At this moment, he had a self-deprecating smile on his face, and he seemed to think that there was no need to pretend in front of Turing. After all, this guy knew all his previous memories, and even some of his unspeakable inner monologues were copied by it.

"At that time, what kind of image did Chen Jing have in my mind? You should also know it very well, right?"

"Well... a weak and good student?" Turing asked.

"Damn, you know it but you still ask!" Li Mobai cursed impatiently, "So I was a little inexplicably scared at that time. My brain couldn't react at all, and I couldn't figure out how he killed those kidnappers."

At this point, Li Mobai raised his hand and touched his chin, and said thoughtfully.

"Although I didn't see him kill people with my own eyes, I guessed the answer after a little analysis afterwards... At that time, I saw an old-fashioned hunting rifle next to him, which was the kind used to shoot birds in the mountains. Although that thing looked crudely made and could only shoot iron sand, it could indeed kill people at close range."

As Li Mobai spoke, he raised his hand and made a gesture of aiming a gun.

"The gun should belong to the pig farmer. I went there several times afterwards and I can confirm that the pig farmer and Ajing's family all know each other."

"I remember you tried to get their information." Turing smiled.

"Yes, with the information I got from them and the evidence I saw with my own eyes, I have almost figured out the whole thing."

Li Mobai lay down as if talking to himself, holding his head and looking at the sea of ​​data reflected in the sky, crossing his legs and looking very leisurely.

"There was no one at their house at that time. It seemed that because the old man in the family passed away, they were in a hurry to go back to the county to check it out, and then entrusted the pig pen to Ajing's grandmother to take care of it."

As Li Mobai said this, he wanted to take out a cigarette to smoke, but after thinking about it, he gave up. Although he could simulate everything in this digital space, and he could also simulate those extremely real neural signals and various sensory feedback...

But it was still fake after all.

At least that's what Li Mobai thought.

In his eyes, virtual things in the digital space are all fake, no matter how "real" they are, they are still inferior to the real world.

"The pig farmer just returned to the county town, and it was the next day, and I was kidnapped by those stupid kidnappers, and they were going to dig a pit and bury me alive."

Li Mobai was a little angry when he said this, and he couldn't help but start cursing.

"They kidnapped me on the main road in a van, and beat me with sticks when I got in the car. Is there any justice in this world!"

Turing just laughed when he heard this, and patiently observed Li Mobai's every move.

"But I'm lucky. They actually planned to bury me in Sentinel Ridge, but Xiao Jingjing found me when she was going home from school, and then... Bang!"

Li Mobai made a gun gesture with his right hand, poked his temple, and looked gloating.

"The heads of the bodies I saw at that time were all rotten, either the face was smashed or the back of the head was smashed, anyway, it was a miserable scene!"

Having said this, Li Mobai couldn't help but sigh, that kid was indeed hiding too deeply...

He usually looked weak and gentle, as if he was the kind of soft-hearted person who could be bullied by anyone, but such a person actually shot and killed several burly kidnappers in the heavy rain, and even chopped them up and fed them to pigs after killing them.

To be honest.

At that time, Li Mobai was really a little scared, which was also the main reason why he "estranged" Chen Jing during that period of time, because Chen Jing brought him more fear than shock... Such a gentle and soft-hearted person would actually kill people and destroy corpses? Is this something that normal people of the same age can do?

"Looking back now, I was really a piece of shit. I was saved by him, but I couldn't help wanting to distance myself from him and stay away from him..."

Li Mobai's voice became deeper and deeper. Recalling the stupid things he had done, he felt endless self-blame in his heart.

"From your memory, he didn't mention it either." Turing said calmly, "and from his behavior, he didn't seem to want you to know about it."

"Yes." Li Mobai nodded helplessly, "After about a month, I got over this hurdle in my heart, and then I talked to him about being kidnapped. I could see that he didn't want to tell the truth, so I just talked about it in a roundabout way."


Li Mobai still remembers that day.

The sun was shining.

The sky was clear.

After school, they walked one after the other on the old road home. Chen Jing was still silent and introverted, carrying his schoolbag and walking in front, mumbling a few words that Li Mobai couldn't understand from time to time, obviously he was stupid.

