outfit that fits the stereotype of a "Feng Shi".

Countless glowing nerve tubes extend from the spiritual orifice at the back of the head. They are gathered behind the head to form a Taoist bun. The electronic yin-yang fish at the end of the hairpin is slowly rotating, revealing the logo of the [Turing Research Society] from time to time.

Compared with the bionic faces of most Feng Shi, this "True Lord" does not seem to care about the opinions of outsiders. His entire facial features are replaced by a silver-white metal mask, which looks as terrifying as a faceless man.

"Zhuanjing Zhenjun... Yu Huaijing... I didn't expect that there is a word Jing in your name... It seems that it is fate..."

Chen Jing moved his eyes away from the metal wall, no longer looking at the slightly unfamiliar thin figure, but lowered his head to look at the sword on his waist...

This is a magic weapon "refined" by Turing, and it is also an extremely rare killing weapon in the Hanging City, because it is not a simple metal weapon, but a "spiritual sword" with a sword spirit.

This spiritual sword equipped with an intelligent AI module is called "Canglongzi". Its terrifying function is rare in the research institute. From Zhenjun's memory, it seems that this is because he was promoted much faster than his peers and thus received Turing's reward.

"Canglongzi... This should be a kinetic flying sword..." Chen Jing murmured in his heart, and then his mind moved, and the long sword instantly broke away from the scabbard, as if it was lifted up high by an invisible hand, and slowly floated in front of Chen Jing.

It must be said that Turing Technology is indeed unique.

"Hidden Dragon" looks no different from the ancient long sword in Chen Jing's impression.

If it was just the appearance, Chen Jing couldn't tell what kind of high-tech product this thing was, until he was driven by his thoughts to activate the intelligent AI inside the sword body... From this moment on, it looked a bit high-tech.

At the moment of activation.

The jade-like crystal sword body instantly split apart, revealing a dent extending from the hilt to the tip of the sword, in which a pink and purple light flashed from time to time, and Turing's totem could be vaguely seen...

"The alchemists in the Hanging City are still good at playing... I have never seen such high-tech in my life..."

Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then like a child getting a new toy during the Chinese New Year, he held the hilt of the sword with a playful mentality and skillfully played a set of sword flowers, until he found that an outsider was approaching the hall, and then he sheathed the sword.

To be honest.

This flying sword fell into the hands of Master Huaijing and was really ruined.

Because from the memory of this True Lord, he didn't seem to like using this spiritual sword as a flying sword, and rarely let it take the form of a flying sword in daily life. When fighting with others, he would directly hold the hilt of the sword and use it to chop people.

"When we return to Kakosha... bring them a batch of flying swords to play with... Wei Nan and the other girls will definitely like it..."

Just as Chen Jing was making plans in his mind, the door of the hall was suddenly knocked lightly, and a very strange voice came from outside the door.

"True Lord, we should set off."

This voice was very contradictory. At first, it sounded hoarse and vicissitudes like an old man, but when you listen carefully, it is as tender and innocent as a child... This is an electronic synthesized human voice that simulates "old and young". Many people in the Hanging City like to do this kind of transformation, as if they think they can use it to comprehend the great way of reincarnation of life and death.

"Yes... it's time to set off... Turing asked me to do something..."

At this moment, Chen Jing has almost integrated all the memories of "True Lord Huai Jing", so he is not unfamiliar with the person outside the door, and instantly knows the other party's identity and corresponding information.

The person outside the door is called "A Qi".

He is the seventh disciple of Weiyang Palace and the only surviving disciple of Master Huai Jing... He seems to be a medium?

"Are the carriages and horses ready?" Chen Jing asked loudly, trying his best to imitate the Master in his memory.

Hearing Chen Jing's question, the voice outside the door became more respectful and humble.

"Everything is ready, Master, don't worry, we are waiting for you now!"

Chapter 733 The Master of Weiyang Palace (Part 1)

When the door of the main hall of Weiyang Palace was opened by the medium A Qi, Chen Jing had completely integrated into the role of "Master Huai Jing". After all, the memory was too detailed, and it was difficult for Chen Jing to act unreliably...

He strode out of Weiyang Palace.

Chen Jing got on the "carriage" under the guidance of A Qi.

For a country bumpkin like Chen Jing, the "carriage" of Hanging City gave him a lot of knowledge.

"Carriage and horse" was the concept first proposed by the [Turing Research Society]. Later, because of the popularity of the research society among the common people, "carriage and horse" became a synonym for vehicles.

The floating vehicles that can travel freely in the sky are carriages, the conventional vehicles that can speed on the road are carriages, and the sedan chair that Chen Jing is riding at the moment is also a carriage and horse...

The front and rear sides of this sedan chair are about 20 meters long. The sedan chair in the middle has no roof, like a square altar. The gray-black matte metal looks delicate and has many "talismans" of the research society engraved on it.

