"Just tell me." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"The first purpose is to bring you a message..."

Mr. Wu looked back at the sky outside the temple. His deep gaze seemed to penetrate the golden light and dust in the sky and reach the other end of the universe.

"We're dead."

Chapter 835: The extinguished starry sky (Part 1)

Chen Jing feels that Mr. Wu's attributes are very complicated. He seems to be the creator of all things from above, but in fact... isn't he just a dead star!

When we first met, he said something that had nothing to do with auspiciousness.

Are we doomed?

"Are you going to die?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, "Did the Emperor in Red discover the whereabouts of you and 'Mu'?"

"What do you mean..." Mr. Wu glanced at Chen Jing unhappily, "It's us!"

"Yes, you are going to die." Chen Jing smacked his lips, "We haven't seen each other for so long, and you said such unlucky words when we first came here. You really didn't choose the right time..."

"Us!!" Mr. Wu grabbed Chen Jing's robe and shook it hard a few times, "You can't run away either!! Everyone has to finish playing!!!"


Chen Jing looked at the bitch helplessly, wondering if this guy had been stimulated again.

at the same time.

Chen Bofu and others who were looking far away from the depths of the temple were unhappy when they saw Chen Jing being dragged around by his clothes. The old man was holding a cigarette menacingly and was about to come over to help.

"That's the king's friend." Jegertos gently pulled the old man and said calmly, "Let's take a look first."

"How dare you drag my grandson... who are you with?" Chen Bofu cursed and walked back to the steps to sit down. He felt that the man's aura was very strange, and he still can't tell the difference.

When everyone saw this situation, they stopped talking. They all raised their ears and wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation between Chen Jing and Mr. Wu. Unfortunately, Mr. Wu had already been on guard against them. The isolation restrictions he set up casually prevented even Sequence 8 Chen Jing from entering. Bo Fu couldn't hear the content of their conversation at this moment.

"We're all fucking done..."

Mr. Wu vented for almost two minutes and finally calmed down. He seemed to feel that his reaction was a bit embarrassing. He sighed and patted Chen Jing's yellow robe that was wrinkled by him.

"The Red Emperor has found a way to kill you."

"Wouldn't it be easy for that guy to kill me?" Chen Jing asked curiously, "Is it even necessary to think about it?"

"What if we circumvent the rules of the 'Supreme One' and kill you before you complete your final promotion?" Mr. Wu asked.

Chen Jing was startled and suddenly speechless.

"Do you know anything?" Chen Jing looked at her doubtfully.

"If I didn't know, how could I still come to you?" Mr. Wu sighed.

The words fell.

Mr. Wu began to tell Chen Jing about his experience the day before.

That's right.

Just one day ago.

The Red Emperor's culling plan against Chen Jing was launched.

At that time, Mr. Fog was returning to the safe house that the "Supreme One" had found for them according to the original coordinates, but on the way, the "Supreme One" suddenly appeared...

"To be honest, I was quite confused when I saw Him." Mr. Wu smiled bitterly, "I don't know what He wanted me to do, but my intuition told me that it was not a good thing."

Sure enough, Mr. Wu's intuition was still so accurate. It was indeed not a good thing for the "Supreme One" to find her, because that superior existence had stopped protecting her and Mu.

"The safe house will be closed within three days. If I escape from the safe house without 'Mu', when the place is wiped out, we will be killed together."

"It's not necessary..." Chen Jing murmured, "I think the 'Supreme One' is quite interesting. Since I have protected you for so long, why would I suddenly drive you away... I have bowed to you eight times, and I don't think so. I'm so trembling."

"I didn't understand it at first." Mr. Wu raised his head and took a deep look at Chen Jing, "But He asked me to bring you a message. At that time, I suddenly figured it out... This message was to take advantage of me. In exchange for 'mu' benefits."

Hearing this, Chen Jing suddenly became nervous, because he knew that the superior being would not take the initiative to reveal any information to others. Once information was revealed, it would be a matter of life and death.

"The emperor in red did not break through the biological limit." Mr. Wu first came to this conclusion, raising his finger to the sky, "He sacrificed the entire Creator group in order to force himself to break through that chasm, but it was a pity that he failed... …”

"No wonder!" Chen Jing said with a look of realization on his face, "I was just wondering why the aura of the Creator disappeared! It turned out that the old man used it as a sacrifice!"

"Haha, the most powerful biological group in the known dimension was destroyed by that guy..." Mr. Wu's tone was a little sad, as if he felt the chill of a rabbit dying and a fox grieving for its own kind, "No matter whether you are old or young, or even... All the newly born descendants of the Creator were completely sacrificed by Him.”

Having said this, Mr. Fog shook his head.

