From beginning to end, Mu didn't say a word, and didn't even look back at Chen Jing.

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience?

Yes, she should feel guilty.

"Carrying my family to die behind my back..."

Chen Jing's body was shaking constantly. His body, which was already on the verge of collapse, looked even more illusory at this moment, like a group of energy mist that was floating and uncertain, and it was almost impossible to distinguish a human form.

In this state at this moment.

Chen Jing felt that he had nothing to do with the word human.

But those human emotions were still affecting him.

It was a kind of discomfort as if his heart was dug out alive. Although he had prepared himself mentally a long time ago and knew that the war would not end with zero casualties, in the final analysis... He was still him, and Chen Jing was still Chen Jing.

Whether from the perspective of the earliest ordinary person or from the perspective of the current Sequence Eight Deep Space King, his mentality had hardly changed when facing certain things.


He was still the fool who was not good at facing the separation of life and death.

And he always knew this, so from the day he entered the examination room, he tried every means to protect everyone around him, whether it was the old man with blood relations, or friends like Wei Nanyanque, or the family members like Yegetosbai Aji...

Whoever died.

He couldn't accept it.

This was exactly the case.

"A Jing..."

"My dear grandson..."

As Chen Jing's direct family members, Qiao Youning and the old man could feel Chen Jing's emotional changes. The sadness that seemed to drown him seemed to resonate with the deep space.

That's right.

The deep space also wept with Chen Jing's emotional changes.

This seemingly vast deep space star sea was trembling slightly in every place. It was the sound of the "string" born based on the law of dimension, like the whimpering of humans, so suppressed that people couldn't speak.

Even though Chen Jing had lost his human form, it was not difficult for the old man and others to see... He was crying.

There was no crying sound.

There was no more intense reaction.

But it was this kind of performance that made people worry.

"Why..." Chen Jing muttered to himself, and the old man and the others only heard this sentence, and then they were taken by Chen Jing to the next coordinate point... Without hesitation, without hesitation, the moment the second hand completed a circle, he started the next round of work.

This is the value of Mu and Yegetos Baiaji's sacrifice.

It is enough to prove that Chen Jing did not make them see it wrong.

As the king of deep space, Chen Jing will not waste their sacrifice, he will continue to do what he should do.


"Why don't you tell me?"

In the inner world plane, Li Mobai was silent at this moment, because he didn't know how to answer Chen Jing's question.

Although everyone knew the answer, at this moment... Li Mobai really couldn't speak.

"I'm sorry."

Li Mobai finally uttered these three words, and he couldn't think of any other answer except apology.

As the master of deep space and the king believed by all the clans, Chen Jing's sad and sorrowful emotions have spread in deep space. Regardless of the distance between the two sides, almost every clan can feel the kind of great pain and sorrow.

"Are Yegotos and the others dead..."

At this moment, even someone as emotionally insensitive as Wei Nan guessed... What was the reason for this overwhelming sadness? She looked back at Yan Que blankly, tears already flowing down involuntarily, and she seemed not to realize that she was crying.

"I feel A Jing's emotions... He is very sad now... Like crying..."

"It's okay."

Yan Que, who has always been very emotionally stable, couldn't help but have red eyes at this moment, tears rolled in her eyes but dared not flow down, and her voice was very hoarse.

"A Jing will avenge them."

"Are they really dead??? We are all immortals!!!" Wei Nan grabbed Yan Que's arm and spoke with tears, "They must be able to be reborn!!!"

Just when Wei Nan was pulling Yan Que to get an answer, Mr. Shu beside him could no longer control his emotions, and sat down on the ground and started crying loudly.

"They are all dead!!! I can't sense their breath!!! That stupid horse and that wooden head are all dead!!!"

"Can...can they come back to life..." Ryan asked hesitantly, standing beside Mr. Shu.

