In Kakosha in the other world, outside the Deep Sky Temple.

Chen Bofu was sitting on the steps in a daze as usual. After all, his identity and temper were obvious. No one dared to call him no matter how busy they were, for fear that the old man would beat him up if he didn't get his way.

From the day "Chen Jing" announced that he was going into seclusion to cultivate, the old man seemed a little distracted. Although everyone tried their best to comfort him, it seemed to have no obvious effect. In the end, they could only let it go, leaving the old man depressed alone.

"The king will come back."

Jaegertos sat on the steps with the old man. During this time, the two of them almost became each other's only conversation partners. Compared to the old man's worries, Jaegertos was obviously much calmer. After all, he had great confidence in Chen Jing. It's not pretending.

"I can feel that the king's aura is changing. He is getting stronger and stronger... Maybe the day when he completes his promotion is not far away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jegertos patted the old man on the shoulder.

"You have to have faith in the king!"


Chen Bofu let out a long sigh. Although he didn't like people patting him on the shoulder since he was a child, he didn't care so much at this time. It felt a lot better to have this silly guy chatting with him.

"It's not like you don't know that my grandson was brought up by me since he was a child. Although he is said to be my grandson, in fact, what is the difference between him and my son..."

Chen Bofu muttered nonchalantly, like an empty nester in a rural village.

"He's fine now, but you don't know that he used to be... like a complete fool. He was almost spoiled by me as a grandfather. I was even worried about whether he could take care of himself without me."

"Old man, the king is not a child. He has grown up now. You don't need to worry so much." Jegertos smiled.

"Aren't you worried?" Chen Bofu asked, looking up at Bai Aji who was hovering in the sky, "That guy is like a ghost now, flying around Kakosa every day, twenty-four He has been on the ground for hours, and according to Armitage, this guy should be prone to depression..."

Having said this, the old man looked back at Jegertos.

"Let's talk about you. Now you don't even leave the door. You guard the door of the temple every day, just waiting for him to come back... You still say that you don't worry about him enough?"

Hearing what the old man said, Jegertos didn't refute.

There’s nothing to refute, right?

After all, he is one of Chen Jing's most loyal family members.

Now that Chen Jing has gone into seclusion to practice cultivation, if he is not worried, wouldn't that mean he is not loyal enough?

"Kakosa has been developing well recently, and those people recruited by the king have played a big role. If the king knew about it, he would be very happy."

Jegertos chose to change the topic, otherwise the old man would be autistic again while chatting.

"Almost the entire continent now knows about the existence of Kakosha. Countless people come to the Western Continent every day and want to seek refuge with us..."

"A bunch of trash who just follow the wind." Chen Bofu sneered. He always seemed to have a contemptuous attitude towards these newcomers who joined later. "If you ask me, I shouldn't treat them as city residents. Directly Isn’t it enough to be a slave? It just so happens that we in Kakosa don’t have this kind of profession, so many people who come here happen to be in the right profession.”

"You know the king doesn't like this." Jegertos reminded.

"Of course I know!" Chen Bofu glared at him angrily, then raised his hand and gave him an elbow, "So I only dare to complain to you in private. If my grandson hears it, he will probably have to tell me again. I’m taking an ideological education class.”

at this time.

Suddenly two familiar figures ran over from outside the square.

Chasing and chasing each other seems to be a slapstick.

"Kui Nan, you crazy bitch, stop right now!!!"

"Do you think I'm stupid?! If I stop, I'll get beaten by you?!"

"I drew my sword!"

"...You can't afford it."

Now, Wei Nan and the others were no longer afraid of the old man. They regarded him as their elder. They trotted over and started to play King Qin's Column with the help of the old man... going around and around until the old man was dizzy.

"Are you seeking death?" Chen Bofu stretched out his hands, grabbed the backs of their necks with one hand, and threw them in front of him like a chicken. "Children, don't come to this kind of place, go play with Ryan and the others. , ask your brother Ryan to play hide and seek with you."

Hearing what Chen Bofu said, Wei Nan and the others immediately fell down, feeling that the old man was treating them like children!

"I won't go play with them! Those are just a bunch of brats!" Wei Nan stood up angrily and began to argue with the old man.

"Aren't you two little brats too?" Chen Bofu waved his hands impatiently, "Get out of here quickly, you'll make me upset later, so be careful I'll beat you up!"

"Who is this little brat..." Yan Que retorted without confidence, making Wei Nan beside him furious.

"Hey, you don't even listen to what I say?"

Chen Bofu made a gesture to stand up with his sleeves rolled up, and the expression on his face became a bit dangerous.

Seeing this scene, Wei Nan didn't even hesitate at all. He turned around and dragged Yan Que to run away.

And just then.

An extremely sudden sound suddenly reached their ears.

The voice was both deep and loud.

It's like gold and iron clashing with Huang Zhongdalu...

"Who's ringing the bell??"

Chen Bofu instantly determined the direction of the sound, and turned back to look at the bell tower of the Deep Sky Temple, with a trace of uncertainty in his eyes.

He remembered it clearly.

Since the meeting on the expansion project was held three days ago, the interior of the temple has been empty, and he and Yegetos have been wandering around here, so it is impossible for anyone to sneak into the temple under their noses.

"I can't feel any breath." Yegetos was also quite confused at the moment, and couldn't figure out what happened for a while. "It doesn't look like someone sneaked in..."

"Damn it, you'll find out if you go up and take a look!" Chen Bofu said through gritted teeth, "If someone really sneaks in to ring the bell for fun, let me catch him and have some good juice to eat, he will knock the bell a few times. It’s his death knell!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu was about to jump up to the bell tower, but at this moment, a dazzling golden light pillar suddenly appeared at the top of the temple, rushing towards the sky like an endless torrent of energy.

