The whole body gradually became transparent and turned into the same color as the "dimensional core".

"Even if I forcibly terminate this exam, the Red Emperor and his people will not let me go. Rules... Haven't they done enough things that violate the rules?"

"You can take a gamble, but forget it if you don't want to."

Mr. Wu originally said it casually, and never thought that his persuasion would succeed, so when he saw Chen Jing make a choice, he didn't care at all, as if he knew he would choose this way.

"Look how easy you say this..." Chen Jing said helplessly, "Even if I forcibly terminate the exam, the Red Emperor and his people can let me go, but can they let you go?"

Mr. Wu snorted and said nothing.

"You obviously don't want me to terminate the exam, because you know very well that if I choose to retreat, you and Mu will die sooner or later, and the 'Supreme' will not be able to protect you forever."

"Don't bother you." Mr. Wu waved his sleeves, looking a little exasperated.

"You say one thing in your heart and another in your mouth. It's not quite right to say that you have a sharp tongue but a soft heart... Yes, you are a tsundere!"

Speaking of this, Chen Jing couldn't help but laugh.

"I really didn't expect that you would be someone who should have retired from the environment long ago. You are tougher than a dead duck..."

Chapter 800 They Will Witness My Promotion (Part 2)

Mr. Wu's personality is like this. He has always been tough since he was not the Creator. He will still be tough even if he suffers a great loss. He has never been so tough with his sharp tongue.

But this time.

He is not going to be tough anymore.

"Since you know everything! Then why do you still say it!" Mr. Wu glared at Chen Jing in exasperation, "Is it fun to embarrass me?"

"It's quite interesting."

Chen Jing's body has gradually "melted" and turned into a flat human-shaped colored paper, and the "dimensional core" keeps approaching him until it merges with his body...

Seeing this scene, Mr. Wu suddenly became interested, after all, this is what he wanted to see the most.

Compared with those creators who were chasing him everywhere, he was more afraid that Chen Jing would not make any progress and could not be promoted.

Mr. Wu knew it very well.

As long as this guy succeeded in promotion, then next... the situation will change to some extent, at least it will not be worse than it is now.

"Are you starting to be promoted?" Mr. Wu asked excitedly.

"What else?"

Chen Jing's voice was erratic and became more and more vague.

"Do you think I'm playing tricks on you?"

"How dare you talk to me like that?!" Mr. Wu was so angry that he glared at Chen Jing, but unfortunately his face was hidden under the hood of his robe, so Chen Jing couldn't see it no matter how hard he glared at him.

"We are all on the same boat now. To put it nicely, we are family members who share weal and woe. To put it bluntly...what's wrong with me talking to you like that?"

Chen Jing couldn't help laughing out loud. He felt that Mr. Wu was like Wei Nan, and it was especially interesting to see him when he was angry.

"I'm a reserve for the 'Supreme One'. You should be more careful when talking to me in the future!"


"What do you mean by you? I haven't bothered you about the past. I remember that you wanted to kill me more than once..."

"...Let's not talk about this. It's boring to always talk about the past." Mr. Wu suddenly calmed down a lot. Thinking of the "bad things" he had done in the past, he seemed to be a little guilty.

"Mr. Wu."


"I saw them."


"Your people... those guys have been staring at us... and the 'Supreme One'... He is also..."

Chen Jing's voice gradually disappeared, and at this moment, Mr. Wu seemed to sense something and looked up instinctively.

But unfortunately.

The Supreme One blocked his perception of the outside world, so at a glance, all he could see was still the vast deep space.

"Are you all watching?"

After Mr. Wu raised his hand and took off his hood, he revealed a face that was no different from that of a human.

He was laughing at this moment.

It was a proud and sarcastic smile.

"Watching this kid rise step by step... you must feel very uncomfortable, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, Mr. Wu laughed even more proudly, sitting cross-legged in the void, patting his thighs and laughing out loud.

"It's okay, the pain is still to come. When he kills Turing, it will be your turn. Clean your neck and wait!"


Chen Jing remembered how he felt every time he was promoted to a higher level.

Those experiences were not good, which made him a little awed by the promotion. Even from the moment he started to be promoted, he was ready to face the pain...

What about dismantling the body and breaking up the consciousness, and then completely decomposing the body.

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's not like he hasn't experienced it before.

But this time, Chen Jing's experience of being promoted to a higher level was completely different from the past. It's no exaggeration to say that it exceeded his expectations.

Because it didn't hurt at all!


It didn't hurt.

On the contrary, it was so good that he didn't know what to say.

He only felt that his body was being guided by the "dimensional core". From the perspective of individual creatures, the dimensions were constantly compressed and pulled up, but his consciousness remained clear...

He clearly felt that at every moment of the promotion process, he was repeating the compression and pulling of dimensions, constantly jumping back and forth between low-dimensional creatures and high-dimensional creatures.

