"Are you...really willing to think about it?"

Turing only felt that the surprise came too suddenly, but then he thought about it, this guy's insidiousness and cunning had penetrated deep into his bones, and now he agreed so happily... Could it be a fraud?

"Of course it's true!" Li Mobai fell down helplessly, lying on the floor in large letters, "Your fucking progress in solving equations has reached 90%, why should I argue with you? …”

"Yes, yes! Just think about it clearly!" Turlington was beaming with joy, thinking that this stubborn stone was finally coming to light. "You can think about it carefully! Let's continue talking after we understand the stakes!"

"Okay, let's go."

Li Mobai exhaled a long breath, his whole person seemed a little lost, and seemed to have completely lost his fighting spirit.

"Now take me to see the equation. If you really solve it to 90%... I will seriously consider your proposal."

"Okay! I'll take you there now!"

The moment Turing's words fell, Li Mobai felt that his electronic body was being pulled away by some kind of gravity, and was about to start jumping nodes with Turing...

"How could this happen?! How can this bitch solve the elementary equation without my help?!"

Li Mobai seemed to have chosen to accept his fate calmly, but in reality, he was panicking inside, and it could even be said that he was a little scared.

Because he knew what would happen if the primary equations were solved.

That's right.

What Turing said was not big talk.

Once the primary equation is successfully solved by it, let alone a deep space resuscitator, even most of the creators may not be its opponent.

"Now it's all about speed..." Li Mobai could only pray in his heart, "I hope you are faster than Turing... If you advance to Sequence 8 first and kill Turing... we don't have to worry about anything! "

Li Mobai really wanted to convey the situation here, at least to let Chen Jing know that the situation was urgent and needed to speed up the progress, but he was unable to do so at this stage. With Turing present, he currently had no way to convey the information. go out.

But then I thought about it, and it seemed like there was no need to do that.

Because Chen Jing was more anxious than him.

Even if he doesn't know the news, Chen Jing will rack his brains to speed up the progress. It can be seen from his choice to sneak into the Hanging City at any cost...

"My fortune and life are all in your hands."

Li Mobai prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that his prayer would work.

"If your promotion speed is a little slower... Turing can really confiscate our family and exterminate our clan..."

at the same time.

In the real world off the Internet, Chen Jing has woken up in a slum in the slum.

Looking at the empty "True Immortal Site" in front of him, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and then he turned over and jumped off the altar table.

Come to the "alchemy room".

Chen Jing picked up the linen bag stained with blood on the ground and walked to the alchemy furnace in three steps. According to Li Mobai's instructions in advance, he opened the top cover of the alchemy furnace, reached in and pulled out the split elixir. The "body" was pulled out.

"Let's split up."

Chen Jing stuffed this thing into his linen pocket and murmured softly, his eyes always turning on the alchemy furnace.

"I remember the button is right here..."

There is another "body" in the alchemy furnace, which is the escape route Li Mobai left for himself, and what Chen Jing needs to do now is to send this escape route underground.


Chen Jing found the button Li Mobai mentioned on the side of the alchemy furnace. It was a green copper starter, which looked like the enter key on a computer keyboard.

After installing the "body" that he used to fool Turing, Chen Jing raised his hand and tapped the button on the alchemy furnace.

The next second.

The alchemy furnace began to vibrate violently.

The floor tiles under the alchemy furnace also began to shake.

In fact, Chen Jing is also quite curious. After all, Li Mobai said it was so easy. Just press this button to send the alchemy furnace underground, but this place doesn't look like there is a mechanism...

So how is this thing going to go down?

Chen Jing stood aside curiously and watched patiently, but before his curiosity was satisfied, he felt something was wrong in the air... It seemed to be heating up rapidly? ?

at this time.

The alchemy furnace sank into the ground with a bang, and a ball of fire appeared.

"What the hell?! This is..."

Chen Jing didn't even have time to curse out the curse words he had been holding back for a long time. In an instant, his whole body was engulfed by the flames coming towards him.

"This piece of shit!!!"

Chapter 777: Senior Brother: Un-Taoist (Part 1)

The fire that shot up into the sky in the slum did not attract too much attention, because in this old residential area with its backstreets and alleys, such terrifying fire is not uncommon, it can even be said to be too common.

Gang wars in the streets, gangsters rebelling against corporations.

These things happen almost every day in the slums. Just the most common street gunfights can happen more than a dozen times a day... so blood, fire and the lingering smell of engine oil are the main themes of this slum.

Soaring fire?

what is this?

Too bad.

"damn thing……"

Chen Jing staggered out of the ruins. At the moment when the shack exploded, he still couldn't react in time and was rushed out by the aftermath of the explosion. Fortunately, the artificial skin had the effect of isolating high temperature damage, so he basically didn't suffer much. He was injured, he just looked disgraced and a little embarrassed.

Is this a prank Li Mobai played on himself?

Or is it that he is very thoughtful and does not reveal any flaws?

All in all, when Chen Jing climbed out of the ruins, the first thing he saw was not the mercenaries who came from afar to join in the fun, but a haggard old man wearing a Taoist robe.

That was his senior brother, Li Mobai's master, the Lord of Taishang Palace——

Not a Taoist priest.

"In such a mess?" Master Wei looked at the disgraced Chen Jing in surprise. He seemed to have known Chen Jing's true identity for a long time. He quickly walked over and met the junior brother, "What's in there?"

"Senior brother..." Chen Jing bowed to Master Wei, with a helpless smile on his face, "I didn't expect him to have a backup plan. When the server exploded just now, he really didn't react at once."