When Chen Jing stepped on the sedan chair, the talismans on the sedan chair suddenly lit up.

It was not until this moment that Chen Jing could see clearly that the talismans on the eight directions of the sedan chair were all patterns evolved from the eight trigrams.

Although they all have the LOGO of the [Turing Research Society] on the bottom, which doesn't look very serious, but under the background of those neon and colorful holy lights... well, it does look not serious.

Chen Jinggang sat firmly on the sedan, and the talismans around him slowly rose up. The holographic image formed the curtain and canopy of the sedan. The quiet lavender and pink light intertwined, and Chen Jing was stunned by the brilliant brilliance. .

What the hell is high technology? !

That’s it!

Although Chen Jing has always maintained his "immortal style" attitude, to be honest, he now feels like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Everything he sees is fresh from beginning to end.

These holographic curtains are one-way.

You can clearly see the outside scenery from the inside, but you can't see it from the outside anyway. Even some alchemists who use "supernatural powers" or those highly skilled network hackers who want to invade this layer of holographic images will be blocked. All the restrictions imposed by "Zhenjun Huaijing" are blocked.

There were a total of twelve people responsible for carrying Chen Jing's sedan chair.

They are the "Six Ding Liujia" refined by Zhenjun Huaijing.

Although they are all bionics made of biological machinery, the combat power of these mechanical lifeforms that incorporate Turing technology is comparable to the Old Descendants of Sequence Five, and from a certain perspective, they are far easier to use than the Old Descendants. How many battles can be done with them? Somewhat wasteful.

In the concept of the [Turing Research Society], the so-called "Six Ding Liujia" are not only the portable guardian gods refined by the alchemists, but to be more precise... they are not only the nannies who serve tea, pour water, wash clothes and fold quilts, but also can be deployed at any time. Computing power to support the consumables of the alchemist.

The "Dharma Protector" refined by each alchemist is completely different, both in terms of functional characteristics and supernatural powers.

After all, these things are not mass products of the factory. They are almost all customized according to the needs of the alchemists.

For example, Liu Ding Liujia of "Huaijing Zhenjun".

Compared with hand-to-hand combat or other battles on the real level, they are more proficient in digital magical powers.

Every "Dharma Protector" has been implanted with a large number of viruses by "Zhenjun Huaijing", whether they are common worms, Trojans, macro viruses, or strange variants dug out of the digital abyss...

without any exaggeration.

If we just talk about using these viruses for "fighting", apart from the president of the research association, even the vice president may not be the opponent of "Zhenjun Huai Jing".

"Get up the sedan!!!"

Following the shout from Ji Tong Ah Qi, Liu Ding Liujia instantly lifted up the metal sedan and walked forward.

Although the sedan weighed far more than a thousand pounds, these "Liu Ding Liu Jia" wearing coir raincoats and bamboo hats and covering their faces with Bagua mirrors seemed to not feel the weight. They carried the sedan forward lightly and jumped step by step. ...until it leaves the ground and flies high into the sky.

Although Chen Jing had long known all this from the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing", he was still instinctively surprised when these guys actually carried the sedan to the sky. The gravity assist is just ridiculous.

"It seems that Turing hid it from everyone..." Chen Jing tilted his head slightly and looked at the outside world through the one-way holographic curtain.

This is his first time to Hanging City.

But after accepting the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing", he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this place...

Leaving Weiyang Palace and heading to the outskirts of Hanging City, Chen Jing was carefully observing this city he had never set foot on.

As the name suggests, the Hanging City is really hanging in the air.

It is like a floating island, but it is not a rootless duckweed drifting with the tide. It can always be fixed at one point.

The sky in all directions is a false picture constructed from holographic images, and there are neon lights flashing from time to time above the blue sky and white clouds.

According to the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing", except for Turing and a small number of members of the research society, no one else knew about the Hanging City leaving the other world.

They all thought that the Hanging City had always stayed at the original point. As for why they were not allowed to leave the city... the [Turing Research Association] gave an explanation.

"Recently, countermeasures are being deployed against the 'Deep Space Resurrectionist', so the Hanging City is temporarily closed and cannot be entered or exited, so...does anyone have any opinions?"

This explanation was said by the president of the [Turing Research Society] personally. Not to mention how convincing it is, at least it is threatening enough. After all, this city is the foundation of the research society.

The so-called corporate chaebols, or wild dog mercenaries.


They all have to obey the orders of the seminar.

"Turing has hidden too many things... He didn't say anything about Hanging City going to space... He didn't say anything about turning Pope Moonlight into a body... Even Zhenjun Huai Jing didn't know about this..."

