Pure without any impurities.

That's why.

The King in Red gradually lost interest in the "Biology Leap Exam" and was too lazy to serve as an examiner. However, with the orders of the "Supreme One", he did not dare to be too perfunctory about it, so he could only take the time to separate one Wisps of spiritual thoughts occasionally patrol the examination room...

The whole process of Mr. Fog and Mu getting acquainted was witnessed by the Red King with his own eyes, because that exam happened to happen during his inspection, and the examiner of that exam was Mu.

Compared to a backbone creature like Mu, Mr. Fog appears to be much more ordinary. Even the choices she made along the way were in line with the standard answers that other creators had made.

That's right.

Mr. Fog took the initiative to destroy the core of the plane she was in, allowing her to complete the biological leap alone. The civilization behind her was also destroyed, and the entire plane was completely wiped out...

After completing the exam, Mu followed the usual practice and met with Mr. Wu alone.

"Congratulations." Mu's face was expressionless at the time. Programmed office work had become the main theme of her life. "You will be one of us from now on."

"What's there to congratulate?" Mr. Wu smiled without any anger, and didn't even shed a tear for the civilization that was destroyed because of it. "I'm just lucky. It's nothing special. I became one of you... This is also Worth congratulations?”

Mu has interviewed hundreds of candidates who have completed the Biological Leap Exam, and Mr. Wu is considered the only abnormal element... He did not repent after completing the exam, did not feel sorrow for the lost civilization, and did not show any respect or respect for the Creator race. It is the emotion of anger and hatred.

She didn't seem to care about anything and always had a smile on her face.

But Tom knows that she cares.

Care to death.

"I'm really sorry that your loved ones died because of this exam." Mu said this calmly.

Mr. Fog still smiled and didn't say a word.

"Their only last wish before death seems to be... for you to live regardless of anything." Mu continued, his voice extremely soft, "So for this last wish, you destroyed your own civilization without any guilt. , should I say you are hard-hearted, or should I say you..."


Mu saw Mr. Wu's eyes turn red. Although he hid it very well, Mu, as a veteran creator, could still see the sadness and anger in her eyes at a glance.

"You are different from other candidates, and you are different from most creators... You have a pathological obsession with 'living', but your obsession does not come from the fear of losing your life, but the fear of letting those who Lost relatives are disappointed, is that so?”

"Shut up."

Mr. Fog gritted his teeth, and every word was filled with deep-seated hatred.

"If you say one more word I will kill you!!!"

"You can't do this." Mu said calmly, "Although according to the rules of the examination room, after the candidates complete the examination, they will be in a period of immunity from guilt for a period of time, and your rude behavior towards us will also be forgiven, but... …”

Mu took two steps forward and stared at Mr. Fog intently.

"It's a different matter if you take the initiative against creation."

"Do I need you to remind me?" Mr. Wu sneered.

"Anyway, many candidates died like this." Mu shrugged and said nonchalantly, "If you don't believe it, you can try it, but I suggest you not to do it..."

"You think I'm afraid of you?!"

Mr. Wu directly interrupted Mu, then stepped forward, raised his hand and strangled Mu's neck.

"Is there anything I dare not do?!"

Chapter 860 The Silent Fire Thief (Part 2)

After completing the exam.

There were not many candidates who actively chose to attack the Creator due to anger or other emotions, but every one of them was dealt with by the Creator as the examiner.


The Creator race has no need of these stupid creatures as kin.

I don’t know what awe is.

I don’t know what gratitude is.

What kind of kindness is it to take the initiative to help you break through the limits of living things and gain a glimpse of the supreme truth of the universe?

But what's in exchange?

It's anger, it's hatred, it's stupid incomprehension!


Any candidate who dares to take revenge against the Creator must be completely destroyed. Even if this will waste a biological leap exam, this must be done!

without any exaggeration.

Ninety-nine percent of the creators who are examiners have killed such fools.

Only Mu is an exception.

Because after every exam, her communication with the candidates seemed to be extremely smooth, and she would neither anger the other person nor lower the Creator's dignity, so the King in Red would look at her with a high regard...

In other words, she was never attacked by a candidate.

Only this time...

"I won!! I won this exam!! I also beat you!!" Mr. Wu grabbed Mu's neck tightly, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and the anger in his heart almost overflowed from his eyes. Come.

"I know."

Mu did not choose to kill the candidate. After all, she could not kill these people who "sympathize with each other".

Looking at those clear but hatred-filled eyes, Mu may have thought of himself back then.

She suddenly raised her hand and gently touched Mr. Wu's head.

"You won, so can you let me go?"


Mr. Wu didn't understand what Mu was thinking. She was ready to die the moment she attacked, although she also resented her own stupidity in her heart... She had survived so many levels, why did she disappoint her family in the end?


Fortunately, she met a good-tempered Creator.