This process didn't hurt at all.

On the contrary, it felt like "relaxing muscles and activating joints".

Although he didn't know what the use of this repeated promotion step was, he still patiently followed the "dimensional core" step by step, nervous and enjoying this wonderful experience.

About seventeen hours later.

This strange promotion step finally stopped.

And he also realized that his body had become a little strange. Although his body shape and physical characteristics had not changed, he could be sure that the "attribute" of this body had changed...

In short.

In the past, Chen Jing could rely on the power of deep space to change his own dimensional attributes at will, so as to adapt to different dimensional spaces and ensure that his state would not fall or expand.

But now he has completely changed.

If he encounters a situation where he needs to change his own dimensional attributes again, he will not have to use the deep space power so much... His current body has the attributes of all known dimensions, and he can jump back and forth in any dimension without making any preparations.

Of course.

The above statement is indeed a bit superficial, but if you want to be more specific, then it is... At this moment, Chen Jing exists in different high and low dimensions at the same time.

He exists in the two-dimensional world.

He exists in the three-dimensional world.

He still exists in the four-dimensional world.

Even higher or lower dimensions, Chen Jing exists.

He is like a human-shaped dimension anchor, locking all the dimensions he is in, and roaming freely in different high and low dimensions. For him, it is as simple as eating and drinking.

Chen Jing thought this was the end.

When he realized that his body had undergone such a transformation, he instinctively thought that the promotion ceremony of Sequence 8 had been completed.

But he didn't expect that this was just the beginning.


"This momentum is big enough..."

During Chen Jing's promotion process, Mr. Wu always sat cross-legged in the same place, patiently waiting for him to come back.

When he heard the loud explosion from the deepest part of "deep space", Mr. Wu thought something went wrong.

He looked up.

But he saw a beam of light larger than a star appear.

At this moment, Mr. Wu could not tell where the source of the beam was, but he could see how the beam crossed the entire deep space universe, and how the beam shattered the deep space barrier to the outside world...

Looking at the deep space sky that was constantly shattering, Mr. Wu was surprised and a little confused.

Because Mr. Wu recognized that the beam was transformed by Chen Jing, but at this time he could not sense Chen Jing's breath...

Not at all!

"Could this guy, Sequence Eight, hide his breath in front of me..."

Mr. Wu stared at the beam in doubt, and through the gap at the edge of the shattered space, he could clearly see the familiar scenery in the outside world.

"Where are you going with 'deep space'..."

Chapter 801 Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea (Part 1)

Whether it is the world familiar to humans or the alien world dominated by alien creatures, from a certain perspective, they all have one thing in common.

Although their evolved civilizations are different, and some of their biological basic concepts are even contrary to each other, there are always a few ancient horror stories that are passed down from generation to generation in these intelligent civilizations.

Just like...

The darkness engraved deep in the genes of organisms.

Most intelligent creatures in the universe have an instinctive fear of darkness in their childhood. Except for those races that were born in the darkness, some other creatures still cannot overcome it even after they grow up...

They explain this fear of darkness as what they fear is not darkness but the unknown. In the final analysis, it is all because of those horror stories passed down from generation to generation, such as ghosts and monsters... It seems that they are hidden in the darkness!

But what is the truth?

The fear of darkness has nothing to do with those horror stories, nor with the "unknown".

The reason why those creatures born in the universe fear "darkness" has actually been noted deep in their genes. It's a pity that until now, no creature has noticed the answer hidden in the genes.


The reason why creatures fear darkness is related to the "Supreme One".

Because all creatures in the known universe and even in other dimensions actually come from the "Supreme One". From a certain perspective, He is both the "father" and the "mother" of these billions of creatures, and His supreme and noble genes exist in every creature.

Therefore, it was not these weak creatures who were afraid of darkness at first, but the existence above them... That was before all creatures were born, when the Supreme One appeared in the original universe.

It is no exaggeration to say that the original universe scared Him.

Empty and dark.

Except for Himself, there is no "living" thing.

In the original universe, time and space have lost their meaning, and everything is in endless chaos. There is no difference between high and low dimensions, and there is no difference between parallel worlds, etc.... And the "Supreme One" is in it, waiting alone in this chaotic and sticky dark space for who knows how many years.

Because of this, the genes that He passed on to other creatures were deeply engraved with the fear of darkness... He was not afraid of anything horrible in the darkness, he was just afraid of the silent darkness, and the loneliness that could drive people crazy.

But to this day, the darkness in the universe has not been completely eliminated, and the dark and dark areas still cover most areas in the universe.

Although there are many stars that can emit light, the total number of these stars is really insignificant in the nearly infinite universe, just like throwing a handful of gravel into the sea...

It is no exaggeration to say.

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