A small group of people have turned the people into unrecyclable fuel. Under the rolling wheels of history, the resentment is soaring and the smell is astounding, and all the common people are ground into minced meat.

That's why.

The situation in Hanging City is the same as that of most people in the surface world. They use cheap nipple music to confuse themselves and make themselves less rational. Even if they sink in the mud, it is better than facing the reality soberly.

"It seems to be the same everywhere..."

Chen Jing pushed open the door of the bar, put his hands in the pockets of his sweater, and walked in leisurely.

The deafening music was mixed with the overwhelming sounds of men and women making love, and the smell of smoke, alcohol and some chemicals hit their faces.

On the high platform shrouded in neon halo, there are polished silver steel pipes. Dancers and gigolos with no clothes are trying hard to sway, hoping to hang a few qualified dancers to end this scene early. A busy night.

"Hey, are you going to the wrong place?"

A man who spoke with a slight curlicue suddenly put his hand on Chen Jing's shoulder from behind. The biomodified palm was too wide, and the entire arm's artificial muscles were directly exposed to the air, like a gorilla being skinned. arm.

"First time here."

Chen Jing turned around with a smile and looked at the face that had been transferred to the database. He spoke in an unhurried tone, making it impossible to see any flaws.

"Tuoke?" Chen Jing asked.

"it's me."

There is a zigzag scar on the man's face, like a glorious medal, and it is deliberately highlighted by string lights.

"Bai Long, everyone is waiting for you, come with me."

Chapter 748 Underground Hacker Bailong (Part 2)

Accompanied by a burst of intense and high-spirited screams, Chen Jing silently followed the strong man and once again passed the couple hiding in the corner.

"Damn it...don't these guys avoid people...or have we become part of their PLAY?"

Chen Jing couldn't help but look back, and saw that the couple who had been standing together and hugging each other passionately were now lying on the floor playing wrestling. Chen Jing was dumbfounded by their skillful skills, and his ears were filled with their "hooha" "Voices.

"Have you never seen anything so intense?"

Tuoke is a veteran mercenary from the outer city. He also speaks with a local retroflex accent. His facial features that have not been deeply modified are rough and ferocious, and his face is full of flesh and blood. These words can not be overstated to describe him.

Seeing Chen Jing keep looking back, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. He just felt that the child was still too young.

"This is nothing. Later I will send you a cracked version of [Bliss Yin Yang Great Compassion]. You can try it by installing it in the brain-computer chip. The AI ​​in it is much more awesome than this one. There are only postures you can't think of. There’s nothing you can’t see.”

"Tell me back and I will learn a lot." Chen Dingding nodded.

"It's easy to talk about!" Tuoke laughed and said, "I don't have anything else, but I have a lot of these colorful things. After all, I started my business by selling cracked versions of 'double repair software'!"

After crossing the third corner of the bar corridor, Tuoke led Chen Jing to a private room with the house number [411] and barged in without knocking.

"Mad dog! Canary! I've got you!"

Following Tuoke, Chen Jing walked into the box while subconsciously looking around.

The box is not big and has no windows.

The song request software on one side is still on, but the holographic screen is white... Damn, is this a bar or a KTV?

Smelling the pungent smell of smoke and alcohol, Chen Jing couldn't help but frown.

"Are you Bai Long?"

The thin man sitting on the sofa spoke. His appearance was very characteristic of a European man. There were black lenses embedded in the deep-set eye sockets. Occasionally, you could see the faint light from the biological prosthetic eyes, but most of the time he was wearing black lenses. of.

"Ah...it's me."

Chen Jing walked aside and sat down, looking at the two people in front of him with interest.

This European-looking man is a mad dog. Like Tuoke, he is a mercenary from the outer city. He just has a pile of criminal records piled up in the company. He has done nothing bad in his life. It can be said that It is considered the scum among the scum.

As for the silent "canary" on the side, her long, smooth black hair almost reached her waist, her face was painted with unremarkable light makeup, she looked like an Oriental Asian, and she wore a pair of intellectual gold-rimmed glasses. .

From the moment Chen Jing walked in, this woman had been looking at him calmly, as if looking at goods, with a very obvious gaze, without any concealment at all.

"When Fatty Black and the others introduced you, they should have said everything they needed to say, right?" The mad dog's thin body gave off a sense of oppression, as if this man was really a mad dog as his nickname suggested. His long and slender fingers The tip scratched lightly on the sofa. Maybe it had not been maintained for a long time, and the artificial joints would make crisp sounds from time to time.

"I told you." Chen Jingding nodded, "I will take this job only if I think it is feasible."

The "fat black man" in Mad Dog's mouth was one of the several rebels caught by Turing, and the character played by Chen Jing was dug out of the fat man's mouth... Bai Long himself should be humanized by Turing It was destroyed without leaving any trace, but his memory backup was copied by Turing to Chen Jing.

In a way, he is still alive.

But it was Chen Jing who helped him stay alive.

"We're not dealing with some big company this time, it's the fucking [Qinglong Palace]... You should know the severity, right?" Mad Dog was still a little worried, grinning and said, "If anything goes wrong, everyone will die."