The next second.

A huge deep space totem appeared in the sky above Kakosa, floating silently in the sky 10,000 meters above the ground.

"It's the king's breath!!! The king is coming back!!!"

Yegetos couldn't help but roared excitedly, looking at the golden totem in the sky, his tone full of fanatical piety.

"The king's promotion was successful!!!"

Chapter 804: Bells ringing through countless planes (Part 2)

In the world continent.

Extreme day capital.

[Big Buddha Mother Temple].

In her own small courtyard, Qiao Youning sat under the fragrant cedar tree and stared at "himself" in front of her in a daze.

" did you suddenly wake up...and be able to break away from my body and become like this..."

"It's just a projection."

"Qiao Youning" standing by the stone table turned around, carefully checked her condition, and finally nodded with satisfaction.

"I slept well this time. The strength of Sequence Eight has almost recovered."

With that said, she took two steps forward and sat side by side with Qiao Youning.

"Actually, I don't know how I woke up."


"I woke up just now..."

Mother Buddha hugged Qiao Youning's shoulders, looking like a good best friend, and her tone of voice was full of doubts. It seemed that she hadn't figured it out until did she wake up?

Ever since the battle of Gherro, the Buddha Mother fell into a deep sleep due to excessive consumption.

This kind of slumber caused by overload loss is long-term.

There is absolutely no chance of waking up in a short time.

but now……

Not only did she wake up, her strength was almost restored to perfection, and she was not much weaker now than she was in her prime.

So Mother Buddha was very curious, did Qiao Youning do something while she was sleeping?

"If I had the ability, I would have woken you up long ago." Qiao Youning shook her head, "I have been staying in the monastery during this period. I haven't gone anywhere or done anything."

"Then how did I wake up?" The Buddha Mother was puzzled.

"You shouldn't ask me this." Qiao Youning shrugged, "I don't know much about this matter, but you ask me? I'm still curious about the answer!"

"It's weird..."

The Buddha Mother was talking to herself with a confused look on her face, mumbling something in her mouth.

"I was dreaming at the time, and then I woke up in an instant without any warning..."

"You still have dreams?" Qiao Youning blinked curiously.

"Absolutely!" Mother Buddha said helplessly, "I am not a dead thing. As long as I have thoughts and can sleep, of course I will dream!"

"What did you dream about?" Qiao Youning became more and more curious.

The Buddha Mother is an ancient god but still dreams like an ordinary human being. This is something Qiao Youning has never thought about, so she is also curious about what the Buddha Mother dreams about.

"War." Mother Buddha whispered, her tone gradually becoming serious, "I dreamed of an endless war."

"Who's beating whom?" Qiao Youning asked.

"It seems that the Creator Clan was beating us." Mother Buddha recalled it carefully and recounted it truthfully to Qiao Youning, but she really couldn't remember many details. "I don't remember exactly how the fight started. I only remember that a lot of people died. Man, the Creator also suffered a lot.”

"Where's A Jing?" Qiao Youning changed the question.

"He can't be found." Mother Buddha shook her head, "He should be there too. The old man in the dream told me that he was fighting a big shot."

Hearing this, Qiao Youning hummed thoughtfully, as if she was also analyzing what the Buddha's dream meant.

"All in all, I think this is not a good dream, because we did not have the upper hand in the dream. We were always being suppressed and beaten by the creators. Everyone died one after another, and in the end there were not many people left..."

When the Buddha Mother said this, her tone had gradually become lower, and the expression on her face was a little lost. It seemed that it was difficult to accept everything in the dream... Even if it was just a dream, it was enough to make the Buddha Mother fear as much as a tiger.

"It's okay, dreams and reality are the opposite." Qiao Youning comforted softly. Although she said so, the expression on her face was not much better.

"I am an ancient god."

Mother Buddha mentioned it calmly, her expression still solemn.

"The dreams I have are usually prophetic, so I feel very dangerous... This is not a good sign."

"How about we ask Chen Jing?" Qiao Youning asked tentatively, her face a little ugly, "But I heard that he is in seclusion now, and he may not be able to reply to our messages in a short time."

"Then we can only wait." Buddha Mother sighed helplessly, "Give us an explanation after he comes out of retreat."

"He should be Sequence Eight when he comes out of retreat, right?" Qiao Youning looked longing, "He has left us behind again..."

"If you always stay in the state of fusion with me, you can also maintain the strength of Sequence Eight." Buddha Mother reminded calmly, "It's a pity that you are not willing to do so, and always want to squeeze me out of your body."

"That was in the past." Qiao Youning smiled, "After making up your mind, it doesn't matter if this body is completely handed over to you, just as you like."

When she heard Qiao Youning say this, Buddha Mother was ready to have a good argument with her.

But at this moment.

A very distant and strange bell sound suddenly came into their ears.

The bell sounded very far away, but also very clear, and even gave people a very complex illusion, as if it was ringing right next to their ears...

"What sound?"

Qiao Youning hurriedly got up and turned to look in the direction of the bell sound.

"I remember the temple bell sound is not this..."

"This is not the temple bell sound...Wait a minute! I found this bell sound strange!"

The Buddha Mother seemed to realize something, and her whole body suddenly became translucent, like a human-shaped scarlet glass.

About two seconds later.

The Buddha Mother quickly recovered from this strange state.

"This bell sound...can also be heard in my private dimension space...strange..." The Buddha Mother murmured, "It seems to have the ability to penetrate the dimensional boundary...I can hear it clearly there..."

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