Speaking of this, Ah Qi's eyes shone even brighter.

"Master, you have always been competing with everyone, and you have never lost, so you will definitely win this time, and you will win to the end!"

"Winning all the time may not be a good thing." Chen Jing sighed, "But we must not lose this time."

"You won't lose! Master, you will definitely win!"

"I'd like to lend you some good words."

Chen Jing looked at the [Turing Tower] that gradually came into view, and the smile on his face couldn't help but become heavier.

"I hope I can win as a teacher this time..."

Chapter 782: Competitors for Lingbao Palace (Part 2)

After arriving at the destination [Turing Tower], after a series of meticulous security checks, Chen Jing finally took Ah Qi into the only elevator leading to the top floor... and it was also here that Chen Jing met an acquaintance.

Li Mobai's master, the master of Taishang Palace.

Not a Taoist priest.

"It's hard to handle."

The Taoist priest did not bring any followers. After all, Li Mobai seemed to be the only one who caught his eye and was willing to spend time cultivating him.

When he saw Chen Jing and Ah Qi walking in, Wei Taoist deliberately took a step to the side, with the expression on his face still sad.

"Why is it so difficult?" Chen Jing asked with a smile.

"Are you pretending to be stupid with your senior brother again?" Wei Daoist looked at Chen Jing helplessly, thinking that this guy likes to pretend to be stupid too much, "Don't tell me that you don't know about Lingbao Palace!"

"You know a little bit." Chen Jing shrugged.

During the three days before the "Six Decree Dharma Conference" was held in the alchemy room, Chen Jing did hear a lot of gossip from the "Lingbao Palace", and some of the news was even sent to him by private messages from Taoist priests.

That's right.

The owner of Lingbao Palace, "Tan San Zhi", will also participate in this presidential election.

And he is the same as Chen Jing.

He is using all his connections to win votes for himself.

"Tan San Corpse..."

Chen Jing looked at the sad-looking Master Wei, and couldn't help but picture that "senior brother" in his mind.

If we look at individual strength alone, Tan San Zhi can not only hold down "Zhenjun Huai Jing", but at least his combat power is on par with him, but he is slightly inferior in terms of magical powers and spells.

But when it comes to the influence within the research association and the reputation of the Hanging City, it is completely impossible for "Zhenjun Huaijing", who is keen on escaping from the world and practicing asceticism, to catch up with that senior brother, and it is very difficult to catch up with him.

"There are a total of twenty-seven votes in the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces. Putting aside the [Weiyang Palace] and [Lingbao Palace] that announced their candidacy, there are still twenty-five votes left. Finally, we have to throw away Xie Shanke who was killed by you... also Just twenty-four votes.”

The un-Taoist priest used his fingers to calculate for Chen Jing. The more precise the calculation, the tighter his brows became.

"Judging from the current situation, if nothing unexpected happens, I can get you twelve votes, including myself, but that guy can also win over the remaining twelve..."

"The chance of winning the election is only 50-50." Chen Jing said with a smile, "But Master still has one vote, and that's the key point."

"It's not that easy." Wei Daoshi shook his head, "Master needs to consider many aspects, and whether he can convince the public is also a reference. That vote is not so easy to cast."

Before announcing that the new "Six Decree Law Conference" was about to be held, none of the owners of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces made it clear that they wanted to participate in the election, so Chen Jing never thought that such an opponent would pop up.

Although Chen Jing still had a smile on his face when he spoke, he actually wanted to curse in his heart.

The reality is indeed as Wei Taoist said, it is very troublesome and not easy. It would be fine if someone else comes out. After all, the master of Weiyang Palace is still very competitive, but the problem is...

That guy is Tan Sanshi, the owner of Lingbao Palace!

Not only is this competitor from the Upper Third Palace, but the senior brother who supports him is also from the Upper Third Palace. There are also many junior brothers and sisters in the Eighteenth Palace who are willing to vote for him, so everyone's chance of winning is 50%. Really The one who can influence the outcome is Turing's vote!

"Tan Sanshi has done a lot of great things for Master over the years, and has made a lot of contributions to the development of the research association. He also maintains better connections than you. To be honest... if you can win over him, I just thought there was something shady.”

