Tuke kept talking all the way. I don’t know if it was because of the overload of artificial muscles, but this guy’s running movements were very awkward, like a gorilla who couldn’t find a toilet and was holding his urine, running very fast with his legs clamped.

“We really underestimated you for being able to ‘hack’ into the company’s armed system!”

“It’s a small matter.” Chen Jing replied with a smile, “I have teamed up with others to do a few jobs against large companies before, and I am quite familiar with their armed systems. These money-grubbing guys are all leftovers from the research association. There are too many backdoors in the system, and it’s not difficult to ‘hack’ into them.”

Money-grubbing guys?

Hearing this evaluation of the company’s employees, the canary on the side couldn’t help but roll his eyes, thinking that you are not much better. In terms of money-grubbing, you are no different from the company dog!

Of course, that’s what he said, but Canary was still very grateful to Chen Jing. After all, without his help, the three of them might have been killed here... Are they going to pay for a stolen sports car?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Hanging City, but it is definitely a humiliating way to die.

Not glorious, not honorable.

If this is the end, it will be a shame for the mercenaries.

"Tuke, let's not go back yet."

"Not going back?"

Hearing the words of the canary, Tuoke paused for a moment.

"Has the action plan changed?"

The canary hummed expressionlessly, and then looked at Chen Jing deeply.

"Let's take him to see more."

Chapter 754 The True Immortal in the Shack (Part 2)

At a crossroads not far from the overpass, Tuoke "took" a civilian car in a very authentic way. Although the car door was almost broken apart by him, he did not think this "took" method was violent at all, but full of artistry.

"Bailong, do you understand the aesthetics of violence?"

When Tuoke was driving, he squeezed the steering wheel out of shape with a little effort. Obviously, the sequelae of artificial muscle overload continued to affect him.

"Although this way of hitchhiking doesn't require much technical skills, it at least has artistic value. I look down on those hackers who steal cars with master keys... Hey, I'm not talking about you!"

Chen Jing didn't care about Tuoke's unintentional ridicule, but was very curious about the "shack" that Jin Si Canary had mentioned before.

Three minutes ago.

That is, when Jin Si Canary said that she wanted to take Chen Jing to broaden his horizons...

"Where should I take him to broaden his horizons? Kabukicho or Red Hair Salon? I think those are meaningless!" Tuoke's first reaction at that time was to think in the wrong way, and he didn't say a single reliable word. "When we get home, I'll take him to the Internet to "wander" and let him compete with those AIs who sit on the ground and suck dirt to broaden his horizons!"

As he said that, Tuoke took the time to look back at Chen Jing.

"Brother! You think so too, right? Fake feelings maintained by money and those vulgar bodies are not as soul-touching as digital bodies! Only those AIs fed by experience can understand you! We..."

"You are not done yet, are you?!" Canary couldn't stand it anymore, and slapped Tuoke on the back of his head, "You really don't treat me as a woman?! Are you going to die if you make dirty jokes in front of me?!"


"Go to Kabukicho! Go to the shack!"

"...Are there any girls in the shack?" Tuoke still didn't react, his muscles kept contracting, and it was obvious that the high power overload before made his brain a little abnormal, "There is no shack, right? I've been to that damn place so many times and never seen it... Have you seen it?"

"What I said is... Let him go to the shack to worship the 'real immortal'!" Jin Si Canary gritted her teeth in anger, but she also knew that Tuoke's state was not right, and there was no need to get angry with such a person with a brain full of yellow garbage, "If you tell me those nonsense again, be careful that I will report you to the higher-ups!"

Let's get back to the point.

After getting on this "free" car, Tuoke drove all the way to the slums in the north according to the pre-planned route.

"What is the 'shack' you are talking about?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask out of curiosity, but the person he asked was not Tuoke, who was easy to talk to, but Jin Si Canary, who was standing next to him with a cold face. After all, it is easier to communicate with normal people, at least he won't be led to an illegal direction.

"You will know when you go there." Jin Si Canary leaned against the car window and answered Chen Jing's question expressionlessly.