Chen Jing murmured to himself. Originally, he wanted to use the memory of "Zhenjun Huai Jing" to find the answer. He wanted to know what the purpose of Turing's Moonlight Pope's body was... but unfortunately "Huai Jing" There is no answer in the memory of "True Lord".

Maybe it was because he didn't have enough authority to know more, or maybe Turing hid it from everyone, and that guy didn't want anyone to know his plan.

"Zhenjun, that bastard has been shouting, saying that Weiyang Palace has nothing to do with their affairs." Ah Qi, a child, sat on the lift pole of the sedan, and the electronically synthesized human voice simulated the gnashing of hatred. He said, "Those guys just don't know how high the sky is. You just like to hide from the world and practice. After all, there is nothing in the Hanging City that you can't control!"

Chapter 734 The Master of Weiyang Palace (Part 2)

There are many organizations in the Hanging City. Apart from the [Turing Research Society], there are also five "consortiums" that claim to be underground emperors... However, they are called consortiums, which actually conforms to the definition of companies in the laws of the Hanging City.

Of course.

This company is not that company.

Unlike the normal companies that Chen Jing has come into contact with in the surface world, these five consortium companies are the extreme embodiment of capitalization. They monopolize most industries in the Hanging City in different ways... Some monopolize medical treatment, and some monopolize communication and transportation.

In short, those that the [Turing Research Society] despises are almost all monopolized by these five large consortiums.

They are responsible for dealing with the "bones" that the research society despises, and at the same time they help the research society manage the city...

As for the high taxes they have to pay every month, it is actually equivalent to protection fees. As long as they pay taxes on time, the research society will turn a blind eye to some of their violations of the rules.

But it is also because of this that the Hanging City gradually changed its taste.

It is no longer the earliest technological capital, nor is it the so-called beacon of civilization... This legendary city has gradually been corrupted by money and other mundane things.

The people living here have fallen into a strange state.


They have entered a cycle that they cannot escape from forever.

From a certain perspective, the residents of the Hanging City are not actually miserable and poor. They can use the lowest consumption power to meet their material and spiritual needs, but they are limited to this...

In order to ensure their survival, ordinary residents of the Hanging City can only choose to go to work or "work casually".

If you go to work, you will be squeezed to the bottom by the company. In addition to completing your daily work, you also need to entrust your body to the company in your spare time and "dedicate" your brain computing power to the so-called career.

If it is a "casual worker", it is much easier than a formal job, but the pay you can get will be much less accordingly.

Moreover, "casual workers" are not protected by the laws of the Hanging City, and they do not even have the most basic labor protection. Almost all those who are chasing their wages in the news are "casual workers".

But then again, it is good to be able to recover wages, at least the workers are still alive, and some illegal workers can't even save their lives after finishing their work.

Let's get back to the point.

What Chen Jing needs to deal with at this moment is the trouble brought by [Horus Precision Industry], one of the five major consortiums.

From the memory of "Huai Jing Zhenjun", this private enterprise that started with electronic optical instruments has been dishonest since the day it became a consortium. Not only does it often ask people to bring some "samples" from the research institute for reference, it also likes to hang the sign of the research institute and sell some expensive but outdated junk products.

But to be honest, this is not a big deal, and it is not the turn of Weiyang Palace Master to deal with them.

"True Lord, those bastards thought they could raise a big flag with the support of the 'White Tiger Palace', and they actually reached into the jurisdiction of our Weiyang Palace. It's obvious that they want to make trouble!"

The medium Ah Qi cursed angrily. To him, Weiyang Palace was his home... and [Horus Precision Industry] not only reached into his home to take money out, but also slapped his family members in turn.

"Before, our Weiyang Palace lawyer went to negotiate with them, but was beaten seriously on the spot. When I led people to rush over, those bastards had already called the alchemists of the 'White Tiger Palace'. There were too many of them, so..."

"Don't blame you."

Chen Jing sat cross-legged on the sedan chair, speaking softly, and his calm tone made it impossible to hear whether he was sad or happy, as if he had shed all human emotions.

"The instinct of living things is to live. You haven't lost the instinct to survive, which means that your wisdom has not been completely cut off..." Chen Jing said softly, "Let me handle the next thing. I have already applied for the report to Tianzun. He asked us to do it ourselves. It is best to teach those blind things a lesson." The floating lanes of the Hanging City are divided into upper and lower rows, and the top lane is exclusively for the alchemists of the research association. According to the rules of the Hanging City, when the alchemists reach a certain level, people will salute them everywhere during their daily travel. Just like now. The twelve-man sedan chair under Chen Jing's seat floated in the air, and the "horses and carriages" of the alchemists who came and went all scattered to the sides, while the lower lane was directly stagnant. All the vehicles stopped at this moment and saluted him quietly. "It's a pity that Xie Shanke from the White Tiger Palace didn't come. If he came, I would like to have a good chat with him and ask him how he disciplined his servants..."

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