"The immortals in deep space are not really immortal!! If they were really immortal, King Huang would not have lost to those creators!!!" Mr. Shu covered his face and sat on the ground crying, "Although I hate those two big idiots who like to show off! But I don't want them to die!"

As Mr. Shu's uncontrollable crying appeared, sobbing gradually spread among the crowd.

"Don't cry..." Yan Que gently comforted Wei Nan, and her voice was trembling slightly, "A Jing will avenge them..."

At this moment.

The mood of grief is spreading over the ruins of Kakosha, and it is from this that people gradually realize...there are no immortals in war. They were protected too well in the past and were sheltered under the wings of the king of deep space, so they had no chance to face the cruelty of war.

"From now on, the sky of Kakosha will be empty... We will never see that stupid horse flying in the sky again..." Wei Nan squatted on the ground with his face covered, sobbing and crying with endless grief, "No one will scold us for being ignorant of etiquette... No one will help A Jing guard the gate of the temple anymore..."

"This is war." Yan Que whispered, "As long as we can win and avenge them... Their sacrifice is valuable!"

"What kind of value can exchange for their lives?" Wei Nan asked with red eyes.

"Everyone's life..."

Yan Que said word by word, raising his hand to wipe the tears from his face.

"They saved everyone in Kakosha and the king they followed. This is the value they recognize!"

Chapter 884 The Sorrow of Deep Space (Part 2)

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

After Yegetos and others were swallowed by the Red King, this was the 30th coordinate point that Chen Jing had jumped to in a row. It was only until this time that his emotions barely stabilized, so that he could respond to the old man and others.

"There is no war of immortals. I was too naive and too arrogant before. I always thought I could protect everyone..."

Chen Jing's calm voice made the old man and the others more worried, but at this moment they didn't know what to say to comfort him.

"Their sacrifice was valuable. They successfully helped us delay the Red King... Now forty seconds have passed, and the Red King hasn't caught up yet. We have a great chance of winning."

"Yeah! Of course we have a great chance of winning!" Qiao Youning hurriedly said, following Chen Jing's words, "Don't worry, Jing! We will definitely win!"

"Yes!" Chen Bofu also hurriedly said, "My dear grandson, when we finish this job, you will be promoted to Sequence Nine. Then we will skin the Red King and avenge Yegetos and the others!"

In fact, Qiao Youning knew that the last thing to mention now was Bai Aji and Yegetos, but the old man was obviously in a hurry and made a mistake. He couldn't think of so much at the moment, so...

"Grandpa, it's actually me who is sorry for them ..." Chen Jing heard the old man's words, and after trying hard to control his emotions, he collapsed in an instant, because this was his grandfather, his relative, and he couldn't continue to pretend in front of the old man... "I am useless as a king... I actually let my family die..." Chen Jing's self-deprecating laughter made Chen Bofu and others more worried, "Yegotos has always held me high... It seems that I am the omnipotent king of deep space in his eyes... Baiaji is also..." In Chen Jing's eyes, compared with other families, Yegotos and Baiaji are obviously more special... Their ardent loyalty made Chen Jing not know how to respond, and even at the beginning, it scared Chen Jing a little. Because at that time Chen Jing only had them. There were only these two families. They always held Chen Jing in their hands and raised him to the sky, and could not tolerate any rude behavior of outsiders towards Chen Jing. Chen Jing did not know how to be a qualified king, so he could only treat them as he treated his family. Because of this, Chen Jing's grief is hard for outsiders to imagine, because he has already regarded Yegetos and Bai Aji as family members.

"Just now... I watched them being eaten by the Red King... But as a king... I couldn't save them... I could only take you to escape... I am not even as good as the Yellow King..."

"A Jing, don't say that..."

"My dear grandson, don't think about it! Not to mention the King of Deep Space! Even the Red King can't do everything smoothly!"

"I won't say anything about Yegetos, you should know what kind of character Bai Aji is." Chen Jing murmured, "Although that guy has lived for billions of years, what's the difference between him and a child... When he makes me angry, I just scold him a few words, raise my hand and hit him a few times, and I can't even bear to say a harsh word."