"What is the 'real immortal' you just mentioned?" Chen Jing changed the subject. Seeing that he could not find out the origin of the shack, he turned to ask about another puzzled word, "Is it a person or an object? It can't be the AI ​​downlinked from the network, right?"

"AI?" Canary looked back at him, "From a certain perspective, you can understand it this way."

"Really?" Chen Jing was stunned, "Is it a ghost? Or the immortals of the five major families? It can't be the backup of the 'god AI' leaked from the research institute?"

Hearing Chen Jing's series of questions, Canary still did not answer directly, and still used that sentence to perfunctorily.

"You will know when you go there."


Three hours later.

The broken car driven by Tuoke has already driven into the slums in the north.

"I am so lucky to have you today! My best brother!" Tuoke's crazy energy has gradually subsided, but he still has not changed his habit of talking too much. Including this time, he has thanked Chen Jing 321 times in a row.

"Yeah." Chen Jing didn't even have the energy to deal with it. He just wanted to find earplugs to block his ears so as not to listen to this stupid guy's constant chatter.

"Actually, it's a big loss for our lives. The company wanted to catch us alive, so those two losers didn't kill us directly. Otherwise, you wouldn't have had time to save us."

As he said that, Tuoke had begun to slowly reduce his speed. After all, the width of this old street in the slums was limited, and there were many adults and children crossing the road. If the accelerator was too high, it would be easy to hit him accidentally.

"what do you think?"

"How about what?"

Chen Jing was also confused when he heard Canary's abrupt question.

"The people here." Canary turned her head and looked out the window, "Are they different from those in the main city?"

"It's okay...but I don't have much fighting ability...I'm just an ordinary person..."

When Chen Jinggang gave this answer, in the blink of an eye, he saw several children chasing and playing happily on the roadside, while not far away, there were several old people sitting on the bench in a daze.

The neural pipeline used to rent computing power extended from the "concentrator" on the wall, and the port connecting the spiritual orifice was floating in the air, and no one paid attention to it.

At this moment, Chen Jing realized something was wrong.

Not to mention the main urban areas that look glamorous but are actually lifeless, even several other "self-destructive" slums cannot reveal so much smoke and smoke... For example, the slum where Bai Long lived before.

Common people lying on the roadside renting computing power can be seen everywhere on the street, and most of the passers-by look lifeless. They are like mechanical parts of the city, adhering to their responsibilities for the city day and night, thus Slowly getting rid of the "human smell" on my body.

No matter adults, children, or old people who have seen through the world.

Everyone lives for the sake of living, and there is no expectation for the future in their gray and turbid eyes.

But this slum is different...

Children were chasing each other laughing and playing on the street, and there were old people sitting and chatting in the streets and alleys. Those computing power rental machines used to "collect social value" were left alone, and no one paid attention to them at all.

"The people here are more like human beings." Chen Jing murmured, suddenly thinking of a possibility, and hurriedly looked at Canary and asked, "The people here don't need to provide social value to survive?? Their daily life Where do you get your daily necessities?”

"Of course it was given by the 'True Immortal'."

When Canary gave the answer, Tuoke had already stopped the car against an old alley.

"Let's go and take you to see the 'True Immortal'."

After getting off the bus, Chen Jing followed Tuoke and Canary, turning left and right along the old alley of the slum, passing through several open-air yards along the way, and walked for almost half an hour before reaching their destination.

It was a "shack" that could be seen everywhere in the slums.

The shape is simple and can be called shabby.

Even Chen Jing suspected that it couldn't even protect it from wind and rain.

But just outside such a simple and poor shack, there were actually hundreds of mercenaries crowded with people who were as powerful as Tuoke.

These mercenaries seemed to know Tuoke and Canary. When they saw that they had brought a stranger "outsider", they just stared at Chen Jing with vigilant eyes, but did not ask.

Opening the curtain of the shack, Chen Jing followed them in.

As expected.

The space inside the shack is very narrow and cramped, but in such a small place... there is actually a "holographic shrine" from the research association!

There was a faint light in the shrine.

A translucent humanoid figure was sitting cross-legged in the shrine, reciting a pagan scripture of unknown origin.

