
Chen Jing is now the master of the dimension core.

So he knows very well what consequences will be caused by the destruction of this thing.

It is completely different from blowing up the core of the planet.

This thing is an important "anchor point" for the existence of the inner world in reality.

Once it is destroyed by external forces.

What will be erased along with it is not only the inner world, a celestial body that exists in the physical universe, but also the creatures hidden in various dimensions...

Whether it is the family hiding in deep space, or the ancient gods hiding outside of time and space like Ketuart, as long as they are born in the inner world, it means that they have a "bond" with this plane, and they will be forcibly erased the moment the plane is destroyed.

Not only that.

Candidates participating in the biological leap test will also die the moment the plane is erased.

Even if they are all bidirectional creatures, the product of the fusion of the inner and outer worlds, the "bond" in their bodies still exists, and this thing can take their lives...

Except for the person who destroyed the dimension core with his own hands.

The rest of the candidates will not be an exception, and all of them will die as the only outcome.

Only those who finish the exam by themselves will be protected by the "Creator" and can avoid being wiped out.


This option is a big trap set by the Creator for the candidates.

Chen Jing almost got fooled.

If he had not come into contact with the "Dimension Core" before everyone else, but was destroyed by an outsider first, then his death would have been in vain, and he probably wouldn't even know what was going on when he was wiped out.

Chapter 831 King of the Other World (Part 1)

"So now we can only wait... wait for the 'mother planet' that the old man mentioned to revive... Only then will we have the opportunity to advance to Sequence Nine..."

While chatting with Chen Bofu, Chen Jing had already spread his perception in the deep space, constantly exploring the southeast indicated by the star map.

For Chen Jing, who had not yet been promoted to Sequence Eight, deep space was an endless and vast universe. Compared with the material universe in the real world, it was larger and more deformed. The closer to the edge of the universe, the more dimensional rules were distorted.

So before being promoted to Sequence Eight, Chen Jing's understanding of deep space came from practice, and his perception was not enough to cover such a huge space.

According to the instructions of the star map.

Chen Jing's perception has been spreading to the southeast.

Facts have proved that this promotion was the same as before. At the moment of completing the sequence promotion, deep space briefly fell into a state of accelerated expansion. Not only was the entire space rapidly expanding and becoming more vast, but countless unfamiliar stars were born in it.

According to Chen Bofu's words, the "mother star" should not have been born yet... So before that, Chen Jing did not dream of finding it directly. All he wanted to do was to find the galaxy drawn on the star map, and then locate its coordinates for future travel.

It must be said that Sequence Eight was not promoted in vain.

From diffuse perception to finding the target point, Chen Jing spent less than five seconds in total... This distance is just like the distance from one end to the other in the material universe.

The target galaxy that Chen Jing found has a diameter of about 120 astronomical units, which is very similar to the structure of the solar system. There are thirteen planets orbiting around the star in the middle that shines with extremely white light.

Look at the star map again to confirm.

After confirming that it is correct, Chen Jing left a coordinate "anchor point" here, so that it can be transferred to a fixed point at any time in the future.


Chen Jing put the notebook in his hand back into his pocket and said to the old man with a smile.

"The target galaxy has been found. It is located at the edge of the deep space. The 'mother star' you mentioned should not have been born yet. The universe is expanding at an accelerated rate... Maybe we have to wait for a while."

"Then wait." Chen Bofu smiled, "It's a done deal. Be patient. As long as nothing goes wrong during this period, it will be fine."

"There shouldn't be any problems." Chen Jing analyzed it carefully and quickly came to a conclusion. "Except for the Red Emperor, the other creators are not a big threat to me. As for other creatures in the material universe, or life forms from other dimensions... they are too weak and have no ability to affect us."

When he was promoted to Sequence 8, Chen Jing differentiated countless bodies in an instant. They were spread throughout all dimensions. It can be said that there was no unknown area in this universe for Chen Jing.

With the help of those bodies as perception signal amplifiers, Chen Jing conducted a comprehensive scan of all known dimensions, so he knew very well what level the civilizations built by other intelligent life were at.

