They look very similar to the Red King, with roughly clear human forms, complete torsos and distinct limbs, and wearing a red robe that looks like scarlet flesh and blood.

These creatures are strong and weak.

The weak ones are only sequence four or five, but the strong ones... have reached the realm of ancient gods.

"Kturt, Xi, Dagon, Tekili, they were all taken to the outer city by Xu Ye, where the most monsters appeared..."

Yan Que waved the cane sword in his hand lightly, and the light blue energy was as crystal clear as sea water, forming a visible ripple that swept forward.

In an instant.

More than 30 monsters that had just rushed out of the fog disappeared in the sword light.

"Yegtos and Baiaji are still guarding outside the temple. They are responsible for killing all creatures that want to enter the temple." Yan Que said softly, "Our mission is to catch the fish that slip through the net. They are responsible for the outer city and the inner city. We only need to guard this long street..."

"Is this a battle plan?!" Wei Nan breathed quickly, his fists trembling faintly, and his scarlet eyes were full of pure killing desire, "Or I will go to the outer city to help!! I can kill more!!!"

"See the situation." Yan Que shook his head, "Wait for Xu Ye's notification. She has just sent me a message through the clan contact, asking us to guard this street, because she found that the refresh points of these monsters are not fixed..."

"Not fixed?"

Wei Nan was stunned and was trying to understand this sentence.

"Aren't these monsters teleported here? Are they refreshed randomly?"

"They will appear where there is rain." Yan Que nodded.

At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly came from the direction of the Deep Space Temple. It was not a sound made by humans... It sounded like the neighing of a horse or the roar of a canine.

As the "old man" of Kakosha.

As a close friend of Chen Jing.

Wei Nan and Yan Que knew very well who made this sound.

"Bai Aji is in trouble?!!"


Outside the Deep Space Temple.

The cross broadsword in Yegetos's hand had shattered, and the armor that seemed to be cast in gold had become incomplete. The muddy scarlet rain was gradually dyed golden by his blood.

"What the hell is this..." Yegetos looked at the monster in front of him in disbelief.

He remembered very clearly that about twenty seconds ago, the strength of this creature was only sequence six, and the rest of the creatures were mostly around sequence four or five, but just after being killed by his sword... these creatures were reborn again.


Maybe not reborn.

Those strange creatures that crawled out of the rain again might be another batch... but their strength was about the same, and none was stronger than Sequence Six.

But just as Yegetos raised his broadsword to chop again, those creatures suddenly rushed towards each other and collided with each other.

That was the fusion of flesh and blood visible to the naked eye.

The monster formed by the fusion of more than 30 red-clothed creatures not only became extremely large, but also began to increase in strength... It even crushed the Deep Space Holy Sword in Yegetos's hand with its bare hands!

Fortunately, Yegetos was not the only one guarding the temple. Baiage also killed it from the sky. The energy breath from its mouth had the power to annihilate everything, and could even shatter the basic structure of the dimensional space...

And at the moment when Baiage exhaled, the monster jumped up and jumped into the sky facing the breath.

I saw its right hand suddenly inserted into the abdominal cavity, and immediately pulled out a scarlet long sword, whose shape was almost the same as the Deep Space Holy Sword that Yegetos had crushed before!

The sword split the energy breath that annihilated everything, and also split the head of Baiaji that covered the sky.

In the midst of the shrill scream.

Baiaji's heavy body fell directly from the sky.

If it weren't for Yegetos's quick reaction, timely using the deep space energy to reshape the holy sword, and then backhandedly chopped it over to destroy Baiaji's "corpse", I'm afraid most of Kakosha would have been smashed into ruins by it.

"What on earth is this thing..." Yegetos asked this question for the second time.

After killing Baiaji.

The monster holding the giant sword also slowly landed and walked over.

Compared with the previous few seconds.

Its form has changed differently. Not only has a pair of bat-wing-like tissues grown on its back, but even the human-like head has become a strange dog-like and horse-like appearance in the process of constant squirming.

At this moment, Xu Ye's voice sounded in Yegetos' mind.

"The outer city is about to be lost... Hazard... Professor Armitage... They have died in the battle... Mr. Shu has also been..."

Xuye's voice was very weak, and he seemed to be seriously injured, and his speech was intermittent.

"After the creature regrouped... it has surpassed the realm of the ancient gods... at most half a minute... Cturt and the others will also die... They are different from us... They are not immortals... If they die, they will not be able to survive..."

Chapter 851: Creatures Beyond the Creator (Part 1)

"What should I do now?"

Xuye's voice rarely showed a trace of panic, which was also one of the only times in her life when she could not control her emotions.

The last time.

It was when Senator Randolph died.

"Can Ajing spare some time to help now?" Xuye asked anxiously, "The speed of rebirth of the immortals is about the same as those monsters, and it's a bit late..."

When Chen Jing was promoted to Sequence Eight, all his followers were instantly transformed into the immortal species of the deep space. As long as Chen Jing, the king of the deep space, was alive, the immortal species would naturally maintain the ultimate state of immortality.

This is a manifestation of biological evolution reaching its peak.

There is no threat of death, only constant rebirth.

In the endless cycle.

Nature can continue to evolve and transform to reach a higher level.

But the facts prove that the attribute of immortality is not unique to the deep space. Those derivatives born from the "stubborn disease" of the Red King are also in a strange state of being unable to die. Every time they are killed, they will be reborn in an instant...

Just as Xu Ye said, the monster they tried their best to kill only disappeared for a few seconds, and then reborn in another form.

