As the "Supreme One" narrates, the image on the holographic screen keeps changing.

What is displayed on the screen is the history of deep space and the origin of the universe.

After a strange golden light flashed.

The mother planet exploded into billions of fragments without warning.

At the moment of the explosion, Chen Jing could clearly see something escaping from the interior of the home planet, or being blown away. If nothing else happened... it should be the "Supreme One".

The fragments of the parent star gradually spread in the deep space, and the dark matter that flooded the deep space began to gradually dissipate... Each fragment rushed to the other end of the deep space at a speed exceeding the speed of light, as if it was constantly dotting Light up a map shrouded in darkness.

This weird space is getting bigger and bigger, becoming as boundless as the material universe, and is in a state of stable expansion at any time.

And those fragments also fell apart during the rapid movement, and eventually turned into dust that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

"The dimensional properties of deep space are very strange. It is completely different from the material space of the outside world. It seems to be derived from... reincarnation based on some kind of law."

The Supreme Being said as he pushed the "lens" forward.


The tiny dust from the parent star has been magnified to the extreme. Judging from the level of detail displayed on the screen, it should be the limit that the "Supreme One" can "recall".

The dust is enlarged like a star, with uneven surfaces and cracks, and a lot of liquid energy flowing in it, like magma under the earth's crust... It is the most refined and pure deep space energy, the original power without any impurities!

"These dusts..." The King in Red looked at the image on the screen thoughtfully, "They seem to contain a kind of 'law of evolution'..."

These dusts crazily disintegrate in the process of constant trembling, rushing in the microscopic direction every moment, until finally the "Supreme One" cannot simulate their state, and they become "nothingness" that is difficult to observe.

"Yes, deep space gives all things the attribute of 'evolution'. I am not the 'father' of all things, deep space is..."

When the "Supreme One" said this, the camera suddenly began to gradually move back and zoom out.

"It derived all things...all things are its body..."

Following the whispers of the "Supreme One", Chen Jing finally saw the familiar deep sky, where countless stars had been born from the dust.


As the "Supreme One" said, all the stars in the deep space, and even the expanding new material space, are all transformed from the dust of the "mother star" itself.

The mother star has not disappeared.

It is no exaggeration to say that the mother star is everywhere at this stage... For example, the space where Chen Jing is currently located is also transformed by the mother star.

"I once thought about revisiting my old place, but unfortunately the star that gave birth to me has disappeared. It evolved into the material space of the first stage of deep space. If I want to see it again, I am afraid I will destroy half of deep space. That’s all…”

Hearing these crucial words, Chen Jing couldn't help but his heart beat faster, because what the "Supreme One" said was the answer he had been looking for.

Before that.

Chen Jing has been waiting patiently according to the old man's instructions, just waiting for the mother star to reappear in the deep space. At that time, he can be promoted again... But the words of the "Supreme One" made it clear, then The thing can't appear on its own.

Even if he wants to see his home planet again, he needs to destroy half of deep space.

"For me, the price of destroying half of deep space is too high. After all, I came out of there. Let me destroy them with my own hands... I can't do it."

In the memory image, the "Supreme One" is still speaking slowly.

"You mean, by destroying half of the material space of deep space, the celestial body that gave birth to you can be reborn?" the red king asked curiously.

"No, I said it wrong, not to destroy..." The Supreme Being denied the previous statement and was instantly frightened to the point where Chen Jing's hands and feet became cold.

Damn... can you swallow the words you said? !

If Chen Jing hadn't been suspicious and wanted to observe more, this matter would have been a lot of fun. If he had allowed himself to be driven by the excitement in his heart, he would have ended this state of reading memory images on his own initiative the moment he got the answer...

Isn’t it just destroying deep space?

Can I just blow it up? !


When Chen Jing heard that the "Supreme One" had changed his words, he was immediately frightened and could hardly hold back the curse words in his heart.

"Not destroyed."

In the image, the eyes of the "Supreme One" flickered slightly. Although His words were addressed to the three Creators present, Chen Jing felt that it was not that simple...

