The black and reddish cube is the scalp.

The bright red "little building blocks" are muscle tissue.

Nerves, fascia, bones, brain.

These small squares floating wantonly in front of Chen Jing's eyes were like geometric models cut into human bodies. They were still in a fixed queue at the beginning, but they were just a little farther apart from each other. If you look at them from a distance, you can tell them at a glance. Human form, but now...

These things are starting to get messy.

The skeletal building blocks floated away from the abdominal cavity and the sea was turned upside down. The muscles and scalp gathered into a big meat ball, and the brain tissue dived straight down the third road.


Li Mobai didn't even have a human form anymore. He was like an amorphous complex geometry, made up of thousands of small building blocks, and was always in a state of constant deformation.

"Ah Jing! Look at me! Are you cool or not?"

"...Do you have any misunderstanding about coolness?"

"Holy shit, look at it! I can transform! Just like Turing!" Li Mobai was like a child who just got a new toy. He was so excited that he completely forgot that he was sad about Turing before. " Don’t you think this is really cool?”

"It's not bad..." Chen Jing agreed helplessly, and could only follow Li Mobai's words, otherwise this guy would be able to talk endlessly.

I have to say that Li Mobai's description is quite appropriate. After looking carefully for a while, Chen Jing found that his state was indeed very similar to Turing's. His whole person seemed to be composed of countless pixel squares...

"What are you going to do next?"

Chen Jing asked calmly. He was really curious about Li Mobai's next plan.

“How to deal with the mess over there?”

Chen Jing looked back at the direction of the Hanging City. It was the only place that had escaped digitization when Turing launched his devastating "Data Strike", and it was also the only place that was not affected by the "Zero Vicky Point" afterwards. Star".

From this point of view, Turing still has selfish motives. At least when it is risking its life, it can still take care of the city that regards it as a belief. Before using the power of "data strike", it deliberately pushed the hanging city to the ground. Go deeper into the universe to get the city out of the battlefield.

"Take them back." Li Mobai replied casually, but his tone became awkward again the next second, as if he was thinking of some very troublesome people, "It doesn't matter if you let them go to Kakosa, or they can continue living in the other world." Well, we can’t let them wander around in the universe, right?”

"Where is your master?" Chen Jing asked curiously, pointing to himself, "My senior brother, Wei Taoist, he has been waiting for you to return."


Li Mobai couldn't help but curse, and his tone of voice became more and more entangled. His body shape, which had no stability at all, was changing with his conflicting mood at this moment.

"To be honest." Li Mobai sighed, "My master... really doesn't have anything to say to me. He treats me as his son."

"Yes." Chen Jing looked at him curiously, "So how are you going to solve this mess?"

"Otherwise I won't show up, and you go directly to Hanging City. Just say that you killed Turing to death and are now coming to take over this city!" Li Mobai said without hesitation, as if he didn't want to be there from the beginning to the end. The Hanging City showed up, and I didn’t want to face those old acquaintances at this time.

"Is this your idea?" Chen Jing laughed angrily, completely underestimating the extent of Li Mobai's stupidity at the critical moment, "Do you believe that those fanatical believers can fight against me?"

"How about you think of one!" Li Mobai said unconvinced.

"It's better to say... Turing Heavenly Lord has really become an immortal." Chen Jing stared at Li Mobai with a wicked smile, "Before going to the Paradise of Paradise, he left his mantle for you to inherit... right! This and that There’s nothing you can do to help the old alchemist!”

"Oh, I don't want to see them!" Li Mobai muttered unhappily, "Especially my master! I'm afraid I might accidentally let it slip..."

"So what if I spill the beans?" Chen Jing asked puzzledly, "You know his attitude towards you, but he can still give you for Turing..."

"Yes." Li Mobai nodded, "Just because I know him well, I don't dare to see him. If he knows the truth and wants to have a real fight with me, what do you think I can do?"

Chen Jing said nothing and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"If you don't fight back, your death will be in vain. If you fight back... let me kill him with my own hands. I really can't do it." Li Mobai sighed, "Even if you want to break up with the old man, you have to give me some time to do it. Be mentally prepared!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai changed the topic.

"And you?"

Li Mobai asked Chen Jing in return, as if he didn't want to continue talking about the Hanging City.

"You've done everything you need to do, and your rank has been promoted. Are you ready to go home?"

"Go back and repair for a while." Chen Dingding nodded. He had nothing to hide from Li Mobai. "While there is nothing important now, I have to find a way to get to know the bottom of those creators..."

Speaking of this, Chen Jing couldn't help but frown.

"The moment I completed the sequence promotion, I found that the breath of the Creator disappeared... but not all of them disappeared. Anyway, there was only one that I could sense. I suspect that the other Creators are hiding."