"But I have to say, I still admire Him. That old guy is determined to cut off everything. For the sake of the 'glory of the Creator', he chooses to cut off all options... Of course, it may also be because he is afraid of death."

"I think he is afraid of death, right?" Chen Jing said with a frown, "If I get promoted again, that guy will definitely be hung up and beaten by me. At this critical moment, he will definitely try to kill me by any means... Sacrifice to the entire clan is not something that is difficult to understand.”

Chen Jing thinks this is not difficult to understand.

But at the same time, I also felt a bit of a bone-chilling chill from it.

The emperor in red sacrificed his whole family, basically cutting off all possible escape routes... Although it was a life-or-death situation, with the help of this series of great hatreds, the emperor in red wanted to do something The determination to kill him must have increased by countless percentage points.

"You said we are dead because of this?" Chen Jing asked, "The message given to you by the Supreme Being only said that the emperor in red sacrificed the entire clan? Didn't he say anything else?"

"Say it." Mr. Wu said helplessly, "Although the Red Emperor failed to break through the pass, his current strength has exceeded that of him in his heyday, and he is the closest existence to the 'Supreme One' in the known dimensions..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Jing suddenly felt a little guilty.

"If it weren't for the rules of the 'Supreme One', the Red Emperor wouldn't even have to show up. He could just use the laws as weapons to wipe you out."

"Isn't there a 'Supreme One' watching over this for me?" Chen Jing felt guilty and comforted himself at the same time, "We still have time!"

"The rules are fixed. As I said before, the Red Emperor has found a way to avoid the rules and kill you..."

Mr. Wu's tone of voice became increasingly serious, as if he had a desperate attitude towards the future.

"Before you advance to the rank, the possibility of being killed by Him is very high, so... we are damn sure!"

Chapter 836: The extinguished starry sky (Part 2)

"How is He going to kill me?"

Chen Jing was really curious about this issue. He racked his brains and couldn't figure out how to circumvent the rules of the "Supreme One".

"What are the rules of the Supreme Being?" Mr. Fog asked rhetorically.

"It should not be possible to directly attack the candidates..." Chen Jing replied cautiously, and then added, "And it is also a capital crime to randomly cause large-scale biological extinction in the material universe... He should not dare to make any big moves. …”

"You are right, but there are two special situations." Mr. Wu slowly raised two fingers and said word by word, "The first special situation is that if his main target of attack is not you, you just If it is accidentally affected, it will not be counted.”

"Isn't this just a lie!" Chen Jing said anxiously, "If He directly wipes out the solar system and says this place is not pleasing to the eye, and he doesn't mean to deliberately target me, where the hell am I going to reason..."

"This is judged by the 'Supreme One'. From substantive evidence to memory reading, as long as there is even the slightest possibility that it is against you, then it will be a capital crime for Him!" Mr. Wu added.

Hearing this, Chen Jing relaxed a little and muttered: That's not bad, otherwise the loopholes in this rule would be too big!

"Didn't you say there are two special circumstances? What about the other one?" Chen Jing asked.

"The second special situation is what you said. We cannot arbitrarily cause large-scale biological extinction in the universe..." Mr. Wu sneered, "Interstellar wars of technological civilization, various man-made disasters, and high The wanton fighting of higher-level creatures is the most likely cause of annihilation to be judged guilty.”

"So?" Chen Jing became more and more curious.

"It can be said that as long as you cause mass extinction of living things, you will almost 100% be found guilty. No matter what your purpose is, no matter whether your stance is justice or so-called evil... From beginning to end, there is only one situation that will be judged as guilty. Not guilty, even the Most High is pleased to see.”

"What's going on?" Chen Jing asked subconsciously.


When Chen Jing heard the word "evolution" from Mr. Wu, he almost subconsciously thought of "Turing".

"You should know that the 'Supreme One' is lonely. He needs his fellow creatures more urgently than any other creature."

Mr. Wu looked at the sky outside the temple and said in a heavy tone.

"You are his most ideal No. 1 candidate, but now... there is an extra spot for the No. 1 candidate, which is given to the Red Emperor."

According to Mr. Wu, the red emperor’s sacrifice of the entire clan was not in vain. Even if he failed and failed to break through the biological limits, he still exceeded all creatures in the known dimensions and was the closest existence to the "Supreme One"... …

"To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter who can break through the last biological limit, you or the emperor in red. The 'Supreme One' has no requirements for this. He only cares about you coming from deep space, so he prefers you... But that's only That’s it.”

Mr. Wu suddenly looked back at Chen Jing. Although her whole body was in a foggy state, Chen Jing could intuitively feel the despair in his eyes.