Turing probably didn't tell anyone about this plan to sneak into the [Dao Gate] in disguise. Now that the Taoist priest knows his identity, it can also mean that... Turing's side is over, and Li Mobai is most likely... It was firmly captured by it.

However, does this old man really know who "he" is?

Chen Jing took a deep look at Wei Taoist and did not take the initiative to explain too much.

Before that, the old man probably only knew part of Li Mobai's house arrest by Turing. This was the conclusion that Chen Jing came to after careful observation and the old man's reactions.

Turing should be able to tell that the Taoist priest values ​​Li Mobai very much, even more than his loyalty to him... Of course, Chen Jing is not sure about this, but it is very likely that it is the case.

Li Mobai once said more than once that his master was very kind to him, as if he had pinned his life-long hopes on him, and devoted everything he had to clearing away obstacles for Li Mobai's practice, just hoping that one day he would " Become an immortal and reach the legendary realm of immortality in Hanging City...

"I have climbed all the way from the bottom to the [Tai Shang Palace]. My life as a teacher has come to an end. Even if I try my best to go further, I still cannot see the realm that I have spent my whole life pursuing."

This is what Li Mobai repeated to Chen Jing.

This is what the Taoist priest said when he started.

"So you have to work hard and go take a look for me as a teacher to see if 'Becoming an Immortal' is really that good."

In the eyes of outsiders.

The alchemists of the [Turing Research Society] are all eccentrics who live in isolation.

Unsociable, surly, irritable, indifferent...

They are like machines that have lost most of their emotions. The so-called human emotions only have negative feelings in their hearts. Some warlocks even gradually lose all their human emotions as the degree of biological modification continues to increase, and they become A true "machine".

But is this really the case?

Chen Jing doesn't think so.

Because judging from the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing", although these alchemists affiliated with the [Turing Research Society] have weird personalities, they are not "machines". Their emotional thresholds are just different from ordinary people, that's all.

Just like Wei Taoist, an old alchemist who secluded himself from the world and practiced cultivation.

Not to mention his image in the eyes of ordinary people, even in the eyes of the alchemists of the research association, this old guy has a slightly weird personality. He is not that enthusiastic about "achieving the Tao and becoming an immortal", but he is not like a certain person. Some alchemists are so greedy for the mortal world...

"Isn't it fun? That old man actually raised me as his son!"

When Li Mobai said these words to Chen Jing, he kept laughing with a cigarette in his mouth. Although there was a feeling of mocking the old man for seeing the wrong person in and out of his words, as if he was watching the old man's joke, but But Chen Jing felt that... the happiness on his face was not fake.

Maybe Li Mobai hadn't met such a person for a long time.

When he talked about the Taoist priest, the expression on his face only reminded Chen Jing of himself... He must have felt the same way when he met the old man in the other world for the first time, right?

Back to business.

The reason why Chen Jing believed that Turing did not tell the Taoist priest the reality and that Li Mobai was placed under house arrest was also for other reasons... The answer is here!

Wei Taoist raised Li Mobai as his child, so no one could tell how much Li Mobai held in his heart.

It's possible that Turing wasn't sure either.

After all, the human heart is the most difficult thing to understand.

Therefore, Turing did not dare to take risks at this juncture. Even if it put Li Mobai under house arrest, it would use other reasons. At the same time... Wei Taoist's credibility in its eyes has also been reduced a lot. Turing does not ask Wei Taoist to come forward when doing things. You can tell.

Put it before.

The task of infiltrating an anti-thief organization like [Daomen] was not for "Zhenjun Huaijing".

"Tianzun asked me to pick you up." The Taoist priest's hands were hidden under his large Taoist robes, and his whole body was a bit horribly thin, like a walking mummy of a skeleton. "By the way, I want to see if you need any help."

"Senior brother, how can I bother you to do such a small thing in person..." Chen Jing said helplessly, "I can handle it by myself."

"Who is the person who is against Tianzun?"

Wei Taoist asked curiously. It could be seen from this that he didn't know much, at least the key information was deliberately concealed by Turing.

"A lunatic." Chen Jing replied calmly. "He dug out some lost magical powers from the data abyss and regarded himself as a 'true immortal' traveling in the world of mortals."

"It's indeed crazy!" Wei Daoshi sneered, completely unable to imagine that the "madman" in Chen Jing's mouth could be his apprentice.


In his eyes.

His apprentice is still being disciplined by Tianzun in Lihentian, how could he come to such a slum to cause trouble.

"Let's go back."

The Taoist priest turned around and walked away from the ruins, his steps light and silent.

"Senior brother, Tianzun is still waiting for my return, why don't you go back first." Chen Jing followed with a smile.

"Tianzun said you don't need to go back to life."

The Taoist priest said calmly without looking back.

"He asked you to take the 'target object' back to [Weiyang Palace] and have a good rest. In three days, we will hold a new session of the 'Six Decree Dharma Conference' at the 'Turing Tower'."

Chapter 778: Senior Brother: Un-Taoist (Part 2)

Chen Jing went back with the un-Taoist priest. On the way, he also thought about letting the un-Taoist priest ride on a "car and horse", either his or his own... Anyway, it was much better than walking back on two legs like this.

After all, in a place like Hanging City, their alchemist costumes are too ostentatious. Along the way, countless passers-by stopped and paid attention to them, "inhumans", in accordance with the "Hanging City Constitution".

Even employees of companies are no exception. Even if high-status managers and directors come, they must stop and salute them.

This is the law of the Hanging City, and it is also a local rule.

No one can mess it up.

From this, it is not difficult to see how special the status of "alchemists" is in Hanging City.

"Senior brother, it's peak period now and there are too many people on the road. Let's go back by carriage."

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