"Who are you sensing?" Li Mobai asked.

"It's just that guy."

Chen Jing raised his chin and motioned Li Mobai to look to the left.

"Who is it? It's mysterious..."

Following Chen Jing's guidance, Li Mobai looked back curiously, but still saw nothing. Apart from the black universe nearby, the only thing he could see was the shining sea of ​​stars in the distance.

"Look carefully."

Chen Jing said softly, then raised his hand and put it on Li Mobai's shoulder... It was barely a shoulder, anyway, it was just a casual fit. This guy didn't even have a human form, he looked the same wherever he put it.

"Look carefully...fuck?!"

The moment Li Mobai was touched by Chen Jing, a huge scarlet figure suddenly appeared in his sight... thin and withered, like a weathered figure sitting on a throne, wearing a red robe Mummy.

"All I can sense is Him."

Chen Jing looked at the projection of consciousness exuding a terrifying aura. In addition to being vigilant, Chen Jing was not as fearful as before.

"We are only one step away from completing this biological leap exam."

Chen Jing removed his palm from Li Mobai's shoulder, and then the scarlet figure disappeared from Li Mobai's sight.

"As long as we kill Him, this exam will be over."

Chapter 825: Grandfather and grandson reunited in the temple (Part 1)

"That one just now was...the emperor in red?"

Li Mobai's body was constantly changing shapes, perhaps due to the brief shock and stimulation. His amorphous body seemed to be stuck in the frame, and he could change into more than 80 strange and weird styles in one second.

"Otherwise?" Chen Jing said helplessly, "Do you think other than him, who else can be so powerful?"

"Damn..." Li Mobai gritted his teeth and cursed, "His aura is too terrifying... In your heyday, plus Turing... the two of you tied together are not enough for him to beat alone... "

Chen Jingmo nodded silently, agreeing with Li Mobai's statement. After all, there is a difference between strength and weakness. Judging from the faint aura of the red king, it is not difficult to judge that he has exceeded the range of sequence nine...

"With my current strength, I have a high chance of winning in a head-on fight with other creators. I might even have a chance to defeat those weaker creators, but this emperor in red is... troublesome." Chen Jing said helplessly, "Although I am now It’s Sequence Eight. There’s no chance of winning against him. But fortunately, he is the examiner and is bound by the rules of the ‘Supreme One’. He can’t touch us now.”

"Are you sure?" Li Mobai asked dubiously, as if he didn't believe the conclusion given by Chen Jing. "Compared to taking into account the rules of the 'Supreme One', I feel that preserving life is more important, right?"

"Who knows what He is thinking..." Chen Jing shook his head.

"This is like using you to raise a big Gu. Either I break the rules and kill you first, or I can only watch you continue to be promoted and then be killed by you..." Li Mobai said loudly, "Others, I I don’t know, but if I were the emperor in red, I would definitely kill you if I had the chance. It doesn’t matter if I am held accountable by the ‘Supreme One’ afterwards, the worst I can do is drag you to the grave.”

"I think so too." Chen Jing said with a smile, "But the emperor in red has not taken action until now. Why do you think it is?"

"Who the hell knows..." Li Mobai smiled disdainfully, "Maybe he is very confident. He is just waiting for you to finally come to the door, and then kill you in an open and honest 1V1."

"Do you think it's possible?" Chen Jing asked.

"Unlikely." Li Mobai sighed, "It can be seen from the fact that the Creator Clan has been targeting you before. They have no chance. If there is a chance, they will definitely take action first and will not give you time to grow up. "

"So he hasn't taken action until now. There is only one explanation..."

Chen Jing stretched and stood up slowly, planning to go back to Kakosa.

"The emperor in red was not sure, so he didn't take action."

"Fuck." Li Mobai couldn't help but complain, "You think too highly of yourself. In his current state, why don't I just pinch you to death?"

"It's not that he's not sure when facing me, he's not sure when facing the 'Supreme One'... What if the 'Supreme One' stops him when he takes action?" Chen Jing shook his head, "A last-ditch fight to the bitter end? Think about it? You won’t even have a chance to drag me to the funeral…”

Listening to Chen Jing's analysis, Li Mobai couldn't help but nodded. Unfortunately, he couldn't make the standard nodding action after losing his human form. Chen Jing could only see him squirming, like a dark bird in the vacuum universe. Crawling worms…

"I'm going back to Kakosha first, you can figure it out on your own." Chen Jing looked at the unformed Li Mobai and gave the last instruction, "Anyway, you have to clean up the mess in Hanging City sooner or later, so it's better to go early. "

For Hanging City, Turing's disappearance without warning for a period of time will not have any impact. After all, this kind of thing has happened before, but if the current president of the research association disappears...