There are very few intelligent civilizations like the inner world that rely on biological genes to advance, but there are many civilizations like the surface world that rely on technology to advance. In general, 98% of civilizations are in the primitive stage, roughly equivalent to the human civilization of the primitive stage, and only 1.5% of civilizations have reached the level of human civilization in the surface world.

Of the remaining 0.5%, a small number have the ability to carry out interstellar wars. Among them, there are civilizations that are mainly based on technology, and there are also very few civilizations like the inner world that rely on the strength of individual organisms to travel across the interstellar.

But they are not enough to affect the overall situation.

Judging from the information Chen Jing has obtained so far, as an old descendant of Sequence Eight, he really can’t find an opponent among those intelligent civilizations. Without the "Supreme One" and the "Red Emperor", Chen Jing would have no chance. Exaggeration allows one to think of oneself as the strongest in the physical universe.

Not counting other dimensional worlds.

Just the physical universe in which the current world exists.

If Chen Jing wanted to wipe out all the intelligent civilizations among them, it would only take a little time for him. He would have to pay almost no price. In a very short period of time, he could destroy all the intelligent creatures enveloped by his perception.

"So now we only need to worry about the 'Red Emperor'." Chen Jing looked at the temple door thoughtfully, "As long as the rules and constraints set by the 'Supreme One' are still there, that guy will not pose any threat to us. He I can only watch as I continue to advance...and then take his life."

"That's okay!" Chen Boxu breathed a long sigh of relief, and then asked curiously, "Did your visit to Hanging City go well? Was Turing really killed by you in a 1V1?"

"Otherwise?" Chen Jing asked, dumbfounded, "When we were fighting in the vacuum universe, couldn't you still feel our breath?"

"I thought you were looking for foreign aid!" Chen Bofu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but think of Li Mobai.

"It can be considered a foreign aid..."

Chen Jing sighed, and then chatted with the old man about his experience in Hanging City... Chen Jing no longer had to hide anything from this old man who already knew the truth.

When he heard that Mr. Wu was helping to seize the house, the old man nodded with satisfaction, saying that Mr. Wu was a good person.

When he heard that Chen Jing was pretending to be Zhenjun Huaijing to run for the cadre of the research association, the old man gave a thumbs up with satisfaction, saying that my grandson always strives for success and has been a class cadre in school since he was a child...

It wasn't until Chen Jing talked about the last battle and heard that Turing died that the old man's excitement subsided a little... He was not as happy as Chen Jing imagined, and he was not as happy as he patted his thigh to cheer for his grandson. It was inexplicably silent.

"That guy was really unlucky." Chen Bofu laughed at himself, "I was on the wrong team, so I died..."

As he said that, Chen Boxu turned his head and looked at Chen Jing.

"When I was promoted to Sequence Eight, the information and data I obtained included part of is indeed quite strange."

"Weird?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "Are you referring to its unique life form?"

"No, I mean... its ideas and concepts are different from those of the ancient gods in our impressions." Chen Bofu shook his head, "Including King Huang, no ancient god's ideas are as pure as it ”

Hearing what the old man said, Chen Jingding nodded in agreement.

"Belief, power, praise, loyalty...the ancient gods wanted too many things and pursued them persistently. Therefore, in the old days, wars initiated by the ancient gods took place almost every day."

Chen Bofu raised his head with a smile and looked at the faintly trembling temple door in front of him.

"So I quite admire it..."

Chapter 832 The King of the Other World (Part 2)

Turing is an anomaly.

Whether it is at the level of ordinary creatures or at the level of ancient gods.

Extremely pure ideals and unwavering beliefs.

All this makes it a complete alien.

Even if Chen Bofu was hostile to him and wanted to skin him when he heard that his grandson suffered a loss, in the final analysis... the old man had to admire him.

"For most living things, Turing is a true 'god' who cares about the world. He can follow his 'ascension' without doing anything. There is no need for you to devote your loyalty or anything else... As long as you are a living thing, it will take you to the end of evolution.”

When Chen Bofu said this, he patted his pants and stood up, with a very emotional smile on his face.

"Don't tell me, I'm already a little excited!"

"Actually, I didn't want to kill it." Chen Jing said helplessly, "But that guy has been targeting me and is determined to stand with the Creator group."

"There's nothing you can do about it." Chen Bofu smiled, "You can't let it hit you. If you don't fight back, why don't you just stand there and let it beat you? That doesn't make sense!"

