Chapter 845: The ninety-nine-line poem of life (Part 2)

As the source of the life sequence, the "Buddha Mother" has strange and complex powers that are unimaginable to outsiders, especially her ability to perceive danger, which has exceeded the limits of most ancient gods, and can be regarded as the supreme embodiment of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

When she sensed a threat in the starry sky above her head, her first reaction was that something big was going to happen. Then she asked Qiao Youning to use the examination system to contact Chen Jing, and the reply she got was...

The Scourge of the Red King.

"I can barely help him, but you absolutely can't, so don't make trouble." That's what Buddha's mother said to Qiao Youning at that time. Her sincere advice was full of deep emotions, and she made up her mind not to let Qiao Youning get involved. Go in.

"You are only Sequence Eight. You can't even fight the Creator. How can you help him?" Qiao Youning just blinked and asked calmly, "The Red King is the leader of the Creator group, and his strength should be far beyond that of the conventional ones." Creator, didn’t you also deliver food when you went?”

"Then we won't go?" Mother Buddha asked.

"Go." Qiao Youning stretched, turned and walked into the side room, "Let's go together."

"I told you to go..."

"Let's merge into one." Qiao Youning interrupted Mother Buddha's words, as if she had planned this a long time ago, "As the source of the sequence, you cannot be transformed into a dependent by him in a short time, but I can... If we When the two become one, this new body will contain the characteristics of me, a foreigner, and it will be transformed into a family member much faster. "

"Becoming his dependents??" Mother Buddha asked in disbelief, "Have you really thought about it??"

"This is the only opportunity that can help you break through Sequence Eight. Even if you can't break through, as a member of the deep space, your strength will make a qualitative leap, and you will be able to help him even more." Qiao Youning said softly.

"But... if you and I become one... we can never be separated again..." Mother Buddha's tone was a little low.

"Looking at what you said, you used to bewitch me and want me to become one with you. Why are you unwilling now?" Qiao Youning looked at the Buddha's mother in a funny way.

"Because you don't want to." Buddha Mother shook her head, "Just because I know you too well, so..."

"It would be nice to increase his chances of winning a little bit."

Before Qiao Youning stepped into the side room, she took one last look back at the foggy Jiridu City. She seemed to still be able to hear the sound of drums and bells coming from the main hall of the temple...

"Actually, I've thought about it clearly during this time." Qiao Youning smiled, "I can't blame anyone but myself."

"It has nothing to do with you." Mother Buddha frowned, seeming to dislike Qiao Youning's statement.

"Why doesn't it matter?" Qiao Youning said with a smile, "Life is a drama, and the time of everyone's appearance is critical. It doesn't matter if it is earlier or later. I am unlucky and the time of appearance is not suitable, so..."

Buddha's Mother said nothing more, just stepped forward and hugged her.

"He said I should learn to live for myself, but I didn't learn how, so I could only keep lying to him, lying to him..."

Qiao Youning is no longer the little girl who was comforted by Buddha Mother in her arms. At this moment, she can speak these words calmly. From a certain perspective, she has completely reconciled with herself.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you can't learn it." Qiao Youning patted the Buddha's mother gently on the back, "Even if you don't live for yourself, living for others is still a way of living, don't you think so?"

Hearing this, Buddha's mother felt inexplicably want to cry.

"If we don't help him this time, we may not have the chance to help him again in the future." Qiao Youning said softly, her voice still so gentle, "So let me live for him again, Mother Buddha, you You’ll help me, right?”

"Fuck..." Mother Buddha didn't agree, but she didn't refuse either. She just swore such a curse word.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Youning knew that the Buddha's mother had responded, and then hugged the Buddha's mother tightly and said something in a sincere tone.

"It's great to meet you in the other world. The family ties I lacked in the outer world have been more than made up for by you and grandma!"

"We become one... and we will no longer exist..." Mother Buddha confirmed for the last time, "Have you really thought about it?"

"Oh, don't say it in such a scary way. After all, we are one from the beginning. We have been since the old days..."


It's been since the old days.



Mother Buddha.

Qiao Youning.

These four names...

They have finally reunited after hundreds of millions of years.

"So, I am who I am." Qiao Youning gently held Chen Jing's hand with a smile on her face, "I am Qiao Youning, I am the Buddha's mother, also Shi Qi, and also A Ling..."

With the help of Qiao Youning.

The speed at which Chen Jing was repaired by Deep Space was increasing with time.

At this moment, Chen Jing has returned to his original appearance, and even the yellow robe that disappeared in the wind has "grown" back.

"I'm sorry..." Chen Jing looked at Qiao Youning blankly, his eyes filled with unconcealable guilt and self-blame. Although he knew that the Buddha Mother and Qiao Youning were not dead when they became one, but...

"Don't apologize to me."

Qiao Youning smiled and held Chen Jing's hand, gently poking the back of his hand twice with her fingers.

"If you feel guilty, then pass this test and make up for it. Don't die..."

When Qiao Youning said this, the light in her eyes suddenly dimmed a bit, and Chen Jing sensed that this self-healing state that was constantly being supplemented by deep space was not over yet...

"Since the red emperor has killed your clones... then you can continue to use them... I will replenish the energy you have consumed... don't be afraid... you are not fighting alone..."

Wisps of golden light mist emerged out of thin air from under Qiao Youning's monk gauze, like hazy and illusory ribbons filled with light. They are not only the source of Qiao Youning's true body, but also the "bridge" she built between Chen Jing and the deep space.