"Now that the 'Supreme One' is willing to let me bring back this information, it is His last help to you. His meaning is very simple, that is, let you seize the time to be promoted... The Red Emperor's hunt for you has begun. ”

"I'm a little confused now..." Chen Jing frowned and asked, "Before you mentioned the cause of the mass extinction of life, there is an exception that can avoid being convicted, why do you bring this up again..."

"Because this is how the Red Emperor kills you." Mr. Wu whispered, "After the breakthrough failed, his body began to be assimilated by laws and regulations, and the known dimensional world will be completely eroded by it."

"You mean..." Chen Jing seemed to realize something, and the expression on his face suddenly became ugly.

"Yes, laws and regulations are everywhere, so He will be everywhere. As for whether He can invade deep space... I don't know that."

Mr. Wu shook his head, with a hint of exhaustion in his tone, as if he was resigned to his fate.

"When the King in Red is completely assimilated into the Law, all known dimensions will usher in a great extinction, and the reorganized Law and Order will push all planes back to their original state... In other words, everyone will again After an inevitable Big Bang, the reincarnation of the birth and evolution of living things will end, and everything will start from scratch.”

"What's the difference between this and massacring the entire universe?!" Chen Jing couldn't help but interrupt, with a rare hint of panic in his tone, because this situation was beyond his imagination, "The physical universe we live in, and all parallel universes, And those extra-dimensional dimensions...all creatures will die, isn't the 'Supreme' prepared to take care of it?"

"He went to see the Red Emperor, and the answer the Red Emperor gave him at that time was... This is another way to try to break through the limits, because no one knows what kind of life will reach after it is completely transformed into the law of the universe. The realm may be the same as yours.”

Mr. Fog seemed to be able to imagine the mood of the "Supreme One" at that time, and it must have been mixed with a hint of expectation.

"Is this the case for the Supreme Being?" Chen Jing asked.

"Yes, forget it." Mr. Wu nodded, "If the red emperor still fails, the 'Supreme One' will start to hold him accountable and sentence him to death."

"Assimilation has already begun?!" Chen Jing's tone became more urgent.

"here we go."

Mr. Wu nodded, then raised his hand, and tried to disperse the golden light dust in the sky with a flick... And Chen Jing just watched silently, until Mr. Wu put down his hand in embarrassment, and then turned back and glared at him angrily. .

"Please, I've already been promoted to Sequence Eight, and you still want to show off the power of the 'Creator' in front of me? What a trick!"

Chen Jing smiled and raised his hand, and the golden holy light that covered the sky dispersed, soon revealing the dark night sky.

"Look carefully." Mr. Wu didn't bother to get angry with Chen Jing and motioned for him to observe the night sky carefully.

"It's quite normal." Chen Jing looked up at the starry sky and gradually dispersed his perception into the material universe. "The aura of the emperor in red is very weak...it's not the same as before, it seems..."

At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly lost his voice.

Because he found that several stars in the northwest suddenly disappeared, like candles extinguished in the night sky, disappearing in an instant!

"The disaster movie belonging to the whole universe is about to be staged. May I ask the protagonist how you feel now?" Mr. Wu asked.

"I feel like dying."

Chen Jing looked at the starry sky that he was no longer familiar with, and saw that the shining stars were gradually being swallowed up by the darkness.

"Run...if you don't run, you'll have no chance!"

Chapter 837: Countdown to the Destruction of the Universe (Part 1)

"You initially said you came to see me for two purposes. The first purpose was to tell me about this unfortunate incident. What is the second purpose?"

Chen Jing stared at the night sky that was gradually being swallowed up by darkness. There was no fear in his heart, but an inexplicable sadness.

The material universe in front of us has existed for who knows how many years, and has given birth to countless intelligent civilizations in the process of continuous expansion... They are like sparks ignited in this dead universe. Although they are not many in number, they have also made this ancient civilization Material space adds a touch of life.

The rabbit dies and the fox grieves, and things harm its kind.

Whether it is Chen Jing or other intelligent and civilized creatures, all living beings are part of this universe. From the perspective of the large scale of the universe, they are actually one, so Chen Jing feels that inexplicable sadness.

"What is the second purpose?" Chen Jing asked when Mr. Wu didn't say anything. He was still looking forward to some good news. Maybe as "creators" they could think of some ways to break the situation.

"I want to take 'Mu' to come to your place for refuge..." Mr. Wu finally spoke, his tone became a little guilty, and he seemed to feel that it was very shameful, and his voice was very soft, "The only way to escape at the moment is The only place that has survived this catastrophe of extinction... is the place in deep space..."


Mr. Jianwu couldn't do anything about this matter. Although Chen Jing was a little disappointed, he still agreed. After all, she and "Mu" had indeed helped Chen Jing a lot, so at such a critical moment, they could be brought there. There will definitely be no hesitation.

"I'm going to pick up 'Mu'!"

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