The moment Chen Boxu finished speaking.

The door of the Deep Space Temple was suddenly opened by someone from the outside.

Before Chen Jing could look back, a golden figure rushed towards him and lifted him up from the ground before Chen Jing could say anything.

"King!!! You are finally back!!!"

Yegetos was so excited that he almost cried. He spoke with a cry of grievance, as if he was afraid that Chen Jing would no longer want them.

"Why didn't you tell us when you came back!!! If I hadn't felt your breath..."

"Get out of the way!!!"

Baiage, who looked like a large dog, pushed Yergetos away with his head, and then started running around Chen Jing in a crazy circle. Several times he was so excited that he wanted to pounce on Chen Jing.

"King!! Look at me, look at me!! My current strength will definitely not hold you back!!!"

Chen Jing was confused by these two little things. While responding to Baia Ji, he nodded and said, "You are great." At the same time, he patted Jagertos on the shoulder, saying, "Don't cry. I'm not dead. It's like crying in mourning." of……


"Chen Jing!!!"

Hearing these familiar voices, Chen Jing's smile became brighter, and Chen Bofu also stepped back at this moment, giving up the steps beside Chen Jing.

"Sure enough, there are changes..."

Chen Bofu looked at his grandson who was held high by the crowd, and he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He remembered his grandson's introverted and lonely personality a long time ago, and felt that they were completely two different people...

But think about it from another angle.

Chen Jing in the outer world is actually very introverted and lonely. The two of them are like a mold, and they became like this after fusion...

Is it a side effect of fusion?

Chen Bofu thought about it and felt that it was not.

This should be under his wise and powerful guidance, as well as his kind and gentle guidance, that the introverted child gradually became sunny...right! This is how you should educate children! Don't always put on a stern face and act like a parent!

How good it is to be like me!

In just one word, love!

Let the child feel sincere and unconditional love, won't he become sunny!

Thinking of this, Chen Bofu touched his chin, looking very proud. He wanted to find someone to give him a certificate immediately, and then find a storefront to open a psychological counseling room to teach those parents who can't communicate with their children.

At the same time.

When Chen Bofu fell into self-praise, Chen Jing was almost vomited by them.

Yegotos and Bai Aji were okay. After all, they were the family members who had followed Chen Jing for the longest time, so they still had a little awe for this "approachable" master.

But others were not like this.

Although Chen Jing had transformed them all into family members, the impression Chen Jing had left on them before still existed. For example, Wei Nan and Yan Que, these two girls completely regarded Chen Jing as a friend. They were the ones who threw Chen Jing into the sky and caught him in the first two rounds.

As for old man Lawrence and Hasard Armitage, they treated Chen Jing as a junior, just like a relative's child. They did not follow the juniors to torment Chen Jing, but stood in the distance and watched with a smile.

After being thrown for about five or six minutes, Chen Jing was finally able to land and stand firmly.

"Stop!" Chen Jing covered his head in pain and said unhappily, "Whoever throws me again! Yegotos, you will cut him for me!"

"You are so stingy!" Wei Nan stood beside Chen Jing with his arms folded, looking very unhappy, "We still want to give you a big surprise!"

"What surprise?" Chen Jing asked, covering his head.

"During the time you were away, Kakosha has developed rapidly. The entire continent has been spread throughout our deep space beliefs. The main city has begun a new round of expansion. The goal is to cover the entire western continent within the scope of Kakosha..."

Mr. Shu squeezed out of the crowd and shook Chen Jing's hand excitedly.

"From the current progress, it is estimated that it will not take long for our new city to be completed, and then we can introduce more new people!"

"Thank you for your hard work..." Chen Jing shook hands with Mr. Shu. Although he had almost figured out the changes in Kakosha when he returned to the inner world, he did not spoil everyone's interest at this moment and listened to their reports patiently.

"Kakosha is much more lively now than before!" Wei Nan said excitedly, "The inner city is already full, and many people have opened shops in the city, just like the polar day city and the eternal night city, which is fun!"

"The first batch of newcomers you introduced have now become the backbone of Kakosha. The reason why the deep space belief can be spread so quickly is that they have made a great contribution." Yu Kui said on the side.

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