The moment these nearly a hundred "silk ribbons" came into contact with the yellow robes, they "sinked" as if they had fallen into water.


Don't cause any trouble.

"Don't worry, go and fight the red emperor. We have the logistics."

Qiao Youning leaned on the armrest of the throne, as if she would fall asleep at any moment. Her eyes were half open and half closed, but the smile on her face... was still too bright.

"If I can't live with you, then let's die together."

"You won't die." Chen Jing held Qiao Youning's palm with his backhand, "We will win!"

"Well, I believe you. You will never lie to me, except that time and that time..."

Qiao Youning rubbed her face against Chen Jing's palm, and there seemed to be a hint of sparkle in her eyes.


"I am here!"

"I really like you."

Chapter 846 The Emperor Visits Deep Space

"The final battle is about to begin."

"That's right! Winning or losing depends on this round!"

"Who can go into the temple to see what's going on?!"

"Are you fucking crazy?! Are you going to bother Boss Chen at this juncture?! Believe it or not, we will whip you?!"

"I'm just worried...I want to see if there's anything I can do to help..."

"This is no longer a battle for us to intervene in."

Outside the temple, in the examinee colony in the inner city, Tsukano Koshiro was surrounded by the surviving examinees.

"Brother, do you think we can get through this time?" Someone asked cautiously, "I'm not saying we can get through it, but...can we lie down and get through it like before?"

"have no idea."

Tsukano Koshiro shook his head, his expression solemn as never before.

"I thought this final battle would be very far away... Judging from the information A Jing revealed before... we should still be fighting against the Creator tribe for a while... but now we have jumped directly to the final BOSS..."

"Yeah! No one can explain to us what's going on!"

"You can help after explaining it?" A certain candidate laughed self-deprecatingly, "As Brother Tsukano said before, this is no longer a battle that we can intervene in... No, this is a war!"

"Yes, it's a war." Tsukano Kushiro nodded, "This is a life-and-death battle between our two races. If we win, it's okay. In the future, everyone will no longer have to worry about the threat of the Creator. But if we lose, …”

That's it for Tsukano Kushiro's words.

He did not directly say the consequences of losing this war, but he believed that everyone here could understand... If he lost, human civilization would completely disappear, and everyone here and even their relatives and loved ones would also He would die in the hands of the red emperor.

In short, it's just one sentence.

Whoever loses will have his whole family killed.

This principle sounds a bit crude, but the reality is this, and there are no exceptions for anyone.


Keep your fingers crossed.

Pray to that temple, pray to the highest deep space, pray to the King of Deep Space on the throne... Pray that we can win this war, and pray that our civilization can continue.

"Brother Tsukano, it seems like it's going to rain!"

Suddenly, Tsukano Koshiro heard someone shouting, and then he felt like being hit by raindrops on the head.

Tsukano Koshiro raised his hand and touched it, only to feel that the rain was warm and different from usual, until he looked up...

"This...what's going on..."

Tsukano Koshiro looked at the scarlet rain in the sky, and couldn't help showing a look of fear on his face.

"This is not part of deep space... They have an alien aura... Is it the Red Emperor?!!"

Ten minutes ago.

When Qiao Youning said the words "I really like you so much", Chen Jing was stunned because he couldn't tell who said this... Was it the Buddha's mother or Qiao Youning? Or is it Al-Ling Seventeen from the old days?

"What the hell?" Chen Bofu had a cigarette in his mouth and couldn't help but look back when he was sitting at the bottom of the steps. "Young people nowadays are really good at playing. They are fighting against the emperor in red while confessing their feelings... But then again."

Chen Boxu looked around to find someone with whom he could chat, but there were only two boring things, Mr. Mu and Mr. Wu.

never mind.

It is ok.

"Look! I just said that girl likes my grandson!" Chen Bofu still couldn't hold it in, so he grabbed Mu's sleeve and started chatting with her, with a proud look on his face, "It's just as I expected! The look she used to look at my grandson was...Hey, can you fucking look at me! I'm showing off to you!"

"I'm looking at you... Mr. Chen... I'm an injured person... Sitting now is already very strenuous... Can you stop dragging me..." Mu explained weakly.

"Did you hear me? Get out of here!" Mr. Wu glared at the old man, then secretly pulled Mu's sleeve, "Actually, I think it's a good time to confess now. If you don't pass this level, you'll die. You won't have a chance to confess then."


"Well, can I confess too?" Mr. Wu asked cautiously.

"Get lost." Mu cursed angrily, breaking Mr. Wu's heart for the 643,251st time.

At the same time, Chen Jing also came to his senses.

"You like me... Who said that?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"Me." Qiao Youning blinked.

"Are you the Buddha Mother or..." Chen Jing hesitated.

"Both like you."

Qiao Youning remained silent, and the answer she gave seemed perfunctory, but it was also true.

"The Buddha Mother likes you, and Youning likes you too..."

Chen Jing didn't say anything, but just blushed and looked away, not daring to look at Qiao Youning's faintly glowing eyes.

Qiao Youning was also in a playful mood, grabbing Chen Jing's hand and kissing him hard on the back of his hand.

"Hehe..." Qiao Youning leaned against the armrest of the throne, looking up at Chen Jing with a silly smile, "The Buddha is right... For a fool like you who can't pray and can only run... you have to be bolder..."


"Is it annoying?" Qiao Youning asked curiously.


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