Yes, that is definitely a scripture from another strange religion, because Chen Jing could not find any similar content in the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing", which shows that it is definitely not the product of the "Turing Sequence".

But having said that, Chen Jing couldn't care less whether he was a pagan or not, and he didn't care at all. What really surprised him... was the voice reciting scriptures.

So familiar.

It was so familiar that he felt like he was dreaming.

"Li Mobai... why are you acting so weird here..."

Chapter 755 The Fetus of the Immortal (Part 1)

Chen Jing could recognize that the voice chanting sutras and mantras in the shrine came from the long-lost Li Mobai... Although the voice was obviously electronically synthesized, Chen Jing would not admit it, absolutely not.

In the table world.

Li Mobai showed off his "cyber transformation" to Chen Jing more than once, especially the distorted and distorted electronic synthesis tone. In his words, the entire Hanging City is unique and can be as unpleasant as it sounds. , it’s hard to recognize my own characteristics...

"This is the 'true immortal' we follow." Canary bowed to the human figure in the shrine, and the Tuoke on the side also imitated Canary's salute, completely unable to tell that he had spoken before. He spoke in a yellow accent all the way, and his expression was more serious than visiting a grave.

"Is this... AI or what?" Chen Jing couldn't help but ask, and then strode forward, wanting to take a closer look at the holographic figure, but unfortunately Canary suddenly stopped him.

"What are you doing?!" Canary said angrily, "You should maintain the minimum respect for the 'true immortal'!"

"Sorry..." Chen Jing smiled awkwardly, "It's rare to see such a rare 'existence', I'm really a little excited..."

At least respectful?

When Chen Jing heard this, he almost couldn't hold back.

He knew better than anyone what kind of bastard Li Mobai was. If the figure in the shrine was really Li Mobai... then let alone respect, Chen Jing wanted to overturn the shrine and slap him twice.

Since the day this guy disappeared completely, Chen Jing has been worried about his safety all the time. Although he personally promised Chen Jing that nothing would happen and Turing would not kill him before completing a certain task, but... there is always a chance of something happening.

What if Turing changed his mind?

If Li Mobai's name was not on the candidate score list, Chen Jing would probably have to hold several memorial services for him during his disappearance.

"Yes, Brother Bailong, you must be respectful when facing the 'True Immortal'. He is a greater being than Turing." Tuoke advised earnestly, as if he was afraid that the newcomer would think too much, so he explained a few more sentences, "Everything we get is given by Him. Be respectful and humble to Him, follow His footsteps, and you can accomplish anything."


Hearing this somewhat familiar "brainwashing words", Chen Jing felt that Li Mobai had really learned bad things... This bastard didn't learn good things, but only learned some words used to develop a clan in the deep space.

Of course, this is not necessarily learned from the "deep space". After all, the ancient gods' beliefs that are spread wantonly in the inner world are what believers say when they develop new people.

So what is Li Mobai going to do?

Play tricks?

It shouldn't be.

He has never been interested in such things.

But looking at the attitudes of the "fanatics" such as Canary, it seems that he is spreading his own beliefs.

"I told you I'll help you make connections." Canary took a step back, looking at the human-shaped phantom in the shrine with fanatical eyes, "Whether it can be done or not depends on what the 'True Immortal' means."

"See what he means?" Chen Jing blinked and asked curiously, "Just like an interview at a company? As long as he nods and says yes, it's considered a pass?"

"That's about right."

Canary smiled, then looked at Tuoke, and both left the shack that smelled of incense and candles.

"Talk to the 'True Immortal' yourself, He will show you the way forward."

"...Are you serious?"

Canary and the others did not answer Chen Jing's question, but silently closed the door and left, leaving Chen Jing standing in front of the shrine with a blank face, completely unable to understand what these crazy people wanted to do.


If the figure in the shrine is really Li Mobai, then all this can be explained. From the fact that he came up with a program that can block Turing monitoring, it can be seen that this kid must be planning something...

"You just left like that, aren't you afraid that I'm disrespectful?"

Muttering, Chen Jing took two steps forward, while carefully looking at the holographic figure chanting scriptures and mantras.

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