"Just the four of us?" Chen Jing didn't answer and asked instead, "Are there too few people?"

"That's enough." Tuoke sat next to Chen Jing, as if staring at him, "I am responsible for fire support from the rear, Mad Dog is responsible for frontal breakthrough, Canary is responsible for sneaking into the warehouse of [Qinglong Palace], you..."

"I am responsible for hacking the peripheral defense system of [Qinglong Palace] to buy you more time to act." Chen Jing took over the words and scratched his head, "But this is a bit reluctant. I can only buy you three minutes at most. ”

Hearing this, Tuoke and the others immediately looked at each other, because this was not what they expected...

"I thought you could only buy us one minute." Tuoke said cautiously, "Are you sure this is not bragging? You should know that you can't joke about this kind of thing, right? Talking big words will kill people!"

Chen Jing glanced at him calmly, only to find that this guy was just like the records in the memory bank. He talked a lot and was very cautious. No wonder not many mercenaries were willing to cooperate with him before.

"The credibility of your words is not high." Mad Dog touched his chin and said with suspicion, "That's the [Qinglong Palace], one of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces of the Research Association, you can hack them The defense system is good even for half a minute, but three minutes?”

"Didn't the fat man tell you?" Chen Jing gave them a strange look, "I have been practicing my magical powers on the virtual network some time ago, and I happened to dig out a useful magic weapon in a pile of shit mountain data. '...I don't think it's a problem to hack [Qinglong Palace] for three minutes."

Compared with the three mercenaries here, the "White Dragon" played by Chen Jing is the truly ruthless character. Especially in the circle of underground hackers in Hanging City, Bai Long is considered a rare genius.

Bailong was born in a slum.

When I was eight years old, I happened to pick up a brain-computer chip from a research association of alchemists in a garbage treatment plant. Although the owner of the chip was an outer disciple and was not even qualified to enter the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces for practice, it was still useful to ordinary people. It seems that the alchemist is already unattainable.

With the help of that chip, Bailong began to practice "Pseudo-Alchemy", starting from the day of his tenth birthday, until he is now twenty-two years old... Whether it is hacking activities targeting the company's chaebols, or some research projects He has never missed a single cyberattack on the Society. Even if he failed, he could still rely on the laws of the Hanging City to protect himself from being held accountable by the Research Society.

So when they first heard that Fatty Hei could invite this legendary "Internet God", Tuoke and the others were still skeptical until they saw the real person today.

"The three of us have been cooperating a long time ago, so you are new to us... you should also understand the rules, right?" Mad Dog grinned, "Show us your hands first and give us a lot of experience, otherwise we won't worry. "

"Don't worry too much."

Canary suddenly spoke, her voice soft and pleasant, like a deliberately modulated electronic synthesized human voice, which conformed to the stereotype that most men find "good-sounding".

"After all, we have only seen your photos and never seen you in person. Fatty Hei went offline before he even replied to our message that day..."

"I understand the rules, and I don't care too much."

Chen Jing smiled, and then his biological prosthetic eyes began to flicker slightly.

Before Tuoke and the others could explain anything, Mad Dog suddenly fell on the glass coffee table. The huge inertia caused the table to shatter immediately. Many glass slags were embedded in Mad Dog's artificial skin, but no trace of it leaked out. Come blood.

at the same time.

The mad dog's seven orifices also began to continuously emit billowing white smoke, exuding the smell of burnt metal, and his arms began to retract in response to the body spasm, bending into an arc that ordinary people could not imagine.

As the burning smell became more and more pungent, the artificial bones in the mad dog's body began to make a constant crunching sound, like chestnuts being roasted and exploded on the fire. The crackling sound made people feel terrified.

"Damn it! We let you show off your skills! We didn't let you roast his brain!"

Chapter 749 Violent Attack on the Street (Part 1)

Everyone looked at Mad Dog with different expressions. Looking at the mercenary lying on the ground and "withering", everyone's mood was a little complicated.

Canary felt that Mad Dog was really unlucky, but in the final analysis, he deserved it. Although everyone didn't trust the "White Dragon" that much, they were more or less artistic when speaking, at least the other party didn't feel so tit-for-tat.

And what about the mad dog?

In addition to doubts, doubts are just doubts. If you give "White Dragon" a little face, you won't suffer such a big loss.

Tuo Ke on the side also thought the same, and opened his mouth to try to persuade him, but then he thought, "White Dragon" couldn't kill one of his own before taking action, so he closed his mouth in the end.

"This guy is too good..." Chen Jing looked at Mad Dog with complicated emotions. In order to avoid exposing his true identity, he did not dare to use those "Alchemy" that were too closely related to the research association. He only followed the instructions of "Bai Long himself" "Use those "magical powers" in the database.

in other words.

Even if it wasn't Chen Jing who came but Bai Long himself, the mad dog would be easily dispatched, and there would be no chance to fight back...

For a while.

Apart from the deafening music, there was no other sound in the box.