"The king is doing something important." Yegetos tightly grasped the newly condensed Deep Space Holy Sword in his hand, and his firm tone revealed an inexplicable tragic and majestic tone, "We, the clansmen, cannot hold the king back. We must try our best to stop them and never let them rush into the temple to disrupt the king's plan..."


At this moment, Xuye's voice suddenly disappeared.

About two seconds later, her voice was heard again.

"It's okay." Xuye breathed a sigh of relief, and then calmly reminded Yegetos, "You must guard your side, and never let these monsters break into the temple!"

"Isn't this my line..." Yegetos was stunned for a moment, "Is everything okay on your side?"

"It's okay."

"But here..."

Yegetos looked at the strange creature that was slowly walking towards him, and then glanced at the giant sword in his hand.

Except for the different color and texture.

Its shape is similar to the cross broadsword in his hand.

"King... Yegotos will protect the temple for you... Long live the deep space..."

Hearing this monster suddenly imitate his own speech in a distorted tone, Yegotos was immediately angry and annoyed, clenching the holy sword in his hand and preparing to rush forward to fight to the death.

He knew that he would not be the opponent of this monster.

But he was an immortal after all.

Yegotos was really not afraid of playing with his life.

Even if the other party had the ability to kill him and break into the temple, he could only step over his corpse!

Seeing that Yegotos did not escape, but instead clenched his weapon and planned to rush up to fight to the death, the strange creature in a red robe also laughed.

But it only laughed that one time.

Because it couldn't laugh out loud the next second.

An arm as crystal as white jade pierced its chest, and gently slashed down, and the whole body of the monster split in a twisted way, melting directly into a pile of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Why are these things so strange..."


Yegtos looked at the familiar figure and immediately understood why Xuye and the others said that everything was fine.

"I...we are so useless..." Yegettos said with a self-blaming face, ashamed, "I actually had to trouble you to come forward..."

"It's normal that you can't stop the Red King's methods." Chen Jing smiled and comforted, "I have already dealt with Xuye, but there are still these creatures in other parts of the continent..."

Two minutes before coming back to save the situation.

Chen Jing didn't waste all his time on the road.

After all, no matter how far the distance is, it will be reached in an instant for him. The reason why he was delayed for one or two minutes was because he was busy converting his clan.

Not all the residents of Kakosha are clans, especially the newcomers who joined Kakosha later. They are not as lucky as the "old people" who joined Kakosha first. Let alone the immortal species, they don't even have the most basic clan identity.

Fortunately, the locations where these monsters spawned were very regular, and with the proper management of Xuye and his gang, the deployment of the combatants was very reasonable, so the civilian casualties in Kakosha remained in the three digits.

There were only a few hundred casualties.

For this God's Capital that almost covered the entire Western Continent, it was a completely insignificant number, but it also made Chen Jing feel heartbroken, so he had wasted all his time on transforming his clan.

At this moment.

All the members of Kakosha were already deep space clans, and also the immortal species of deep space.

And not only those residents, but also Kturt, Dagon, Tekili... these three ancient gods from the Old Sea were transformed by Chen Jing, as well as the ancient god "Xi" of the Western Continent.

It is no exaggeration to say.

Transforming them, creatures of Sequence 8, is the most time-consuming.

At least one and a half minutes out of two minutes were wasted on them.

Xi had made up his mind to follow Chen Jing a long time ago, so his transformation process was very smooth. As for those bastards of Ketuart... To be honest, they were not as obedient as the priests of Shagong, and they were reluctant when they were transformed.

"Our sequence is actually quite strong." Ketuart muttered at the time.

"At this juncture, if you play inversion with me again, I will beat you up?" Chen Jing answered him like this.

Let's get back to the point.

After helping Yegetos solve the problem, Chen Jing rushed to the coastal area of ​​the inner world as soon as possible. This is also a large-scale refresh point.

When Chen Jing arrived there, almost all the human settlements in the coastal area had been slaughtered.

It must be said that these monsters are very skillful. They seem to be born to destroy intelligent civilization. They are also very efficient in killing. They will not do anything extra if they can kill with one bite. They will leave without wasting any time after killing.

Chen Jing finally caught up with these monsters that were refreshed from the coast in the wasteland. There were more than 36,000 of them. The strongest one was at Sequence 7. The rest were of varying strengths. There were even quite a few Sequence 1 fry...

"What rules do these things follow to refresh?"

After wiping out all these creatures with a wave of his hand, Chen Jing had only this question in his mind, because according to his observation, the refresh points of these creatures were not fixed, and the total number seemed to be constant...

In other words.

They would only regenerate continuously in imitation of the characteristics of the undead species. Their number was always the same, except that they died and refreshed again...

In Chen Jing's opinion, although this unkillable characteristic was also troublesome, the real trouble was... that these bastards had a property of continuous evolution.

Every time they are killed, they will gain "experience points". After rebirth, they will merge with each other in a clever way and learn some abilities from the creatures that killed them... or powers.

Just like the creature that Yegetos met before, after being killed by Yegetos with the holy sword several times in a row, the product they finally merged into has exceeded the scope of what Yegetos can deal with, and also cloned the unique deep space holy sword.

At the moment of killing Bai Aji, the power displayed by the sword was the same as that of the genuine deep space holy sword, which was enough to annihilate everything and easily split the dimensional structure...

Chapter 852: Creatures Beyond the Creator (Part 2)

According to Chen Jing's preliminary calculations, the total number of creatures refreshed in the inner world plane is about 900,000. Although this number looks a bit scary, it is not that difficult to kill...

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