"Hey, I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead."

"I was kidnapped last month."


Seeing Chen Jing not turning his head and pretending to be "I don't want to listen to your bragging", Li Mobai instantly understood what the other party's attitude was.

"Really! I'm not lying to you!" Li Mobai ran up to Chen Jing, put his arm around his shoulders and looked like a good brother, and said with a face full of fear, "A van took it away directly to your Sentinel Ridge!"

"Are you kidding?" Chen Jing finally looked back at him, the surprise and worry on his face were so real, if Li Mobai didn't know the inside story, he probably wouldn't have seen that it was all acting.

"Am I kidding you about this... Let's go! Go to the milk tea shop! I'm treating you! Let me tell you in detail!"

In Li Mobai's narration, he portrayed himself as a ignorant lucky man. He said that he woke up in the heavy rain and found that the kidnappers around him were gone. Run down the mountain...

"Have you called the police?" Chen Jing finally asked, without revealing any flaws on his face, as if he asked casually.

"No." When Li Mobai answered, he stared into Chen Jing's eyes from beginning to end. "My dad didn't let me call the police. He said he would take revenge on me if it happened."

as expected.

The moment he got the answer, Chen Jing's eyes flashed with joy. Although he tried his best to hide it, Li Mobai looked at it so seriously that he finally saw it.

"A Jing, I was really frightened by this incident. I'm in a bad mood and don't want to talk during this period. It's also because of these nonsense and some troubles at home..."

"Understood." Chen Jingding nodded and asked no more questions.

"By the way, have you been feeling unwell during this period?" Li Mobai changed the subject, but he also got to the point, "I think your face is very pale and you can't even speak. Are you sick?"

Chapter 810: Swallowing a Golden Pill (Part 2)

This milk tea shop not far from the school is very busy, especially after these students come home from school.

It is no exaggeration to say that they were all so noisy that Li Mobai had a headache. Several times he couldn't help but look back at the chattering students and said to himself, "Just order milk tea if you want. Isn't it fun to chat at the door?"

"a little sick."

Hearing Chen Jing's answer, Li Mobai turned around instantly and saw that the other party had already taken out the test paper that had been filled with answers and handed it over casually.

"Money for milk tea." Chen Jing still didn't want to owe a favor. When he handed it to Li Mobai, he specifically explained, "It's OK to copy it for 70%, otherwise my boss will scold me again."

"Wow! You are really my good brother who can't help but wake up early!" Li Mobai couldn't help complaining, "I treated you to milk tea before you copied my homework! When I didn't treat you a few days ago, you were so cold Very..."

"You didn't ask me for it."

Chen Jing rolled his eyes at him, seemingly complaining about Li Mobai's performance during this period.

"Besides, you were acting like you were mentally ill some time ago. You didn't know why I offended you. You didn't say a word to me in school, and you treated me like nothing when you said hello. That's all. You want me to take the initiative to copy my homework for you? I’m being polite if I don’t give you a second thought!”

"Father, let's not talk about this..."

Li Mobai immediately gave in. Thinking of what he had done some time ago, it was indeed a bit too much. He always felt like he was getting an advantage and being good!

"Have you recovered from your cold?" Li Mobai changed the topic.

Chen Jing nodded silently, chewing the pearls in his mouth.

"That's fine."

Li Mobai smiled, took out the test paper from his schoolbag, lowered his head and started copying.

"Thank you." Li Mobai spoke softly.

"You're paid, you're welcome." Chen Jing shook the milk tea in his hand and said there was no need to be polite, just remember to pay him next time.


He didn't know that Li Mobai was thanking him for another thing.

You may never know it in this life.

"Actually, thinking about it afterwards, he was just a little stronger than me. He was quite calm when doing things, but he must have been extremely scared afterwards."

Li Mobai rolled over from the ground and sat up, with an "angry but unarguable" expression.

"You don't know how bad his condition was that month. His face was as white as a dead person, and he was as distraught as if he was hysterical. He usually retched from time to time during meals at school. I thought at the time that this kid couldn't You’re suffering from morning sickness, hahaha!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai stood up and continued to look around the alchemy furnace.