Because the eyes of the "Supreme One" were looking at him through the memory image.

That's right.

In the scene that took place hundreds of millions of years ago, the gaze of the "Supreme One" has crossed the barriers of time and space, crossed the long river of universe history, and is watching Chen Jing silently.

"If you want to restore that celestial body, you must regress the time in deep space. From the perspective of the basic dimensional laws, let the entire material space regress back to the primitive era...return to chaos, return to the primitive, only Only in this way can the heavenly star be reborn.”

The Supreme One spoke very slowly, with that weird slowness that only made Chen Jing feel that... these words were meant for him, and he was afraid that he would not remember them, so he deliberately slowed down his speaking speed.

Return to chaos, return to the original.

At least half of the deep space must be in this state... the mother star can be reborn...


The Supreme One suddenly ended the topic. In the memory image, His eyes turned slightly, constantly switching back and forth between the Red King, Mu, and Mr. Wu.

"So, this matter ends like this, don't kill each other... I will give Deep Space a way to go, and I will also give you a way to go."

"Okay." The Red King nodded without hesitation, but Chen Jing could see that the expression on His face was obviously not so calm.

"In order to be fair, I will erase some of your memories..."

Hearing what the "Supreme One" said, Mu and Mr. Wu looked at each other, but they didn't show any objections, but the expression on the face of the Red King was obviously stiff.

No matter how stupid He was, he could see that the reason why the "Supreme One" made this decision was to prevent Him from targeting Deep Space first...

Chapter 864 Methods of awakening the mother star (Part 2)

What exactly did the Red King think?

This point is not only clear to the "Supreme One", but also to Chen Jing billions of years later.

Although the Red King agreed so straightforwardly, with his "vindictive" and "cautious" character, he is very likely to take the initiative to attack the deep space before the birth of the deep space descendants, after all, the Yellow King has given him a warning.

The Yellow King is a descendant of the deep space.

Mu is also a descendant of the deep space.

The most important thing is... from a certain perspective, the "Supreme One" born in the deep space is a standard descendant.


How could the Red King allow a time bomb to grow recklessly?

Before the "Yellow King" appeared, the Red King had no special ideas about the deep space. Even after he noticed the existence of the deep space several times, he only thought that the secret space was an ordinary dimension plane.

But now He has seen clearly that deep space is a time bomb. No one can guarantee how powerful the next descendant will be. If it is just a creature of the level of the Yellow King and Mu, it will be fine... But what if another "Supreme One" comes out?

The Red King's mentality has changed.

After the "Supreme One"'s story... His mentality has completely become clear.

He is not so calm.

He does not have the calmness that the gods in the legend should have.

He can acknowledge the greatness of the "Supreme One" and follow the "Supreme One" with absolute loyalty, but He will never allow other creatures to reach His realm, let alone the possibility of surpassing Him...

Standing at the top of creatures, second only to the "Supreme One", this is the reality that the Red King can accept, but if there is another person who stands shoulder to shoulder with Him, or directly surpasses Him, the Red King can't accept it.

"Do we need to erase our memories?" The Red King couldn't help but think about it. He seemed to be unsure whether the "Supreme One" had seen his true thoughts. He still wanted to struggle, "Is this... really necessary?"

"Yes." The Supreme One replied calmly, "This is for fairness, real fairness."

"I have no objection." Mu smiled.

"I have no objection either!" Mr. Wu shrugged, staring at the Red King with a gloating look, "My most noble and noble king, you don't have any objection, do you?"

"...No." The Red King lost all his thoughts in an instant when he was stared at by the "Supreme One".

Because this guy could see that the "Supreme One" would not listen to anyone's opinions on this matter. Whether you accept or refuse, the "Supreme One"'s arbitrary style of doing things will inevitably erase the memory.

"Which memories do you plan to erase?" The Red King still had a little bit of hope and asked this question with a different idea.

"Of course, erase the memories that affect fairness and justice." The Supreme's answer was flawless.

Just as Chen Jing was curious about the development of the next plot, the memory image in front of him suddenly trembled violently, as if the signal received by the old TV was affected, and even a snow screen-like picture appeared.