"I really don't want to deal with that mess." Li Mobai kept sighing and said pitifully, "Why don't you go with me?"

"You can handle it yourself." Chen Jing said with a gloating smile, "Your master treats me as his younger brother. What will I say after I go?"

"You bitch, you're not honest at all!" Li Mobai cursed fiercely.

"If I'm not honest, how can I control your life or death?" Chen Jing rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Go back and explain to your master, try to make up a reason or something, and he won't embarrass you."

"I'm afraid that if I let it slip by accident, the old man will kill his relatives for the sake of justice, which will be troublesome." Li Mobai sighed.

"Then run away." Chen Jing shrugged, "Hide for a while, and go back when he is no longer angry."

"This anger will never go away." Li Mobai shook his head, "You don't know his character. The old man is like me. He is very stubborn when facing some things, the kind of stubborn..."

"Then what are you going to do?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "You can't really let him kill his relatives for the sake of justice, right?"

"Although I can't bear it, I can only kill him." Li Mobai said helplessly, "I can regret it for the rest of my life, and spend the rest of my life feeling guilty and atonement, but I can't stop now. It's not easy to get to this point... You should understand, right?"

Chen Jing looked at him deeply, his eyes were a little complicated.

"You're such a ruthless dog..." Chen Jing smiled, "According to what you said, if I was the one blocking the way, you would have killed me too?"

"Get lost!" Li Mobai cursed angrily, urging Chen Jing to leave quickly and not say anything inexplicable here, "If you block my way, I can only take a detour, not to mention that I am still your family member now!"

"That makes sense." Chen Jing nodded, then kicked him, and couldn't help scolding him, "How dare you talk to the master so hard! Believe it or not, I will bring the butler Yegetos to teach you a lesson! Be careful of being whipped if you speak without any sense!"


Li Mobai's dirty words were on the tip of his tongue, but before he could speak, he saw a vague "dotted line" behind Chen Jing, which should be a portal to a certain plane. Li Mobai could vaguely sense some familiar breath... It was the breath from the other world.

"I'll go back first. Contact me anytime if you need anything." Chen Jing pointed to his head and reminded him with a smile, "You are my family now. You can call me at any time through the identity of the family. I will respond to you."

"Okay." Li Mobai responded, indicating that he remembered it.

"The examination system should be used as little as possible. That thing is always monitored by the Creator. It is safer for us to chat through deep space."

As soon as the voice fell.

Chen Jing turned around and disappeared with the "dotted line".

Only Li Mobai stayed alone, still struggling whether to go back to the Hanging City to take a look...

"This guy is really disloyal! What's wrong with accompanying me!"

Li Mobai sighed and sighed, and finally decided to listen to Chen Jing's advice and go back to clean up the mess.

But he didn't expect that he was not the only one who needed to clean up the mess...

Chapter 826 Grandfather and grandson meet in the temple (Part 2)

For Chen Jing, who is at Sequence 8, it is not difficult to make a long-distance space jump in the vacuum universe. He doesn't need to speed up and go slowly like before.

He only needs to find the coordinates of the inner world, and then start the deep space jump, and he can return to the familiar world in an instant.

The place Chen Jing chose to settle was above Kakosha. He did not rush back to the city, but wanted to see the situation first. After all, he had been away from Kakosha for a while and lost contact with outsiders in the middle...

Above Kakosha.

Chen Jing continued to extend his mind, and his terrifying perception instantly covered every corner of the inner world... This world remained roughly the same, and nothing strange happened, which was similar to what he imagined.

I have to say.

The speed of Kakosha's expansion was much faster than he had imagined. During the time he was away, the continuously expanding outer city of Kakosha had almost occupied half of the Western Continent, and this crazy expansion was still continuing.

Through tens of millions of perspectives, Chen Jing could see the "mechanical creatures" working hard on the construction site. They should all be the "workers" created by the old man Hasard.

In addition to them, there were also many dependents on the construction site who were supervising and assisting those "mechanical creatures" to complete some more complicated tasks.

"No wonder it has to expand..." Chen Jing glanced down and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "It seems that Kakosha has also had a lot of newcomers during this period..."

During the time when Chen Jing left Kakosha, in addition to accepting the candidates brought by Chen Jing, Kakosha also introduced many newcomers from other places one after another... Some were old descendants, and some were ordinary people.

According to the perceived auras, the total number of Kakosha has almost doubled by more than ten times. This terrifying increase was also something Chen Jing did not expect.

After confirming that the familiar auras were still there, Chen Jing did not delay any longer and directly used deep space jump to return to Kakosha... and went directly to the "Deep Space Temple".

He had planned to call those old acquaintances here to have a meeting, to talk about the recent changes in Kakosha, and by the way, to mention that Turing was killed by him.

But before he could send a group message to give everyone a surprise.

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