At the moment when the second hand completed a circle, Chen Jing did not hesitate at all, and directly jumped to the next target point with the ritual.

"It looks fierce... but I know... it's not like the hunter like Yegetos who crawled out of the pile of dead bodies... it's actually very timid... and afraid of pain..."

When Chen Jing said this, his voice couldn't help but tremble. Thinking of the scene of being gradually devoured by the Red King, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"You said that when it was eaten by the Red King bit by bit... that guy must be in so much pain... Will it be the same as when it was beaten by Yegetos... Let me go and save it quickly..."

At this moment, Chen Jing has become a "machine" that constantly guides the ritual transition, mechanically completing a series of operations, and can hardly hear the voices of the old man and others.

"That guy doesn't ask much of me... When I was at Sentinel Ridge, he just wanted to eat more potato chips... When he came back, he also liked to eat some cheap snacks..."

"Yegtos is even more of a blockhead... He has no hobbies other than standing guard for me... He never asked anything of me..."

"I didn't pay much for them... They dared to repay me with their lives... These two idiots... They didn't do anything bad in their lives... Why did they die first..."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Jing's voice suddenly paused, and then he laughed at himself.

"Fuck the King of Deep Space... I couldn't even stay with them when their family died... I could only run like a drowned dog..."

Chen Jing had never hated a creature so deeply.


His hatred for the Red King had reached its peak.

It was a kind of hatred that was difficult to describe in words. He could not control his emotions when he thought of the three words "Red King".

"I will let them die in peace..."

Chen Jing gradually accelerated the pace of the jump, and kept moving in the coordinate points sent by Li Mobai.

"I will definitely be promoted to Sequence Nine... By then... I will also chew up the Red King bit by bit..."


The plane of the other world.

Li Mobai did not pay attention to the crying that gradually spread beside him. He was the calmest creature in Kakosha... If he was still a creature.

"The progress is 45%." Li Mobai synchronously transmitted the data feedback from deep space to Chen Jing, and reminded him at the same time, "The Red King has begun to jump long distances to chase you. It is expected that you will meet again at the next coordinate point."

"I know." Chen Jing responded quickly.

"Be prepared. There may be several more hubs killed by Him. We must let them revive in time, otherwise the ritual will collapse." Li Mobai fell silent after saying this, because he knew that Chen Jing was very depressed at the moment, and accidentally saying the wrong thing would more easily affect Chen Jing's mood.

"One minute and thirteen seconds."

"... What?" Li Mobai was stunned.

"The time they delayed the Red King was one minute and thirteen seconds." Chen Jing's calm voice made Li Mobai a little overwhelmed, "I won't let them sacrifice in vain. I know what I should do, and you don't have to worry about me."

"A Jing..." Li Mobai wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he felt that nothing he said was appropriate.

"I only saw Mu, is Mr. Wu still in the inner world?" Chen Jing asked.

"Yes." Li Mobai replied hurriedly, "Mr. Wu was knocked down before Mu led Yegetos and others to stop the Red King. She is still unconscious now. We dare not wake her up, for fear that she will do something extreme..."

"No, but..."

Chen Jing's voice gradually became blurred, which was a sign that he was starting a new round of jumps.

"It's better to let her sleep for a while."

Chapter 885 The Day of the Mother Star's Resurrection (Part 1)

"Progress... 47%..."

When Chen Jing heard Li Mobai's voice, the ritual had jumped to the edge of deep space in the northwest again.

"The Red King is getting more and more anxious." Chen Jing said calmly, and then used the power of deep space to revive the dead "hubs" in the ritual one by one.

This time, the Red King's attack came very suddenly, not only shattering the black star as the main hub, but also piercing the deep space color. Chen Bofu, Keturt, Dagon, Tekili, none of them could escape...

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