When these black and white "pixels" began to flash wildly, the figures of the Red King, Mu, and Mr. Wu in the image disappeared in unison.

Only the eyes of the "Supreme" were still there.

Not only were they there.

They were still frighteningly clear.

"You are staring at me..."

Chen Jing had confirmed his previous guess at this moment. When he looked into the eyes that meant supremacy, he had no other thoughts except a little surprise in his heart... Well, to be precise, there was actually some gratitude.

Although the "Supreme" guy always gave him a feeling of taking off his pants and farting, it is undeniable that if this memory image had not been "leaked", Chen Jing would not have known the way to restore the mother planet.

"I said, fair and just."

The Supreme no longer concealed himself and began to talk to Chen Jing openly.

"I gave him a way to go, and I will naturally give you a way to go. I revealed the key information of his promotion, so... I will also reveal some crucial information to you."

"Did you give him the promotion method of devouring material space now?!" Chen Jing stared at the "Supreme" in disbelief, and the resentment in his heart almost overflowed from the lines, "Are you really looking forward to my death??"

"Aren't you still alive?" The Supreme smiled.

"You...if you don't give him a way to advance to the rank...I will break through sooner or later!" Chen Jing couldn't help complaining, "You really treat us like worms?! You have to watch us fight to the death. happy?!"

"No." The Supreme said helplessly, "He is only one step away from being promoted. Even if I don't give him this information, within ten years, he will be able to understand it on his own..."

At this point, the voice of "The Most High" paused.

"Although I don't want to underestimate you, the fact is that if I don't give you this key information, you won't be able to break through within ten years. It will take at least fifty to a hundred years..."

"Why are you so sure?" Chen Jing asked doubtfully.

"Because I know the sequence of deep space very well. Your only chance to understand the opportunity for breakthrough and obtain divine enlightenment is with your brother." The Supreme One seemed to have seen the situation clearly, and every word was filled with unspeakable certainty. "Only when he solves the second stage of the origin equation can he help you figure out the method of birth of the mother star."

"These are just your inferences..." Chen Jing couldn't help but retort, "The reality may not develop according to your analysis..."

"My analysis is never wrong."

The Supreme One sighed, and was not angry because of Chen Jing's doubts. He maintained a calm attitude from beginning to end.

"From the time you shed your mortal body and transformed into a descendant of deep space, from Sequence One to Sequence Eight... I can see every step you take clearly, and the time when you get the breakthrough of divine enlightenment is also consistent with the results of my budget. ”

"I can feel that you are more optimistic about me than the King in Red. You should be on my side..." Chen Jing still couldn't help but complain, "Is it interesting to make it more difficult for your teammates to survive?"

"I just maintain fairness." The Supreme One said helplessly, "If I choose to stand on your side, directly help you get promoted, or remove obstacles for you... you will die, do you understand?"

"Am I going to die?" Chen Jing was stunned.

Seeing Chen Jing's confused look, the "Supreme One" was silent for a while, and finally spit out an answer that Chen Jing had never imagined.

"Before you and King Huang, before Mu appeared... there were at least thirty descendants of deep space."

As he said this, the "Supreme One" couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"But they are all dead. I helped them to death."

Chapter 865: Destiny in Deep Space (Part 1)

The "truth" confessed by the Supreme Being was not something Chen Jing could have imagined. Even before that, he had always believed that he and King Huang were the only descendants of Deep Sky... He had never thought about the fact that Liam was the successor of Deep Sky. I think Mu may have some connection with deep space, that's all.

But now it seems that everything is not as simple as he thought.

Mu is the same as King Huang.

They are all descendants of deep space.

However, in terms of "roots", they are more like the old descendants who have awakened the deep space sequence, rather than the descendants of deep space like Chen Jing. The one who is closer to Chen Jing should be the "Supreme One". They have the same ancestry and the same origin. A "relative" in a sense.

"More than thirty successors in deep space?" Chen Jing looked at the "Supreme One" in disbelief, only wondering if this guy was talking nonsense, "Before Mu?"

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