"After that, I found that he no longer eats pork. What he liked the most before was this... stir-fried pork, twice-cooked pork, sauced pig's trotters, those are all his favorites!"

Li Mobai shook his head helplessly, feeling both self-blame and guilt.

"As a result, he felt like vomiting when he saw pork."

As Li Mobai recounted the past, Turing remained politely quiet.

In fact, Li Mobai didn't know why Turing would bring up these things, but his intuition told him that Turing would not talk to him about such old things because he was so idle. There must be some purpose...

"That's almost it." Turing suddenly said. This sentence had no beginning and no end, which made Li Mobai a little confused.

"What's almost done?" Li Mobai asked subconsciously.

"Golden elixir."

Turing answered with a smile, then raised his hand and the observation window of the alchemy furnace instantly popped open, and what came to his face was the actual alchemy fragrance simulated by electronic data!

"What the hell?"

Li Mobai didn't think much about it. He stood on tiptoe and looked in curiously. He saw that the round pill had turned into a dark golden color. There were many dents cracked by high temperature on the surface, like a talisman. There is a rule to speak of.

"Hey, this kind of pill is quite rare. I haven't seen it in the database before! But having said that..." Li Mobai turned around and looked at Turing curiously, "This thing is bigger than a fucking basketball. How are you going to swallow it?"

"It can be absorbed without swallowing." Turing smiled.

"Wow! Good guy! You are worthy of being Turing Tianzun!" Li Mobai's eyes widened immediately, and some wild associations came to his mind, "Are you going to learn from those unorthodox alchemists and put it in from the back?! Although this can double the efficacy through intestinal absorption, the volume is too... How about I contact a doctor at the anorectal hospital for you first??"

Hearing this, Turing still just smiled and did not get angry.

Just when Li Mobai was about to ask about the specific effect of this pill indirectly, in just a moment... he suddenly felt his body stiffen, and then a gripping feeling came from the back of his neck that made him very uncomfortable.

"Tianzun! You are not angry, are you!?"

Li Mobai thought to himself that it was not good, and turned his head to look at Turing who was pinching the back of his neck. His voice was vaguely unconfident. At this juncture, he chose to beg for mercy without hesitation.

"I was just kidding you. You know, I'm just a mouth..."

"Almost." Turing interrupted Li Mobai, still smiling, speaking softly, "I gave you a chance, right?"

"Opportunity... Damn, I didn't lie to you! That's really the only 'solution' to the 'equation'! You've verified it through trillions of calculations!"

Li Mobai panicked and hurriedly explained.

"It will take a lot of time to crack the 'equation'! I didn't promise you that I could do it within a month at the beginning, right! Let's speak with conscience!"

"Maybe you didn't lie to me, but you really don't have a chance."

Turing sighed in disappointment, and slowly stuffed Li Mobai's body into the furnace through the open observation window.

"Your good brother is pushing me too hard. If I wait any longer, he will crush me to dust before I can solve the 'equation'..."

At this moment, most of Li Mobai's body was stuffed into the furnace, and the distance between him and the "golden pill" suspended inside the furnace was less than 20 centimeters.

The terrifying high temperature emitted by the "golden pill" made his electronic body start to flicker wildly, as if it would be burned to death at any time.

It was precisely because the two sides were at this close distance that Li Mobai could clearly see the four talismans on the side of the "golden pill", and there were many small characters engraved on them...

If nothing unexpected happened, these small characters were one of the ancient legends recorded in the database, and they were the "supreme auspicious signs" automatically generated when the pill came out of the furnace!

"Medicine can only take shape when it meets Qi, and Tao can become natural when it meets Xi Yi."

"After swallowing a golden pill, I realized that my fate is not determined by God."

Chapter 811 I realized that my fate is not determined by God (Part 1)

"Actually, I don't want to kill you."

Turing slowly sent Li Mobai into the alchemy furnace, sighing with regret... What he said was not a lie. If possible, he was willing to give Li Mobai more time, and he could even ignore Li Mobai's deception of it.

The reason is also very simple.

Li Mobai's value far exceeds Li Mobai's self-awareness.

As long as Li Mobai is still alive, there will be many places where he can be used in the future. Keeping this guy will be very useful!

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