Wei Taoist sighed helplessly, facing this situation with a headache.

"Anyway, I have squeezed all my connections. Relying on the title of 'Senior Brother', I worked hard to help you get twelve votes. Whether you can win or not depends on you."

"Senior brother, since you think I can't compete with him, why don't you help me?" Chen Jing asked calmly, "Aren't you afraid of offending Tan Sanzhi and being beaten by him afterwards?"

"You don't have to be a good person even if you get the advantage." Wei Taoist frowned and said, "I'm just more optimistic about you."

Hearing this, Chen Jing just smiled, and the elevator door slowly opened at this time.

"Come on, senior brother, let's go to the meeting."


If Chen Jing had indeed helped Wei Taoist intercede for Turing, then all Wei Taoist's current actions are understandable.

Returning favors, isn’t that what it’s all about?

But the problem is...

Chen Jing didn't help him, or rather, he didn't have time to help him yet.

Before Chen Jing could find Turing to plead for mercy, Turing contacted them first. That is to say, on the day when Li Mobai's clone was swept away, Turing personally gave Wei Taoist a satisfactory answer.

Therefore, all Wei Taoist's current actions seemed a bit abnormal to Chen Jing.

There are no favors or interests involved.

Why are you working so hard to canvass votes for me?

Think about it.

Chen Jing only felt that the words that the Taoist priest was talking about might be true.

"I just think more highly of you."

This sentence sounded like a polite statement, but Chen Jing always felt that it was the truth. He even doubted whether Turing had given Wei Taoist some hint.

"Although the situation is not optimistic, you still have a chance." Before he strode into the conference room, Wei Taoist gently patted Chen Jing on the shoulder, "Don't give up at this juncture."

give up?

Chen Jing couldn't help but want to laugh when he heard the Taoist priest's worries.

Although the competitors are very strong, to be honest, Chen Jing still feels that he has the best chance of being elected, because he knows Turing's character very well. In this relatively delicate situation, his vote will not be cast for someone who is suitable for him. People will only vote for those they need.

Is there any need to say what kind of people Turing needs?

Loyal, fanatical.

There is absolutely no hesitation in execution.

That's what it takes.

And what kind of person is Tan San Zhi?

Judging from the memories of "Zhenjun Huaijing", Tan Sanshi is a standard smiling tiger. He has no unwavering desire to pursue the great road. He is too smooth and full of worldliness.

The moment you enter the conference room.

Chen Jing felt that many eyes were focused on him.

Before he could take a closer look, a smiling alchemist wearing a Taoist robe walked over.

"Junior brother Huai Jing! I heard that you are also going to participate in this election!"

"Yes, Senior Brother Tan..." Chen Jing bowed to the other party with a smile on his face, "You must be merciful to Junior Brother."

Upon hearing this, the other party hurriedly bowed and returned the courtesy, and his mouth was also modest and polite, without any smell of gunpowder.

"It's out of the question! I'm just campaigning for fun!"

Chapter 783 Six Decree Dharma Conference (Part 1)

Except for the Taoist robe that Tan Sanzhi wears to prove his identity as an alchemist, the rest of the prosthetic transformations are mainly low-key, not as flashy as similar monks at all, and even the "sense of technology" sought after by Hanging City is not reflected in him.

without any exaggeration.

Among the entire [Turing Research Society], Tan San Zhi is the only outlier. No one would recognize him as an alchemist when he walks on the street. He is so low-key that he looks no different from ordinary people.

Judging from his appearance alone, Tan Sanshi should be the kind of person who is easy to get along with at first glance.

He looks to be in his early forties, with extremely soft facial features and a smile on his face at all times. There is a hint of elegance in his calm temperament, and a bit of bookishness.

He is a nice guy, has no temper, and is easy to get along with.

These labels seem to stick to him.

If Chen Jing hadn't inherited the memory of "Zhenjun Huai Jing" and didn't know that Tan Sanshi was a member of the research association, but just happened to meet him accidentally on the street, maybe... Chen Jing would also have this subconscious reaction. Is it an illusion that there is nothing wrong with this guy and that he is a very typical good gentleman?