"All the brain-computer prosthetics are down..." Canary looked at Mad Dog lying on the ground in surprise. She was not worried about the safety of her old friend, but couldn't help but sigh, "I remember in front of the firewall installed by Mad Dog It was updated only two days ago, and it is still the internal beta version of the research association..."

"Internal beta versions usually have bugs, and they also have backdoors, so it's almost not difficult to hack them."

Chen Jing's stroboscopic biological prosthetic eyes gradually stopped, and the glimmer in his eyes returned to a steady state.

"In addition to hacking the defense system of [Qinglong Palace], I also provide personal network protection services. If I encounter [Qinglong Palace] alchemists on the way and kill them along the network nodes, I can also fight with them in two moves... Of course, these services are subject to commission.”

"How many do you want?" Canary asked.

"Twice the original commission." Chen Jing gave the quotation with a smile and raised his finger to point at his head. "It will be this price if the deal is successful. If I am unlucky and fail, I only need a deposit."

"Whether it works or not, you will benefit from it?" Mad Dog struggled to get up from the ground, his voice was a little blurry, "You are darker than us!"

"This is my rule." Chen Jing spread his hands helplessly, "If you don't agree, you can find other hackers to participate in this operation."

After Chen Jing took away his "supernatural power", the mad dog struggled to get up from the ground. However, the prosthetic body that had just returned to normal functions was a little uncomfortable. Basically, it would jerk violently every two seconds, like It was as if he was getting an electric shock, and Tuoke who was watching on the side wanted to give him a kick.

"So do you need it?" Chen Jing blinked. The white glimmer in his eyes looked particularly soft. He was completely different from these fierce-looking mercenaries. They were gentle and polite like company employees. "Personal network Protection is still necessary, it can improve your survival rate.”

"I fucking know!" Mad Dog rubbed his neck and sat back on the sofa. He picked up the low-quality beer on the table and drank it. The strong smell of alcohol was spraying from his mouth, and his eyes were as fierce as if he wanted to kill someone. "But the commission you want is also That’s outrageous!”

"People don't know the goods, money knows the goods." Chen Jing said with a smile, "It's worth the money, isn't it?"

"I agree." Canary glanced at Chen Jing, and then made the wisest choice, "The commission I got can be given to him in exchange for personal network protection services."

"I...I agree."

Tuoke gritted his teeth. For an old descendant like him who was not good at fighting online, the cyber counterattack procedures of large companies and research associations were still very deadly.

"If you lose your money, you can make more, but if you lose your life, it's over. Besides, this operation is inherently risky. If you continue to be greedy, your life may be lost. I agree with Canary's proposal."

"Who the hell are you calling greedy?" Mad Dog smashed the bottle in his hand and scratched his head while cursing, "You all agreed, what should I do?"

"Just hold on." Canary picked up the shimmering wine glass and took a sip slowly, "It's time to compare and see the difference between buying network protection and not having network protection. Maybe it's like you This is the most cost-effective option.”

"Get out of here!" Mad Dog glared at Canary, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mad Dog turned to look at Chen Jing with a very troubled expression.

"Aren't you trying to bargain with him... How could you agree so easily! Do you know how to do business?"

"My rule is not to bargain." Chen Jing shook his head, "It's as much as you want, and I won't do it even if it's a penny less."

"Damn, your money-hungry temperament is really just like the rumors..." Mad Dog sighed helplessly. There was nothing he could do about people who got into money. However, such money-obsessed people are not uncommon in Hanging City. So in the end he could only grit his teeth and admit it.


What else can I do if I don’t recognize it?

As Tuoke said, money is not as important as life. Earning a little is good. The most unlucky thing is to earn life but not to spend it.

"Speaking of which, do you have any news about Fatty Hei?" Mad Dog took out a cigarette and lit it, smoking slowly. His head would tilt twice from time to time. It was obvious that he had been tortured a lot by Chen Jing just now. The offline was so sudden that we all suspected that he had been arrested by the research association. "

"I don't know." Chen Jing shook his head, "That damn fat guy is more cautious than me. When he contacted me, it was always a one-way communication. When he just went offline, I was still 'wandering'..."

Although Fatty Hei is a common broker in Hanging City, there are very few non-company brokers who can reach his level.

He has a cautious personality and never acts rashly.

The breadth of the network is astonishing.

If Turing hadn't taken action against him personally, the research association would probably have had to work hard to catch him.

In order to ensure that Chen Jing can successfully sneak into the [Dao Gate], Turing has completely taken over the body of the black fat man. It is estimated that "he" will reappear in front of these acquaintances in a reasonable way soon... No, To be precise, it is to reconnect with these acquaintances.

In fact, when he first heard Turing talk about the overall plan, Chen Jing's first reaction was that this old guy took off his pants and farted. He had to make such a trip when he could obviously handle it himself.

It's like forcibly taking over another person's body. What's the difference between this and an upper body that inherits memories?

With Turing's computing power, it would be no problem to mess with the entire population of the Hanging City, let alone a fat man.

But it just didn't want to do it, and didn't say the specific reason, let alone take the initiative to mention this and give an explanation. From beginning to end, it gave Chen Jing a feeling of trying to avoid it... This made Chen Jing very puzzled.

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