"You didn't disappoint your family's expectations." Mu finally touched her head, "You should live longer, so... don't do stupid things anymore."

After that.

Mr. Wu joined the Creator tribe.

But the Red King was very dissatisfied with this reckless newcomer, and this dissatisfaction even spread to Mu.

"Why don't you kill her?" The Red King called Mu alone and asked this question directly.

"Our tribe needs more fresh blood." Mu's answer was in line with the current situation of the Creator tribe, without revealing any flaws, "It's so hard to have a qualified newcomer, it's a pity to kill him."

The Red King thought Mu's answer was fine.

At least that's what He thought at the time.

Moreover, after Mr. Wu joined the Creator Clan, he was recognized by many Creators for his good communication skills. He also apologized more than once for attacking Mu, saying that he was too stupid to be grateful for the Supreme Heavenly Grace...

Combining all these situations, the Red King still let Mu and Mr. Wu go, but for a long time afterwards, He quietly strengthened the monitoring of this newcomer.

But the facts proved that Mr. Wu was a qualified Creator, even more qualified than Mu. She had almost memorized the rules and order of the Creator Clan, and would execute every decision from the upper level according to the rules, without any mistakes.

"Maybe Mu is right."

On the day when the "monitoring" was removed, the Red King couldn't help but sigh that Mu's vision was indeed sharp. This newcomer was far more reliable than other Creators, especially when he was the examiner of those biological leap exams, and even he couldn't find any mistakes.

Respect the predecessors, practice hard, and fulfill your duties.

Almost all the compliments can be used for Mr. Wu.

She is like a replica of Mu.

But she is better at dealing with people of the same tribe and is more popular with the entire tribe.

However, there is one thing that the Red King finds difficult to understand.

Since the day Mr. Wu joined the Creator tribe, he has been around Mu almost every moment, either learning from Mu about the experience of biological promotion or learning from Mu how to be a qualified examiner.

Even if the Red King is stupid, he can see that Mu, who lives in seclusion, actually has a friend, which makes him difficult to understand. After all, even the Creator of the same tribe can't stand Mu's personality...

But it doesn't matter.

The Red King saw that the Creator tribe was getting on the right track step by step, and the biological leap exam gradually became a part of the basic rules of the material universe...

So far, the Red King felt that his mission was almost completed. After praying to the "Supreme One", he finally got a long-awaited "long vacation".

But he didn't expect it.

It was this "long vacation" that He had been looking forward to for a long time that almost cost the lives of the entire Creator tribe.

"The exam has come in the inner world..."

Chen Jing looked at this gradually blurred memory image. Even if the outline of the continent was blurred, he could see it at a glance... That was the inner world of the old days!

But unfortunately, the Red King started his "vacation" before the inner world exam, and also revoked all the "surveillance", and was too lazy to distract himself to inspect these stable exam systems.

So what Mu and Mr. Wu did during that time, even the Red King didn't know.

Of course, this is also a doubt.

Because when the Red King noticed something was wrong, the Creator tribe had already suffered casualties, and it was the Yellow King who killed people!

In this process.

Those tribesmen have tried to contact the Red King, but all the information to contact the Red King was inexplicably lost, as if it was blocked by some force...

In short,

When the Red King rushed to the examination room in the inner world, the following scenes were all what Chen Jing had seen in the memory of the Yellow King.

The Yellow King fell.

But the inner world was preserved.

The Supreme One also appeared.


The Red King began to purge the Creator tribe.

Because He saw a glimmer of the truth that was hidden in the fragments of time in the inner world, just like the memory information that Chen Jing saw now, which was covered by the supreme power... Only a little clue was revealed.

But this was enough.

The Red King thus determined that the "Supreme One" had interfered in this exam, and there were two damn traitors who were the matchmakers. Even from what they did along the way, they had already stood on the opposite side of the Creator.

"Why did you betray us?"

The Red King summoned Mu and Mr. Wu alone, resisting the urge to kill them directly, and still asked this crucial question.

"Because all living things should have basic dignity and do not need outsiders to push them to make choices."

Mum no longer pretended and gave a straightforward answer.

"They do not need a creator, and neither does the material universe, so I want to end this ridiculous farce..."

Chapter 861 The Mother Planet that Gives Birth to All Things (Part 1)

The Red King did not understand what Mu was thinking.

The reason she gave was totally unreasonable in the eyes of the Red King!

Those creatures don't need the Creator's guidance?

Ignorance! Stupidity!

If the Creator didn't lead them into the exam, if the Creator didn't give them this opportunity... even if millions of years had passed, how many people would have been able to break through that biological limit?

The stupid nature of creatures would only make them repeat reincarnations, forever lingering between birth and destruction!

Without pressure, they would only choose to live lazily, and sooner or later they would be destroyed because of their laziness.

So from a certain perspective, aren't we the Creators who saved them?

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