But judging from the memory of "Zhenjun Huaijing", this guy named Tan is not a good person, and he didn't look like this before.


Tan San's corpse had undergone plastic surgery.

Nowadays, his face that makes people feel good is actually a "technological product" that he spent a lot of effort to create. It has a higher technological content than their robes made of "Neumann metal".

This face is a "good fortune" deduced with the help of the research association's host computing power.

When helping Tan Sanzhi conduct the deduction, the host computer used at least hundreds of "Physiographical Analysis Programs". After half a year of non-stop high-frequency calculations, those hundreds of "Physiographical Analysis Programs" all lead to the same answer through different paths. .


The only answer is the face Tan Sanzhi is wearing now.

From a certain perspective.

Chen Jing felt that the group of alchemists in Hanging City were quite unreliable.

Can you be transported by changing your face?

How is this different from the theological superstition of the world?

But it turns out that the "answer" calculated through the "Physiographical Analysis Program" and the combination of big data collection did help Tan Sanshi change his fortune.

At least since the day when Tan San's corpse had this face on his head, this guy has gradually become lucky - the obstacles on his path to spiritual practice have been continuously reduced, and the "opportunities" obtained by consuming his luck have become more and more.

In the earliest days, Turing's second-generation disciples were not the only ones in the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces, but now there are indeed only these twenty-odd ones left, because all the other disciples have been eliminated. , none of the thousands of second-generation alchemists could survive.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the masters of the Nine Palaces and Eighteen Palaces are almost all from the same sect. The law of survival of the fittest has been perfectly reflected in the competition between the second generation disciples.

Because of this, from a certain perspective, "Zhenjun Huaijing" and the others are actually no different from the Gu insects raised by Turing.

Tan Sanzhi is the leader in this "family strangulation campaign".

In other words, MVP.

He is not the ruthless person who has killed the most fellow disciples, but he is a lucky man who works hard every step of the way, as if his luck is so good that it explodes.

The original Tan San Zhi was indeed an unknown alchemist. He made his way out by taking advantage of the general trend. In the end, he even overpowered "Zhenjun Huai Jing" and took over the power of one of the three upper palaces. .

During this process, many second-generation disciples wanted to learn from Tan Sanshi's practice... forcefully changing the physical IP to repair their horoscopes, or copying the gourd to give themselves plastic surgery, all wanting to make themselves like Tan Sanshi to change their fortunes.

What was the result?

None of them succeeded.

Tan Sanshi was the only one who succeeded, which also shows from another perspective that it is not so easy to change one's fate against the will of heaven. If you want to seize that opportunity, plastic surgery alone is not enough.

Afterwards, "Huai Jing Zhenjun" also analyzed it privately. He felt that Tan Sanshi's fortune was true, but the reason for being able to get to this point was more because Tan Sanshi was insidious and cunning enough. Compared with those alchemists who only knew how to fight and kill or fight on the Internet, Tan Sanshi was better at playing with people's hearts.


Chen Jing had a headache.

If the competitor was someone else, it would be fine. What he was afraid of was this kind of insidious and cunning fellow brother. Fortunately, Turing still favored him, and he was also the person Turing needed most at this stage.

"The day before yesterday, I went to meet Tianzun to report my work. At that time, I heard Tianzun talking about you..." Tan Sanshi seemed to be very familiar with this junior brother. He leaned close to Chen Jing's ear and whispered, still with a smile on his face, "Tianzun is very optimistic about you! Today, senior brother is probably here to run with you..."

"Senior brother, don't say that." Chen Jing replied calmly, "Maybe I'm here to run with you?"

Hearing this, Tan Sanshi just smiled, then greeted Wei Yushi next to him, turned around and returned to his own "camp".

"This person is very troublesome." Wei Yushi's voice sounded in Chen Jing's cochlea. They always maintained a private channel for communication. "It's not that you haven't dealt with him before. This smiling tiger likes to eat people, especially those who block the road..."

"He can't eat me." Chen Jing replied softly, "But there must be trouble. The specific situation still depends on Tianzun's intention. That vote is the most important..."

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